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<br /> r IF Lxnder requircd man��Qe insur�nce u �condition of making the Iwn secured by thi�3ecurity Inslrumrnt. _
<br /> '�� ,, ,�;',:�� B�naower shall p�y the p�emwms�equ�red to mRintain�he insurance in eRect until�uch�ime as the requiroment for the
<br /> .° " ' ' insunnce terminnes in�ccordance with Borrower'sand I.ender's w�itten ag�eemmt�r�pplic�ble Lw. �.__�___
<br /> � �-- 0, la�p�ctloa, l.ender or iu a�ent m�y rn�ke�wwnable rntnes upon And fnspcctions of the Property.I.ender �_ ---� �r. -.
<br /> • ;� .. '�' ,� :: �• �hall�ive Bonower�otice at tha tima of or priar to�a inspeclion�pecifying�ea�on�blecau�e for the impection. —_
<br /> • , 9. Caudeianudon. The proceed�af any award or clrim for dpmaga,di�ect ar conuquenU�l,in connxtian with � �"'"`!�°%�:e=�":a�,;�
<br /> ��:y�� "�;° u�y condemnRtion or ocher taking oP any pan of ihe Propeny,or for conveyance in lieu oP condemn�tion,are hereby r .�11����� -�.''� ''-
<br />�. � '` . . Awi�ned And shall be ptid to Lender.
<br /> ��>,:--°--
<br /> � In the event of a total twking of the Property. the proceeds shwll be upplied to the sums axured by this Security �.Mi___
<br /> , "�� Inctrument,ahether or not then due,with any axeecs paid to Borrower, In Ihe event of a p�rtial uking of the Property. .,�....�_-_
<br /> unles�Horrower md Lender otherwise agra in wriling,theauma Kcurcd by[hia Seceriry lnstrummt atu�ll be reducad by E-�� _ _ --�_
<br /> • ' ' the�mount of the praeeda multipliod by the following fraction:(a)the total amount of the sums sccured immodiately v;���,�—��;
<br /> '�"" bePore the taking,divided by(b)the iii�muket v�lue d'the Propeny immedwtely beioxe the takir�.Any balsnce�hsU be �__
<br /> pa�id to Borrowcr. ..
<br /> lf the Pro riy is�bu�doned b Horrower.or if,after notice b Lender to Borcower that�he condemnar ofl'en to • �. ' ' ���5'',
<br /> pe y Y ';•'.?:::,t:;j '.r.�,•,:;.
<br /> `�;'�;'.':�':.�� � m�ke an awa�d or settk a cl�im f�r damages.Borroae�f�ils tQ respond to Lrnder within 30 days aAer the date the noticx is 7'r�:.;_,,;,.�r.�:' :y,.fr�}ok�,•�:
<br /> ,,'��Y�• •.:;/,t,...�: �..�. 6� PE' P � Y �r�•�},;,.•.>:;� �:1:..•;. .,
<br /> �' *%4��;1��;C?�;:�:•`.,�;�' � tatlus ms•secu ed hyth,aSecuntycln.nrumen��whe herornatthendue�.eithe��o�atarntionorrepairoSthePr rt or ` r{'''''�I:'',r;,� �y'�,�.,.!,,,
<br /> �I � c' ,��t��.�,���y
<br /> , .�_ � � �1 1 \�. S WtI�EO[L :••
<br /> ' .'r ;;"'';i•`� �:'��S�'��, �� '��� Unless LendEt Ar�a1 Hortower otherwise ag�•te in woi�ting.any application of praeeds to principnl shall no1 extr�cl or J�, �,� ,ti?����.�.
<br /> �.�. . x.,,, � rv,�.,...;�� �' .
<br />:;;�.:.,; . r �
<br /> •,.�:� �',.�';`' ' "I•��'� posrpane the duedatenf the�aonthly paymen�s refirred to in paragraphs l and 2 or chAnge the aQnouns of auch payments. �,;,t.,��,�;,,.;;:.�;
<br /> `� `" t'��},�� :�;7`��y.') l0. Barrower N�t I��lea�ed: �'or�araa�e By Uend•er Not a V�'Aiver. ��te»sion ot'the time far �vment ar (����' ' ��' ''��pS°!°�,`-�z---='
<br /> . � � � �,�, P . ,. � _ ,. �tLliltl6��
<br /> �'<<;'�'.��:. �.F',,1�(�.,t:;!:��,�;i:•it�;i:y;.l�. �raadifics►tion a3 amoniaation of'��e sums secured b�this Secur�n l�staument gpanttd t+y Ltnder ta any succtssor i� ���,•;,�±-
<br /> '�' �' �':��`, �s�� -'�i r� `� ;� ;,,l��� ,�t interest af Borrawe r shaDl not operate aa release the lnability of the oraginnJ Borrowet or Borrower i successors in interest. „ c=�,,. ,
<br /> . � i t i,;ll _ i, -- �.Ji. .. _^� .
<br /> ,,�}, �;t,.;,,�,,,,;; ;. L�mder sAall not be roquirM to commence procadinga against any successor in interest or refuse ro eatend time for
<br /> • ��: -: payment or otherwiae modify amonization af the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reaaon of any demand made r.-,•�;�,.�,�t`�
<br /> ' by Ihe original Horrower or Borrower's successors in interest,A�y forbearance by l.ender in eaercising any right or remedy , , __
<br /> � shdl not be�waiver oior preclude the eze�cise of any right or ramedy. � • �•� �
<br /> 11. 5uccewan�ud Aat�u Bound;Jolnt wd 3e�enl Lhbilltyt Cu-�IQaen. The covenonts and agreements of �,�.�..,,�;
<br /> . , u
<br /> thi�Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the wecessore and assigns of l.e�der and Borrower.wbject to the provisiona ��.�+•�«�:.'.��.�
<br /> _ — . -' oipaingrsph i7.Bc�rruwer's wtienonia�nd agre�mrnis shall b=ja:nt aed sesrrsl.Assy�orrower who casigna thia ce�curiry r�:�::,u�-,,�•a�:_ - - - -
<br /> iA�T.+��
<br /> � I��trument but does not e�ecute the Note:(a)ic co-signing this Secunty Instrument anly to morlg�ge,�ranl nnd convey �s
<br /> ' ^ thu Borrower's interest in Ihe Prpperty under the�erma�f thii Secun�y Instrument;lb)is not penonrlly obligated to pAy �`� - "�-'"�`-'�
<br /> , tbe sum:secured by this Security Instrumenr and(c)agras that Lender and any aher Borrower mpy agra lo eatend, � - _
<br /> � �' modify,forba�or m�ke arty occommodotions w�th regwrd to the terms of this Secuncy Instrumrnt or tl�e Note without ��� r�''• �
<br /> .�• . .ati�,_
<br /> • th�l Borrower's consrnt. �''�`;:,�'':�.'''�"�"'�`
<br /> � ' 12. I.o�n G1urQes. lf the laan securod by this Secunly Instrument is subject to a law which sets mauimum loan """'�";
<br /> �•'.;.x~`: ,
<br /> p � ehaga, and that low is flnally �ntetpreted so thot the in�erat or other loan chorges collected or to be collectod in
<br /> connection with the loan excad the permitted limitc,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br /> • necessary to reduce the eharge to the permitted limit;and Ib)any sums already collated from Borrower which exceeded
<br /> c oose to meke this rcfund b rcducin the princi 1 owed �
<br /> permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower.Lender may h Y B Pp �
<br /> under the Note or by making a direct payment lo Borrower.lf a refund reduces pnncipal,the reduction will be treoted as a I ,
<br /> partial prepayment without any prepsyment chArge under the No�e. ,
<br /> ' ' � 13. I.egitl�doa Af�ectlng I.ender's Rlgl�b. IP enartment or eapiration of applicable laws has the eff'ect of �, . �• _
<br /> ! ., ,�,V_.
<br /> , �� ��,;;''.',; • rendering any provislon of the Note ar this Securi ty 1 nstrument unenforceable accordmg to its terms,Lender,at i�s option, ;';,, ' +�;4:•.:_
<br /> • f�'��� ' �� m�y require immedUte payment in full of all sums secured by this Secunty Instrument and may invoke any remedies . ,�,�:;_.:r_
<br /> . � :,ly.:!;:;'�
<br /> �,,��;.•,;��, pennitted by paragraph 19.If Lender exercises thisoptian,4ender shaU take the steps specifled in the sceond paragreph of .• . °;Ati E,:
<br /> . i. '•'•�''";�<<��•� PstaBroph l7. ,, , ,, �...
<br /> . „ �,.,_
<br /> �, '�.�`;"�, ,� 14. Nodces. Any notice ta Borrawer provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by , .
<br /> �..",,� . ,
<br /> � j. • ."`'. ���:�� mailing it by fint clus mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The nouce shall be directed to the r � '��•
<br /> �'� ' ' Property Addras or any other address Borrower designates by notice�o Lender. Any notice ta Lender shall be given by � ""'' •.,.,,�,:'_'.''
<br /> � •• . fint class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designaies by natice to Borrower.Any notice ! • • �'+'�'
<br /> �,isr�z;;�!,-;..
<br /> � � ' provided for in this Sauriry Ins[rumem shall be damed t a have been grven to Borrowe r ar Lender when given as provided i `'`'•tis�.'f-
<br /> inlh'tsperagraph. r �.., ,•,
<br /> • , 1S. Gqyerning Law;Se�erwbiliry. 'I'his Secunty Instrument shall be governed by kderal law and the law of the `
<br /> � � jurisdiction in which Ihe Property is located.In tAe event�hat any provis�on or clause of this Secunty Instrument or the ;
<br /> � Note conflicts with applicable law,such conflict xhall not aff'ect o�her proviti�ons�if ihis Secunty Instrument or�he Note
<br /> , ; which can be given cNbct without the conflictmg �rovis�on.To this end the provision�of thic Secur�ty Instrument and the �
<br /> .� Note arc declared tobe severnble. j
<br /> � 16. Borrovrer'e Copy. Borrower shall begnen cmc conformed rupy�c�f the Nate and of this Secunty Instrument.
<br /> ' � 17. Tronsfer of the Property or o HeneflriAl Interest in Borroaer. If ull�ir uny part of the Propeny or any �
<br /> � interest m n�s sold nr trnn+ferred(or�f a benefic�al m terest m Hnrruwer�.tiuW ur tr:�n�ferred and Qorrower is nnt a nawrel
<br /> person)wuhout Lender'r prior written runtiem, Lender rnay,at�l�opnun,reqwrc immediale payment�n full of nll sums
<br /> secured by th�s Secunly Instrument. Nowever, thiti ��pu�m tihall n�t he eaercned h}• l.ender d exerc�u�s prahibited by
<br /> federal law as nf th e date of t his Secuntv Inst rument.
<br /> If Lender e xere�ses th�s opnon,Lender�h s�ll gi�e Horcuwer ni�uce of�rceleration.The nMice shall prov�de a penad
<br /> of not less thon 30 deys from the date the ncit�ce iti delivered or ma�led K•uhin a•hich dormwer must pay all sums secured by
<br /> _ .ti��CP,�unr.In�irumrn� If Horrower fads tu nnv ihese sums pnor i���he cap�rntion of thn penod,Lender may�nvoke any
<br /> remed'Ies permiped by this tiecunty Instrumenl vvnhou�funher noUce��r drmand�m Horrower.
<br /> 18.@orro�►er's Right to Relnstate. I(Rorrower meets certam rondiunnti. Borrower tihall heve the nght to have
<br /> enforcement of this Secunry Instrument disconunued at any nme pnnr tc,the earlserof lal S days(or such other penod as
<br /> applicable law may sperify for remstatementl hefore sal�of the Propert} pursuanr tn am �wer of tiale contamed in this
<br /> ,, Secuntq Insttument,or(bl entr} of a�udgment enfnrcing th�s 5erunn lnstrumem T'fitne:c�nC�u:ms are that Borrower:
<br /> � .�� •. (al pays Lender dU sums w�hich then would he due under this Stcunt� (nstrumrnt and tfie tiote had no accelerauon
<br /> �'�� �''�' ' acurred; (b) cures any default af any other:o�enants or agreementti. <<► pa}�ti all ea�xnses incurred m enforc�ng this
<br /> j,: �'�,;;�;�,;'�;':'„ 5ecurny Instrumeni.includ�ng. but not Lmned to, reasonable uttorneys' fees.and Id�taketi tiuch ac�wn as�.ender mny
<br /> � � ' reasonably reqwre�o assure that the lien of this Secur�t� lnstrument. Lender'ti n�hts �n the Propertg an� Dorrower's
<br /> ' � ; �'��t�. '.��•'��,�1,�'�-��� �� obligauon to pa}• the sums secured by this Securuy Instrument shall cunnnue unchanged. Upon remslatemenl by
<br /> ���..
<br /> � 'r .'��-;;�.,�' ,�.`;��:%;,�,: : Borrower,th�s Serunty Instrument and the ubligaucros secured hereby shall rema�n fu lly eSecuve as if no acceletauan had
<br /> � ; �' � �"'-' �ti�• aeutred,However,this nght to reinstate shall n��apply in the case of acce!erauon under paragraphs 13 or 17
<br /> , ;�.: ,•
<br /> '�,, • ,"�,.�,�:1 i
<br /> � • , • ' ,, '
<br /> '�{
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br /> � _ - -
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