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,.�_ , �.'�� J . .•^ .. , d"!!-r^'_;'_i_' _" <br /> _,_ �_. . �I ..�. ._ ..... -�---�-- - ' --�. <br /> : :. <br /> :f7� .• � " -- -. _ - <br /> :.f � -� �'wn7R'R""rT-- ---�- -.._—' - -- - T--,�—�--�------� .� . ,. . . .. . —, . , ... '".� r. .,'wrcl _ - �-r . . -- . -- � . <br /> . r .. <br /> � .i � .� ...t . . <br /> .ti . � <br /> _ • , 93�00�8 , <br /> _ _—, ,pp„c�,b,e I�w nuiy.pecify !a�)beta�e�le at the H,opc�t,,purwan�to my power ooat�ned ia tbi. <br /> Securiry In�putt�l�ar(b)e�ory of a jqdgn�au anfo�in�thi�Security Inahtat�eat. 71rae oondlUaru�ue tb�t Harower (a1 <br /> p�Yi L�awfet�ll wau which�h�ea wauld be due under dds Saurby Inatrumrnt u�d ihe Nao a�it ao aoceldndan b�d <br /> , oavn�d:(b)c�u+a�ny delalt ot a►y otl�er oovaw�t�ar a�anw�:(c)Wri�II axpenxa incuned ia enfa�fo�tbi�SenWty <br /> 1a�dumeat.iacludin�,but aot UMted to�reaso�uWe attnney�'feos��nd (d) uke�such acda��a Lender m�y n�aa�bly <br /> roquine to�uuro dut�be lia�ot thit Securlry Insbwriait.t.awierti d�htt ia the Propeety u�d Baerower�abli�uioa�o pry tbe <br /> _� -��,-„� _-.�----,� �,--_� wint �ocund by ttii� Secudty 6utrWn�t :lull cantinua �mch�nged. Upon relnst�tement by Bamwu, this Sacurity <br /> • imuurna�t�nd the obli�tioa�socured heneby shall�nain fuUy et�ective u if no�ocelerstlon h�d oocuned Howeva�this <br /> daht w�eiruu�te clull not apply in the w�a of aooeleratlaa under pus�gmph 17. <br /> - 19. S�b d Notei CYt�e a�Lo�a&rtker. The Nate or a puNd inte�csl in the Note(together wi�h this Secudty <br /> �:;�y. Msaumait)m�y be cWd one d moro timea wlihout prior nodoe to Baruwer. A�le may result in a change in tho eraity <br />::'•..� - llmov�►��a the"Lo�n 3ervlcer")th�t callecta munthl <br /> _ Y W►Ymenta dua wider the Note uid�his 3ecurlty Instrument. There�Iso <br /> � o�y be oae ar moro ahaagea of the l.oAa Savicer u�atdated w a s�le of the Note. If there is a ciwnge of the Loan Servicer. <br /> -� - �_ ..� . Banowa will bo�iven wriuen notica of 1ho clw�go ia aoead�uioe wW�p�rsipb 14 wEo�ve a�ad applieaDle I�w. 71�e aotioe <br /> --- vrill st�t�Ihe n�r�e aud Addres9 of Ihe new I..o�n Serviar�f Ihe add�re�s to wluch p�yrrxots sl�ouw�ie nwda. 'R�e aotivo will <br /> �lco coaain a�►y ather infam�tioa roqairtd byaappl'k�blo I�w. <br /> ?A. Hwrdous Stibsi�ea. B�xrower hal!not cause or pertnit ihe prcsence,use,dispos�l,sta�ge.a rc�se of�ny <br /> Huardous Substanocs on or in the Propeity. Bo�tow�er ah�ll not do,nor allow swyone else w do�anything affocting dio <br />-'-"'• Property Ihal is i!1 vlolYtioil of u1y E�1vIm1u114AtAI�Aw. 7fie preceding two sentencoa slull not Apply to the p�sence,use,oc <br /> '�`:�` storage on the Property of sm�ll quAntiti�s of k]azardous.Substanas tiwt are genetally recogni�ed w be approprwte w twnrwl <br />_.:.v. , rcsidentiAl uses aad to mainterwnce of the.�mperty. � . <br /> —= ---- : . ' Borrowcr shali pmmg8y glve l.eudet w�;!!��w�isc at'uny invesagution.ciaim,demand.lawawt ur Wher acdon by any <br />;F` '�'+' � ovprnmenW or re ulato a enc or rivate involvin 1he Pro and an Harar+dous 3ubstence og E�nvfronrnenwl <br /> .�' �j1.r, R B r? 8 Y P Wuq' � 8 PenY Y <br /> �.� . Law c�f wd�ich Bomower has actual knowledge. IP Borrower learns. or is notified by any govemmentnl ar reguluory <br />;� �,1' r• autfiori4y.thn�any�moval or other remediation of any HazaMops Substance affecdng Ihe Pro�erty ia nxesruy.Borrower <br />'=v;:.� ''s�� ahaU promptdy take ali neces�sary�emediA7 uctians in acwrdance w�ith Eavlronmental Law. <br />`;`':�!�: As used in ihis paragraph 20,"Haznr�lou.c Substances"aie those substances defined as toxic ar hazardous substances 9�y <br /> � .i .'.;.;�•• , : ' Environmental Law and the following suhstnnces: gasaline.kerosene,other tlammable or toxic petroleurra products.toxlc <br /> :�{��' � 9 pesticides and herbicidea, volatfle solven�s,materials conlaining a.rbestos or fortnaldehyde, aqd radiattclive matetials. A�s <br /> �� : ,, ,, ,.;,; : used in this paragraph 20,"Environmentul Luw"meAns federal laws and laws of the Jurisdiction where the Property i�located <br /> '��`- <br /> �, ., ;;.�,±R+�� tlu�trelate or onv�ronmental protection. <br /> `' � �;4a�: ,• NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. fiorrawer and l.endcr further covenant and ugreeas fo!lows: <br /> _ •,-�;,`:. � 21. Accelerallon; Remedies. L.ea�fer aha11 give notice to Borrower pdor to acceleruUor�Pol�aw3ng Uorrower's <br /> � � 6repch of aay coven�nt or egreement In this Security Instrument Ibut not prior to accelerAtlon undet pAra�pb 17 = <br /> J 4 — oniess appiicabie lae�provides otherwise). 'i'he noiice shaii specify: ia)the defa�it;(b)the action requimd to cun ii�e <br /> ,"� `"',r� detpult;(c)a dAte,pot less tban 30 dwys irom the date the notke t�given to which the detault must be <br /> :;,,�di������������ cured;and fcl)fhat�ailure to cure the defauft on or before the date speclited in the notice tr�ay result in acceleration of — <br />'.,:�.�„i '"-:. ` 1:, <br /> ,., :,, `� -.r.�;�'::*`�'��'' � the sums secured by this Secerity Inatrt�menl and sale ot the Property. The nWice ahall further inform Borrower af <br /> '�'�'" ��f,�.,:�;;�yy''�:.";��r the right to reinstate afYer acoeleratio�und the right to bring a cou�t action to assert the non•existence af v default or <br /> ��� . d ., . any otber deknse of Borrower to acceleratlon and sele. If the detault I4 not cured on or before the dale specif7ed in <br />- • ��p;�,�-;�f_� !he notke,l.ender at its tion ma r ufre immedtAte a ment in full otAll sums secured b thia Securit Instrument - <br /> :`�, . .,.,., ��., oP Y �I P Y 9 Y <br /> .. ��;�;,_� withoul�urlher demand and may invoke Ihe power of sole and any other remedies permitted by applicable law � <br /> ��; , Lender shall be entitled to rnllect s�0a espenses incurred in pursuing Ihe remedies pro�•i�ed in tbts porA�p6 21. <br /> •:• .�i;�a;• 1� includiag,6ut not limited to.reaso�a61P Attarneys'fees and costs otlitle evidence. _ <br /> �,�: �� ,' , If the power oi sale is invoked��'rustee ahall record a notice oP deiault in each county in which Any part of the � <br /> �-= �' �1 '� ��'���"'�i Property is located and shall mall copies of such ooHce in the manner prescri6ed by epplicAbk law to Barrower wad to a <br /> h� ` ��,���°�" ��'�'��g'+� Ihe other persons prescribed by appikubfe law APter the time required by appH�bte IAw.7lratitee ahall give psblic ` <br />/+�'�r f ���j':"�c«:'�:�+H�•.��: _:.. <br />���� ,�•�+��/Fres.�s� notke oPsale to lhe persons ond in the manne�p�escribed by applicable lew Truslee.without dempnd on Borrower. <br />�:�� ';�� .�;�:=,�-_�•;-,w: shwN sell the Property at pub8c aucNan t�the highest bidder al the time And place and under the terms designwtetl in = <br /> �:>-k•:} '-�-, .,, ; <br />:,.::,;r., ; ��:i��• a�'� the notke oP sale in one or more pArcels and in any arder'iYustee determinew 7tustee mnv�n�s�pone sale of�II or any . <br /> �''S.�,. <br />."�#W,1.. � �i t`:`- � parcel of the Property by public announcemeM at the time and pl�ce uf any previously xcheduled Nale. I.ender or lis �_- <br /> ;� � <`;;�:.� :,. D'' designee may purchase the Property at any sale. <br />�-. c r YY i: .: - ° <br /> y '�`.`"�-•' Upon receipt of paymeql of t6e price 6id,�'rustee shull deli�•er ta the purcha�er'I�ustee's deed conveyfng the <br /> _..•,�sY ., � . � <br /> �.;.« - :"_ Property. The recitals in the 7lrustee's deed qhall be prima i'acie evidence uf Ihe Irulh of the statements made tqereM. _= <br />" ��' 7Fuatee shall n Ihe oceeds ot Ihe wale in Ihe folbwia order: la)to pll costa�►nd ex nses ni exerc po — <br /> S . • � PP�9 M' B Pe ising t6e wer = <br /> M� ,�•�� �f17. -'' : <br />. ''r! �\.ri� .:�(�. .�, .r:^: <br /> �•• :�n,•� �•. ~ —_ <br /> F���'� i. �rY�i�. <br /> �..;t+; 4• .. .�� � _ <br /> � �.;• r,�t;:, <br />-�ly�}. �,:; - Y � l'-,:tii) ,` <br /> � .;hr�. <br /> 3-" r,r� E;s � <br /> �.�. r;,:i,� ':���`f��' _ <br /> , ! ..�i;!t1.:1Y�.�����,,yi�� L.._ <br />,� `y� �. .,�_ .c.�i;�1 �'�1►O�211 9l9O 1!'il�lP 1 uJ6/luRi•.v! _. <br /> �_:.4.t� (�p ;.. 7����'11 r�p , ■-. <br />���..;� .wr�.� , r:. .,1,?i�'<�, .. I� • E <br />-.�Yi�S� �t��'������i�� • �` - <br /> +.„, . �y-'4ti.M1:.• �.. <br /> ,}� ; �tbLYt'�• -= <br /> �"..:<; , . <br /> ,},' - .-:,r-'. . • � . • �. : ' � � . . ... `- ---P�-: e f.71r'T�'ar"'�''n`U'"i'zf"�`"F` -- --�[ - <br /> � `� (I ����j�} .y��p��� . _ . 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