� „�... � ' a.i"i�.� r��(ti�%�n�-'(1b)4 .»: ..4. �:r . , . ..�. ` �'— _
<br /> �^ , .e�,41+X Sf�} .z, � . � w�,.l.x5�4.tr-�.- _ . - . .-f.�_. -
<br /> �--r.•
<br /> ..
<br /> - ��,..,v...... .-__ - _
<br /> '
<br /> � 4 _—__
<br /> '.+1�f��f�� ' — -
<br /> �•
<br /> ' ._��..��....r..a+r�—�.u�.����—'"rr..r��w.�_.. �� - . ..��yg..i.��...�:.. �.�... �_ .
<br /> ' iiFfei��.��.--
<br /> �1. •
<br /> � � �� • 91- 1028;�`� --
<br /> t =�y;� e �ither in p�r�on or by aqont, with or without brinqing eny aakion
<br /> " , '��"�° ��' ' or proa��ding, or by a racoiver eppointod by a Court end without rwgerd to tho _-
<br /> '��-�`'�' �'r� ' ed�quaaY of ito e�aurity, enter upon end trake poewaoeio� of the Truot �pteta,
<br /> or ony part thoreA£, in ite own neaw or in tho neme of Truotse, end do eny ,t, . ,__^„_,,,,
<br /> � '� �T _� acta which it dewne neaeeeary or deoirebla to preoarve tho value, ti�:�1. -
<br /> {.�,;,,:_::_'',�_
<br /> markotebility or reotability of the Trust Eetete, ur pert theroof or interoat `_
<br /> � ; thezain, increeae tha income therefcom or protoat the security hereof, and _
<br /> with os without teking poesession of the Trust Bstate, eue for or otherwise
<br />�r. -.' ��� collect the rente, iseuea and profits thereof, including thoee past due and �__�_�
<br /> unpaid, and apply the same, lesa coste and expensee of operation and �����, x...
<br /> � - T � collection, including attorney'a fees, upon any indebtednees aecurad hereby, ��''__,,_;,�,;�,_�,,;i�,•_•��
<br /> � ,,�, � all in auch order as Beneficiary rnay deternnine. The entering upon and taking _ ^ " "�T`� _.
<br /> � - possession of the Trust Eatate, the collection of such rents, feaues and _ -
<br /> ,, �:;� �.,,,� ;,;�,.�,,, profits end the applicat�nn thereof ae aforesaid, shall not cure or waive aoy � _
<br />' •�;' ; •�:�,,t.,. � , •i; default or notica af default hereunder or invalidate any ect d�ne ia reaponse �'!`.. . .
<br /> '',�°;�_,� � to such default or pursuer�t to such notice of default and, notw3thsta�ding the � . ~ :.�,L�,_
<br /> ' '�;��k;"�;; •': .°�r,�. V continuaace in Possession of the Trust Eatate or the collection, receipt and 4,,.;,.„�'' "� � �
<br /> t•�... �
<br />+�''�' �• ';;�, • .;;:i application of rents, issues or profits, Trastee or Be�eficiary shall 6e ��;,:• �
<br /> . ����-
<br /> ' " :<<., entitled to exercise every right provided for in any of the Loen i�atruments ,: j, ' '.,.�{t_.
<br /> :t��•� ;�:�� • ::, or by law upon occurrenco of any event of default, including the right to �,}..�^, (,,�;.:'.,._�_�.-
<br /> " Qxercise the pawer of sale; '''�' ,���`�°�'��`�_ �
<br /> '- 4..,+if{�;s�. ' .,ti'�.�,r, , �� 1!�nVz�,�;
<br /> ' '�;:���:yi. ' �4'r w,w.�ac'"'.��t.
<br /> s:,:::�>>ir;?•s • (b) C�twc�ence an actio� to f�reclose this Uee�d of Trust as a moxtgage, ;;,:.,;;`��_..� �
<br /> r��.!!i.:".., ..���.
<br /> �� +•.'.�;�,;«;..�p.r.:ti�:v' appoint a receiver, or specificaliy enforce any of thF covenants hereof; _ ._.
<br /> �:�••:�.:.,s., .�,�_.� !'�':Yrrun��t�.:------.
<br />, � .ilj�rr,.:�::�1E,.;lr.(4.:,f: ��iy/�I_$}�al��A�#�'�.r"a`=[s
<br /> 't'�4"•�`�`���r.;;�"�'"'`� (c) Deliver to Trustee a written declaration of default and demand for '•:•;�:r,�^i��, :u+�-::--w-��
<br /> � f'�ilr;::<t;:l�s;.,��,�f';!;'':'' t;:•.�..�.:;:-_:R.
<br /> �-��-•-��'?�; ���� -�� sale, and a written notice of default and election to cause Trustor'e interest �;i3fy.�s�•� ,�si ,, f�,,,
<br /> �r '!'>i;�`'"'�:f ��r�>'� which notice Trustee shall cause to be duly ;;,,,�+�{��'rtii,��""==`�'
<br /> ' • '! .�,5�;�{vY�(�,;+'�K;j�;t,i•�;�:%;� in the Trust Estate to be sold. F ,;SU.. tiaU�:-=•==-`�`.
<br /> filed for record in the appropriate Official Recorde of the County in which ,,,�,.�,�..:n,t-_ �.
<br /> ��1 ���% • '1,`•...; .,� l.:...
<br /> ,� ,�, ;�:�
<br /> ,�,�,1,�� f�1,�lf .; t,h� Tntst fiatate is l�ated. �'
<br /> — - ��,�.,�tu.,, ,, ��� - —
<br /> • " " �,-,{.,;,�':f�° ,_.''� 7,1� FpgECt,pgUltE gy pOWER OF sAt,L• �hould Hene£i�iary elect ta . _ _
<br /> , rs�f 7; �.��,;� � ,,�. ��'*��•*r�-_--
<br /> �,,,. , .�_; 3it`? foreclose by exere se o t e Power o 8ale herein contained, Beneficiary sha�l �����_
<br /> .;�,� : � notify Trustee and ahall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Note �,��;�:,r,�-=-
<br /> �� '�' " and such receipts and evidence of expendituree made and secured hereby as • ... ---
<br /> � � °��� � Trustse may require� �' �°�y
<br /> ,',='a;.y17�r.m:���
<br /> � � Truetee shall cause � �� �� ��'�
<br /> , . (a) Upon receipt of such notice from Beneficiary, ' � '�','��-----
<br /> � • to be recorded, published and delivered to Trustor such Notice of Default and •.•.±,�e:�•__-
<br /> r.�:j����ltiR.
<br /> • Notice of Sale as then required by law and by thie Deed of Trust. Trustee �-
<br /> . p � shall, without demand on Trustor, after such time as may then be requized by k ��•""'�` ` '��,t'r—
<br /> law and after recordatfon of such Notice of Aefault and after Notice of 3ale � -�--•
<br /> = ` �'' � having been given as required by law, se?1 the Truet Eetate at tho time and , ;�;�::�;k�`
<br /> , � '',� place of sale fixed by it in euch Notice of Sale, either as a whols, or in � • � � �:l< ,_
<br /> separate lots or parcels or items ae Trustee ahall deem expedient, and in such ,
<br /> . ,,� ' order as it may determine, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash,
<br /> � *:,:,� ; ,. in lawful money of the United 3tates, payable at the time of sale. Trustee
<br /> ..�?�;"�,-. ' shall deliver to such purchaser c�r purchasers thexeof, its good and sufficient � , r��,
<br /> � �' •'�••• ' deed or deeds, conveying the property so sold, but without any covenant or • _.,,-�.V,�;
<br /> '�M1i.. .. . .-\.•I.�.
<br /> •,•,':.'.��' ;_ ry;;` ;;. warranty, exprese or implied. The recitals in such deed of any matters or � . , ,:._�
<br />` ' `���U%i�,3.. '��:. :,.'�;' facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Any person, , . .
<br /> ''`�S� ' 1'� ' i�cluding, without limitatior�, Truetor, Trustee, and Heneficiary, may purchase . �ti__..-
<br /> '�;�•�A�11•r.'.-:. �- '��. � 1 ''.,.. •.V:'.
<br /> :•:�� ,,;: ;,: i,,l.,,, at such sale, and Trustor hereby covenants to warrant and defend the title of < < � �?�
<br /> . , �,,':;;,�� + .� .
<br /> such purchaser or purchasers. i � � � ':'�':'�'��"
<br /> � ' (b) ps may be permitted by law, after deducting all costs, fees, ' � �
<br /> � •':• � , expenses of Trustee and of this Tn�st, including coats of evidence of title in
<br />� ;'� ' , connection with sale, Trustee shall apply the proceeds of sale to payment of I
<br /> t' . �•.4� (i) all suma expended under the tertns hereof, not then repeid, with accrued '
<br /> .,.�,.:;., intereat at fourteen (14) percent per annum, (ii) all other sums then secured
<br /> '��•i��`�- hereby, and (iii) the remainder, if any, to the peraon or persons legally i
<br /> entitled thereto. .
<br /> (c) Trustee may, in the manner provided by law, postpone sale of all or ,
<br /> any portion of the Trustee Estate. �
<br /> • 12. RLMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Trustee and Beneficisry, and each of them,
<br /> shall be ent t e to enforce payment and performance of any indebtedness or
<br /> � obligations secured hereby and to exercise all rights and powers under this ,
<br /> npAd of Trust or under any Loan Inetrument or other agreement or any laws now
<br /> . ' � or hereafter in force, notwithstandinq some or aii o= cne suan 1ROtli7�etuliv6o
<br /> : and obligations secured hereby may now or hereafter be otherwise secured,
<br /> ' I whether by mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, lien, aesigrunent or otherwise.
<br /> ` � Neith�r the aece(atanc� of this Deed of Trust nor its enforcement whether by
<br /> ' courC action or pursuarix to the pawer of sale or oth�r powers h2rein
<br /> � contained, shall pr�e�udic� or in any mann�r afg�ct Trustee'� or B�n�ficiary's
<br /> right to realize upon or enforce any oth�r :�ecurity now or her�a�t�r h�ld by
<br /> � Trustee or Beneficiaiy, it being agreed that Trustee and een�ficiary, and each
<br /> ' of them, shall be entitled to enforce this Deed of Trust and an�r oth�r
<br /> � , security now or hereafter held by Beneficiary or Trustee, in such order and
<br /> : � 3
<br /> � I
<br /> , �
<br />