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_S. . � .;;+ . Ii�--�- - - ----- -�,..�- ---'- . -.�4'..-_. <br /> �'� ,; ; __ ------ _ ---- _. � _ <br /> � - - ---- - -�,..;�.;r{ . <br /> ,- - , ACKNOWLED�EMENT OF OBED OF TRIJaT� ��• +�� _ <br /> , <br /> t�uero�n�►o�e ae�o�g eww�o: <br /> _ - • 1r�aler und.�shaa�auil an aooum�m aat Tnaar 1�aeout a�ol•ewrlp.O.�na tlN1t IA.pewn <br /> o1MNprov for In th�OMd ot Tnqu provldM wb�hMl�tly d11NnM rtpAb an�!obllp�tlans b Truqa th�n a map�In th�w�M <br /> ol�dM�ull�brMah of oblip�Uon undK th�ONd of Trwt.Includinp,bui nm Ilmiqd�Undsr��ipht b haw tlw P►ap�y�old <br /> ..',i bY!h�TIruNN wNhoul any Judlold pn�dlnp.Tru�or ap►�b and wsnanb tbst MU��knowNOpMn�M war�x�ouMd by <br /> _-, Tiuqor b�br�tlN�tnoutlon ol tl�O��d d TruN. � <br /> - -------�--�-- <br /> >� I <br /> - a ol ay u� � <br />.:,_�� E DAY T if� <br />- °�a�r+��"°� <br />^�����a � DEED OF TRU�T WITH FUTURE AQVAMCEB <br /> - TWS DFEO OF TRUST,is m#de as of ths 13th �y of Apr. ,t�.�►a�amap -_ <br /> °___.k _ �.�� Huold (3 D�q � EVALENE UAY � hu�D�nd and vite � = <br />-�;`�"� . 2819 Forr�at St,� Grand 31al�nd � Ne 6&803-2023 � - <br /> ` '�. , ' 'who�e�iri�Wng addraee ��. �-- —� . - - - — {herein"7tiusMr,,.aRtelhe►4ne ot moro}, <br />--° �.,�.-'�----��...... . .. . <br /> � r�°':�' • Fiva Pointe Bank. a �i�bsnoka Cofi�oratior, - <br /> .: 11ie�vaoa�0. , _. <br /> ' � �'�`�. � P.O. 6ox 1507 Orand Ioland, N£ 68802 <br />"�r:' ;;�i';1�h}�,,�. ;,a,�� whoae malNnp addrew io (heraln"TruNM'�,and _ <br /> ' ;:• �,����.y{�y�'� , Fivo Pointo Bank _ _- <br /> .`,. tlte B�flct�ry. � <br />- � '::, ,. . . _ <br /> ' rp��;r�';1:�;�-,-.:�'� who�o maUinp Wdr�u is 2015 N. Broadyall [3rand Ialand. �N£. 6&802-1507 (�n„�.�. - <br /> � O <br /> � ' �5i��:1r {.:�e;." . p — <br /> • � ��""`,`'��:: � ''''"�';;�i.4 FOR VALUABLE CON8IDERATION,Includin�lendar'a extanslon o!oredit Id�ndNod horaln tb°rnld G Day _ <br /> '�'�',��*`t�{ i EYALENE DAY = <br /> �"-' +.i°�'*'��ti 4,.;:•��' .. , (hereln"Qor►owar",wb9ther one or more)and the trust heroin creatod, � _. <br /> ;:,::� the receipt of whicf�la hsraby acknowledped,Trustor hereby Irrevocably�rants,Gensters,conveys and eseipns b Trustes, IN -- <br /> .•; � TRUST,WITH POW�R(fF$AL�,/qr the benefit nnd�curlly o}Len�ler.under elnd subJect lo the terma end condltione herei!!e41er!et <br /> .�`�i..; �"���-•--�::b'�.;- bAh e real rope►A�,de�cribed as tollows: - <br /> '`�'�"" ' LO�f� HIN� (9) AHD TEN ll0)� EXCEPTING THE WES76RLY ONE NUNDRED SEVEHTY SIB <br />:j{,�.•� , ;t� � �'•`';:.-•;�;�'aS FEET 1176•) IH BLOCN ONE 11)� KO�HL�R PL'ACE, AN ALLITION TO THE CITY OF GRAN6 � <br /> � "���'L�� ISLAND. NALL �CQI�NTY. HgBRASKA. ' <br /> ��s,�.i. �ii v,.:ta7�t,`�.. �. <br /> _ t t _:•?�.i�,�,. ..' i — <br />�.,Y_ ,_ ^ ,�r�?.:r:.i.3yl�•��� �.. <br />_' .��'�t:���:l�r:.fl���i{;'tt,['. _. <br />- ...,y,;.,,,��^���� � Topstha►wNh ell bulldlnps,Improvoments,ffxtures,streets,alleys, paesapeway�,ea�ements,riqhts,prlvllepes and appwte- <br /> • . �...f-;.;;,.,r�?i: ',���,.,:: nances located thereon or In anywiae pe►taininp thereto,and the renls,isaues and prolit�,reversions and remalodera the►eo},and �' <br /> "•' ^ such personal property thet Is atteched to the improvements so as to conetitute a 1lxlura,Includiny,but not Iimlted to,headnp and ` <br />- , =1>.•�;.�rt,::.;:��a�'",: <br /> _ � ��' '��i;� :�...,r;w,•� �•Z" coolinp pulpmen�end topethar wlth the homestead or maritel intereats,ileny,wh ieh intereste are hereby roleased and walved;all �°" <br /> • p;,. . 51•�, olwhich,includinp�eplacementa and additlons thereto,la hereby declared to be a pen ottho rwl attata tecur�d by the lien of thl� �,. <br />�.• �• ° ? �{,+.,.: . D�YC!ot Truat�nd all W the for oin beln reterred to hereln e4 the"Pro <br /> �,. ��.,..,;,� eD 4 � PBrtY„• �.. <br /> •�:�:�: �r <br /> :t"'�,�, : '°,, .`'"� `�'�:`• ' !' 7hi3 Deod of Trua shall socure(a)the payment of the prfnclpal aum end Intere4t ovidonced by a promistory npte ar credit -_ <br />..".�!r ,.�• i , ' ',,,�. <br /> �7 <br />-j��z' ,i��� •�"•,. apreementdated - At�ril 13th 1993 ,havinp ameluriry datooi Aari! let 2001 _. <br />�ti G` , :} �:''."�;� r-., � <br />�" � ; . � '��' in the orlpinal prinCipel amount ol S ,and any and all modlflcaUono,extenalons end renewela <br /> �+. . ' 1 G,000.00 <br />;�'4� � the�eof or thereto and a�y end ell lulure edvances and readvances to 9orrower(or any ol them it more Ihan one) hereunder — <br /> � � .. ,�•�,,;. pursuent to one or mqre promissory notee or credit apreements(hereln called"Note"1;(b)the payment ot othet eums advanced by - <br /> ; �',�, � �,:: � Lender to protect the eecurlty of the Note;(c)the pertonnance of all covenants end epreements ol Truator set forlh herein;and(d)all <br /> - preaent and future indebtedneas and oblipetiona ol Borrower(or any of them if more than one)to Lender whe:fier direcf,indirect, <br /> � �'�' •� � ��:' abWlute w continge�t and whether arising by note,guaranry,overdrafl or otherwJae.The Note,thla Oeed o1 Truat and any and all <br /> , '4.... . 6`- <br /> ,� ; , ' ._ t: oU1er doCU6nbthet 88CUre lhe Note pr otherwise executed in connecUon iherewith,includlnp wlthout IimitaUOn yuaroMoes,Yocurily - <br /> ' �� opreemen$and asalynments of leaaes and rents,shall be reterred to herefn as the"Loan In�trumants". -- <br /> ' �'•• ;`��'��.-� ''fruator cwenant8 a�d ayreea with Lender as follows: �=> <br /> 7. PaymMt ot I�bt�dntw,All Indebtednees secured hereby shall be pald when due. r�-<. <br /> ��^,, � � ��.f~� 2. Ti1N. 7iustor Is Ihe owner of the Pro e hes the ri ht and authori to conve the Pro e R <br /> •; F�•y: a� • .': P ►�Y. 0 �Y Y P ►h�,end warrente that the Ilen • <br />- • 1�.° � �; created hereby �s a Orat and prlor Ilen on the Property,except for Ifens a�U er�cumbrances set forth by T�usror In writln�end ;"> <br /> ij�`• �'Y ��� -��•�. " Jnl;v�ered to Lende�beiore execuuon of this Ueed o1 Truet,and ihe executlon and dehve of this Ueed of Trust does�ot violate any <br /> , . � c<---,;m,.��Ti-;_... .: ►Y <br />,i_ , � •, ;,�.;!,{.,��. convact or other obliyedon to whlch Trustor le subject. �. <br />�- � •'�•��'�j� �� 3. taKq,Ass�um�nb.To pey belore delln uenc all tax�s,speclal assesaments and au other char ea a einst the Pr <br /> j. .,..,.' .� .,...,::� �,, 4 Y 0 � �De�Y -- <br />``s , �•.'�. � .l now Or hereaMar levled. �` <br /> .' _ . 'G`�..�" . - �.: <br /> � ��i� ,' ' " �• 4. In�urano�,To keep the Property Ineured agalnst demaye by Nre.heterds Included wRhln the term"extended coverape",and <br />-� � �:' auch other harsrds as Lender may requlre,in amounts and wfth compames accepteble to Lender,naminp Lender as an additlonal � <br /> _. �•,;,;::.: nemed Insured,wllh loss peyable to the Lender.ln case of tosa under auch polfc�es,lhe Lender Is authorized to adJusR collect and <br /> � •' : . compromlee.aM clalme thereunder and shall heve the optlon o1 applyfng all or part ol the insurance proceeds(i)to any Indebtedness <br /> ' ,:;,� ;i;,;: �•'�• eecured hereby and in euch order as lender may determine,(II)to the Trustor lo be used for the repalr or rectoretion of the Property <br /> • • • w(III)for eny ather purpoae ot object seffslaCtory to Lender without attectinp the Ilen of this Deed of Truat lor the full amount teoured <br /> ��:`:= ' ..�-' hereby before wch peyment ever took place.Any application ol proceeda to Indebtedneea shall not extend or postpono the due �� <br />=^±�4�-t dYW of any paymenta under the Note,or cure any defeult thereunder or hereundec �"_ <br /> - a. eiarow.upon wnnen demanC dy Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,In auch menner as Lender may dealpnate,suHicle�t <br /> ;� • •� ��. eums fo eneble Lender to pey ea they become due one or more of the lollowing�(i)all lexes,asaessments and other chargea egeinst � <br /> 'v�I� ��___b ' .�, : o'�. the Properly.m the premlums on the property Insurence requi�ed hereunder,and pli)the premlums on any mort�ape inauranco :, <br /> - •� -,;-=_ �° requtrod by tender. �. <br />;,,_� �� , �. 6. MNnt�n�ea�.R�p�in�nd Compll�nc�wtfh Laws.Trustor sl�all keep the Property in yood condltlon and repalr; ahall k• <br />- , „ promptly repak, or replace anr Improvement wh+ch mey be damaped or destroyed; shell not commit or permft eny waste or • <br /> ,. ` ' ��•�, � ;�i deleNOradon al the Praperty;shall not�eMOVe.demolish or aub�tantlally alter any ol the improvementa on the Property;fhall not , <br /> ' �f��'� �• � comm�,fuBer or permq any ect to be done in or upon mR PropeAy in violatfon o1 any law,ordi�ance,or repulanon;and ahall pay and • <br /> � ',• �a� .F.,,.,. - promptly dl�ch�rpe at Trustor's cosa antl axpanse all liens.encumbrance�and charpes levied.�mposed or aasessed a�a+n9t the <br /> ', ' . ;'�,ys�..,, :.,,.' P�operty w any part thereol. � <br /> '" �� ' ` ' ",`r;;�,',v�''`. 7• En11nMd Domaln.Lender ie hereby aeslpned all compensation,ewards,darnapes and other payments or reUef(herei�a f t er <br /> �;i?� .. r .S • � •� °P►ocesds"1 inconnecUOn wHh condemnadon or other tekln�oi the Properry or paR thereol,or for conveyance in Ueu o1 condemna- � <br /> __ � � . tlon.L.ender shall��ntiUed et Ib optlon to commence,appear in end proaecute�n Its own name eny aCtbn or proceedin�s,and <br /> . ',� ' r - 'i�':.• sh�N abo b�aMitlod to meko any compromiw or soplwMnf in connectlon wlth ouch Wc�np or damepe.ln th�vwnt anq pofion ol � <br /> . , . , � • t <br />- �''�� � � � � Mc�artM.n� ,t <br /> .. . -- - OI�M�wnM��NdC�nr�o�Truw�rMiNwq�Mwrc�Mn lwnM Mw.�w ' 1 <br /> i� f <br /> .� <br /> . ---.____. <br />_. _- - ��---------.._.�_._ �.�._._-__._ ---- ------ ---_---_-. ------------�-----_----_-__--------=' =--�aar__"---�=. _. <br />