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' <br /> � 11M�Nyt M ro 4iw��ot dr��t!��Mr�M+r�M by�t�,b td sdi�m0 ApRNA�A�M�19��M�U�#uoh F�qV��� _. , --._ <br /> "wrd�K,�fO M�+qT�II oo�lt�11d��tnoarsd b!►M WI cot�oNon wph�1�oh Proe�1�l�,up�on�n�r �M+M�+�� <br /> hw'i6'p M�(n M�oh 61dM 11�LMid�r ma�►d�Mn�M�r•or b appry�N woh PrOOMd�,a�M w�oh d�dtd�olw b�aMoiMlOd d M�. .. . . <br /> �4�W a�i1►PI�ymMM��tl�Nol�,���dP o►iNrn��w�p0�d�+d�� Mr�M� <br /> �'e°,�'t�w�a..ia a�r�••upon an 000w.«+a a.n cv.M a o.a�ult l�wne�,o.N.ny.c�I�r�n a MqM vrfio�IMlp <br /> �oenwn�na�d whloh rt�i�Ml►�M�cM LM��InMMtln IM Prap�tf►.lM�d�rm�y In ka owin dl�cntlon.bu!wNAo�d�p�p�qp�1 b do <br /> ' . -- - - -- --� �o.and wMhout nollo�b or d�nMnd uPa►Trab►and wMhout tilMqU�p Tnnbr from�ny obYp�Yor�.do aml Yat w fi�wior hse <br /> piwd but�atN b d��ntl nwh►al�o do�►o11Nr�cf N dMrro MoN�ry b P►oMCt Uw��aur�h/h�nof.lFuMOr NMM�annMdl�tNY <br /> upon dMnind tA�rfor by L�nd�►�Pqi/a Lenda aq aa4�nd�p11oNS Inoum�d 1u�d wnM��eid�d by Lw�dM in oWnl�atlon wNh <br /> "N:: 1M��xMO1M b�►LM�►d 1h�Mrqoln0�ipAb�bOM��wIM�Mro�h th�pon�t 1M cIM�u1t rwM provW�d In f1M Nab.whloh�hNl b� <br /> add�d to Ih�Ind�dn�sr�ourad benb!►.Lsnd�r�hNl eof laour�ny Ilablllty b�aauM af �n�hkq k m�y do a omN b do <br /> t�nund�. <br /> Y.M�t�dous MMNIM�.TNttor�hall kNp tlM P►aPM'tr lo cOmpllMa wlth�11�PP��b�ws,ordln�r+aM and rpuWlon� <br /> �- retaHnp 10 IndwMN hypi�na or�nvlronm�nW proacfian IaolNativety raferr+ed W haeln a�"EmlronmenW I.�wa'�.Trwlor ahdl <br /> - — �ths P H��dow 1�4brid�"►�.Trostor bKNsy war►anbMir�Pre�snb to LenA tlW 1Mte uo no�H�t�rdow��oo a <br /> - und�r IIN P�opsrty.Tniqor A��►sptee�to Indsmnlry�nd hotd hsrmisss LendsR Ih dtncfon�ofHcen.anployses ud�p�nb,and <br /> --_ �ny suoc�ors b L�r�dK'�IMr�s1�trom�nd�.Inst anY and all datmo,dana0e�kssM�nd ti�Wlitles utainp In�wlth <br /> -- qN pa�nc�,�q�,dbpowl or tr�n�pah of�ny Har�rdoui M�Mrta6a oR w�dar�fram ar ��1 ths PropsAy.THE FORE(iQING <br /> — MM1iW WT1ES/WQREPR�SEMATIONS,AND TRU8TOR'S OBLK3ATIONSPR1fLS11/►tQTTO lHE FORE�i01RlO M�E1�1�TY�BHAtl <br /> — -� suc�v€�t�sr,r�rt..�ce o�r�-as o�o o�Tausf . <br /> -_ . <br /> ,� t i 10. AfH�r�N ei W�Y�N.Truator heraby asslpns to L�r�der ths ronts.hsuee end prolib M th�P�opMt�:pro+rici�ef t�tR T�wyor <br /> �; '� � shNl,untll th�occumbnca ol�n EMeM of Dofauft h�r�under,have ths�fpht to colloct and nlain sueh��nb��awe�and prahta f�tlN�l -- <br /> - ' b�cans dw�nd psy�le.Upon th�xcun�nca of an Evsnt of Dai�ult LendW nu�y,aiNer i�p�rwn or by ap�R wilis o►wlfhout — <br />` �...: b►ugkg�ny�cdon qr proeeedlnp.or by�ncstver appolnted by a coutt and wlthout repe�Qd W tlre adequacy of Ib�curlty.�nMr <br /> upo�u�d hlce po�lasakm ol the P►opsrty,or any partthe►wf,In Its own neme or In ths neme W ti�he Trwtee,snd do any acts whlch ft � <br /> ���. d��scesssry ah�oal►abls to pre�ervs tM valw.mukrqitrlllry or renf�bUly of the Preperty�o��r P��th�areof a IM�r�st tl�srNo, <br /> Increate the Incom�rtherehom or p►otoet th�securlty horeof and,wlth or wlthout Iaklna poasession o1 the Property,ws fo►or <br /> ofhwwlse collsct Hi�rents.lasws�nd prollb thereof,includlnp those pa�t.due�nd unpaid,and applr the 8nms,bss aoeb and <br /> exp�nae�of op�rado�And collsclion Includlnp attorneys'tses.upon any 1nde0tedneas�ecured Iwreby.all In�uch order as I.ender <br />:,�}3 m�y daqrmine.The e�tsdnp upon md bklnp po�seaslon ol the Property�the eouectlon of wch reeb,I�euA4 and prollta and ths <br /> daq <br /> � application thereol a3�ptoraaid,slull not cure or w�Ive eny cle4ault a notlC�ot delault hereund�r or InvaiWqDa any act don�In <br /> '`:�'� ��onssto such de9xi�,q or punuantto such noHee ofdefault and.nqtwith8landiep the conHnua�ce In posseeaion of th�P�opKty or -_ <br />-..t1:. �-re►i�y` , <br /> � '� the collectlon,�ee�i,p�t and appAcadon of renb,Itoueo or proQta,aAd Truatee and Lender shdl ba ent�beW to exercbe every ripM <br /> =.- ` provW�d tor tn anq o4 91is Loen Inatrumonb or by I�w upan occur�enae oS any Event of 1]elault,Includlnyp wl4fiout Ilmltadon ths npM <br /> . ?�` to exerciae the power o}fale.FuAher,Lende�'a rfyhts end remedlea under Ihla para�raph sha11 be cumeo�ive w�,and in no way� <br /> �' ,'`'� Ikniqdon on,Lender's�Iphte and remedies under any asslpnment of leasea and rents record�ed a�alnst N�0 P�operty.Lemlar.TrustM <br /> �l,•`�;� <br /> and�e recelver ehall ba Ilable to account only for thoae renta actvapy recaived. <br /> �'i'��� f�: � 11. ErM1b of ONsWI.The(ollawlny ehaN constlNte en Event of Oef�ulrt uo�der this Oaed ot T►uat <br /> ` � `} �'`* '` ��^'� a Failure to�ay any Installment of fnci or Interest of an other aum secu�ed he►eb when due; <br /> '�;" ( 1 P► Pal y Y <br />- � � (b) A breach vf or dafault under any proWsfan contalned in the Note,thla�eed M Tru�t,any olthe Loan Inatrumants,a any =_ <br /> '�.a ,�:H'; .`r" othw Il�n or encumbrence upon tho P�aparty, -- <br /> �.:?;�'�;;.,��• .j ;� �3. (a) A wrltof execuUon or attechmentor any elmller procesa shall be enteredayalnstTruetor whlah shell beaome a tkn on <br /> ". � the PropeAy a eny pordon thereof or interest therein; <br /> �"�$ T"�,�.,���;� (d) There ahell be flled by or apeinst Truata or Borrower an actlon under any present or luture fede�al,s�tate w�ther �"`` <br /> ,• ���`��^�; etetute,law or vegulaUon relatinp to benkruptcy.Insolvency or other rellet Iqr debtoro;or there ahall be appoi�ted any trustee, �'���� <br /> ���� `�r��.`��� " ='��,��� recelve►or Ilquidator of Truetor or Borrower a of all or eny pah oi the Property.or tho roMs,laues or prollte thereot,or Trustor ___ <br /> e��. ' '�.'r.. • ` or 8orrower ahell make any�enerel eselpnment lor Ihe beneflt of credltors; � <br /> �1. r�;i;�" y part o1 or any interest fn the ,`� <br /> ' �����.� :�;��,� (e) The aal9,Uansler.laase,aselgnment conveyence or lurther encumbrance of all or an <br /> � Property,elther volunterily or Involuntarlly, without the express wrlpen ccnaent ol �ender; provlded that Trusta ahell be ��1 ,. <br /> s.:,;�, ,;�:,.._.. ��'t•� <br /> ,� , .� �4�f �f!��,, permltted to execute a leasa of the Property that doef not Contafn an opUOn to p�xchue u�d thQ t�m of which das not ozcwd f}�:: <br /> ., n..�,�••, o1w year, � .`'": <br /> - s:�:�, (Q Abandonment ol tMe Properly;or �� <br /> " t�°"�•��'•'� '�t' (p) If Truator Is not an Indivldual,the lasuanco,sele,transfer,aasiynment,conveyanco or oncumbrance of moro than a totel °.� <br /> ., : .-.,���?��,�,,1 ' `• <br /> _�`� ��'��"'�.�,�!;�:'��' � � 01 51 percent of(if a corporatlon)Its Issued and outstanding atock or(if a partnershlp)a tot�l of percent of {��`-` <br /> �,�.�°"�'���',�� '��-" � partnerohlp Interesta durf�p the perlod thls Deed of Trust remefns a Ilen on the Property. ��� <br /> -•r,� ' �,x- '�=�� 12. RNn�dla;AccN�ratlon Upon DMwlt.ln the event of any Event ot Oefault Lender may,wlthout notice except as requlred by <br />- _ s*�� ` :�;,{� =� taw,deClere all Indebtedness aecured hereby to be due and payebte and the eame aholl Iheroupon become due and payeWe � <br /> .�� y �� �,� i wfthout any preae n t me nt,d e m a n d,p r o t e a►o r n p t l c e o 1 a ny k i n d.T h e r e a n e r L e n d e r m a y: T <br /> ,. + yn�- � (a) Oemand thet Trustee exerclee the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,a�d Trustee aha�l thereatter cauae Trustor's � <br /> ='Y• �,`��'�.'r:' ^' '.t interest in the Pr to be sdd and the prxeeds ta be dlatrlbuted,ell In the manner provlded In the Nebre�ka T�u�t Dsoda <br /> oPertY �` <br /> ,� ¢.. .Y}.�.��.r:o.� � . <br /> './yl:5'�, '. / A� � , <br /> 1;.�. <br /> ����s�;�;;�}�;�`•�` (b) Hxerclse eny and all rlyhts prov,ded for In eny of the Loen Instruments or by lew upon occurrence ol any Event of _� <br /> _ "`r' f,. � ' � Oefoul�and ry <br /> . . N� � �`� e�� (o) Commence an actlon to loreclose thia Deed ol Trust as a mortpage,appolnt a receiver,or speciti cally enlorce any of tho <br /> ;`�,�,'`:;x`irw�;���y covenants he►eof. � <br />, �, ' 'r{t;�, :. <br />_ :'�:�•� � No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Truetee or Lender Ia Intended to be exclusive ol any olher remedy hereln,In the <br /> ' ;�:� y':',';'r' �., <br /> , i,yy,k•.,1 t,. ,. C'" loan Insfrumenfs or by law provlded or permllted,but each shall be cumulative,ehall be In addltlon to every othe►remedy glven _ <br /> ���• ,:.s r� :�.>• hereundBr,fn the Loan Instruments or now or hereaiter exfstlnp at lew or fn equlty or by atatute,and may bi exerclaed concurrently, �-= <br /> . �.;j+ � • .. a'Y��.,`;:.,, . indepe�dently or auccessfvely. sw.'�i: <br /> ��',�'�. � � ���''.•��•��•� �. 13. tru�tN.The Truatee may reaiyn et eny Ume wllhout ceuse,and Lender may et any ume and without cause appolnt a �:.� <br />;.ii�i'`• '��;,���'�''�'"�� �'�`• �' 9ucceasor or aubstitute Truetee.Truetee ahall not be Ilable to an e inGudi wlthoul llmftarion Lender,Borrower,Trustor or an �;'�, <br /> ��:t..�,, ,,..•; . Y P ►�Y• ^9 y <br />:�-i.��.�r . . .. . ..,,L{ <br /> '?`..�' •�';;�1�'�i��.�;;:';�p,,Y y'?� ect onaln connectlon w h'the e for ement o�thls Deed ol Truatkunle sr ndemnffl�ed In wrla p t�IeU c e�,�compenaaUOn o R' <br /> ��� expenaee whlah mey be as�oClated therewfth.In eddltfon,Truste0 may becorne a purcheserat any aele o1 the Property Qudlclal or f��' <br /> -- ti — -'�---'����u� ...u.....d�h.�..v.�.a. ��►+.nv{A�rl!+�I�W nr ull Ihw w��'- <br /> - f.,_ . r . .. undm in�pvwer�i sai�yi6i�iov' iu,in�Tij�MvS�{iv�isa�no oa�o v.o.�..7 oRi;,.....,,,......... ..,,_..,,..._..._..____, .-•-•-- -- -- - <br /> s""��� �' ' ' ' Property es e whole,or In aeparate percels or lots at Truatee's dlscreUon. t;�}i� <br /> 'r: , t�ti;t.r.��:-;�i,�,.,� f.,,=- <br /> �.`, 14. F�and Exp�n�.ln the event Truatee selle the Property by exercise of power of eale,Truetee ahall be entltled ro apply <br /> - �+'" "�x�` - eny aaie proceeds tiral tv payment of att costs and expsnaes ot oxorcl�ing powor o!:alo.Includlnp all Trustcso's tees,artd Lender'� �''��` <br /> - � "�7�� '�'��+� �.'t``�''-,� end Truetee's aftnrney'e feeo,actuaNy Incurred to extent pe�mlfled by eppllceble law.In the event Borrower or Trustor oxerclaea eny �+;i�� <br />----�-—_ �•.; :L�i�,4��Y:.; .: rl M rovlded b I y J' ;'. <br /> „'�{t,��,;,.�, , ti =. p p y ew to aure an Event ol0eteult,Lender shall be endtled to recover from Truatar all cosb and expenses actuall <br /> ,,� ,c�;�,,;r,; •. •: r.� Incurred as a result of Trwtor�delault,Inctudinp wlthout Ilmltetlon all Trustea'a and attomey'e fees,to the extent permlttad by ` <br /> -- r ;� ;,�..<�: ;x aPPllCable law. �•, <br /> ,; <br /> :•��f� ,� �'``-�i;``..+:."�'";+:-�� 16. Futuro Advancu.Upon requea!of Borrower, Lender may,at its oA��on, make addltianal and luture advencee and re- <br /> ' �`� •� ��;y;;:��.;�;, �+�. ' edvancea to Borrower.8uch advancee and reedvences,wlth Intereet thereon,ahall be secured by thie Deed of Truet At no 11me ahall <br /> ��`� t' �•�;: the rincl al amouM of the Indebtednese eecured b thfa Deed oi Trust,not Including aums advanced to protect the aecurrly of thla <br /> ... �:. 4�5.; P P 1' � <br /> �� ,�.4�K!'+Y }�'� '.�;' O�dd o1 Tru�f,excead fha orlylnet princlpal emount Meted he r e l n,or s �7�..(L-��.—•which6ver le�reater. �i: <br /> -zi.,(:. `;yi�r�y� 'lit� • • � w�` � t1��. <br /> :,;� � •,d� � � ...�..�+�"'q� <br /> ,;;"� V', ��t; . <br /> ��•t'� ���!ti�;,�4;t'�»' <br /> , •,:. <br /> , , <br /> � ��;..:�St �: . <br />