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, � . _ r <br /> • �F.� � <br /> . ��( .. ,_ . , . , a . . .. . �N�, ,� '�� ... �.••�„Pa.:.,,��,'-.o- . <br /> —:_.Y�S�•. . - r K <br /> . _ �..� . � . . . . � q. . . ..Y. , ���-' <br /> , <br /> . . - .. . . � � .-�r <br /> ���C�iu iW0�RO'VN�it IIOW Of�R4TlIbC10d G11111R p(O�NHy►.Mld� �IYfa11MiCM� '`,:- <br />_ _- - -- � �ud iiiqura uav ot here�s piut of d�e Ail��W�dQitl��11�o b�dtl�seoaeiq► �- — <br /> u -nJ L ■�r..�.r �1..wp�� <br /> �. !W w���w��� •����Yrl����N1� s��Myw , ' �. <br /> BORROVYBR OOVBN/1N'1'S dw 8aeo�er i�taqdbUy�ef�ed d the ett�te betoby ooaveYed and!w tbe ri{�io�at <br /> ���,�y� ���e p�p�t y i��c�a�e d.e�o e p t f a a�u m b�a�ot ireoord. Barnwer w�r�M��ad ° <br /> wUl defad�dtk a the Propmty+�inst all claim��nd denwndti� w�n9 a�cuntbnnoa o��voa�d. <br /> THIS sFCUR17Y 1NS7"RUMBNT oom6in� w�ifana oacbnrats tor mt�aW uia aid nai�uaitam oov�nMW wilr _ <br /> � � wpitaa jwisdlctjon w con�dtute.unirorm.ecu�lty in�aumau covarin�rrau propatr• � <br /> UMIFORM COVBNAN7'S. Bonawer�nd Lendacovaunt nd�roe�folWw�: when due the <br /> l. Pqyaait ot Pri�clp�l�nd Intere�ti�W1�M+�Late CM�rsa. Hrnmwar�ull P�PUY MY <br /> �;�af u�d inte�est on�he debt avidenced by the Notc�ad anY pnp�yma�t u�d l�tc chiuger duo under the Notc. <br /> Flpnd�tar'l�e��ad Iaarance. Subject w�pplic�ble law or to�writtm w�lver by Lender,Bomower�11 p�y w <br /> Ldider on the day monthly p�ymen�s�re due under�hc Nou�undl thc Noto i� pdd in fi�ll.a sum("Punds")for.(a)ye�rly <br /> - tjucex�nd�sescmeate which may atWa piority over this Securi Instrument as a Uen on the PropeetY.(b)yrarly Iea�ehold <br /> ----- -- p��a girowd na�ts m tUc Propc�ty. if�ny: (c) Y�Y�a ProPd4► �P�"�u�: (d) corly flood <br /> -- in premiwas. if any; lel yeaaly moq��gc insurancc prcmiums.i� any: ad t��nY � WY� bY �wu to <br /> Leader ia�coord�nca with the pra�visions of panigraph 8,in lieu of the paytnent af mo�t�age insurnnco p�niums. 71kso <br />�:��� items ane eallod"F.scrow I1em�:' IGeader rtwy.�t smy�me.coilect and hold Ponda in an anwunt not to exooed tAe roaxioaum <br /> - = pmouru a lender for u federAlly�el�ted matgngc loaa rnay require for Elarowa�escr�w account under the federal R,ail . , <br /> ' Baute Settlement Pnocedu�s Act of 1974 as ameoded from lime w time.l2 U.S.C.$26Q1 er seq.("RI:SPA"),unless�uotlicr , <br />"�=.':, � law tFut applies to the W�sets a leaser Amaunw If so,l,ender may.+u any dme.coqect�nd lwid t�nds in an amount not to <br />- - __ exc.�l the k�+er x+na�nt. I.ender may estim�te the wmouat of FLnds due on d�e basis M cwtie+it d�aud rta�awbk • <br /> � - �— � estimates af expenditures of fuwrc Fscruw[teias ar utlierwise u+accwdance alth applieakle law. <br />���•,�i�r�r�;�a�,� ,-��. 7Ue Funds shaU be held ir� ;�n institudan whose deposits�u+e insured by a federal agency.instnunentality,or entity <br /> :;�k�1�8���_ - (including Lender,it l.ender is surh an Instatutia�a)or in eny Fedrral Home t.oan Benk. l.ender shall apply 1he FLnds ta pay <br />`"?1�'?��-I the Escrow Items. 1.ender may nat charge f�c+mawer for holding and uQptying the FLnds. annually:uu�fy:Jng the escrow , <br />-;���• J' accoum. or verif�vrag the Bscrow Items, ualess Lender pays Borrower in�t�r�st on the Pbnds and law permits <br />;r.�s� -- — Lender to make such a chuge. Hawsver,Lender mayreq uire Borrower u<<r�ay A one-time charge fur a�o independeru rad .`, <br />;::� e9taz�uuc r�eporting servlca used by I.ender in eonnecdon with ihis Ioan.unJess applicuble lew provides othtrwlse. Unless an . '�,�,,: <br />_%� aptreement is mode ar applicab]e luw rcquirea interest to be paieJ.Lendcr,shall not be rrquired to pay Sdrtower any inten�st ar ' �'-'': <br />_:���� etun�regs on the Fluid.g. Borrowe�and i.cnder may agrec in writing,howevcr,that interest slwll be pa►d on 1he Funds. Lcnder ''`�, — <br /> r,�;;y;y� ahali give ro Bom►uver,wilhouf s+nnua� arcoumdng oi tiie Fwnds,showing credits and detrits�to'Ihe FLnds and thc , <br /> -- purpose for whieh each debit to.the Wnds wa�a�ade. The Funds are pledged as additional secutity for all suma secwed by <br /> �Wis Scrudty InstrumcnG � ��i., <br /> It Ihe Funds held by Lender exceCd the snwunts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to <br /> :-,,o,i, �.;Bc�rrowe�for the excess FLnd.c ir+uccordance with the tequirements ot applicabie iaw. 1i the umuuot uf ilie FLnds i�td by • - <br /> Lender at any dme is not sufticleni to puy ihe Escrow Iteme when due,Lender muy so notify Barrower in writing.end,in <br /> ' �j such case BoROwer shull pay to Lender ti�c amount necessary to meke up tt�e deticiency. Borrower shall make up the , <br /> 'n,: f . deficiency in no more than twelve mrmthly Lender�s sole discretion. � <br /> �"�.�; .�,�.,,.,t,;; Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Secu�ity instrument,L.ender shall prompdy refund w Borrower any <br /> �`;..��-�'_•� . : • . Funds held by l.ender. If,under paragrnph 21,L.ender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisition or <br /> �• �' �-�°- ^ ;�+"�"�' sele of the Property.shall apply any Funds hald by Lender at �he �ime of acquisition or eala a�a credit againsl the�ums <br /> °_� � secured by this Security Inewment. <br /> ' r' . . ,�.���` . cy, 3. Applkatbn ot Payments. Unless upplicaMe law provides otherwise.all paymeMs received by L.cnder under <br /> ��_�,•.��.�»..+q�;q, '" pareg�ephs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note; amaunts payable undcr <br /> � =�•�� '�! parag►aph 2;third,to interesl due;fourth,to principal due;and Iast,tu uny late chsuges due under thc Note. <br /> � :'���•�:`��`.`:''��"`'� � 4. Chorges; Lkna. Borrowcr shull pay all toues,assessmcnts,chsuges,�nes and impositbns atuibuWble to thc <br />" •d�i",`;�;; ���,�: Property which may attain prioriry over this Securlty Instrument,and leuschold paymentc or ground renls, if any. Bortower _ <br />'�� '��t�s�;;�;;�r,?"•,u�••s. shall pny�hesc obligntfons in the manner provided in puragroph 2,or if not puid in thut munner.Borrowcr shall puy them on _ <br /> P'��•'� '�S'�.:'-,ti time directly to the person owed puyment. Borrower shull promptly furnish to l.ender all no�ices of umounts�o be paid under — <br /> ; h'��!���;"� this parsigraph. If Borrower makes these payments direedy.Bortower shA41 promptly furnixh io I.ender receipts evidencing ¢ <br /> �: par <br /> . ��.�:. . ,, the payments. � <br /> ' � `.� Borrower shall promptly di�charge uny lien which hat prioriry over�his Security Inswment unless Borrower:(n)agrees ^ <br /> , � r'! . ,'. , , in wri�ing to the pnyment of thr obligation secured by�he lien in u munner aeceptable to L.ender,(b1 contests in goad faith�he _ <br /> •�•`• lien by,or defends ngains�enforcement of tfie lien in,le�al proceedings which i�the Lendzr's•opinion operate to prevent the -' <br /> �. `„ . <br />: ��; �-��� � ' enforcement of the lien;or(c)aecures from ihe holder of Ihe lien an agreement sutisf�ctay to Lender subordinating the lien r <br /> : �. . H%y:° ar:�'t•.._"�; _.: ir., <br /> , ,,�_'�,' •ti� to this Security Inswmenl. If Lenckr de�ermines �hat any part of the Pro�+cn}• i�rubject ta a lieei which muy attain priority __ <br />_�" � °� over this Security Inswment,Lencicr may give Borrower a nwke identitying Ihe licn. BoROwer shall sa�isfy 1he lien or take _ <br /> • one or more of the actions set fort-h ubove wi�hin 10 dnys of the giving of notke. _ <br /> -���,.,. �,• ', S. Haz�rd or Property Insurance. Borrower shnll kcep the improvemeMS nox existinF c�r hereafter erected on the = <br /> �! ' � ; �. �� �� "' Hvperry insured ngainst loss by�re,hazards included wi�hin�he�erm"extended covera�e"ua►d s+ny other hnzards,including ; <br /> (�� ' ' � � ftoods or floodi�, for which Lender requires insuronra This insurrncc shal{ be mainwined in thc amounts and for tha � <br /> r <br /> ':�.�' � , .•��+' • � Farm 3YIB 9N0 pw+Re 1 oje pnge:l ¢ <br /> 'M• <br /> A ' � 1 = <br /> i �" ' , • - <br /> 'i},• .� - <br /> - i � .�1`�`'���'`�y. `� K li. " - ^Nri'".T1`�i,.il�'1'YF.�'��i�i�f3SO�g� - ---,—[: <br />. �t .1�, � r• } . J�'' tii�' 1 ''�- , - ^ . ��:�r;��j'1�11. -aonar��rmva�.u+•._ <br /> ''Ct , 'i���4�• ._' {t . ,f' '� � 1,4` � �,.}a�;;�r;�:�.� - . " . <br /> ti � �}��j� ,V�� + ' . .. .� . . . -., )'. � �{Crd ���"�'c . � ���_- <br /> . , . <br /> ... r <br /> : .�.. . <br /> > v , � - <br /> � _ . , , �y�rt. r�,y.:::: '1�. � . ' � WSS_'.�� ---- <br /> . . <br /> , � <br /> . _ , <br /> . , �'.,�} . �.: <br /> =� f.i1�!ii3�4s4!:+AL .k��� � . _.(.;'..�.�.......-...`._..---_'��:_—_�___._� .•i��.u...,.._��...14�' �•�S� - --s --- <br /> -- w ro' <br /> •;� > > x , �... ,. ��(tiYrr�----;------- - .._.. ----. 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