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<br /> ~ � � ....�;r�CY'y�±r'�..��,••Y'�t�FJ.• . _.. .- —_'_.
<br /> � � M''in:l� '�Rs'�r' �I �I :T"u., -----
<br /> ,.� � .,/�,�'�+ xy,..�. . " , ' _,..�----
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<br /> � " � '� TNI3 DEED OF TRUST ie made ae of tho Z-d�Y of , 1991, by and -_-
<br /> � � �usband an w as joint tenanto, �`�-
<br /> ' • • among THQl�lAS N. GALLES and MRRGO L. GALLEB, - T- ---- -
<br /> .`"�' ("TRUBTOR"), whooa mailing addres� ie: 306 south 8hsdy Bon Road, Grand -- ° -----
<br /> ��'� � ' Ialand, N�breoka 68601= � _
<br /> ;M�u:�;�,=_---
<br /> .;.: �, .. E . . ��.�:���.
<br /> ,;r,��`��� ;?� �� � end DOANE A. BUt2N8, Attorney, ("TRUBTEE") , whose mailing addrQa� ie: P• �•
<br />;�;,+�{�;cr;� ��.��;,,�s ,• .,� 2300, Grand Ioland, Nebraeka 68802;
<br />��'�"�'�*,' ���. � and R09ERT J. NIEMANN and JUDITK a. NIE!lANN, huabend and wife (BENEFICIARY"),
<br /> r. ...J.� � .,•. . . ... . --_--
<br />'��•:.���,,r� , ,,:. . whoee meilinq addrees ia: 1501 tiest Louiae street, cirand Island, NE 68801.
<br /> ��� �� 1p`' FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATIOI�, Truator irrevocably tranefers, conveya, end ��''�°��"�'°�
<br /> • ,u�._ �.,.___--
<br /> .:,: �, �,�Sk��:-t':... u. for the benef it and eecurity � :"':`� f;�;�:'.
<br />.i'f�J . k �l���,•�.+J,'.,. asaigne to Truetee, IN TRU3T. WITFi POWER OE' 81WE. �.�-
<br /> of Henaficiary, u�der and subject ta the tei-ms and conditions of this Deed of a• {- �r�` �;".`�:
<br />� K,, .• t`�'�r� :� Truet, the real proparty loce�ted in the County of Hall, state of Nebreska, qr�d �
<br /> j t� ;s�7� ,
<br /> .;� `�• '' -, d ae f�llowa: "Propertyu): ,s `�, «,.
<br /> .�:�:ii� ,�,� ' • •r, � laqally deocriDo (the .����,,�''. , ,��
<br />,�:±t -E�t; .' � R ( ) _ --- ��,=��`.�,
<br /> _ 44�.',�.:L;!'m.:.—:.
<br /> ''' "° � ' ` Lots Twenty-Five (25) and Twenty-six 26 ��,�����tu �
<br /> . , `1,� -�.��--:
<br />;::,;'�;;•�'' � „ . in Saes &econd 5ubdivieion, located in
<br /> ,�S ' � •� �,' Section Fourteen (14), Township Eleven '�'w� ,,�mr�,K...
<br /> ,..'' ` (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the ��[.� 3�;,=
<br /> S,?�" ., „ 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. =, ,,,, _R..,;�;��-.,:_a.�
<br /> �;._
<br /> ' 7'OGETHER WITH all rents, easements, appurtenances, hereditements, ' , ,!��"�
<br />-:�" ���i. ^ intereets in adjoining roada, s�treete andallays, improvemente andbuildings �,�.�:�«
<br /> of any kind aituated thereon and all personal propdrty that may be or "�
<br /> �....
<br /> ;�. �. harQafter beco� an integral part of such buildinga and improvements. • . , r,L;�
<br /> r,; .. �•
<br /> � ° a,.�.
<br /> The property and the entire estate and intereat conveyed to the Trustee (;_;�;�,,,t;�,.�,�-.
<br /> -- , :, , • • are referred to coilectively� u� Lhe "Trust Estata", f;`, _- -=_•=
<br /> ?,{:,�• , i'.�---�_
<br /> �t,t;� , '� � •��.._�..
<br /> FpR 3'i7�. PURPOSE OF SECURING: r -
<br /> ��`�"'=�
<br /> r�:.,,•.? � ••�'��-
<br /> .��r'��� ' + • � a. The purchase price for the property ie FORTY-NINE TEi0U3AND NINE , ,::;�±��..s�
<br /> •• HUNDREp pOLLARS (;49.900.00) . Trustors hereby asaume and agree to pay the , • r��;;�;
<br /> Occidental Nebraska Federal Savinqs Bank mortqage, Document No. 86-107477, � ' �suc,�
<br /> aesigned to Conservative Savings Bank, in the amount of �40,387.30. In •� "''_i_
<br /> '`' . addition, Truetors have paid the Beneficiary a downpayment of �450.00. The � __�=-
<br /> � , . � remaining principal balance is $9,062.70, plue interest of �1,000.00 which ie ��f ,- „ u
<br />`''••� ' � roferred to herein as the indebtedness owed by Truetors to ths Beneficiary. "+���-��`
<br />. �A ���' �1��
<br /> ��i'�i; , b. Payment of indebtedn�ss in the total principal amount of $9,062.70 . �'
<br /> ,I � Y , ,
<br /> `;?�;��1,� , with interest of $1,000.00, as evidence8 by the certain Promissory Note of . . ,
<br /> n,�st<<;•,. . . �
<br /> , ,: even date (the "Note") with a maturity date of / , executed by '
<br /> �•`'"�' ���.: ' ��� Trustor, which has bee� delivered and is payable to ie orc.er of Beneficiary, � � , � , ,'„�,�,;
<br /> ,
<br /> ���i��"•• ' and which by this reference is hereby made a part hereof, a�c3 any and all �' •.`';_�:���t.�'';:'�,::,,�;,
<br /> ' ir��t�1f � 4 ,:, , ';rv�;-;� .,,.
<br /> .. . , i.;>,i f modificat3ors, e�ensians and renewals thereog, and, r{,+�{,�
<br />... .l�; 1�:;:;;'.! • • �...y�•_. ��Ti^f;i'.� 'r
<br /> ' Y.:.�. . . ���
<br /> , ' ��'��• ' c. Payment of all aums Advanced by Be�eficiary to pxotect the Trust �, :;..�.';t;�;,.�r. ,_
<br />.�'';';.. Estate, with interest thereon at the rmte af fourteen (14) pErcent par annum. j:' ,.,"•,;;'�,;..;;,�,�';�"
<br />':...,� ' „ ',Y''_�.aL:1;.�.'._ .
<br /> ' � .�; This Deed of Trust, the P7e�te, and any other instrument given to evidence ; :..�.. J�
<br />- - ar further secure the payment and �erformance of any obligstion ssecured hereby S.• .' . ; .s�a:.p:'�
<br /> • ., , are referred to collectively as the "Loan I�struments". `��• • . . �'-; •
<br /> „ .. ,,, ,
<br /> . . ., ./!;��',�.
<br /> • ' 1. PAYMLNT OF INDEBTEDNESS. Trustor shal: oay w,hen due the principal ����,•:+.�.�,ai,° . �
<br /> end the Occi en a Ne ras a Fe eral Savings BAnk �lortgage payments �r.�l � �•'
<br /> interest or. the indebtedness evidenced by the No:.e and al l atfi�er suzns as ' ���'���`
<br /> ' �, ..,:�.
<br /> I provided in the Loan Instruments. ����"'�'':;'�`,i
<br /> I 2. TAILES. Trustor shall pay eac�: i nstellment of ail :.axos as:d special ;,���
<br />� assessments �every kind, now or herea�Ler levied against the Trust E�tate or �,,����� „
<br /> any part hereof, before delinquency, without notice or demand, and s::a21 .. ,
<br /> provide Beneficiary with evidence of ihe payment of same. Trustor �h.a�1 pay � •
<br /> i a11 taxes and assesements which may be Ievied upon Beneficiary's interest
<br /> _ � herein or upon this Deed of Trust or the debt secured hereby, without regard ,
<br /> �C �4� uLwiw n�1 wfY1
<br /> � - � - to any Laa that may de enactea impoaii�y �y«��•� �� �••� -•.�_� --• �-.. �--_ ,
<br /> • thereof upon the 8eneficiary.
<br /> 3. INSUEtANCE AND RBPAIR5. Trustor 3ha11 maintain fire end extended
<br /> coverage insurance insur ng t e improvements and buildings constituting part
<br /> � of the Trust Estate for replacement value of the Property. Such insurance
<br /> ' policy shall contain a standard mortqage clause in favor of Heneficiary and
<br /> ahall not be cencellable, terminable, or modifiable without ten (10) days
<br /> prior written notice to Beneficiary. Trustor shall promptly repair, maintain
<br /> and replace the Trust Eetate or any part thereaf so that, except for ordinary
<br /> 1
<br /> j
<br />