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,, .�, : . �,,: <br /> `' „ t� '.r' _. _ _ - --- <br /> � •".� ,Y.��I� �';�,� . • ..,. . ,�1. , . , _r,�n..,,.. . . .,� .. . . , . - , �ir-. <br /> `ril� . . ��� �:' . , <br /> - � : 93- 1� , <br /> ' Lw m� for raiaW�taaml)b�fo�o ub of the Pnaperty Pu�wnt w�ny power o►wdo oa�Wned ln difs <br /> Sor.��u�itj n9n�uuma�� of a jud aifa�cJn�ddo Sacurity hupunl�u. 7lioce caMitlam+�na�nt Bom�a�er: (�) . <br /> t �y <br /> • pRy� l.aidet all waat vuhich tlbn woul be dua undet tbir Secudty inw�unent�nd Ua No�a a if no�ooeletadan bd •':r <br /> ooau�rod;(b)cwa a�y delwlt of�ny otl�cove�nd�or�roanonu;(c)P�Ya�Il expen�incurrod la enfoncin��hi�SecudtY : . <br /> Luaruma�t, includin��bat not limiled to,re�ie uWmeyn'tow�and(d)Wta cuah acdan a I,end�+maY�b1y <br /> nequira to asw�a tluc the Ikn of thia Securlty Tnarwnait,Lenderl�dghts!n the Property And liarawals abli�tdan w pry�he <br /> swp� �ecurodby thit 3ecnriry la�dumant �lall cantinue unch�n�ed. Upo�'1 �tt by Ratow�ar. thit Saauity <br /> inwument and ti�e abll�tori�tecured frereby�lull na�uin tuily ef�ective u if no�ooelerWon lud ooaun�d. Howaver.thi� <br /> _ - _ - riau w minaue dn11 noc q�pty in qa case d�coelaation undw pW+�r+iph 17. <br /> 19. Sale of N�i CM�op at I�o�Srniar. The Wote or�p�I iatemt in the Note�W�ethe�wiW thU Seaudry <br /> --�n I�tuurnait)nuY be �Wd one ar moro time�witMwt priar�wlice w o8 isawa. A�alo nu�y re�ll in�Ch�e. T6ae a�iw <br />--- (know�t u tbe`Lan Se�vicer)1hat oolleqa momhlY P�Ymeats due undsr�be Natt and�hi�Securiry in�trwnent <br /> - nuiy bo one ar mom chan�s ot Ihe Lom Setvioer unrelued w��le of the Noaa. It tharo is�ch�e ot�he L.arn Saviaer. . � <br /> '� Bomuwa will be dvrn writun nake ot 1he ch�nQe in�ccord��ce with paa�ph 14 above�nd apdicable law. 7Ue notioe <br /> wlll uato ihe name�nd a0dt+e�s of Iho new Lom Setvkxr otd Ibe tldrcas tu wuich paym�t��fiwld be mwde. Tbe nolioa wW <br /> a _ � Nlso conWe�ny othar infamu�ian roquired by�ppficnbk I�w. <br /> ; 20. Hw��rda�s Su6rt�+�s. Borrnwer�hall not cwse or perrtdt the pnxence.u�o.di�poa�al.Won�e.or release of�ny <br /> I Ha�dous 3u�e�un or i��he Property Barower ah�ll na1 do� nor�Ilow�nyaa elce w do�anything atfadn�the <br /> Prope�ty th�t is in vlal�tion of any R�vlmnmrntRl Tho proceding 1wo zentenoer shall not apply to Nie pnesa�oe,ur�e.or <br /> i� stor�ga on t6o Pmperly ot imAU quantities of Hap.�rdou�Subua��1h�t w+e Renenlly teco�tized to bs�pproprl�te to no�m�l <br /> re�idenWil tues and to m�hitenance of tha Property. <br /> �'=.r ! Homnwer sh�ll promptlY give Len�kr written notice of any investigalbn,cldm.danand.lawcuk or dher Action by aay <br /> �;-- _ govemmental or tcgulatary agerK:y ar grivatc party involvfng thc Pto�sctty�nd s�ny Htv��dous Ssebstance a Environmrmel _ <br /> ..�,'~ I.�w of which Barower haa actual knowledge. If Bomower le�ms. or is natified by any govanmenal or rogulatory <br /> authority.tlut any nemovd a odrcr temediw�fon of any H�ardous Sabst�x�ecting the PropeAy ic necewary.Barrower <br /> w'.:.;�.'. •°'•..,•:;.� ��P�PUr wke all naessuy rcmedial actlons in uccmdance wlth Environmental Law. <br /> As used fn this pa�aph 20,"Hazanlous Substences"are those substances deflned as wxic or hazardous substancts by <br /> Environmenul [aw and die following substances: gasoline.kerosene.other flammeble or tozic petroleum productc,taxic <br /> , � _•�.��;�f;«�'?�.� �'� pesticides and herbtcides,volat�le solvents, mate�ials canu+ining asbestos or form�ldehyde, and radioactive materiuls. As <br /> �►�k w.`"��;� used in this puagraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal lawa and laws of tha juriuliaion wf�ete the Property i�daCated <br /> � . `;�`�}��"',�:�*�:,'!f thw�+elate to healtli�safety or emlronmcntel pro:..�-tiass. <br /> � - NON-UNIFOItM COVENAN7'S. Borrower end Lender furlher covenant and egna as follows: <br /> ��'�°��•�'� Zl. Acceleratioo; Remedks. L.eader sdAll give nalice to Borrower prior to accelerntian tdbw�lag Borrow�r's <br /> �.�d�,y�.. -.• � . <br /> • :� �. ��•.:... :.;::., breach ot any coven�nt or Agreement in tbts Security InstrumeM(but not prbr to Accekration uader pnrAgrap�b 17 <br /> �.�:: �ualess�pplk�ble law provides oiberw�tce). The nadce shall specUy: (a)t6e detault;(b)the aedon requtred b care Ibe <br /> � . lkfauiti tc3 a datP. �t lcss ihaa 30 da;s lkam!hC datc!!st ootke!s glvee!o Bot�rowert by whkb tNe de�oult awst be <br /> • d. ,. �u��� ' 'r",l';�;,'` � cured;aad(d)Ilut hilurcrc to cure the defwult on ar before the dpte specitted ia the npNce may resull in a o o e kn t i o a o� <br />. �. ,r�"``' �•'k*�•' ; Ide sumv secured by thb Security lnstrument and sale ot Ihe Property. The notioe sholl furtber inlorm 8orroaer ot <br /> � '�"�' the�ight to reinsG�te afler acceleralbn and the right ta b�ing a court actbn to asserl Ihe non-e�cistence ot p default or <br /> , .,_ ,,`},.,'� ° <br /> .,,,_.;..�� �;�';;.�?••'' any other defeose ot Borcower to acceleratbn and sak. 1P the deiault is not cured an ar betore the date specilled in <br />_ , .:•.r�?:^�..�. the notice,l,ender wt itsoptbn m�y require immediAte payment in�ull of all sums secured by this Secu�ity lnstrument <br />-� . ' ,��,<„��;;�,`k•.A�;ri : wilhaut iurlher demand s�nd may invoke the power ot sale nnd any other remedles permitted by Applkable Ipw <br />-_§ . r '. ;,�: ::,.�,�� , l.ender sh�ll be entiqed to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedles provided la this paragraph Zl, <br /> 4..':'�.:����;�p, , � including,but not lim{ted to,reasonable attorneys'fees and cosls of tille evldence. <br />-- �'''i`�'����"`•`�� If the wer of sak is invoked.7Fustee shall record u nolice of defaWt in each county in whkh any part af the <br /> w-� 1 '�,a;eh�:,`t'G'r:'ii!�-�c P� <br />,.,�a : ; .:,,��;;�,...y., .:t;, PropeMy is located and shall muil rnpies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicAble IAw to Borrower end to <br /> • • the other persons prescribed by applicAble law Aiter the time required by Appl(cable law.7Fustee shall give pu61k <br /> �` '��r� ' notice ot saM to the persons and in Ihe manner prescribed by applics�ble Is�w. 'I�ustee.withaut demand on Horrower. <br />,`�.. • . - <br /> ��.'�� . ���`� ?.�: � shall sell the Properly al public Auction to the highest bMder at the Hme and place and under lhe terms deslgnated In - <br /> �� :,�i+aVi,M,,:.,.:,_.�., . <br /> the notke of sale In one or mare purcels and in any order 71�ustee determines. 7Yuslee may pastpane sale ot aN ar any _. <br /> 7.' ; :r .. . , ,�� I A <br /> :��;; , parcel of the Property by publir announcemeot At the time and place of any prevlausly scheduled sale. l.ende�or Ils <br /> ',; `r '' ,., designee may purchase Ibe Properly at eny sale. _ <br /> • Upon receipt aP payment of Ihe prire bid,7Yustee shall deliver to the purchaser 7lruxtee's deed conveying ihe — <br /> " ' '+ . ...��;?:.'��.~ property. The recilals tn the 71�uslee's deed shall be prfma facie evidence of the truth uf the statements made thereln. <br />'_:,� L� � �'.;;:.�� . 71�ustee ahall npply Ihe proceeds oi Ihe sele la the following order. la►lu all cuvt�and expenses oP exerctsin�lhe power = <br /> �� ����;.;.,r;. . <br /> �:li-`.� �1''' .a1!::i1),;. , _ <br />, • '` . •.�' <br /> ���1 �, :�I'.�''A•'` � � � _� <br /> _ �I. �;� ��' Q <br /> S� �_; _ <br /> �E: , - <br /> .��j�;, ' .! . . , - <br /> "b . - <br /> 1 h:..i �' � .� . . + I <br />;��.v � � Fa�mAl28 9�9Y qwi�s��In�prsi .� <br />. 'T. � i <br />.�+',w �� }' '•. .. � •.,.�• H p - -. <br /> .{ � � '+ — <br /> f F- .,.\l. � � , `. <br /> 1`r1. . . <br />. . '1 i . .. . � . . . .. a•.3b�;,!:.TA=..... .._::.fFw`:'*.7A*�➢.1�J.7T.:;" .',e:$�A�`���--- �7�}{.,�,�i ------ ��- <br />. ••� �. .... .^, . . . . '. ,.L ��'�.ry,^ZLf.SC:%�F9.1'�a���.LL..�.�_. <br /> A , t t ���� <br /> � <br /> ,� Y <br /> � ' .. ,, ., � '- <br /> ' ' a--�41F1 !�}t T tJt1 -t 1� L�r. �'. <br /> , r,.. = • .. . � 1 .* .•1 .riy . -_ <br /> ' .. .A • ' ' __ � _ <br />�..t� �1_�1'�_' ,.._; "-_ .. �___._' ". ..... . . . . .. . .....»_ . �.•r,.nL?.�_�.��r�l '!Lf,.f�._.if '�a"�.�s����.�.�—__' <br />� .-�^lf{- � .�� �--.�_'--.-'. ._.. . . . � . . . ... ._ ... ' -- rs'`'- •-� -- ••�.'..-, S..q _ <br /> '; � ' , . , . .' ' ��.�,, ..�,���� <br /> $','_r: ..� �' � • , • t* _ .�.....:;: _ �I+RG: <br /> �ti� .!.• . •. .. . ��at <br /> §4}a <;n°: , . "'' tl-. _ . �'�. . �� 'r { � `t�~��� <br /> .• �}d;/ d`fl. r. • r '.i�r � . -� . . 'f�� -1Tr � z� ! . � -nii, i*1/t r <br /> r � � , , .11���.l Z ..�•! , • '',, � t �-�1 i c <br /> p i�' -�_•�r'�.;,�fr"p��� �I'� � i����\[�r� . ��S,.t,i�t�}I . , 4�1�� -- �i`- � ��- �- E f <br /> }��Ei' � t��qR. � `�(k�tt�C',`i��;ri i��+,..1E'1� i)�F. .. ���� � y �•'�' ;�,,ii� �1 `l . . . . 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