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. .... _ ,����� - .. .. _. . (/. . ... . .. �. ____�. _ <br /> ia. , <br /> �_.._ ..�_ �/ �� � .. A • ' • . . . - .. ,1 c� _�.. -._...�_...�__r._'�vf��_" _.��.._�.."...___- _" <br /> • ll / <br /> ~ . . __ 1._ ..��_ . _"__. ' ' "ff 'f�1�� - . . I.� <br /> � ` �abi�{�r�4►�►�o�r�e�aoa)�ar a d�e P�aaai�►p�t en pq►r�d�M obw�Ne4 Ln d�r. .:- <br /> � aeawity Gw�a tb)�af� di4 Sear�t!NMrw�Mt. 1LoN'qaiditiou��re�Mt Dcwew�r; U) � . <br /> � ., O�Yi���al wm� �hic� be dpe pidir t h i�S e c w l t Y I n�n�n e a t�e d dre N d e�f t oo a a o o i a e�t i a n b�d <br /> �q.�ro)ame..ny aehnk at�g►aher aavenNaa tw,�e�aiena;co)py►..0 expeo�inap�ed In�W�S�t�► <br /> L�orwnap, 1nci�y.Ent ao�lia�ked b.�eMa�We st�omey�'feat+�nd(d1 W�es wob�otiae�u Lealx y raw�blY <br /> reqMirs w�aune tM�t qie lles d�b 9eairity 1aq�aent.l.a�ti ri�lw ia tbe Pn�rty rd Barro��abliwlion bp�y the <br /> w�e �eanedby diM Saw�ity IMqrotnaat tlwU oontinue uadw�od. Upoa �p� bY 8amowx. thts'S�tJty <br /> A�� — 1�a�mne�q a�d Ibe abiipioa�t4aKed ha'elg►�11 rorn*ia Nliy etfeclive a Q aa aooek�tlap b�d uoaumd. Ho�ver.Ihh <br /> �hf to uct ap(�y b tAe cae ot aooelartioa wtder p�p+�pb 17. <br /> 1�:'��C.'MM��t LoM 8wvlo�. The Na1a ar� i�t in tho Nde(t�1�e�wilb Idi�$ecurity <br /> �poat)p�r a�o or oae lime.whhoia prlor nolice w�am�orv�. A�le n►�y�cult�a�e m d�e a�fty <br /> (IcnuMa�We�.oi�5�n►io�"►dpn a�Nects monthly paymak�due w�der the Note�nd thit Seca�ity Ias�t. '11ie�o�Ipo <br /> may ba oae ar mone cluu�of dio I.o�Savioer wa�eWed to a�ale of the Na1e. If thero i�a ch�agc of�ba L.o�n Servioer. <br /> Ba�mwa wlu be�iven wrinen tatioe of the eb�nge in�a�ond�noe with� i4 above�nd�pplkaEb b►w. 7be nabe <br /> will�qte tbe atune�aid�d tho new Loan Saricer�ad the addre�s!o w p�ymenu diould be�n�de. The noYdoe wUl <br /> al�o oo�wdn any otha iafomt�tian�oquinod by�e law. <br /> 20. II�sMo��SMbN��oe�. Bamower aoa c�uae or p�e�mic�he p�sa�e.uce.dicpo�d.stary�ar nelaue of�ny <br /> Hwrdout Subst�t�oes an ar in dio Ptopaty. Borrorra ahalt na do�aoir+dbw anyane ehc to do.anyd�in�atfocWe�tbe <br /> - Pfrope�ty t6at i�ln viol�tloe of�ay Env�irr. 7Le p�ecoJi�two s�nteaoes�tWl not�pply to da p�sa� <br /> _ � ctor�e aq We Propetty of snWl quantities oi'IlrsalloYi Suba�soes dat�te aplcraUy 1�OCapiaod q be appopiiile io oi0n�1�! <br /> _,°� raldennd uscs ad w wriulc+uuw�a utthe�ra�ty. _ <br /> - - — - �'t+�I�PUY B��e lxader wr:tc�aodca of any invptigatton�elaim.dem�u��vsnit or atber�ctian 6gr�nX <br />_-- � goyet�ueerpd a t�eguluory�gq�cy a piir�e p�ty involving die PmpeAy md�uuar Natardous Subsw�oe or Bnvira�mne�al <br />_— .-��,� . I.�w d�rhich Bortower h�s �ttwl koo�rla�ge. IF Barmwer ls �wtitied by any �ovannw�ul or irc�ul�tury <br />-=- _=-.'t>-n�� ' �wliai jtar.ttr�t a�r removal or other�aa�ediation of nny Hazardous Substanoe aiTecdng d�e Plropaty is neoeswy.Harmwer <br />-- -- -- daiU praroptly ake dl neeetca,y rcmedial 1�ctiaas ia�ecadaa�oe wi�h Envlromxotal <br /> _.�n��;-� As u�ad ia Wis pa�tsph 20."Hazaidous Su6st�xxs"�re those substances deMed a�toxic or hu�tdota wbsw�oea by <br />-�a''.�r' , Euvbanmattal am�i lhe followjng substanoes: gssoline.kemsene.otl�er fta�uunable or toaic petroleum p�oducts. ronic <br />-, � pe�ielda+md herbickle.i. vMuile sofvents. muerlAls conwWng a:bestas or fan�ldehyde.and radbanive materWs. As <br />-;,,; � • used in dws puagr�ph 211."Eavironma�ta!l..�w"me�ns faderal lawc md lawr of�he jurisdiction wbae the Piopaty 41oo�ted <br />__'� thal relak to beAltf�.safety ar enviranmental protection. <br /> y NON-UMFnRM COVENANTS. Bomower�ond I.etider fuNkr covenanl and ag�oe as follows: <br /> -- <br /> a1. AceeleradN;Remedks. l.eader�glve�otke to Borrower prlor to acaderatioa tailowi�g Borrower's <br />- .. —... _ <br /> � �' brracl�q�nwy rnve�set w a�+eement in fhis Secorlty IoWrumeat(bnt aot prlor to pan�p <br /> nn{ess�(ppHcabk Isw provldes wl�e). 'i'�e ootice s6sii�y: (s)ihe deiaait:ib}ihr in rpr+e <br /> �. s� defpql't:�c I a date,iat less tha�3���s/toa�t6e date Ihe natice is given to w6fc6 t6e defwlt mast 4e • <br /> :i :,i �• cureN;w�Qdllbat fiiM�+e to cqt+r Wie�efault oa or 6etore 16e date specif led ia the noti�mAy resnU io sca4eratioa o4' <br /> !he eutre secured 6y Ws Security la�meat And sak oi Ihe Property. Tre ootice shall furt6er iafarm Borrowa W' <br />=-:��: . � 'the rigbt to roinstate�er a�oder�liao and the riRbt to briag a court actia*4�sasert the non�extste�ce o!'�defoult or <br />`}•.. poy otber ddense of Borrower to pcceleratbn aad sale. U Ihe defaWt is�d1 sixed on or before tbe dzRe specitkd ta � <br />� � � �� t6e notke,I.ender at its option may reqrire Immedlote pAytaept(a fldl ot�01 su�secured by thL�Security Inshua�t <br /> � 't; , �vitbout furtber demand and may ipvake the power of sWe a�d Any other remedies permitted by applkaWe Isw <br />_ , l.eader sbWl be entilled to collect all ezpenses incurred ia pwrsuing the remedks provided In tbis para�rapb El. <br /> � iacludiog,bul oot Nmited to,reasonable pttorneys'Pees and costs ot tltle evidence. ' <br /> � � � 1�tbe power at sale Is invol�ed�7�ustee shpll record a notice of defAUlf in eacb caunty in whkh any part ot We <br />�'�� �`� PropeHy is IacAted and s6a11 maN copies of such aotice in t6e manner prescribed by applicable Ipw to Borrower and to <br /> ' *�4,, .� � the dher persons presc�ibed by applicable law. AfUer the dme requtred by applicabk law,7lrustee shaU�ive pnblk <br />`^!�` l.,�ae:,> ..f, eolia otssnk to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applkaWe low. 7Yvatee,wilaout demand oo Borrower, <br /> ��« <br />'�.�� ±�:�{-. :l,,a� shall sell the PropeRy At public auMion to the hlghest bidder ot the time and place and uade�We tern�s deslgaated in _ <br />_'- y`` :,•�� the notke otwle in ane or more parcels and in any order'I�ustee determiaea 7lrustee may postpone sale of aU or auy <br /> ;;�,�f (`��;: •. paral of the Property by publk onnouncement pt the time�nd place of a�v�evlously scheduled�ak:. Lender or tts , _ <br /> _c�r „x.,, -- ,. �:. � deai�nee may purrh�.se fhe Property at nny s�le. _ <br />�` �-�',� ' �'.;rx�� Upon receipt of payment of the prke bid.7Fustee shall deliver ta t0�r purchaser'Irustee's deed cunvey(ng We <br /> ,;?;��,�,{.- --:,�.. Property. TMe recitals in the'IYustee's deed shall be prime facie evidence of Ihe lrulh of lhe stalements mwle lhereko. _ <br />?`i� � 71ra�tee dwll apply ihe proceeda oi the sale ip the tollowin�order: la1 W all co�1s and expenses of eaercisix�the power <br />:� ��.., ,.;�: �• _ <br /> � 4 �.� _ <br /> t. <br /> -� . ��..�A ru • . <br />,�'-:. '.1fF,r , <br /> , �;����;' _ <br /> ��,� •,�3'i`, _ <br />_ 'a• }.Z 4l+�: •.;,,'', t; — <br /> .1...., . `l... _ <br /> •:� ' . . :. L — <br /> '•-�, . • Farr 3YZN 9190 Ipuge 5 dj tl�ragrs� �• <br /> ... ' �.F`.'.d!d'r,...,�r: _ <br /> �.K .�.�Sk j.. �����; • = <br /> •�� �';'Q�s��-4 '+`�'� � . __ <br /> �� �',��� 't��'"���t` ���,�{ i): •ti���S ^m�T�7:ii}`3;1� �^ ��r , , „�������?'7 1V n'�'!� <br /> �L.���' � r�` 'r. ,r i.� �1'� ��.�it�..� a:r.... ,�•. .�� � :. :'�, .. a ..t7" � �,%'��;1� <br /> if{`-.��s.a�'d,}�,_---'iEi16�::a'.��a��i.. ' ��i n�14 liV�':. �w :_. 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