^�r� � 'r ''�r !:':3 i tii:,; � +�T, .— ^Fk-0 xt t"�_ _ —
<br /> � ,� � � � i,''".'IAI;j�4R 'II i.. _�.,,, �'ts• _�_
<br /> : �
<br /> =�==�rc.
<br /> � �I�IINIII `/MIIMII�fIM�'.• ._�iY+ •--h __— _-___ _.""_.t-._ _.____
<br /> .��. ..-.+.�....•a.. ..- -
<br /> � �;_.. ., - _
<br /> :..��.:: • • '^''r"-'"`
<br /> ' ..J,��„�i:.::.,.. ...__-
<br /> •Mf:.UW t7FR:. -. - .
<br /> . .. __ ._.__ .._.—_� -. . .. ..—
<br /> .��i..�..ti,. .. - - ___.
<br /> � � ��
<br /> ' —'—___
<br /> �. ��, � ACKNOWI.6DGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUB� 102�38 ___
<br /> ' �' TRUSTOR RWO TN18 BLFORE 810NINfl: v-
<br /> � � Trwtor und�nhnda th�t dH daoumRnt thd Tru�tor i�Rbout to u��ouq Is a DMd ol Trud�nd nd�moRp�p�and thai tha qowM
<br /> . ' �'� ' of�M provid W la In th�0�!01 Trud provldss iub�t�Mlally dilNnnt rlphts and ob!laUo+u to TN�wr th�n�mortp�Os In the w�nl ---'
<br /> . , � 01�ddwit or br�ltoh ol obllpolon und�r tho Oesd ot Trw�Includmp,but not IIm�Nd ta,th�l�nd�r's riphl to hav�tM Propsrry sold �--_
<br /> `" �i��� by tM TrwtM wlthout any�udlcl�l procMdinO.Trustor npr�nb m ran4 IL�-�ckn INp�n�nt wn�x�euMd f�Y
<br /> ��'�. _ Trutto►b�tor�fh��xiaudon of the Resd o1 TrutR ��( �u��,,.����� - _ - ----------�----
<br /> , `�:;: �:� �� r- vLJ� �.
<br /> �`::�1,;�;,>'�.f;��^
<br /> �.o, ',;:�,�y- ..•'.,� runor �
<br /> � .. . ��,: -
<br /> c —
<br /> , T�u�tor �:_:r:�=�-----==
<br /> � � , �._
<br /> ' '`' . • G!'"„'. �__�. .'_=-----._
<br /> . .���� Q a �, DEED aF 'PRUBT WITH FUTURE AOVANCEB �'- �� -_�:
<br /> �;x��-_� • ----
<br /> " .. �� THIS DEED OF THUST.�s made as o1 the �e day ot �Pril ,» 91 bX��� •::. .�.�.-��-
<br /> . �4 �� ^ . ,. Rob�rt J Pat�lka
<br /> ' � . tha Tru�wr. � a sin4le person . �.,.�- --
<br /> �, ,. � . ���... -,_-
<br /> .. ;•�, :�e-,,':
<br /> `;','" , � �7 Dsitl�aod Dr Lirr�nd Iol�nd lN 6BB09- n•'T�ustor;'wh�th�r one or more►, �''�
<br /> .. , whoq mallinp address Is � �7!�=--- -
<br /> � ' Fiv� Point� B�ak� • Il�br�■k� Co�rp _.` "�.,�•�: . � --
<br /> -:��-..
<br /> -- the Tru�tae. � � - -
<br /> � . whoso ma��my address,s P.O. Box 1307 fir�nd I�l�ad, NB 669�2 � �
<br /> + �
<br /> (r herein"Truitae"►.and ..�--:.z
<br /> �_: .
<br /> the eenencary. Fiv� Poiat� B�nk . i�. . '• ' _ _ _
<br /> .;:;,�� � P.0. Bo: 1�7 �ir�nd I�l�nd.� NB. 689�Z-1�7 ==
<br /> ��� . • � whose maiNny addrew is r (herein"Lendar'�. _ __
<br /> 1.. '�:�IJ.�a.,
<br /> .� ., Rob�r! J Pav�lk� i , .�
<br /> ,..: � ` � .� FOR VALUABL.E CONSIDBRATION,Includfnp Lender's extension ot credlt Identdiod hareYn to ��N�`MU='�'-
<br /> I;:, i � ' •
<br /> � d''u•, . ���
<br /> . • (hereln"Borrower",whether one or more)end the truet herein created, ,. • , -;��
<br /> . . the recalpt of whlch Is hereby acknowled�ed,Trustor hereby Irrevocebly grants,transiers,conveys and asaigna to T►ustee. IN � �°�
<br /> -� - . TRtl�T,W1TH I'OWER OF$ALE,tor ihs bar.a7u�nd.^.ccunly o!Lender,u.^.^�r a.^.d au�,ect tn tha tprma and condlpona heralnafler tet !�___�_ _ _�_
<br /> .;�; ,. . : ' .�?}�. fO�i���IP.��1���6��Y0U. t3RAND I8l.AlID.HA�1.1. COUIITY.IIEBSASKA r�,:�..=_.=�——:..._
<br /> �; ..�. ...; -� — -
<br /> �'.. .•�+':� �`��
<br /> ; ,���•��-
<br /> � ,r ��t�"y i:.��: r.�'
<br /> '���,� . .! �4''lPl��+.�;�.r.
<br /> • ' Cy,�t;.ff��,�r�.. _
<br /> .'� •��'�.',. .1 .'.;�� :; ;��_..
<br /> "•�' ��: Topether with all buildings,Improvements.Ilxturea,streets,alleys, passageweys,oasements,rights,privflepee and appurte• ',;,iy.,;,,:,;,�.,�C �:;;w
<br /> ��'�;?::' • ��•� nancea located thereon or In anywise pertainlny thereto,and the rents.Ies�es nnd rolits,reveralona and remafnders ihereoi,and . ,„
<br /> �....,;• � ;=
<br /> p �h�;�.•,,
<br /> � '; auch peraonal properry thet la atteched to the Improvements so as to constitute a 1lxture,includiny,but not limlted to,headnp and �
<br /> � v �;;�,f�r,{ coolinq equipment;and toyelher with the homestead or marital fnterests.d any,wh�ch in!ereats are hereby released a nd waived;all „ '��
<br /> •� � .y�z�,,;1�•„ a1 which,includiny replacemants and addHions thereto,is hereby declarad to be a pah ol the real eatatesecured by t:�e Ilen of this � , ti
<br /> , ' +, � Deed of Truat end all of the fpregolnp befnq relerred to herefn ea the"Property". • , '
<br /> '!,� :. " ' �.�ii .i.' � 1..,a...
<br /> ;: �.. y � Thls Deed o1 Trust shall secure(a)the payment of the principal sum and fntere9t evidenced ay o ptomisaory�ote or CredH � . {, ;.
<br /> �.,.�
<br /> .:,,`� �k � �••.,•'!F't,'�.•�;.-
<br /> '^ . � Apr. 30 1991 , havf� a mnturi date ot M�,L►. Il. 1596 p►- . • :' r��f,,�,,��,;;
<br /> ;:,'�• a�reement dated • p �Y � „ ti;, �;�,
<br /> .��, „ ,. , ., _ .
<br /> ;�. 49�066.18
<br /> �•�• � , in the aripinal princlpal amount oi S ,and any and a II madllicationa,extensfons and renawals , , •� Y�'"'
<br /> "��;�,. " . , thereof or thereto and any and ell luture advances and readvances to 6orrower (or any of them if more than one)hereunder � �,,��M.
<br /> •. ��, � pu►suent to one or more promfasory notes or credil agreements�here�n cailed"Note");(b)Ine payment of other sums adve�ced by 1�,<<"(!',�,
<br /> �,`.•�•;:� ' � Lender to protect the security of the Note:(c)the peNormanca ot all covenanis and agreements of Trustor Bet forth herem;and(d)all � ' ':t i`,�..,'rt�"
<br /> �'' , �'� present e�d luture indebtedness and obllpatlons of Borrower(or any of Ihem it more than one)to Lender whether direcR indirect, ' �.,;;?;,�:.�•
<br /> '.',����+�,. ' � absolule or contln ent and whether arfsln b note, uaran overdraft o�otherwise.The Note,th�s Deed ol Trust end eny end all 4� '� 'I���ti'iµ,�
<br /> . :.�•;, ,ti�,:'.� . �c.�....
<br /> : i„J,,�;, other dxuents that aecure the Note or othe fse executed m connecUon therewah,mcluding w�thout Iimltatlon 9uaranteea,securlty : ;, ,��;,,.• ,�:{��;f�`����;
<br /> ;,,.• , i •r• � ;��,;�, apr6ements and asslpnments of leases and rents,shall be reterred lo here�n as ihe"Loan Instrumenu". };�{:,r;;:;,; '.•�,��.,��
<br /> Truator covenants and agrees with Lender as lollows: f''
<br /> �r,.,�� t� ' ; " 1. Paymeet tt Ind�bUdn�s�.All indeotouness secured hereby shali be pa�d when due. , �� ;: ���
<br /> r ,•,��I!;;,:. 2. THI�.7zuator ia the owner of the t'iope►ty,has the nght and authorlly to Convey the Property.and werrenta that the lien ,
<br /> ;��r�{,:�� '' created hereby la a flrat and prlor Ilen on the Property. except for liens and encumbrances set lo�th by Trustor in writ�ng and
<br /> • ?�`��• � Y dellvered to Lender belore oxecutfon ot thls Deed ol Trust,and Ihe eMecuUOn and delivory of th�s Deed al Trust does:�ct v�plate any �
<br /> . a�%�i,�'�.'f., ��',;':�,, contract or olher oblfgation to whlch Trustor�s sub�ect. �
<br /> , '�-'S' 3. Taxu,Aq�lMl�nb.To pay before delfnquency all taxes, sFe��al assessments and all other charges against Ihe PropeAy ,
<br /> * �•...,: ,�:•`;.�; now or herea�er levfed.
<br /> ��f ri'���� f 4. (Il�ur�t�ce.''o keep thp p•operty ms.�retl ega�nst damage by I�re. nazartls irCluded wrth�n the terrr'�eztended COverege".and ,
<br /> '� •'i�:`�•'�,;.�'�j:r',�;'�t:;i.�:�i such other hazards as Lend�� ^-ay �eq��rp.i-amounts and with compan�es tltGOptable tu Lender,r.arn�ng Lender as an addit�onal � '.
<br /> ��",;:•;':•:r i�;`��iF�;�:: � named Inaured,wlth loas pa .c�b�?to the Lentler.In case of loss under such poNcies,tne Lertder�s autnonzed to ad�us�collect and �r�. ,
<br /> �'•.i.�,ti';,:;�lti;laf 1j?y F;'.; compromise,all clalma ther under end ahall have the opt�on of apply�ng all or part of tRe insuiance proceeds(i)to any indebtednesa �'� ,
<br /> , � '�j't:4,:..•'. secu�t3d hereby nnd fn such order as Lende•nay defe►m��e (��to tre T.�.str�to be used fer the repar o��estoratfon of the PropPrry !` '
<br /> '';:��;1' ', or(lii)lor any other purpose c•oo�ect nat�s'ACt4 ry to ler�ae.w:�ho�t anec��;,S�e��en ol th�s Deed o�T•„st tor 1he tull amount secured
<br /> . <<1;�' hereby befora such payment ever took p�a•ca Any app��cation of prceeatls tu�ndebtedness shall rp2 e�trnd or postpone the due
<br /> .: t:•. J
<br /> J dete o1 any peyments under the Note,or cure any deiau����ereunder or nereunder. .
<br /> ' ' � 5. Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender.Trusr,tr s�a�pay to lender,m 8uch manner as Lender may Oes�grtate,sun�aent
<br /> sums to enable Lender to pey as they become due oRe c�-^:,��ol the lollowing:�i)all taxes,nssessmentsand otner crtarqes agemat
<br /> the Properly.(11)the premiums on the p�operty �nsurante•eqwred hereunder.and (���1 the premiums o�any martga9e�nsuranCe
<br /> requfred by Lender.
<br /> 6. �9alnt�nanc�,R�p�ln �nd ConpYi�nc�wilh l.aw�. Truator shall keep the Properry m �aad condit�on and �epair; shall
<br /> � promptly repelr,or replace any;mDravement wh�cn may be dameged or destroyed, shall not comm�t or permd any waste or
<br /> deterioration of the PrOperty. shail not remove.demai�sh or substanUally alter any ol the�mprovements on t�he P�opeAy,shall not
<br /> • f COmml�sutler or permlt any aCt to be dane in or upon the Property�n v�olelion o1 any law.ordinenCe,ot tepulation,and shall pay and
<br /> � promptly diacharpe at Tru3ror'g cost and expense all liens,e�cumbrances and charqes lev�etf.�mposed ar assessed ayainst the
<br /> „ Property or any part thereof.
<br /> ' 7. EtnlMnt Oomaln.Lender ia hereby ass�yned all compensation,awards,damapes and other payments or reliel(heremaRer
<br /> "Prxeeds")m cOnneCt�on w�th condemnet�on or other takf ng o11he Property or part thereol,or lor conve�ance�n heu ot condemna-
<br /> , tlon.�ender ahall be entitled at�ts option to commence,appear in and prosecute m�ts own name any act�on or proceed�ngs,and
<br /> shell al�o be ent�lled to make any camprom�se or setllement�n Connectian w�th such tak�ny or demage In the event any port�on of
<br /> , N�C 7�57�MoerpK�.rt�r��Mw���.�0 ee i
<br /> O I IM Mit�a�M M.�d ceT�wc•r,,,s�.ne t�.,�Aw«utcn►.ncan N�b�M�
<br />