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r-:� ,; _ . �. '�. . . . � � � <br /> ��s'„' 1 .,.' � ' .r..._ - - -�- - ��;. .'.��,�.� _ <br /> ..z� -____ _ ,. • • � ,. . �,_ ���'..,"_ - <br /> . ' • " - . • ,�„ y�..� <br /> . ' . . , .�i � - ' <br /> 93- ��� <br /> � ---- �_� � 6) 7�N� HOAROW�RS ags�es not to convast the dvelling units !a <br /> — thw PROJ=CT to coedowiniuw oMn�sship or to any �os■ o! <br /> coop�sativ� ovo�rship Mb�r�in r�nts as� not alfordwbl� to <br /> ].ov�s i�ca�� hous�holda (s• th�a� tssas "al�ordabl�" and <br />�s, "lov�r lacow� hous�hoids" aay b� d�linsd by th� LP�IDZR1. <br /> — _— 7) The SqRRONBRB ag=eass not to discsiainat� againat os deny <br /> ����--E— --�— -- occupancy to any t�nant os psospactfva t�nant by raasoo o! <br /> th�elr ssc�ipt of, or eliqfblllty far, howrsing aa�siatance, <br /> - und�r an�y leGeral, Sta�t� or local housinq aaaiatance proqra�; <br />�,�:4. � .�� not ko d�scsiw��nata a�qainst or deny occupancy to a�nX <br /> _ t��nt Qr prospectYv� t�n�nt by re�a�on that tha t�nant ha�s a <br />__,..i�:_ --- �s3�o= ch3Pd csx alsil�ren rho tril! be see3ding aitls them, , <br /> �� �"� u�i�ss th� PROJ�CT b� ont saserved for elderly kena�ka. <br /> ��. � <br /> �.� °� ,� � � 8) The term of �his lien shail be until the balance due !s <br /> 4'' ° '�'�.t:�i'�..:� paid in lull os for a period ending on the first day of the <br /> : ��',_� _:,.T�,-� �onth, lirat occurrinq ten (10) yeara aftez the cowpletfon of <br /> ;�.�,�':��, �-�� the PROJECT zehabilitatio�, preservation, or enha�c�ewent <br />_ - �'�'`� activitiea £ina�ced in vhoie or !n paxt by �he de�err�d <br /> F " r pay�ent loa� evidenced by thia 11eo. Uniess prepaid os <br /> .�fi��. <br /> � ;,;�����!�!���� . forecloaed, this lien shall be satiaf ied and be released by <br /> � - - :� `�- °" the G6�NDER on the f irat day of June, 2003. The anniveraary of <br /> -��_,� �� thia licn shall be the la� day of June in each year following <br /> -� — �;.��, ..� , . the ao�pletion of activi�ies fft►�ari� by t�a def�zse3 p�ymsn� <br /> 'f��'''� �•�•� loan avi�enced by thia lien. <br /> :. �,,�„ .. ..:...7,?. . <br /> .. . .M~y�ti^•S)T•�)i':•/"11 <br />.+�.,.�".. `;.k1k�Y�'�4;;����ti��n.��'�� <br /> 9) Unleas accelerated pu=suant to p�ragraph 10, at each <br /> �::,i;:�> � ,�°;�;:s>>:���'.::�����° anniversary date the balance due hereunder shall be reduced <br /> "���5�� �w�'"s`' ��"���������? by tea percen� 110t� of the otiqinal amoant of �he doEerred <br /> ,:�: � r' . <br />",r�?�!��� :;,�('��,r�'�r�,'''.i�'�~�; a ent loan. <br />:.;,,,..� ' ;�.�:,�;f����'.,�' �.�-�;i. . P Yp <br /> � tM%�'��� � r' �� � <br /> ��:.' .�;�•�.���� ' 10) During the term of this lien �be BORROWERS shali make no <br />—_- •:' � `�;�"� '���'�;�•,,�s�`3 payments of pr incipal or interest; PROVIDEfl NOWEV�R, that if <br /> __�;,;;;;i' '��;i'i.ja.;^,;'°;:•�;;��,�r,V�, the BORROWER8 shall be in default of any of the terms or = <br />_1.� � �`r'j�t�;�:y�,�;Fi.`:,'y conditions of this lien, then the unpaid and remaining _ <br /> ;, . ���<,���,�;,�µ. , balance shall becomQ iromedia�ely due and payable upon detoand _ <br /> �� :M��;,•;-� ;;;�,,.,g���, by the L�NDER. "- <br /> �'b � ..4'^r'�..•:"'L,•l;Fyy},�N)�c — <br /> ' � ,:} .•4_ �1 , 11) The deferred payment loen evidenced b�+ this lien mey be - <br /> � assigned and/or assuaaedj PROVIDED, that any and all terms and - <br /> ,,��� conaitiot►g shall remain in full force and effect foz any � - <br /> '�`�;�.�, _ <br />-� � >���-^, ° assignee pt saccessor to the HORROWERB and such assignee or � <br />;;"�'�`�� ":'��''' � � 4..a successoz ahall assume ali fluties and obligations of the ° <br /> `�' �'`'' � �� �' ��'� SOR[dQWBR3 as descrimed hezein. - <br /> �«��:`,� i����� ' ° .��,.,. - <br /> ` �.��y�K'� 12� Any suboxdination of this lien to additional liens or <br /> �,.-.. �y'y*'�'.�.'`L''"n ' — <br /> ,�'�1���•. ���`��^' � •�� encumbcances of the assignee or successor to the BORROWERS — <br />� ✓ . �, 4.:..5; _ <br /> �4,. �fsit l�il'��,,SS�n'..'Ic� <br /> f „a;,,.,+7`�'+;�;,-,.�=.";y�• shall be dnly upon 'Che vritten consent ot the LENDER. Such <br /> ,;, �� �;�;���t��.�,+.,�}���,•� additional 1 ie�s and encumbrances shall extend to and include ; <br /> 7.i . {:�'y'f. .y1.aW-•�. 4' <br />_ ;. �,.,:t..�`t�"',,,.,..�:,' any contract fax deed, land contract, or other agseement � <br /> �� P"�''��` r betvee� the !BORROWERS and 4�is successor ot assignee. Such �- <br /> , r•iS,,�� . <br /> !1 l " „ <br /> i� �� ` �},����,:;�=;•"� .. conaent to subordinate shall not be unreasonably withheld so = <br />-:,,,.,�.� ,. ��,3�`�',.�,. �". � . ,, long as LENDER has the assurance, reasonable to the LENDER, - <br /> :�� �,;ti��' '`. • ; � r � that th� provisions of this lien remain enforceable and are <br /> .;'U���, r�;,����}1;�yc�;�pi� adequately aecured by the pro�ect . =- <br />- . . �� ••},,t,i;i,;�R�,1.:.a�,,., <br /> .._ �..�K ��k�t;`''li���'.,;<< ;a:� �:. <br /> 13? To assure �ncl protect its riqhts in this lien and the <br /> � �i,S:.�: � �_. <br /> —.-t -c �� t'RVJGL.�� I�.IiC u�pvEc�a �iiaia ,iovc i.i'ysi� 'v� G14VGJJ �.u� :w�..�.:�:vu <br />.::-y.:_,`;—� _�-i"�'���FY �-�. <br /> � :��i�';� r , of the PROJECT at reasonable times and with reasonable notice <br />__r:L�t� ;(,+�f��Y�t"n.� to the BOREtOWER3. � <br /> - '� rySrs4r ` <br />-,,�3� :1;�.S+, 5,f ,., ' , <br /> :� ��,tZy .,.�°.�'. :. �9 ) Any forbeaxance by the LENDER with res$ect to any of the 1 <br /> �, .�. �,.,� tezms and conditions of this lien in no vay constitutes a , <br /> �;,. ; �,�.� :,:�' .,•.:''. wa ivez of any of the LENDER'S r ights oY pr ivi leges granted <br /> � , <br /> , 'f� l§��.°�:;_.f-.. hexeunder. � <br /> -- �'.•;�; ;:�'•°`� ;. l <br /> t: <br /> :{�;�� � = <br /> ` AP�'I.,. �..1� � r.. <br />�. �� �� " . <br /> . .(�r, �. .kti: -° <br /> �1±';", '-,` .. <br />.. _�t�.�4 .. `Y' .v�. ' <br /> . '..�. ' _ -. '.. <br /> C,1. . <br /> . :�;' .. .�. " _ ;i <br />