�A �'�711AilfiflY�l��sr�o'°c�-m......•r.....--�-- .. . .� _
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<br /> . ..+.�e..��,,� �--
<br /> � , � _�,[,.:,..----
<br /> � .
<br /> �
<br /> ..�.. , , � 91- 102649 -_
<br /> ,� ,; �. !.Grw�far Aad�ntb�ot D�Yt. �;;;.---
<br /> ,, i L (�)p�tMit.l,ender m�y.e�ccept as Iimited by re4uWloni issued by the Sarrary in the cue of payment Aef�ulu.requlre �_ _ _
<br /> - :� Is�mediue payauat M fuU of all sums secured by thi�Secudty lmtrumeat if: �_--
<br /> , •S•�� ~ (i)Honower def�ults by i�illna to pay in fuU�r►y monthly p�ymeAt requlrcd by thb Security t�suument pdor to or an �;,�
<br /> �. �, `�; c `'+; ��"t�'•., lhe due date of the next manthly payment,or ---
<br /> ' ..:;►.:,b� �... � (ii)Borrower defaults by faiUna�to�A perlad of thiny days,to pertorm u�y other obliaotions contained in thi�3av�ity � ____
<br /> ... :
<br /> ` , „ ., ., ' �°
<br /> _.. ' :�: � ,..,;..; , lostrumeat. � ____ --
<br /> -•-,.• .: � -� (b)Sa1s Wttboal C�dit App�'ovd.Lader ahnli�i�permitted by�ppUcabk I�w ud wqh the prior approva!of the Secrqary.raquit�e �""` - __
<br /> _ •�i ' •� inupediate p�ynra�in IWU of�11 the wms zecur�xi by thla Sea�rGy lastrumeat if: �__:— . -' ----
<br /> �.'„
<br /> . � (i)All or p►t of tlrs Praparty i�otherwisc transierrod(aher tiun bY dev4e or desoent)b Bomaw�er,and "��:a:��;.+�iz►�--_�
<br /> � F �•s ,
<br />�.• „ , , llq 71�e ProQert!'i�aot oocupfed by the purcdaser or graaoee af hia ar herprirntry dt�L�msidenoe.or�purch�ser o� - ... -
<br /> . . .::,i , . '. ���p���py�proppty but his or her crodit tw aot 6aen y�p�o�vad In�wduioe with ih��oquircm+� Sxrt+ry• .--_
<br /> "_ . �ti.v+�� '�� --
<br /> (c)No Wdv�r.If circumit�nces occar thpt wouM permit Lenda to require immaliwto pxyment in full,but Lender does not _
<br /> require:uch p�ymenu,Lender does not wdve ia dBhq with rcspect ta subsequent evem�. �y� _.�
<br /> �.'�:=^�.�� � �
<br /> '`'�� (d)Re=u1�Uoa ol HUD Sec►euuy.In maay circumatanca re�uladaas issued by the Secret4ry wiU Umit l.ender's rights,in --- _-_ __,-_
<br /> �•;., :�•�:.� the case of p�yment dof�ults,to requfre immediate payment in full and Pareclose if not paid.7'his Securil.F 4nscrucoeuc does �.� �r;:,;,,
<br /> ;�" , r. • ' aot ou[hodu acxeleratfon or foreelasuro if no[permitted by reQul�tlon:of the Secretary. ���'�`-�'��,
<br /> .:,t:,�,'. `,,t'.' ��"''r. ,
<br /> . �..;
<br />'S;�!�;,!;i,; ;��� ' 11, �temt�l. Borrower has a �i�ht to be reinstated if Lender has «quired immediatc payment in full 6ecauae of ��r.;:•
<br /> ���•:�;t:;,:� , � �-`: Borrowre�•a f�iluro to pay an amount due under the Noce or this Secudt Instrument.Thi:right appNea even sfter fnralosure `j��� �`f```
<br /> c:• n Y �4u� �.,�,r—
<br /> proaedinp�re instituted.To reinstate the Security Instrument, Borrowe�shaN tender in a lump sum all amounts required to .:;,,���„*.•-
<br /> i _ . '. `._ ,�:.� __
<br /> '�, : • �,��' • (4,ti<< . .
<br /> v�}:. .:�,� �•-.:,, �,` •j�.:•.s'.<<.; brinQ Barower'a account current including, ta the eztent they are obli{ati�of Borrowor under this Security Instrument, ,•,;.�,.�;.
<br /> �. . .�;��},yi;t;irt�����,,• foralosurc coots and rcaronable and customuy attorney s fas and ea nses properly associated with the forcelosure r '!.fb
<br /> ''��'' j roceedina.Upon rcinstatement by Borrower,thi:Seeurity Inatrummt and the obligailons that it secures shall remAin in effect as .,•f: , �;_
<br /> r,lti.;��:::;::� � . p .., ,- ,
<br /> � "f'";:•�'{ if Leade�had not rcquired immediote peyment in i'uU.4lowever,Lender lanot required to permit ceinstatement if:(i)Lender has
<br /> '•.4,fi�',�':: .. :`�. � .;.; � 2;
<br /> L,� .,, .•�,•,�; pccepted reinstatement aflar the commrncement o P forec losure pr a c e e d i n p s w i t h i n t w o y e a r s f m m e d i a t e l y p rc c e d i n p t h e , F, -
<br /> � +•• commeaament of a cunen[ foreclosure p�oceeding.(iil reinetatement will preclude foreclosurc on difPerent 4rounds in the ,:i;�_ _,4
<br /> � `' r"�' future.or(iil reinstatement will adversely af�ect the rriority of the lien created by this Security instrument.
<br /> ri�; .:t ���k��!'
<br /> ..,�,:`�. ---
<br /> �<';`..:r•� •� ' 11, Borro�Not Releiuedi Forbnes�ocr By Lender Not�R'drer. Extenslon oi the dme of payment or modificadon of �>�;,s=_
<br /> r.. ,�i:•• ,.
<br /> ,,:��. �t���� ' umortimlion of the sums saured by�his Security instrument granted by Lender to any succasor in interest af Borrower shall not :t�::��
<br /> ! �� �:�c�;���1�. " operate ro rekase the liQbility of thc original Borrower ar Borrower s succa�or in interest. Lcnder shall not be required to .y,E��
<br /> , •. commence proceedin�s aaainat any succn.9or in lnterest or refuae to eatend time for payment or otherwise modiPy amottlzation =�.�___�.
<br /> �•�"�r'.� � of the aums:ecured by thia Secudty lnstrument by reason of uny dcmRnd made by the original aorrower or Bonower a r_�-----_
<br /> � sucassors in interest.Any forbeannee by Lender in exerciaina any �ig1N ot remedy shall nat be a waiver of or p�eclude the ���""'_
<br /> ��'PS,.._------
<br /> , r'' •. `ti ~ � ~"���i::� exercice of any ri=ht or remedy. `�'�,"a''�:��—
<br /> „ . .. .t•,;,�,r. ir,{, c �
<br /> '1'.���.,�',- ";!ip.1;��:.?.- �.T� --
<br /> � 'i�'�; "..,��`. � 12, SMCCepon wd Asxlgaa Hoaad;,lolot�od 3ere�1 l.iAbiUly:Co•5i�aen.The covenants end agreements of this Secu�ity •��,�:, ;. •
<br /> ;,., ,...,�. i . .•? �. 'c:s_-
<br /> rr���;:�•�;f• Inauumene shall bind ond benefit t he auccasors ond auigns at 4ender nnd Bortower,subject to the provisions of paragraph 9.b. -,
<br /> ; ' '�s`��•'� Bortowa's rnvenants and u�raments shall be Joint end several. Any Bonower who co-signs this Securfty lnstrument but dcxs "ti..•�•
<br /> ��.,�.':, �,
<br /> not execute lhe Note:(a)is co•aigning tMs Secur�ty Ins[roment oniy to mortsi8e.grant and convey that Borrower's inter¢st in �' ���?
<br /> r he tetme of this Securit Inatrument;(b)is not persanally o6ligated�o pay the sums secured by this 5ecuriry � . . ',
<br /> the Praarty unde t Y ___ -
<br /> ,����' • Inalrumrnt; and (c) egrm that Lender and uny ather Bonower m�y alrce to extend, modlfy, Porbear or moka any
<br /> � •U�Y-.
<br /> •,,,, accommodaUons with regaTd to the term of this Sceurity Instrument or the Note witfiout that Borrower's consent. ,���r � ' :,�.,��
<br /> � ;;,,�, . ., ` �
<br /> � i, � ;. ,�
<br /> � U. NoUca.Any notice to Bo�rower provided for in this Security lostrumem shall be given by delivering it or by mai8ng it by ' j
<br /> ,�°.:�.. • � ` tirat clau mail unkas applicable Isw requires use of another method.The notitt shall be directed to the Propeny Address ar any , ' _ `��
<br /> � other address Bartower designates by nodce to Lender.Any nodce to 4ender shell be given by first class mail to Lender s address � •:
<br /> ' ' stated herein or any addras Lender designetes by notice to Borrower.Any notice provided for In thia Security Instrument shall ' � !��•�'�;.:
<br /> _ . ;_�!,••,�_:_
<br /> ��;,,� '� ; ,;��;j�,; : }'; � be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided fn this paraeraph. �t;�; --
<br /> .,�� �1 C'
<br /> ' .�`�;'.,;s':4:�''' ;t;� � . , '
<br /> �:i.... 11. Covernip4 Law=Severabllity.This Securily Instrument�hall be governed by Federal law and the law oF the jurisdiction in �• �
<br /> � -':°:�,;���". �'`;;���' wFdch the Propeny is located.!n the event that ony provi�lon or clause of this Secudty lnstrument or the Note conflicts wieh ap- f c';. ' ;,;,�l:,,
<br /> ,��.;' �� pliable law,such conflict shall not afPect other provisiona of this Secudty Instrument or the Note which can he given ePPect • �:';%:;^
<br /> ���� without the con0ic[ina provision. To this end the provfsions of this Secudty instrumrnt and the Piote arc declaced to be 4 ti,`'�;:���},;;
<br /> ,,,. . severable. , ��='�'�
<br /> ,.,, ,, � .
<br /> •:.i?r,'!� IS. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be Qiven one conformed copy of this Security instrument. i . �
<br /> . . . . /,:-.-'Iy:... , . -
<br /> . '!' �f�lrnl'J .
<br /> .,bl. 16. AalQament o(Rente.Borrower unconditionally ussigns and Iransfers to Lender all the rents and revenues of the Property.
<br /> Barrower authoflzes Lender ur Lender's agents to collect the rents and revenues and hereby directs each tenant of�he Propeny
<br /> , ;��� ; t . . to p4y the rents to Lender or Lender's agen�s.However,prior to Lender's no�ke to Borrower of Borrower's breach of any cove- .
<br /> � �;��;���, n+�m or agrament in the Se�:urity Instrument,Borrower shull collcet and receive aIl rents and revenues of the Property as trustee
<br /> � �r:•.";_ •r;; forthe 6enetit of Lender and Borrower. This assignment of rents cons[itutes an a'bsolute�.ssignment nnd not an assignment for .
<br /> '';:�: i, additionnl security only.
<br /> �'1�� �•� ���`�il,'����" If Lender gfves notfce of breuch to Borrower:(al all rents received by Borrower shal;be held by Borrower es trustee for benefit '
<br /> i'�� �� r'?."��`� • oi Lender nnly,to be applled to the sums secured by the Securi�y Instrument;(b)Lendcr shall be entitled to collect and receive all
<br /> `.'�;•� , ' :.t�,;, oithe rrnes oY the Propeny;and(cl each tenant of the Property shall pay ull rent�due und unpaid ro Ltnder or Lender's egent '
<br /> •• on Lender's written demand to thc tenant.
<br /> . r'���•'�''�� B�lrower has not etecuted any prior utisignmene of the rmts and hns not and wip,noe rerform uny act chatµou�d prevmt .
<br /> `t�"� � e.ender lrom exercising iis righis under this parngraph 16. • •
<br /> . , 'tl;'.,;.�
<br /> ' +"' Lender shul!not be required to enter�p�m,iake control o(or maintain Ihe Propeny before or a!�tr giving notice o:br<ach t�
<br /> •' ' • � Barrower. Hawever,Lender or a judicwGy appointed recei�er m�y c:� ,o at uny time there is a breach.Any a�^I�eatian af rxns�
<br /> • shdl not cure ot wa��e any dtiault ot in�alidatc any othcr right or remrdy o(LenJer. Thic acr�nsnrn<ot remQ c''°":r P�nper.y�
<br /> ,. shall «nrsnaate when the debt secured by tht Se¢un�y Inattument r�paid in full. �
<br /> .�
<br /> �
<br /> raee i,d. �
<br />