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<br /> �'� � 91-' 142624 � ��--
<br /> �.. ,x..-,-n._
<br /> ,,:. ���:�:�__
<br /> �' ih�P►Op�rty b to t�k�il 0►danlapod,LNtdK�hall h�v�th�optlon,ln{h wl��nd�WOIuM dI�CtN1on.to�PWy dl wch P�oCNd�,
<br /> I � � �}p�d�ducNnp th�nhom�tl co�b�nd�xp�nNa Inaurnd by it In conn�atlon with woh Proas�d�,�P��^Y�n���M°und
<br /> •'' �9' henby�nd fn suoh ordor a�Lmd�r m�y dN�rmina.or 10�PP�Y����uah PracMd�.�R�r�uch dsductlon�.W tM rNta�tlon o1 th�
<br /> �:s ' :'. � ' p�pp�rty upon sucb condidon���Lsnde�m�y d�tHmin�.Any app��collon ol P�ae�di to ind�btsd�MS ahN��o��xt�nd a Po�W°^� ��
<br /> , 4:�{i;7�- th�du�d�tr of�ny p�y+��nq und�r tM Not�.or aun�ny d�fault th�nund�r or h�nund�►.Any un�ppll�d fund��11 If�paW to
<br /> �-'""'.,:r�.:�,. T��� b L�ndw.Upon the occurrance ot en EveM of DN�ult hereunde►.or If eny acl i�t�ken or lep�l procNdinp �_ _���_R _
<br /> ` r"` ,'��� comm�ncsd�which maur����Y oH�c�s�end�r'�inter�st In th�Prop�rty.Lend�r may in Its ow�dlacntlon,but wlthout oblig�Uon to do
<br /> + T '" w,and wlthout notlee!o or demand upon Tru�tor�nd wfthout rolwslnp Trustor from any ablipstlon,do any act whloh TrusWr h1w
<br /> ,'�''''`I��'_•.``.� ' ' but i�lls to do�nd may el�o do any other aat It deem�neceaaary b proteat ths security hereol.Tru�tor ihall,imm�dlatelr _
<br /> � aa� .
<br /> -`� _� • • ' upon demand thsretor by Lender,pay to Lendar all coaa and expensas Incurred and aums expended by Lander In connocqon with ��. �,�,;�„_
<br />�°;`.';`• . f L " " ths exeralu by Lende►of tho lorepoinp►I�hts,to�othw wl�h Intereat thereon et the dafauR rate provlded In the Nole,whlch shNl bs ��-�
<br /> . • :;;. , . edded to th�fnd�btodrt�s e�cur�d harNoy. Lw+da st'ia��not inour any liab,iity b�causa of anylhiny it may do or omit to do
<br /> �� � Mround�r. =
<br /> ,.�.. , . .
<br /> . �' g. H�S�dqy Md�rW�.TruStOr shatl keep the Pruporty in comPlianCO with all aDDlicabte laws.orclinancos ar�0 ragulaUOne _. -
<br /> relatlny W induaMal.hyQie�e 0�envitanminta{proLeGboet(coll�tirBly rop►rYd to horein ats"Envlronmene�l OAws'1.Trusmr shall
<br /> ' • '?�[ keep the PropeAy Iree trom all subst��cee dee�wd ta be'heie�rdous or toxiC under any EnvironmentaF LawB(colWc�reLY�f�rod to
<br /> hereln as"Hpzardoua M�OQriala"►.Truetor hareby war�ants and represenq to Lendw that there are no H�xardoua klAtoriaq o+►or
<br /> � � •��:, • . undar the Property.Truator hereby a�rees to Indemrtity�nd hold harmless Land�.ies dincton,oHicsro,v+mpoYea9 a�d ay�m.a�►d �_,: .'
<br /> �,�� eny aucaes�ors to Lender's inrerest irom end epalnat eny and all clalms,domages.iossas and��ab�Gties ariunQ i�sonnectbn w�1h _�.,A;�
<br /> �; . •.
<br /> ..�� � the pre�ence, use,dlspoael or transpo�t o1 any Haierdous Materfals on,under,trom a about ihe Prope�ty 4ME FOREGQING . . .,.��
<br /> 10.AsslpomM�t ol R�nb.Trustor hereby assiyns to Lender the renta,iasues and profits ol the P�operty; provided that Trustoi f�,,.,'"<:-1_��__::__
<br /> . ,�t '�'-`•.- • • ...�..__..
<br /> shall,unNl the occurrence of an Event of Dehwlt hereuncler,have the right ro collect and retaln such renb,iafuea and profit9 as they • ��._
<br /> � ��; , , � becorne due and payable.Upon the occurrence ot pn Event ol0efault.Lender may,either in pereon or by ayent,with ar v�thout i •;��.�-;
<br /> . � �� � b�inying any aadon or proceedinp.or bp a receiver pppanted by a court and without repard to the adequecy ol its secur�t�.enter ., �__�
<br /> �•� • upon and take posaeaslon of the Prope►ty.a any partthereot,in its own name or in the name ol the Truetee,and do any acts*�h�ch It �;::,;••
<br /> +i;.,H..
<br /> � deema neceasary or deslrable to preserve the value.marketabd�lff or rentebllly of the Property,or any part thereol o�Intereat te►erefn, �;�f::
<br /> : t . ,. =�s—.._- -
<br /> inCrease the i�come theretrom or protect Ihe secucit�r�oreQ1 ahd, with or wlthout teklnp posseasfon o`„h���?e, e coets and ��""_�""`
<br /> . -..;r•...,�,,.,.::-
<br /> otherwlee collect the rents,iaeues and proflta thereoe,��ctuding those past due and unpaid,and appy .� , :, _�,�_
<br /> expenaes of operetlon and collectlon Includfnp attorneys'fees,upon any indebtednoas secured hereby,ell In auch orderas Lender . ,�.__,;
<br /> �� .ti� ' ' � mey determine.The entering upon a�d takinp possesaion of the Property,the collectlon of euch rents,isauea and prollts and the i�:~�:r+ "
<br /> � t:py;. ''�''�ii�� epplicatlon thereot as aloreaald,ehall�ot cure or walve any defauN or notice ol delaull hereunder or frnalidate any act done fn ti�;�"�R}�;
<br /> '� reaponee to euch defeult or pureuent to such notice o1 default end,notwllhstandlnp the conllnuance In posaesslon ot the Property or �;�_�___'__
<br /> - - �..,,,. -. � � - the collecUOn,receipi a�d appticatlon ot ront�.lsau�cr D�Q�►�",And Truatee end Lender shell be entlded to exerclee every rlyht �.�e,,�_
<br /> << provided for In any ol the Loan Instruments o�by lew upon occurre�ca o1 eny EveM of Deteult,includinp wNhaut limuation the nght ��y,���:
<br /> ' '' ' � to exerclse the power of sele.FuAher,Lender's rlphts and remedlea undet lhls paragraph shell be cumulative wlth,and In no way e �%r��e����;
<br /> � ., .. Ilmltetlon on,Lender's rlghts and remedles under any aesignment ot leasea and rents recorded ayalnst the Ropery.Lender.Trustee
<br /> ' , � and the recelver shall be Ilable to account only for those rents actualty recefved. ��'r;;"-.._-�-�-----
<br /> S • 11. Evmb ol DN�ul6 The lollowing ahall consQtute an Event of Oetault under this Deed o1 Trust �r..;,��,<.),,, •,,:�,TM
<br /> � � ��;,,,. (a)Feilure to pay eny fnstallment of princfpal or interest of any other sum secured hereby when due: '' ' � .�` i , ��
<br /> ' '�:�',i,;`�. A (b)A breach o1 or delaull under any provlslon contalned in the Note,this Oeed o1 Trust,any of the Loan InalrumeMs,or eny ,�,,,,,�.,� �_:_.�,.�_`�
<br /> � �-• "�' ����: o t h e r I l e n o r e n c u m brance u pon the Properry: I
<br /> ,�•..:. 1 -:. ' ��,�,,: rnr.rti-�
<br /> , � (c)A writ ot executlon or atlechment or eny almilar process shall be entere d ayains t Tru e t o r w h f c h s h a l l b e c o m e a l i e n o n y� K'•�•�:`}'�"`�'
<br /> 1 • �' ` ' • the Property or any portlon Ihereof or Interest therefn; ; . �.;,,.�.�,;;•�
<br /> . + . ; ��;.,:; ,
<br /> �,, (d)There shall be Illed by or agelnet Trustor or Borrower an action u�der any present or tuture tede►al,stete or other �
<br /> „ � , sfetute,law or regulatlon relaling lo bankruptcy.Inaolvency or other relief lor debrors;or there shell be appointed eny trustee. � ,t,_:__
<br /> : }, ' recefver or Ilquidator ol Truator or Borrower or ot all or any part ol the Property,or the rents.Isaues or prollts thereaf,or Trustor -
<br /> � or 8orrower shall make any general assfgnment lor the beneflt of creditors; �° =�
<br /> •� (e)The sale,trensfer,lease,assiqnment,Conveyance or further encumbrance ol all or any part of or�ny fnterest in the �;��,,,
<br /> � � • �! Property, elther voluntarlly or fnvolunterlly,wuhoul the express wnnen conseM of Lender; prov�ded thet Truslor shall be . 1::r ;;;,
<br /> • . .. `�,�,!•.;"��i.��•� permfded to exeCUte a lease ot the Property thel doea not contaln en optfon to purchase and the term ol whlch does not ezCeed '
<br /> :. ,.•;i�+��,,:,f,,` � oneyear. .
<br /> , .t s.,. :' .•�.,;,�r � (n Abandonment of the Property:or ,
<br /> •>,'. �* .• . ^'� • (q)If 7ruetor is not an�ndivfdual.the Issuance,sale.transfer,ass�qnment,conveyance or encumbrence of morethan a total , ;,,�,��.�°
<br /> a�.
<br /> '�.�' ., �' ''" . ' , :
<br /> :: i;.
<br /> �lEM1 e,t,.....
<br /> ����;-,'i;,-������,�., ' o� percent of(II a corporat�on)ils Issued and outstanding stock or�d a partnerahlp)a total of percent of i ., .;',I,:� �'� •,�-
<br /> ' � 4ti ��;'� partnerehip Intereats during the penod thls Deed of Trust remams a Ilen on the Property. t�; � ��'�r,
<br /> � ,���'• ���'�����`�'"`�`'" Nr AcCN�atlon Upon O�I�ult.In the event ot any Event al Dalault Lender mey,wrthout nol�ce except ae requlred by ��� ,f,,,��.,�.• ;���''�`
<br /> .. .s,... �,4.� 12. RNnrd .
<br /> �;�. ' i �"{:ff;���,;�,�. �pW ��are all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due end payable . . �t?`.;;:•�;(•.'•,,. - ;•
<br /> .,•'._ � :..' •. •,<<,.r � �1 �•,�•�
<br /> •��.� wlthout en preaentment,demand,proteat or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender mey: ��
<br /> '�i � � � (e)Oemend that Trustee exerclse the POWER OF SALE gtanted hereln. and Truatee shall the�eafter Cauae Trustor's
<br /> • ��;��"` Interest in the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distrfbuted,all m the manner provided In the Neb�aeka Truat Deeds •
<br />� �'�t�•:. ' AC� •
<br /> , ,: (b) Exercise a�y and all nqhts prov��led lor�n any ot the toan Instruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of
<br /> Oeteulk end
<br /> ' (c) Commence a�act�on to loreciose this Dee�o�7•ust as a mortgage,aqpo�nt a rece�ver,or spec�l+caUy enforce any of the
<br /> , . ,.t;�,�, `�,• . covenents hereot
<br /> ��' �',.° "� ''� No remedy herein conterred uGO�cr reserved lo Y•ustee n�Lenoe��s interCect ta De excluswe ot any other�er+r•ady here�n,m the
<br /> £,'•�' Loan Instrumente or by law pro���.'ec!Cr perm�tteC.D:1 eacF shau be cumulaUVe,shall be m edduion lo erery ot�er remedy gwen
<br /> , i �•��''''�'��•�� hereunder,fn the Loan Inalrume�ts o�n.w or hereafter ex�st�ny at law or fn eqwly or by statute,and may Qi eMecc�aed ta�currently, ,
<br /> • '�����;t� independendy or succesai�e'�K •
<br /> ' � � 13. TnlstN.The r�uatee May �es�9� Ar•a�y ��me wRhout cause. and Lender may at a�y ume and w�tna�t�auae appolnt a
<br /> ' succeasor or subst�tute 7r,�slee.7rustee aha���o:me I�able to any party,mcluding wdhout limrtation�.ender.�+rawer,T�ustor or any
<br /> ' pu►cheser of the Properry.for any loss or damaye anless due lo reckless or w�lllul misconduct.and shall not�e��eq��"ed ta take any
<br /> ......���+�n w�th the entorcement o}Ihis Deed of Trust unless �ndemmf�e0. ��wnhng, lor a11 C�sis. cC'�Peneat�On or
<br /> � expenses whlCh may be 8ssoc�ated therew�ih.In addition.Trustee mey DeCOme a purcnase�ai dr�r oiic"v�'a�'s�'�%C��•r��=��=•'
<br /> �� under the power ot sele g�anted herein►.postDOne the a8�e of e11 or eny portion ol the Properry.as R���de0 by�3w c�°sell lhe
<br /> Property es a whole.or in sepa�ate Darcels or rats at Trustee s discreUOn.
<br /> 14. F�es and Erp�ns�s•i�tne event Truscee seiis tne Property by exerc�se ol power of saie.Truscee snail be enutled to apply
<br /> • any sale proceeds I�rst to paymenr o�ali cost�ana ex0e��g d�exercising power ol saie.��ciudmg an Trusree's tees,and Lendei s
<br /> and Trustee'8 etlorney's lees.actually�ncurred to ertent perm�tted by appl�Ceble�aw.In mL eu�nt Bo�rawa or Trustor exerCises eny
<br /> ' rfpht provided by law to cure an Event of Delauit.Lende�snaii be ent�tled to►ecover Irom Trustor au costs and expenses ectually
<br /> I�curred es a result of Truetor'a Aefault.�nciud�ng w�ttiout I�mitat�on all Trustee's and attornay s�ets. !o the extent permitte0 Dy
<br /> eppllCable law•
<br /> 15. FulYn Advanc�s.Upon requesl ot 6orrower. Lender may, at�ts option. make addrt�onal ana future advances and ro-
<br /> advances to 8orrower.Such advances and readvances.with�nterest thereon,shell be seCUred by thla Daed of Tr ust.At no t�me ehall
<br /> the principel amount ol the mdebtedness secured by this Deed of frust.not�nclud�ng sums advanced to protect tne socunty ol tnis
<br /> Deed of Trust exceed the orlylnel princlpel amount stated here�n.or S 40,000.00 WhiChever is greete�
<br /> i
<br />