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<br /> ��-' 102606
<br /> v �N7's.Horruwa u�d l.ender f urther cove�nt u�d�proe as follow�: ---
<br /> �� I�10N•UNIFORMCO P.�I —
<br /> 1 9.� R�� IwMiee dull id�� �oYtce to BarroMer prlar to �c c e len do�r to l lo w l�4 A o 3%�7
<br /> . :� r n�r Yo tuy c o r s a�t o r��t i�t M b 5 a r r t b I M t��t(M�t�o t p r 1 o r
<br /> to Mouelentiw wide M►�nIW
<br /> „ ��p y�lla�lt law �roriiM otWrwlnl. 7M�Mlc��Y�11�:U) tke defiuiti(bl tY��ction re9nired to�vre t he
<br /> ,,. . d�bt�lh(el�date.�M lea ttiu 30 Lys fiow tbe d�te tYt�otke V Riter to Barower,by whkh tMe detwlt wwt be�wred;
<br /> a�l l�1 tlut fiUw�e tu c�re ttie�tarit w or refore tM d�W qeclfi�d iN tbe notlro°�y�t ia�cceler�doa ot tl�e wss
<br /> `• �etYrel ry thb�carity I�tranat aid a!e of tM Pro�e4'.'!Ut�oHee s�ll iprthe�fdorai Botrower o/t6e�tYht to
<br /> z:. "'. ^• .. r�tato aftar�ceelcratloa Aad t6c rl�bt to brin��corrt �cdo�to a�ert t6e aomexuteece ot�detault or�aY ot6er � -___- _,
<br /> ,° ddta�e ot Bormw�to�ooeleado�aNd ala.l/tMe deholt b�ot cured ou or betore fl�e d�te�pecifled In tbe aotice�I.ender _ "" - °
<br /> ;:`', .,`, at ICr opNa my ro9�I�edi�te p�Y�t Ia NII ot dl a�a�ecured by thls SecWitY laaruaeat wlthout furthe� :
<br /> , .•,,jj�6.�.,. d�wa�d ui�uy Iarolee tre power ot ale�nd�sy otl�r�edia Pera�itted by�ppUcsb9. t�cludlp�, b t eoteltaai t¢ed to� �r X��`,
<br /> � �::._t_�_,!�.. . . colket aU expe�se� iocorrs0 ia p�rwiet tYe reiaedle�W'u�Wed ia tbi� P*��
<br /> _ "�. --- --` rawy6k�ttoroey�•teaa�d�ahotdtbeddaace.
<br /> -���: . It t6e power ot ale U invokal,Trukee siW1 ro�wrd�nodce ot dehult in e�tc6 couaty ia �Wch�y p��t af tre
<br /> `=�=r= ' ' '` ''`�` bed by�pplics6la law to Ba�rrorer ad ta t►e � .._�m�
<br /> _.�.�:�.r.re.. . prop�y�loc�t�d tad�11 m�11 coPies ot acr uotice i�tLe manaer�SSe�
<br /> -`__��.. .�-'° vt�er Icno�s 1�aa�*i6ed by appllc�Wt iA�r.A[�er the Hme re9uirod bY#/1�10 uw.Trt�sta sMdl�f►.e�Ytic�w�tke at
<br /> -�:;.�"'�.�� '. :�: sd�lo�Ilirc IR�'��ad ia t6e awtaer�bY�PP��61e I�w.7�t0�A withoat dem�ed o�Borroner.sWll eell tYe
<br /> �. 4 ,° `..�.._ ,, pro�lcl�at puWic wcNoa to the hl�t IWee�t tbe Nse�ud P�ace a�w�ie��otter�aY�!���t�e Pro�ertr by
<br /> "�`;;� . . •��� o�ar�ore p�rceb�d in ny order Tn�e i�.Trwrqe�P� -----
<br />--_=�_ ' .� . ,�,''' �wWic a..onacwaeat st tb.a�ae�ad pl�+e at.Rr M���o�U�sda l,erer or ia da�i�e.a�r r�+��
<br /> ��_. . .
<br /> �,���— , �.,�� Propaty�taayeale.
<br /> _W`.� '� . : °. Upon receipt ot paYaeat of the prlee K�,Twslee�WI�dirar to t1e MreLsse�Trrtee'��eed con�eytaQ t6e _ - - �T
<br />���'ti �a� ' � :. -r
<br />_,..,,. ,�, � ��5.'�.. . propaty.'L'he recttsb in t!e Trwtee'�deed sbaU 6e prie�hcie e•Nesrce vf tre t�ot tl�e sbatc+reot�made t6enia. ���
<br /> '��'.:. ����1�y�����q1e in t6e tollowt�order.UI to�II ex�e�ea ot tYe wle+includia�,bat not Umited .�
<br /> . � �a Trussee��ras a�per■iaed by�pW�able Iaw.nd�con.ble.ttoraeya'tas:(bl to all swaa ceeu�d by tbir Securlty �:���-�-"
<br /> .. I entidaltoi� °"`��
<br /> . .; - l�dva�a��nd(c)aay e:cea to t�e pertoo or persout eplly
<br /> � o� U n accelaration under parngraph 19 or abandonment oP the Property. Lender(in �Y�u��dd='`
<br /> 20.I.e�der in Poaeui . po =....".. .
<br /> peroon. by Agent or by judicially appomtal reoeiver)shdl be entitled to entcr upon. take possession of and manege the �Y_
<br /> "' Property and to collxt the rents of the Property including those past due.Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver ���
<br /> '.� ,+j°�,`�` ' sball be nppiied firat to payment af the costs of msn�gement of the Property and collxtion of rents,including,but not �
<br /> ' ��•�r � limited to,roceiver's fees,premiums on recxiver'c bonda and reasonable Attorneys'Pees,and then to the sums secured by �`:,'�--
<br /> �. ''��: � this Security lnstrument. —
<br /> „_� '; , 21.Recao�eyaaoe.Upon p�yment oiall suma securod by thia Security Instrument,I.ender shaU roquest Trusta to ,• i w,''L
<br /> +a,z ra:onvey[he PropniY+u�d sheil surrender this Sxurit=lnstsumrnt nnd all notes evidencing debt socured by this Security � ^_ �
<br /> �"� Instrument to Trustee.Trusta shall reconvey the Property without warnnty end without charge to the pe�aan or persons
<br /> .�a��
<br /> r�..—__
<br /> " � ' ' IeQalty entitlod to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recore�etion cost4. ��:� �*;,-.
<br /> .. ' ,�`•,. 22.Sub�titqte Tnictee.I.emler.at its optian.may Prom time to dme remove Trustee and appoint a suceessor tn�stee " r ..: "
<br /> ; �..., , ,�•:';°_
<br /> � �� to any Trusteo�ppointed hereunder by an iastrument recorded in the county in which this Securily Instrument is recorded. ,
<br /> , � ;: ' �'� � WithoW conveyance of the Property,the succescor trustee�hall sueceed to all the tide,power and dutiec coniened upon ����
<br /> � � �� '`` ' � Trustee hercin and by appliabie Inw. ---
<br /> •;r r , ,' .� . ��"R_�r`-_:.
<br /> • • 23.Requat tor Notices. Borcower requats that copies oP the notices af default ond sale be sent to Borrower's
<br /> . �� !' ' ' address which is the Propeny Address. �F �;M�''��`
<br /> ��"'� � � �� 24.Ride�to this Stcurity Iastrament.If ane ar more riders are eaecuted by Borrower and recorded together with �S'--�`��>'
<br /> '''�'' � , � this Secudty Instn�ment,the covenants and ag�aments of each such rider shell be incorporatad i�.ta and shall amend and .�r•-� ,-,'
<br /> ';,V.^:s;, .'i• , • �.x���_:..
<br /> ... ���-�• '���:'�•��.� "''�' � su lement the covenants and agreement�of'this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security ___';_;F....�r.,=s��--
<br /> �,�.,,. .��, ,�
<br /> �.�
<br /> .. '.,�f 'y�141v,1 �; ' • lactrumrnt.[Check applicable box(es)J °• ,.
<br />_ 14�• i��� ���;;:;.��. � ' ', Adustable Rete Rider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Fam11y Rider �+"`�s _,� �-
<br />-.. .1}(t�l.�! Y-5: ,1�. . � � �� �r r��..:-.
<br /> ••,��..,., � . - �;�..,�- �](3raduated Payment Rider Planned Unit Development Rider ��+s_�
<br /> ,,, �. �OR��NA��t��N �.�.z -_
<br /> ;'''' :,� . ''• �J Other(s) (specify] iDEEBEOF 7RUST—VA � �
<br /> .,d.'3 ° . . , �J� �_``
<br /> ''" :, G' . BY SIONIN(3 Be[.ow. Borcower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenan cont�ined in this Sec rity ,�._,..,.W-- �
<br /> ' � . Ipsuument and in any rider(s)executod by Bormwer and reco with it. • • `�'�"_"_���
<br /> �'���"' • � "�, �E80RROWER FURTHER REOUESTS THAT ' � ,�'�i„�y( Ji�`t' �Ir. ��,.-
<br /> t' .'� � ' COPIES OF THE NOTICE OF DEFAULT � �,�.•,�.�}- � .(Sea1) � � � -
<br /> ' y�•'+,t''.t. •" . � SENT TO EACH .:J............................. .��'
<br /> :
<br />°• '�: r . •.'�';"� �:•' RA�SAMUEL ST JR •;r%�r23?4.::,+
<br /> � .. .. .. � Q�
<br /> ..........
<br /> cti ,+,;, b NOTICE OF SALE BE
<br /> "�E�� `� PERSON WHO IS A PARTY HERETO AT �',i'r s'' ° -.
<br /> � '�t;;�,": "`. TFIE ADDRESS OF 5lIGH PERSONS SET .. (Seal) �'� �'
<br /> ���,�.,� �., '�,:l;��h�%` . :: � .................................................................................. —eo"ow�' � .
<br /> ...�,��;: ':,;�,(,���;.•t�,:;��'':;, FORTH HER�iN�. f
<br /> � ;;;��l�;'�E%�,���r I�s,: tsv.�. �.a�. nr. u�. fa. na�o.Mas�� i:i;. , .
<br /> .�. ..,..s� .s ' Pi��RalSiCa� �� ,::�:.
<br /> :.1}`���,:� :E,: s��rEOr• ..... . . .. ................ ti;'<�.
<br /> :� ;,�• ��." � �:,�:
<br /> �'i�.,., ,�,,. ; �5S: � ,
<br /> :a;��r.�i•_,...,. '"
<br /> ��;,. •'i y;�'�,s ,.i.. HALL. .... i',�•'•�
<br /> . ,"�.��, s! �,' COUMY OF ..... ................ 4
<br /> .: ,,•,�.
<br /> .,..;. ,;.� „�..'� � ;�,� ,
<br /> . ,s
<br /> � , � .;::`,°;`'�•�'� L REED ............. . N�t�PS�NGLE�d RS Nd county and state,do here�c cxraefy that • •
<br /> ..... ' r ROBERTA
<br /> . ...... • 8 PE 0
<br /> •. ` � �`. •,�:,�": �' I2AY�SAMUE��GUEST�JR ............................. ... ...................., Penonaiip a;,peaced
<br /> •.,...
<br /> ;�.��� ����% �n,.�.,..s.�,�t.�rs.�i��num nr nroved to me to be the perton(s)��•ho,being informed of the contents of the foregoing i:scrument�
<br /> . •��;i: 'r —��.:�, w....�.."„_'_`_",
<br /> � ' � have execu�ed:ame.and acknowledged Said inxcrument to be...h}s,,,„.,,......free and voluntuy ace ana deed nna mm
<br /> , , , (his.her,thelr)
<br /> , , , ; .
<br /> �:� � • ��he....�� ,..,,,,,,,�x��ed said irtstrument to�the purposes and usa therein set fon6. •
<br /> I�
<br /> . •:,,. (he.she,thaS+)
<br /> Euad aad olfidat seal t6is. 2� day of. May ......_•....••••••• ..19...9�
<br /> � Wiu�as Q+Y ......... ................ ... ... •
<br /> My Commis�on Expinx: Jtn 1991 / � .
<br /> .. ............
<br /> , ' � i�Mt pTA11,Sd11 d rllatlf ��✓��Y-C�� � ✓..�::���4.�..............�L�
<br /> �a►�� Notary PubUa
<br /> � MyONa E4 A�tl�0.1�14
<br /> . ' Th(s tnsuument was prcpared by......COI:I�l1Bl•15•f�FL1E RAk•SAUI WfiS•BANK..........••....•.••••.••.•.•.....•••
<br /> �,�� q
<br /> , _ _ - -
<br />