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.i....�.,..�_ _t..� � ,.:t..3.".�r=rwr.w�.�hrq�h+ar�o. y . — T-�,_ <br /> . . __. y . . . � ' '��s' . -i �� __— '.. � - _ 1n��-. <br /> � - . . ... , . !'� ���5,+ �*I '17� �.-`�.. _ , . +ul.c:�_x,_ <br /> --�— . . . p� i����� � - . _ <br /> • . . • . ,� , . . . . , . <br /> � •i.�r• .�. . � �M�� ��-� r��'�►�� -• ` <br /> , � ,�d��� �1�p�p��, ���aildittor�.�w r�oawal�y W��,�o�nNf► ..___ <br /> ia�awe�N. All d die irae�oinr b tr1�M m' b tbf�3�ily �°�' aod ha d�e rl�bt�M�� - <br /> � � BORROWB�t�ri►�NANT9 tl�,�lan'cw�b I�M1i1Ny�eired d d�e espte hMeby aio�oYd � <br /> � M,a aonvay tb. .sa aw aie N�cperly r�a�b�d���p�r�e�a�n.aP�oo�a. 9o�row�r w�at�_�ad, � <br /> _..._..r��.�. � .M�1dIltG1A�CtlCfi��t�0 W 1�10�IOpE�Ay��1)CI�IIM Mld d0111��ID M�FIIlCMbf�i O�f�Cp'dr <br /> '�lS $��Q1]�V�iT 00�� 11�0[IO OGYNIMIN�hlf II�ff01W r!O Md AOIM��QM�w� - <br /> �IOd V�bJi�llllld�011 M OOIW�UI{0�i{O�OMiq�1�►�IIIl11N110�1t OdYEf�Rs IM��0�0�1y <br /> 'UNIPORM OOVHNA[V'i'9. Harower�a0 l.oder� ��°�����Y���ue die .. <br /> . 1. P��w�t a�PtM�iPN�G�i� �d I�te�due die IVole. <br /> �of�ad UoRaiest an d�e dd�t aetdrnoed by tlww�nr prop*ymon► ga�,Mt�p►y a <br /> Ih�III�'1N�a a�I�soa. 3luubject ta b{e I�w or ta a wriuen w�iver I.andet. <br /> b <br /> Laider at dre dyr eoa�►q�l P�+�due wi0er tAo ote.umll tha Nota b pdd ia fidl.a apn("Amd�9 tar.(a)7rnrly <br /> w�e�and a�se�r�a w1ir�a�sY�Wn lxi��over thio Socurity InunrnerM+a a lien oa 16�P�opGty:(b)Y��Y� <br /> p� or po�d ree�s a��Me PropatY.i wy; (c) Yoarly Iw'.�d a PaP�Y �wn�a�oe Pr'anium�;(d)yo�r flood <br /> iaw�anoe p�. �Mw:(e)Y�y�t�e in�una�oe peantums,u a�. wd t4 +im� �+ p�9��eon�a�e�r w . <br /> l�endeq m acca�oa�M tMe pmvl�iau�of p�raph Neu of d�o of nw�t�e ios�r�oe pre�oi� '��a�e <br /> -- ite�a�ae eallod'Escrov 11ems.` t.ender m��ny tim��coilact�ad«�� �oowt ander tdo foda�l�a�l <br /> noou�K a leoder tar a fede�aUY RltDOd a�otl�a wn WY�N� ' :"�>_ <br /> -. �.°�°--� F.`tate S�taut me�aa�►lessu�unount. so.0 Ira�der mnr.�ut�Y time,oo lact iud�H��ndc'��+imaaM� �� _ <br /> ' law tdat yiplie+ ' <br /> exoeed We la�er anouat. Laidar mry e�ma�e t6e ana�t ot iind�dwe m t6e b� of aneat dw aod�4wbb.,..• . <br /> = esdwatec of expe�'dipua of futwe 8sctav Itea�s ar oUrtwise in�ecardaooe with�pplic�ble Isw. , <br /> -- Tho Ru� a1W! be tieW ia sq itut�tutian sfio�e depocits are iaswed bY a fednal+iBencY. ia�auma�t+�1�tY•or entjty . <br /> _�_ (includi�L�ader.if La►der is wch an iastiquian)a in arry Fedetd Haa�L.o�n Badc. l.ader sh�U�pply 41�a l��i to paY <br /> _- dre Bscrow Ipans, Lader may not ch�e Bo�w�fa holding+�nd+pPlY�B��+ ��ly a�lysi�g�:� <br /> --�9' �: �ocapft.or vaify�i►�g the Escmw Itans.wdesa l.ender paiys Batowa intaest aa drc Wnds and�pplicablf�la�av pamit� <br /> � :�� L.e o d e r t o m�k e 9 u c h a d w g e. However.l.ender ma yroq uiro Bonuwa to pay a oac-time cb�r�e fa an i�dcpm�dent�eal <br />-��; ' �q�e tax�o�d�g se�rke usod by Lendcr ia oau�ecdon w lth this Iwn.udeas a p p l'�ble uw pavida othervv�se. U n l a s�n <br /> :7����,�, ag�oement is m�dC or applic�ble law ioquira intaest w be paid,l.a�der aMll not b e requ b e d w p�y B u�awer�ny i�e s t o r <br /> ."�:':==,9SI. earnings on tlrc WMs. Bonowu and Leoder may agnee in w�iang,however.U�at inta�est�all be p�id m�be Wnd�. L�der <br /> -`:�"�; �hdl Qive to Bonower.without annwl a000unun8 of the Rmds.ahowinig croNis a�d de6ils to the Nu�ds aM tbe <br /> .r� --- _ ____. pumose fa wiuch each debii in tira�wac rosdc. 7�e�att�d a�i�ditkwl�ec�ritY fae all cua�s�ecu�d b!► <br /> �,:t Udi Securiry Inatnniien� <br />'::"'� If the Wnds held by l.ender eacad the amounts pem�ined to be hcld by applic�blc I�w. I.erwkr s1wU aoaaunt to <br /> .:dti <br /> Bomower for the aucess Fimds in aawdance with the roquitements of applicabk law. If the unouat o9'tho FLnds 6eld by <br /> . . �,';, <br /> L.rnder at any time ic not suflicient w pay�he Escmw Itecns when due.t.ender mey so notjfi'Bomiwer ia writing, <br /> .,�� : such case Borrowcr siwl! pay to I.ender the amount�rew�e»ary to make up the deficiency. eanower slwll ma�+e up the <br />- `: a I deficiea�cy in no more thon nvelve monthlY PAY��•at Ltnder�s sole dlscretlan. <br /> ,'��� � Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument.l.ender shall pmmptlY refund to Barrower any <br /> ; FLnds held by Lender. If.under paragmph 21.I.ender shall acquir�e or sell the Propeny.I.ender.Pdor w the�o9uisition or <br />_ .� sale of the Property. shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the dme of uquisition a sale�a credit a�ainst the wm� <br /> _ ' "x�;'� �cwed by this Security Inswment. <br /> ' �; .,. ,,�l'• nll paymeMs �ceived by Lender under <br />�' i�AS: ��'`�'��,l�z� , 3. Applkatbn ot paymenta Unless applicable law provides othetwise. <br /> ,,�, ., � �,.�: � Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be nny PrepaYment charges due under�he unoants pay�bk under <br /> r. � � �+- paragraph 2; interest due;four1h,to p�incipal due;and lost,to any late ch�rges due wider the Note. <br /> ��T,'� rl 4. C6ar�es; Lkns. Bornower shull pay all taxes. assessments, c�uges. fines and imposidons attri6utable to the <br /> :�'•���• j., '�� �, Property which may attain priority over this Security Instrument.end leosci�old payments or grouad rents,if any. Borrower <br />-"'-`° �'y`i��`�;.. shall a these obli ations in the manner provided in pamgraph 2,or if nut paid in that mar►ner.Borrower shaN pay them on <br />`;}' • � .�t��:,;7�,: P Y B <br />, ,;. ;:�.%..s;,:�?I�,�'�Y�; time direcUy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender�IA notices of umounls to be paid under <br /> •/.•�-'��-'f�4±''YI this paragraph. If Borrower mukes these payments directly,BoROwer shali promptiy tumish to L.ender receipts evidencing <br /> .. . ,fy ..',:., t;,, <br /> . .� . �:• : {,��r• � the payments. <br /> � �'r'�• �'!�� �. � Bortower:+hall promptly discharge ii�y lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument u�+lc»Borrower.(a)agrecs <br />-= ,,. "�"''�%f���'�`� '' " '� in writin to 1he ment of the obligation�cured by the lien m a manner acceptable�o L.ender,(i�)contests in good fsath the <br /> °.�� . .�,,�,_,�YS,s� B PaY <br /> .:,;;•;-,;'�.r�Y,:,�4} , , lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender�s opinion ope�ate to prevent the <br />�''r,• •,�•�;,,�;,i�fr�!�?t enforcement of the lien;cx(c)secures irom�he holder of thc lien an agrcement satisfac3ory to I.ender subordi�wting the lien <br /> `�. s'�} , `',r•� to this Securiry Insirument. (f Lender determines that any pa�t of the Propeny is aubject to a lien which may attain priority <br /> � � over this Secun�ry lnsuument,Lender muy give Borrower p notice identifying the l ien. Borrower sF+all satisfy the lien or wke , <br /> ?',;,'; . .":_ , 7'; �Y'`� �b • � one or more of t�he actbns set fanh abovc within 10 days of the giving of nolice. <br /> '"-`•'� ` ''•i 4. Haaard or Pr P P <br /> ,,� , ,� 4;+,.; opetly lnsurance. Borrower�hnl! kee the im rovemenh now exis�ing or hereaRer erected on the <br /> '.,4;!�r�?,;c,Fp� Property insured against loss by fire,haza�ds�ncluded wilhon the tertn"extended covert�ge" and any uther Lueudc,including <br /> '', ;.'''Y%#t4�1S= ,• � '•• ; tloods or floading, for which Lender reyuires insuramce. This insurance shell be ma�intained in the amounn�and for the <br />. �, l: ,i�rY.� - +:l <br />. •'��%� , � � . <br /> . �;, +� , � tbnw 3018 9190 IpoRe 2 oJ6 yogls! <br />_ n�1 � `tL <br />.. . •`!``' to-''i/�(ifr,'`-'��. � . <br /> ~� 'i ' ��.�i`;?E�:�:.�� 1; <br /> ,� � 'i"'StiF}�C t}�i <br /> •�'•, k f t�f1�y q, �� } <br /> u1.� � �+4 fl`�Jr . j��/r�itit t� .}t4�����-w�� � _��{4?(J�54j.� I �Ri�i�Y''y 3�l}j1,(.-. --. <br /> , . <br /> C� �l�l.�f.l�i:7•( i{e�. � 1��16�N` r �} . . �ti s} 1 � ���.^ Cl, � � �r�' r��:�. 'G�� �f <br /> � � <br /> � , . <br /> .. � <br /> � � ' - � <br /> , . �( <br /> — -- - - Si.ti`� '' • _ <br /> - .vv LGi.f.�71 1 .-l^1_�ls' � � �lL'�:. 7u♦ <br /> �, - � - -- J • •��. � <br /> . , 7 ��!1}r�� <br /> - � ` .__- �.��t. �. _ --�-_ __ _ `f�+�'v�� ,�il _. � - _ _' � t lt��."SYS'.".'C�i ..Y J r i ��j � <br /> � . �� ;r�,i { �,h� t ..�._ <br /> �... <br /> �1 � ` r��. . , :t .. . . ` : ` . �o�c° --_._ <br /> � �� , • . . .• ,. . •.s� ��n � a <br /> � h�tvYtr=U'.�M�n�.tX ti:�_� _ �� L�._. _ .. . j �,Z��rw i�Yst��f�_ �•`�' �.� M.�_ .a"'r � .... <br /> .S � _ .___ ' . . Rd:�u;5..T.'.',���;.aar �- a .,-. F1�y <br /> ° "'ft��r----_�_._ r � <br /> _ -a' v :.�� � " ' . � . . - .1 yl ��y�1�/ ' � •��t M f �rL ` �T7 <br /> _ ;,,r�, r _Ht • , . . . ' . . • t ' 0 111�: .. . �T=.,� . . <br /> — � ' , y.... • . , , . . (�5jt4• . .`�� . <br /> — d:' , :a.,. ' ,, j, ., „ ' . . .. .iw,'. . . 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