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<br /> ��t��P • • ' ASSIG[3�NT OF Q�D_QF,,,_TRUST
<br /> a -
<br /> ',�t•
<br /> ;�.•: KNOW ALL:MEN BY 1�5E PRESE[J�S, that ODLtR�US FEDF�tAt. SAVINGS BAN�I ("Assignor") for
<br /> � good and valuabl� coiwidaration to it ir p t Q Fleet N�tion�l Hsnk
<br /> orgenfzed w�der t1�e lawa of t tete o so 0
<br /> - e � � rece pt o Which cansideration ia hereby acknowlodg � oes e aaaign� _- -
<br /> - ,r�.,;; trenefer, and aet over uttto Assignea all its rights, title a�d intarest in and ro t •
<br /> �.�,•. � Certaitl Deed, Of 1YuBt BxeCUtc�d by Dusne P. Vereaw and H ra L. VersaW husAaad and aife
<br /> -- "''<r��•����� � uato Aesignor, at A rii Z 1991 , mortga�g ng t d ng
<br /> �j� State of Nebraskas --
<br /> —"';;',�«���� � escr rea pxoperty locat�d in tt� county o Nall �
<br /> �..�.a. -
<br /> ,�,.,�:�.�.�::,. �
<br /> - -_ -=-°°�-�-'"'''-' A traat of laad comprising a part of Lot Tventy (20), Ed Roea Subdiviaion No. 2� ia tha
<br /> -�_,_�.,.,_.:.. �--_ --
<br /> �" North.eaet Qusrtar of Section 7wo (2) , Township Elevea (11) North� Range Ten (10) Weat of -�-= �---
<br /> --= ''�`,-::"�^� . the 6eh P.M.� HelZ CoumiRy, Nebraska aa@ rnore particn2arPy described as folloWa: Beginning `
<br /> �_�:�•_°_:;�;;`:�;,;;�.; '. � at the Noctheaet cosner of eaid �.ot �renty (20). thence xunning xestecly along tha north --
<br /> -' �, ,:����";r.f'` • line of said Lot Tventp (20). a c�istaace of Nine Nundred Sixty-eight ffeet (968'); thence
<br /> �r�';+'+'�-•�•�': �' runaiag aoutherly, parallel to the east line of said �.ot T�renty (20?, a diatance of One �-��•--
<br /> ��l �z�'k'''� Huadred Thirty-five feet (135'); t6ence running easterly� parallel to the north lfae oE
<br />---- - - . a'�,.:`�
<br /> ,:����:,>. _ -
<br /> -;:':�i ��•,�=���• aaid Lot Tventy (20); a diatance of Nine Hundred Sixtg-eight feet (968') to a point oa the ___ __ _
<br />`:�i�• -;;,-,..,;.,.'+ ` east line of aaid Lot Tveaty (20); tbence running northerly a on� the ea$t line of said. Lot �
<br />;;� ' �:.�..•, .:r=a Tventy (20). a diataace of One Hundred Thirty-five feet (135'� to the point of beginniag,
<br /> ;`, •,
<br />•�'�`'�'�{ I' ^� � �" � aad filed for record the office of the Register of Deeds of xa11 ��tY.
<br /> � �,.�' ���x� ��.,,
<br />-;�;�,;., �..�<�5 Nehraska, on the kk day of , 19��91� and appe�r ng n rec in
<br /> � f�.:>>.. {•,.:� ,.: ... hr
<br /> �� s��� � ' p... ,:� g�.� �. 91 �, Page�g18 Toget er ote a) and indebtedness described in and _
<br /> -_ ' `"�' ��''. •' � ° secur�the instrunent aforeseid.
<br />= `?" ;��E4 ��� ,.���:.
<br /> ',� ', ti� �rj�`�"f� r�s ��.,.,----..
<br /> � .,.:.ry,�:��<;;'}"' �D (�p�/E AND 1n HOLD the same unto tlte said Fleet National Baak
<br /> ri,, .1.?��y:
<br />- ' . �,�� ,�' and unto its suacessors ass na a oresa . —_�---_
<br /> ,�:•, •
<br /> ` '' f�5{�'`� �.� �srtn.�-�..
<br /> -��w�:.«�._:- �Ig �SSTI',[�Nf LS MADE ex�ressly subject to and in accordance with the warranties anci
<br /> ' �'J"r �;'Sr�'n � � representations of Assigaor w3t� Assignee pursuant �o a certein tM�rtgage Loan �rigicwi.iw� �`,�,a''�r'S,��F-,_
<br /> �. ;iti'. . . g �.l�.e.�:.:
<br /> , �;, ,s°�.� °� ', •;�. pgree�nent between Assig�or and �1�sigree, a copy o�� w,hich is on Eile in the Office oE Assi r�ee. . `
<br /> :,);;,;, :±.;�rj���K1 � , f�,
<br /> � ;r�<.5�.�`''�`�+�:�.���' F�TTED A[VD DELIVIGdF3+uD t�is 9tbdey of April � 199Il '�,•,`�i1 : ��--
<br /> �:��.; , . ' ,r. .�
<br /> '1: f' ;���„ ,� . �� Y S'
<br />' i;��ti. .: y�'•��1•� t
<br /> ' * .,1� . .. ;��,���, �:r_F� id�._..�
<br /> •'�.; ,�.,:,, (S�,) ofji.UI�US FFaE�AL SAVINGS BANK, Assignor _ _
<br /> .�� �` �'��i;;ra �.���tt�, ��r"_
<br /> '•1�.
<br /> � ..1. .,{.
<br /> � . . - BY� � �...`.�:__ _ -
<br /> ;i.. �y� �..�_---
<br /> , .,. . � ._
<br /> , �` . " . - � �1C� -"_ - -
<br /> ; � �
<br /> �, �� � TITLE; Executive Vice President �,, ���
<br /> ..�� � 11.�E'4,' ;i..
<br /> `,,�� • EA� � -^,/ / f �•" r 'M
<br /> {� J'.:x! . , ��BUy,ME�� By: �' "��.,�Y !��tr.,.�e...L� �..:�. _�:_
<br /> i . �"���J�X;,� . . �� ����' .
<br /> h�
<br /> � � . TITI.E: Secretary t,-�==�-'—
<br /> - . . � .�� „ b::�., - _
<br /> ° STAZE OF NE,�RASKA ) ss �"°`° _
<br /> �'-..� . . County of Platte ) � ��
<br />""',� , ° � 7he foregoing instr�ment was ackno�aledged befcrxe me this 9th day of An�i. , f
<br /> 1991. � by Phil Hockenber er� Jr., Exec. Vice Pre$.of CALU[�US EEDIIiAI. SAVII� BA[3K �
<br />. Ass�.gnor, a Nebraslua _ �ration or sxiat3ori, oa o t e Corpc�rat�on or F_
<br /> . '��'''�' Assxiation.
<br /> . �,s,,,;. E•
<br />�>��• �'t�'� IJitness my hand and Notarial Seal at my offi�e in said placce County ;
<br /> ° gti Co].umbus Nebraska , t�tis yrj'� uay u£ �ari� . �g?2 •
<br />,'.` �i��l�1���Ylf�li
<br /> .. � � ��'�. �. M�Comafap.wr.21,Zlf� . .
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