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- � .' w `' - <br /> - :,��. ,�, �'� <br /> �, . , , ,. _ <br /> . , ,�r:,,,_. <br /> . . . — - - - <br /> . , i u .. <br /> . . , � , _-- - ---- • — <br /> ° � -=- '—�� . ; i , . ,• : �.. �J ��, ���. <br /> • 1-!� FA�IIILY RIDER. <br /> . , . . � t��� � , . 8�., ��R� L _.,.,-_ <br /> —� . , n -• <br /> 711151��AMILY R�ER M�11i�_d�h►d Aoltl .1�q - �nd Is raapoiM�d Mib �nd dW M� �. <br /> dMnNd to�nw�d�nd suOP�w M���PY�OMd af 1YuN a e�arrll DNd(IM'Madfl�M') d MM w�d��bp 1hr <br /> �u���qn�d pl�'Bortorwr'� b s�ain�orroww"�Nols b�rj�,�l�tlanl Sinic <br /> -� , pM 'L�"1 d th� wM dM� �ad mrrinp 1M <br /> qo�wl�r d�orMiw N tA�Maul�r IM��;aMMI� <br /> --�� o�_ w� �__ e.a� rr��a_ <br /> .�_�----�-:�-`_:----_�, <br /> [�aro�..y _. <br /> 1�+t RAMIl.Y f�N�NMfr'a. b�dd�ton to�M aow�r�b�nd q�� �h q� Mow�N!►�Banaw�w�n0�w�dr <br /> �' futlw ao�wM�nd qw a lorowr. <br /> -y:�.' A. ADDfl10AlA1.PiiOi�ER7'Y SllBdBCT TO'�H6 SEClJR11'Y INSTRLINLI�fT. In addfkm to tM Ptnp�ty dMnwd b <br /> �f°::: eM�rMY In�nl. th� Ioto�wYq iMm� r�add�d to th�P�qwty dMapbn� �nd �Adl�lso oo�tUMA�th� Propwh ow«rd by tM <br /> S�aNily In�nx biM�nO rnt�li, aPPYi��nd 000d�01 wr�+ma�r�wlWsowr�ww or Iw�Ar loaabd In� an�a as� M�nd�d <br /> ._,��,Y,� to b�w�d(n aonnerNo�with tM Rnpd�l.Inalu�nG bul not In��d to�thoa�for ih�pwpos�d sip�lyNp ar dtpbu{inp h�slbp,000lna _ <br /> — eleoYioMf►. Ou• wri�►,dr md 4�.ti P� � �Yu�M�Y�WP��ti �KY and woas�oontrol app�uti�Iu�bYq,b+dh tul�� <br /> Wd�f byt�i. MMllf O�O�Mf• IMfkt�I�II�i• �10Yp�I�i101� �M1ltthM�� d{pOHb. IM��h�� �1���MA1M1�.�b7��11�M�, ��01111 <br /> _� � S�ii�,' d00fi.tC1INli.�id/�i�NdM�QM�Ia Yld OUI�I fOd{��O�Ib II�TaIf.0�1�1��pYl� 111d �Ib w00f 04YMk1��1qM 0���K <br /> �Md �o th�Ptopwty.�I d rrf�Oh. Mokurq�b�nd ad�Wo��s tl�rso.tIW M dMrtwd b b�nd�wnMn a prt d Mr A'aprb <br /> �"; ... .. �:;.•:: �..;. cownd b y 11r�S�ouRY InatiunwM. A1 ot th� forpoUg topMlw wMA tM R�ara d�c+iNd h th�3�ar�1► In�un�r�l(or f!M Iwd�eld . <br /> �`+-rm:c �dM��tIM S�a�IIY I�sburtMal is an a Ma+N�oi��n Nlmrd b b this t�Fiaiip Ridr rnd tIM S�art�Ywtn��t a/M"Pnopr4/'. , <br /> _ �.�:�r, —r: B. �OF PROPER'iY:COMPWINCE N�I�H�/IW. 8arow�r�not wk +�m or m�ia�cianp�in i'ro ww�t = <br /> �^ �. tM Paop�b or lu zoNny da�on.wY�Untlw Ap aptwrf In w�Rh7 io tPw arisnp�. Bortowa s!W ownplp wNh al laws.o�r�e. -- <br /> .K �'"�A�`.'; . aDulatlan�s qnd hqitlnnwnts d�nY YowmnNnW bod�►+iPP�to tM P�pwty ' . <br /> :`:,• ��'�' '��3;,.•`:`` ,. C. �SlI�DAOINA7E LIENB. Exc��pt as prmip�d by I�lrv Nw.Banowr�IW not�tow�ayt wn bqdor to tl�8�oirlty Ins�4, <br /> yn �.. , ' d�." , '•,• . i4�R16 P(I/'b6t�d Ii�IINI tfN PIOp�f�Y MIM11611t Llfld11'{�Of YYINhII p�Ittllitf011. , <br /> ' • ;i-;_�.�?i��'`''.` �D. �M�$S M���. 8011�G�W�f NNI IIIMYINIII III�IYi11C� p�llld �Nif 1D�li k1 �ibll 10 11M OYIK h�ld�10�Wh1011 ., <br /> <''�.� ,� 4�nt�b r+quind by Unftonn Carwwd a. -- <br /> :, . _, . `a`• �.. ;� tlE. '80RROWER'8 RIGMT TO REINBTATE' QHLETED. unuam Covwma 1e i�dNMd. � -�. <br /> '���; n � ;} F. BORR0INER'8 OCCUPwNCY.Wais l�nchr �nd BoRaw� othwwise �pN b wiiinQ� th� 11nt switww� in IU�Iloim <br /> u�:..-` '`''�• 'x Coxt�nt 0 conarninp Bonow�s ooaip�ncy a91h� iR+Dpwly b dM1bt1. AN rwrrNily cm�l�nb �n0�pr�rMna at toAh In INiMalm <br /> � G�'�';.t•''"�j;` ��C�nmt 0 shal r�nwin in dhot. � <br /> ,. ,, l : <br /> ,r, , ' ° p, A8810NAIENT OF LEASEB. Upon L�nde�� nquat, earow�r shwl �aaipr� ro l.aidw d Mss�s d tM P►�qrty �nd �II � <br /> ' '„� ---v�� w�'� ��ec�+nMy d�OSit.m.d. tn oom�aUon wMn b.s« a ih. wr,o�«ty. upoe uu�IQnna�nt.lend.. .n� n.r.uw�Ignc w moab. �fdw�d or - <br />`n:" ,� � •,, � : ".. ,,.. tartdml� the.mdaUny Iwws md to�oWOUt�naw k�sw, in I.a�dw's soM diaa�Mion. As w�d b thk p�npraph O,th�wad 'bst�' da/ .. <br /> ';:�r:t.��'.. ;,.•:. .; mw� 'arbieaiae'N th�3auNty Inabument la on�lasehold. � <br /> p ,.;;�.;; '�.: �•�•`�i M. A881QNAIENT OF REMS; APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVBR; LENDER IN POSSE3810N. eortow�r�noM+tMy . <br /> - (•� , : ", .nd�oneondluorwlN a+dyn• .wa a.n.tan co L«�aer tll ui.Qent3 ana ro,renues(•R.nts•)w�►+e Rrop.ny. np.ra«. a w whan d � _ <br />' � . the'Prop�y�n poy�bl�.Bortower�uthoriza l�ndw or lender's apaWs to coNeat tha Ratta,rnd�proas that Mah t�nt of th� Rrop�Ay � <br /> ��:" . � , ^,;:�.;,;=;:��%�.,�� ahaA py th� Hmtr W Unduor Lmd�r's �p�nb. Howwn. 8orrowK thal nt�M�the Fl�nta untA(q Lmdn has qM�n Barowr nofio�d ,_ <br /> �, • ; .. ddaup puRwnt to pv�y�ph 21 of the SsauMy Inehum�nt md(if)Lender has�hren noUo�to the tenmt(s)tFwt th�R�ntt�n W M pdd to , <br /> � �' ;,i;,; .... ��r, � Lender or L�nd�s ay�nt Thb�asl�nmmt o}Renb con�tidite��n�bsoNd��tsl{Nwn�nt�nd not�n atNpnmrnt for�ddltlonM s�arilr oNy. . <br /> i,,-�„`,,.,. II Lend�r qiv�s notice o1 bre�oh to Borrow�r: m d RenU�scNv�d by 8anower shall be heid by Bartowar o WetN for tlN bu�t of <br /> Lende►ony�to b��ppY�d to ths aums Naurd by th�Securfly I��trum�nx (0)L�nd�►shall bs entid�d to eoM�at and naw�aY ot th�RNqs — <br /> .r- t' `'a+' �aR tfie Props�ty,(Yq BorrowK pro�e th�►Nch twunt a}the Propary shY pry ap R�nb due end urp�td to Lw�d�a Lend�Ys ap�nts upon = <br /> �,� c � :.:.."� .� :4enda'a w�lten d�nwid to th�terwih (M)unlas�ppYa�bl�4w provlda othwwls��dl Rwiu aoMaot�d by L�ndK or Unei�r's�pmts sh�M b� <br /> '•�;;:• .:� •..� . . � �ppp�d fl�to th� eats of tddny eantral of nd rrrn�yinp th�Propsrry�nd ewN�eUnp lh�R�nts,indudh�p�but not Wdtsd lo.�ttamys f�. _ <br /> .. :��: •. .:��i•..:;. � nc�iv�'s INS.Pnmlums on nc�iv�s Oond�.�eprr�nd m�mrnanc�costs,inswance prwNums. hxa. �u�ssm�nb�nd oth�r ehar�an <br /> 1 i:• �.���ti'.e.'t•,.' . . th�PropMty� and ihm to tho�ume seawed by th�Sawrfty Metnrr�nt: (v) Lmd�r.lenda'� aqw�ts a�nY I���Y�PP�� r�coWw s�haM <br />' J�.; �� ..l'�.;.t-,t fjN'h�•, be Y�hM to�ccount ta only Ihoae Rsnb aaWally ncNwd: �nd(vQ Landw s1u1 b��ntitNd to h�ve�r�ceM�r appoint�d lo Wce possessbn <br /> �� ���,...... <br /> �,:. . � . .;r�(.�i( . ,'. :. . of and rrwu��the Proprly �nd co4�a1 th�R�nb�nd pro6t�drhr�d hom 1h� ProMrty withaut any showk�q u to ihe kwd�wcy of.tlw ,-- <br /> 'r�;��•,; . � F►uPertY at seqllNy. -- <br /> �,. .,, . ' ,,5. .. 11 th�R�nta of the Prop�ty ue not sulAelent to cover the coats of Wdnp control of�nd mamphp the Propaly�nd of coqectfng th� <br /> '.�a•`.��'• ,. .,. Ranis �ny funda e�ended by Lender tor woh purposas �haG baeom� ind�bt�dness of BomowK to L�nd�r nound by ihe Secu►My <br /> -f',,i <br /> •�`''�`� '. . �ti�;•< IneWment punwnt to Unitorm Covenant 7. <br /> ' '�'.�, '4;;;,'ti.� " . �,•:.:"•%�s�' 6orrower npr�nte�nd wwmnts th�t Bor►awer hes not execut�d ony ptla�ssiymnant of lh�R�nts�nd h�a not and wf1 not p«lorm <br /> . :.�•. �nY�d ilut wouW prw�nt Londer 6om exardeinp Ns�ighta undar ihis puayraph. _- <br /> �� .•:��}et', ',� • �'jt Lmdr,or Undw's psau or�judlcieNy appolnted recelver, ahpll not be requlred to enter upon,Wce aontrol oi a maNfatn the PropMy <br /> ' ''^`: •' ��`!•'� betae o�dter plvk��notica ot deiaua to 6artoww. However,Lender, or Lendar's�panta a e )udlciay appointed rerxhrer,rtwy do ao et�ny <br /> �� ""F" ,AF� 1 t ;;.,;:. <br /> :,�j��'•'�,• ' • .�t:•..;, ikne when a delauh ocouK. My appAwtlon of Rents �haG not curo ar w�hre u►y deiauft a InwQd�te any oth��ipht or romady oi lendr. <br /> �.•:,`' '..,r . . ,r/r •'�;�;,: Thio auiqxnent of Rmta of the Roperty ahaM tenr��te when aM tha sums seauad by tM 8�curiy In�uumeet�ro pald tn IuM. t <br /> ��,�•.:"; : .-:.xi,., . ...,.; . f. <br />`•'o�:;�;ti?. '"� " . - 1. CH��`3-IIE�A�J1Li PRC7Vi$i01�. 8orrowef a delaull ar breach under �ny nule a �ry►oertienl in which Lw�dar has Yn inlROSI <br /> '���w•f"���'�r ' � shaA be a breaeh�x�der the Security In�trummt and Lender me invoke an ot the ramediea �nnittted b th�3acu Insbumant. <br /> 'j�k ��: . , Y Y P nn t y dlY � <br /> � ��Y'�i7.-, (: <br /> t.E1,;; �'`� .';, : � BY 910MItJ0 BEIOW.Barowar aoapts end apreos to the t�rtns and provlaions contained In ihb 1-4 Frr�Ny Rid�r. _ <br /> -;��Ji!•r ,r. ,;, _ <br /> � ..�. .Y ;.G!„� p. <br /> � . . ,,,,:. <br /> I�: � <br /> /,; r• , ;. ;- . '•y};;;,?;° 'aJ�, ,,.�._,,� � <br /> , .,.;� <br /> :;��;•..��, y , i.;.;.;; ,;\� �; I�1 <br /> ,,� �i:,'',y ��. ' ;� s��., `�q''`,. � <br /> .. �:r, eonow..Michaoi� maon �' <br /> ��� � y,..M:,..�• ��r, � <br /> �,;.;.;, � �'�Kr�'-y',.:sj,l:�`:���':;�;,��� ,� �y�� <br /> `�.�":�" ���e!y�.���I'. ..L�L�:• r""�., 1 <br /> ��.�, <br /> �:`�t4' �•` •�!:'�::':i' <br /> i tY�� � S ��(�,�1•�' .' .1. 'f' /� . <br /> '.:t:'�'�.1�.` `�l� _.�iL",��y, �i? � Ja - ���->t,�o�� (Seal� � <br /> �ia�+__.G:L ��llii1. 'r BOROMNf�b �S� i,� <br /> �. .. <br /> ��,-- �'(t�`�: . , � <br /> ':'r:�->��� �.:._: :. '::.�7.,� <br /> h��{S;�t� � . ..t. . e«►ow« (�ea� � <br /> 4 � <br /> VL'.; ' <br /> ;,,.,'.�t; y.: ::��;� , <br /> � ''. �• .�.,;���,7' ea.ow.r ��� . <br /> � ,j ;i.4+�4'\:�..:,' �� 1�4��t i <br /> � :a1�'r. ,���r���•�'� � �����}'' � <br /> •'� �. � • IS.SY%�). <br /> ' ��:�� 1 � ? �•�;�i���}jt4'� MUl'6t5PATE 1�4 fAMILV RIOER •F�nnk Ma�IFroctdle Mac UnYmm Mstrument Form 3170 9/90 ; <br /> ;�'. ' � �t � �� ` . <br /> '•,� Ft�.uyw taf�al <br /> _ I i ?•,��,.. � <br /> . ' y . , . : '' . <br /> �,i _' , 93MS.lM � <br /> , ` <br />