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<br /> ., ° �•�4Y' . . It Lrnder required mortg�c imuranoe a R cundition of m�kin�tha lan sxuad by chi�Sau�ity laurument.
<br /> �..�'.,,,�,-�' eorrower ehall pay�hc premiums roqui�ed ta maint�in thc in�urnncc in eRect until such�ime as the requircment for the E��,�
<br /> . .. ..:..,_:,,,...
<br /> in�unu�ce tcrminata in accordanca wfth Borrowor'��nd l.eode�'s wntten a�ramrnt ar opplica►blc law. Cr .. �..�:`�"-��•';=.''=�'=.�..
<br /> ° 8. Inopectlon. Lender or it�agent m�y m�ke rc�on�ble ent�ia upon�nd inspections of t he Property. Lander •. Fa,S,_�—V— _ -
<br /> _ ;� sh�ll Qive Barrower notice at the time oPor prio�to an inopoctian specif�ing ruwnrble cause for tha ir�spection. r��a j��..
<br /> 9. Coa d emw doa. T he proc e e ds o f rny a w a r d o r c l�i m f o r d p m�g�+,d i r e c t o r c o n s e q u e n d r l,in conacction with �r t t_
<br />' � any con demno t ion or o t h a r t a k i n g o i a n y p n r t o P t h e P r o p e R y,or for wnve yance in lieu of condemnation,are hereby ,:i:�.,�:'�"�°�,
<br /> ,, : s�i�ned aud shall be p�id to Lender. —
<br /> � In the rrent of u rotal taking oP the Propcny,the proceeds sha��be app�ied to the sums socurod by thia Secu�ity �it'���+��
<br /> Instcument.whether or not tbe�due,with any eacess pnid to Horrower.ln ihe event of w pArtial aking of the Property. __ _
<br /> unless Bvrrowu And Lender othuvvise agra in writing.the sums secured by this Security Inctrument shall be roduced by
<br /> • � the anwunt d'th�proceeds multiplied by the following fraction:(a)the toud pmount of'the sums secured immediately �.=�,r,,L�__.�_,
<br /> � : before the taking,divided by(b)the f�ir market value oithe PropertY imme�lut��Y besorc the takip�. Any balaoce shall be ^ �;
<br /> f. � . :,. . Paid to Bonoare�. "•';_����'e�;
<br /> �^'•� •• • ' � ' • i�i the P�ropeny is abandoned by Borrower.or ii.ai'ter notice by Lender to Borrower that the rnndemnor o8'e�s to 1T�''"'�'�__
<br /> ��'• • �'` � ; .;..:.-:. .::
<br /> • .,�: -.. .;,� y,ft ��= mnkc an award or setde a cl�im fbr dama�es,Borrower tails to rapond to Lender within 30 d�ys afler the dnte the notia is �;•,,:�,:�r�
<br /> :;, �,•."�', , "';:;°s'�;���'�?l,4�}+,° given,Lenderis s�uthorized tocollxt and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to nstoration�+r repair of ihe Propertyor -�•:����
<br /> '�`-.'.::,:;.�P�'. . --
<br /> . �:�:.��,',,:�, , to the sums secured by this Security Inatrument,wheiher or not then due. �
<br /> ,•�+1s��;�T`� . Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agae in writing.any application oPprncecds to principal shall not eatend or �
<br /> " � il'.1Mif�
<br /> postpone�he due date oi the monthly payments referred to in puagraphs 1 and 2 or change thc amount oPsuch payments. ; .;,�
<br /> "�. ' 10. Borrower Not Re l e a�For b a u�nce By L e a d e r N o t a W o i�e r. E x t e n s i o n o f t h e t i m e f o r p a y m e n t or i _
<br /> , ,, ' „ modificatio�ot amorti�tion oP the sums secured by this Security Instrument grantod by Lender to any successor in , �.�
<br /> . interest oi Borrower ahall nat operate to release the liability uf the ariginal Borrower or Bortower's successors in interost.
<br /> ' � L.ender shal)not be required to commence proceedings against any succasor in intercst or refuse ta eatend time Por � � ��`...,_---
<br /> �. payment or otheraise modify amortization of the sums secured by thia Security Instrument by reason of any demand mAde ;
<br /> � �,;�� by the origiue:�!Borrowe:or Borrawe�'s st�ceessors in iotercsl.Any Pa��bearance by L.ender in exercising eny right or remedy ,. S ..,s:��
<br /> ' � �: ' • ��� • ahall not be A w•uiver of or preclude the excrcise of eny right or remec�y.
<br /> i l. Sucresaors and Awi�s Bouad;Jo1ot and Serer�l LiAbliity;Co�iQaen. The cavenante and agrcements of "��-'�'a�—.�-
<br /> '�.v6"{.::f�1'�:�iiiui� � __
<br /> � '�'�;��''� this Securit Instrument shall bmd and benefi�che succes.+oro a,�J asuigns af i.ender and Borro�rer,snbject to tht pr��i�Mna _��"'""
<br /> . � �'�,I�'•'-r.�,..� y
<br /> • �ij��;, �,; of paregraph 17.B�rcower's cov�nants and agreements shall be joint and severa�.:�my Borcower who casigm this 9ecurity �•?� ' ".:�-r;��
<br /> Instrument bul dces not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing this S�curity Instrument only to mortgage,gran1:�nA convey ' �
<br /> • � that Borrower's interest in the Property under theterms af this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay �. � •
<br /> �;:
<br /> • � the su�ms secured by this Security Instrument; and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Barrower may agrec to eatendl, 1
<br /> ' � modify, forbear or make any accommodations with regprd to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note withown �
<br /> ��.�:��
<br /> ' sQwt Borrower's consent. •"^;.+l=:`;—
<br /> • . ' � 33. i.oan C6�es. If the loan secured by this 5ecu�ity instrument is subject to a law which sets munimum loan � . , ._
<br /> z , charges. and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan chnrges collected or to be collected in . ..• �•
<br /> connectinn with the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any auch loan charge shall be reduced by�the amount
<br /> �` necessaay to reduce the charge to the�+er►nitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from 8orrower which raceedec9 ,
<br /> � � permitted limits will be retlinded to Borrower. Lender may choose to mnke this refund by rrducing the principal owed _
<br /> � j: under the Note or by making a dircct payment to Borrower.IP a refund reduces principal,the rrduct ion wild be treated as a ,
<br /> � panial prep:►yment without any prepayment charge under the Note. • "
<br /> ,� I' 13. i.eglslation AfTecdnR �nder's Ri�hts. If enactment or eapiration of opplicnble laws has ihe effect of.
<br /> ,, rendering Am provision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenforceable according�o itti terms.Lender,ut its option,
<br /> • , � may requiae immediate payment in full of all sums secured b��lhis Security Instrument and may invoke any remedies '
<br /> , . permitt ed by paragraph 19.If Lender ezercises this optiun,Lender shall take the steps specitied in the second paragraph of _
<br /> paragraph 17.
<br /> � • 14, Votices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Secunty Instrumenl shall be given by delivering it or by ,
<br /> � " � mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another methad. The notice shall be directed to the � _ ...
<br /> � r,:,���• Property AddreQs or s+ny other address Borrower designates by notic�to Lxnder. Any notice�u Lender shall be given by • • ;;i�;��:
<br /> e.s
<br /> :• 'c�';�:i;�
<br /> ��,;•••.' 8rst class mail to Lender s address xtated herein or any other address Lender designutc�by notice to &►rrower.Any noiice .,
<br /> provided Por in this Security Ins�rument shall be deemed to havc been given ta Borrower or I.ender when given as provided i:..
<br /> ����,,,,,�: . ' in this paragroph. �
<br /> ' ,,,•.;;;., 1S. Governinq l.aw:Severabflity. Thix Secunty Instrument chull he gc��erned by federal law and the law��f the ,
<br /> •' , , junsdicuo�in which the Property is locutcd. In the event thnt any prov�siun ur cluuu of this Sc�un�y Imtrument or thr
<br /> � ' Note eemf3icis wilh applicuble law,such confl�ct shnll not ufFect c�ther prm�i�ion+�if thiz 5ecurity Instrument or the Note
<br /> , � which aan be giveo e8'ect withaut the conflicting provision.To tfiis end thr provisians of thix Security Instrument nnd tfir
<br /> l�ote ave declured lo be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrower'sCopy. Borrower�hall hr gn•�n�me cnnformcd c��py uf thr Note and u(IhitiS�urity In�trument. �
<br /> 17, Transfer of the Property or a Beneficia0 leterest in Bo�row•er. If•rll ar uny purt uf�he{'roperty or an�
<br />' •�^���' im�r�tt ie ct ixs��ld ur transferred(�r if u beneficial+nlertst in�3orr�wer i�ruld ar Iran+lerred•rnd Borrower is ncd a natural
<br /> . ; , .,�,. � i, ,
<br /> . r�;;�.; pe►son��µ•�chout LenJer'�prior wrute�.c�nveat,Lend�r may.at it.o�+�ion,reywcr imm�u:nte pu�•ment in full nf all sum.
<br /> • �'�'' secured by this Se�:uriry Instrument. However.Nh�.+�pt�on shall n�+e he rxecc�srd hc LenJcr dexerc�tie is prah�bited by�
<br /> � � federal 1aw asof Ihcdateof thi55ecunty ln+trumtr,^.
<br /> � ' If Lender excrr�u�s th�s opuun,LenJer�ha��g+�r H��rta*wtr nouce ur a_.:elerauon.Thc nauc��hall provide u penod
<br /> ..o..,..�..�.a,,,, i(l.iuv.frnm thr d:N�•ihr nnuce«drlev,:red�r ena�led w•nhin which Borr��aer mu���+•r�•:�II wm�.�wured by
<br /> ----. . __,............
<br /> thiti Sr�:u�ety Intitrument.If&xrnwcr fail�lo pay thesr sum:��+ria�r to�he ezpirauon��f th�ti perwd,Lender ma}�im��i:ran}
<br /> remedrNS permittcd hy thi�3rrurily Intitrument Kuhout further na�tice ar demnnd un Hurruw•cr.
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Rnrmwer meets cenuin cundmans.N�+rrow�er tihall harr the nght tu ha�c
<br /> enforcemem uf thi�Sctiurity Imtrument di�t��ntmued at any time pnur tu thr rrrlier uf:(a)S day�(��r�uch uther p�n�xl u�
<br /> • upphrs�ble Ivw m�y .�►fq fi�r re�n.tutcment)txfi�rr.,ule of the 1'ropeny punuam�u un� {x�w�rr�,f�ale rontuincJ ui�hi,
<br /> Secunty In��rument;or Ib)rnlrp uf u judgment cnforcmg thi�Seruruy� Imtrument. 1'ho��cundm�m.are that IlarruN�r
<br /> � (a)puy�l.ender ull �ums w�hich then would be due under this Se�:unty� Imtrument and �hc tiutc haJ nu acrelrr�uon
<br /> � cxrurrcYl: Ih)curc�any default of an}�uther c�►venants i�r agreement�; lrl pay�all expemr� mrutrcd m enf�.rcing�hi�
<br /> Serunty Inxtrumrnt, mduJmR,but not lim�ted tei, reasonable attorneyi fees:and(dl takr� �uch acl�un u+I.enJrr m�}
<br /> � reason•rbl� reywre tu a��ure that the lien of this Secunty Instrument. Lender'� nghh �n Ihr Pru�rt� •rnJ l�urmwer'�
<br /> ' oblig�uon to pa�� the �ums .ctiured bq this 5erurity Instrumem .hall conunue unrhungeci. l'�m re�n�lutement h�
<br /> Borro�►et.�his Securny Intitrument and�heubligation�secured hereby�hall remu�n fully eRecu�e•r.d nu uccrlrra�i�m had
<br /> nccurred. Howe�er,this nght to reinstate shall not apply in thecu�e af acceleratiun undcr parngrnph�13 ar 17
<br /> .
<br /> i _
<br />