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<br /> - � ; . 9�._ 10�553 _
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<br /> � � THIS VA ASSUMPTION INFORMATION RIDER is made this 3rd �'���
<br /> : .: �� i�.;..:
<br /> �: - ;�. � ot �y , 19 91 , and is incorporated into and --�--
<br /> � Y _"
<br /> ,�:; � shall be eemed to amend and supplement tl e Mortgage, Deed oi Trust or
<br /> , ,{,, � Security Deed (the "Security Instrument") oi the same date given by the
<br /> � �-_� - "-,m�-��� unde�signed (the "Borrower") to secure the Borrower's Note (the "{�ote") to
<br /> �f:� :� � (the
<br /> �,.�c,�_ ;, Cp�UMBUS FEDERAL SAVI NGS BANK
<br /> ��.�•-
<br />_�._�.-• - _. .�_;`� _
<br /> _._ _�- "Lender") oi the same date and covering the property described in the Security �__
<br /> -- �a'`'�''�'"' Instrumcnt and located at:
<br /> - "-���•a ,4 r,> :.';: �.:._�..
<br /> �_�-*`,;:={°;:�s:'i'• 1710 iIEST KOENIG GRAND 1SLA1�
<br /> ' Property A css
<br /> ��=_-. .----� —_
<br /> ,�.; �.�;�:
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<br /> -_ ��nic,t:r.., > —
<br /> ;�-_"�, �'::,.,, . .., y P Y P� P Pe, Y
<br /> .�?�"'•^ ,:�- � 1. "This loan is immediatel due and a able u n t���s3er of the ro rt __
<br /> ' • securing such loan to aay tsansferee� unless the acceptabi164y oi t9ie AssumpttAn =
<br />- �� '�`��'�'""��`" ' � �� of the loan is estabiished �rursuant to Section 18 a 7 A o f �C hap ter 9 7, T i t l e 3 8, ___
<br /> -��,,;, �� �;h.• � U�ited States Code," �,---
<br /> - '�<f . �r:,-
<br /> _; ;. ,� .
<br />��„~�-,-, y� 2. Funding Fee �-:�
<br /> - I��4.1.:�'...
<br /> ;,•. �� �,.,,,,, ::., "A fee equal to one-half of 1 pe�cent of the balance of this loan as of the
<br /> ��•'°�• �• � date oi transfer of the property shall be payable at the time oi transier to the
<br /> � � ' loan holder or its authorized agent as trustee for the Administrator oi Veterans �
<br /> �_.., �: �,-r:- -_
<br /> .� � . Affairs. If the assumer fails to pay this fee at the time oi transier. the fee � �_
<br /> . . �,.._�
<br /> .;.
<br /> �=.���- F�= �-'��% ��� �� shall constitute an additianal debt to that already secured by this instrument�
<br /> 'q`' ` " �� � shall bear interest at ihe�tate herein provided. and, at the option of the payee ui --
<br /> w. �..�.'.. .: .� .• . a�.��-�=.
<br />' �' ' • � the indebted�ess hereby secured or any transfe�ee thereof� shall be immediately -r�,-�-
<br /> �:�` �.�';r{ `.�+: '. ,�; �' due and payable. This fee is automatically waived if the assumer is exempt ��;��y__
<br /> ,,•. �; , �'%��' ;,;;� under the provisio�s of 38 U.S.C. 1829 (b)." ���'"""=
<br /> �,...
<br /> •;.f�is��. �`w= ' .•� , . � ' =- -
<br /> •���:: .. .
<br /> , �• r'� 3. Processing Charge ____
<br /> �. ,��.
<br /> � � .,, . "Upon application for approval tu allow assumption of this loan� a a,_-� -�"
<br /> �...�........
<br /> � , � processing fee may be charged by the loan holder or its autho�ized agent for -- -._...,
<br /> . .. determining the creditworthiness of +the assumer and subsequently revising the '•~-
<br /> ��U:� �
<br /> � � � holder's ownership records when an approved transfer is completed. The amount , t,
<br /> �� • * �"� of this cha�ge shaU not exceed the maximum established by the Veterans �
<br /> � � � Administration for a loan ta which Section 1817A of Chapter 37� Title 38� United ,.. ..,,,,�__
<br /> �' =c'Vl�G.'.
<br /> � � �?;;�: . ' � States Code applies:' �-:"�_��.
<br />