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1 { . I . :�►V q ..i� �° �, -r �yTl.( ...1.�'•— <br /> : �ie. I�I � �� l. � ���rt= � .'. •.':''. :... , ,� ._._ ��. <br /> .�� :a r��,.,�,_�. <br /> ♦ +.+t!►t�.x•.�-,+r- <br /> ���, �, I rw.►..,k-,. y;'d� ' ��' .� r.xY��• , .......,a-.rr,.i.�.:��IF"lYlilRS' - - <br /> .. • ...,�+. �.�w.s�v+.� • • � - . . <br /> ,r•.�` � • .ve�k��'�d�Nj�r�ti���_ , .. . ' •-- <br /> .��sfi m:T .. .-_ - - — <br /> 4.... '.' ' " ' . —_ _. -__..__ <br /> - � �usT,�B� �� Rw�x 91— 102599 -- <br /> � ------ <br /> ,�r (l YptTraiwY lodnc•RWGypI _-- - <br /> _.. � — <br /> ,�� THI9ADJilSTABLHRATERIDEAbwd�this 25 dayaf A�il .IA 91 , <br /> ., ... <br /> � :,��•""�• ''�; n �d i�inoorponud Into�nd aluU be deemed lo�mrnd aod�upp�ement the MottW�e. Deed uf Sav�ity Doed lthe"Security <br /> . -_ °-- <br /> n 'i..• .�+•.1!;• �;�''' ' �1WNIIkAI�')O�l�N fi100�I!�Yl11�ly 1�iQ Y��{11Cd(1�1!��BOf(OWCT°1 ta�ecwe Borrawer'�Ad}usubM Race Nac(the"�VOlO°)l0 H0� : ^ c.-ma - <br /> - ,;.�':lt�Y+�..�iu' senee�� a11VIN�i LOAN AqOC1AT10N OF Qf1ANq HiLAND NHONWK�I�••��,•)ot IAt wm du��ad covainf t!r �. •.,�;�i.n:w;;;,;;;�,a���;: <br /> � ..,•.��=z,, propertY descdbed ia the SecuHty 6atn�me++t�nd la���d�r. � ----_- - :_ _,. <br /> � � �'� : t• 2505 l.akewoai �rive. Grand Island, Ne 68801 <br /> .��� � — <br /> ` • ,� . (P�opnty Addrcu) — - -- <br /> • �: • � - 7fls rou caiw�ptofMior WoMi� rw e4�es 1.rrt I�tenat e�N �M �r w�sWf — <br />��. � .t-': Wy�u.TW�at a4o U�Id tM���I.r�nera��u n.ewy����■r o..u�od = <br /> � " .� �itolA��IMM��rilMrwUr�w�k1�1YU�• �T _ _.Y_=.,____ <br /> � ? � ADDITIONAL C�OV6NANi'S.In�Wi�ion to�ho wvetianu and�{roemenu m�de in t6e Socurity insltumrnt.Borrowa�ad t.ender �--�°='"`�'�"'�=�' <br /> :� ` , furlheroovenuil n►d�Weo�u fdbvrs: �= - <br /> "^�' �' '. , A� �NTBR�T RATE AND MOMHLY PAYMENT CHAN[if8 ���"�= <br /> ' . " ` 9_5 �Y.Seqlon 4 of the Note rovida for cAanQa in 1he fntaest rate and tAe �,•�-.===��ti�'���76��'h <br /> �.s� . ,�,;•;u.,;, . The Nae pmvida fw a idU�l Interat nte of P _ <br /> • � ' ��Y P=Y� faltwy�: <br /> �� ,.. <br /> ' � � . ' '' 1. /NT6R6ST RATEANQ AIQMNLT PAYMEf1lT CNANGES ��=°f��r:'.�� <br /> � ,�:4�1. . (A) C4�� 63�:;�.�..�tr.., <br /> : i'. • .,.. ,.. t nLs� .19_.92—.aodoolMlldayevery <br /> :. �:��„ , . The iqterat rate 1 ri�l p�y�aay cAan�e on the fint day of =_ — <br /> • F..�e�..o wonths thereaUer.Erch date oa.Mich a�Y interat mle could ct�anRe is called a"ChmQe Date.•• <br /> '. . . l�l TM IMac �"���" <br /> ', , �� 'ti'' �ooi��iW the ilnt Chw�e Date,my intercst�ate riU 6e�ascd oo�n Inde�C.The"Indea"is the wakly ave�e yield on Uaited Stata �`a�� <br /> �. " ,���- Trcasury securities�djusted to a co�uant maturity oi 1 mwdc availabk by tAe Federal Raave Bard.The mou roceut tadex ti{ure 'u'`�!'�M'�' - -_ <br /> � . ., ,, • . ' avail�bleas of thed�tel3 dayc betoreach Chan�e D�te is plkd�he"Airant Indeu." .. �'�'�� - <br /> ' !t ihe Index i�no bn4er available. the Note Nolder sill choose a new iadex vdich ia based upon compuable infor�wtion.The Note <br /> — �'- : ' •'., i.. Holdar rvUl Qive me aotia of thlt chola. � <br /> _•. .r�:� <br /> �,;�?�� _�.____ _ _. <br /> , ���,•:,.�� (C) Calnhdo�ofC4�a ''y:?;;:— <br /> . .. . . .� ,.tr•r �1r@B • <br /> !:,.' ..• ��'_''`:��:;� BeFore pch Chan{e Date,the Note Holder will catcuUte my new interat rate by addin� perre:qage ,: <br /> :�}n•, �•';�.i'4;��,�;•. ���( 3.0 _�lto�Me CUrcent inde�c ond roonding to the neuat 1/8th af 1�,subject to the limiu:tated in Section 41D)below. . .�;���'�,'-�L - <br /> ;: :° �4s r . , . ' •• '�►�rounded amount wifR fic+ny new Interat rate until ihe next Chonge Date. - . <br /> • t.','�, � � •g. <br /> �.7` . . ' � ,!.� y. <br /> •� 1. tY ti;F�' ; � The Note Holder will�h�n determine the amounn eti�he monthly p�yment that wauid be sutiicknt to rep�y io fuli ihe principal I um , <br /> � � e�cpected�o owc on that Chan�te Date in substantially equal paYmenis by the mawrity date at my new interat rate.The rauln ot tAis calculaaion �"� d"� <br /> wiU be the new amoun[oP my monthlY payment. ?7�-"='^�'°� .�s.,, = <br /> . `� �rl� .� .� .,r..� , '� <br /> ::r. (Dl I,Wb o�I�ISVS�t Wte C4r�a , <br /> .' ,,�.-: <br /> 7he i a l e r a t r ate d am requirod lo p a y at the first Change Date wfll not be grater than L1.,� � o� �KS �han ' _ ��' <br /> '�` 7.S two percent � <br /> gi.77�ereafter,my tnterat rate will never be increased or dtcreased on any sin�le Change Dste by morc tham +}: ;,,��-�r <br /> ' �• `"� z � from the rAtt of inteveu 1 fiave been paying for the prccedinR twclve months.The minimum Interat rale on this toan wlll ncver be - :..s :� " ___ <br /> � ;.�''' , kp tlun �•5 �aad t3x maximum in�erat rate wili never be grtater than 14.5 �, . — <br /> , �,t'�,.• - <br /> E.. ,;i�)+';i�; (Fl Eftective D�te aBCY��a . <br /> +� 't'�t�`�� My new intttest rate Ril�1 become effective on each Chmqe Ihte.1 wfll pay the amount of my new monthly peymem beginninQ oa the first � „ * ''` <br /> ' ��':i(:�. �.�,�Y�ii} ` �nonthly psyment date afa+ev��qw�e Date untH the amount of my monlhly puyment chpnQes again. � . � <br /> �•�v:��:-,,::� ,.. <br /> '. ��y��{i'�'r��;i;�''. � (Fl Notice of CY��a <br /> �i �}7}��:��"��''���` Tne Nae Holder will majl or deliver to me a notfce betore each Changr Date.The notia will advhe me of: � - <br /> ' ( n:/,41YiJ`(� .',��eTS� <br /> ;{'�;i ,�4�V, •� (q che new interest rate on my loan u of the Changc D�tc; � �,.�n''� <br /> , '�•j.i �, (il) the nmoum of my moutidy p�ymenc 1 ollowing the Change pate: ', ._---.,i <br /> �- " (iip any xddational matters which the Note Fi�ider is requlred to dialou:and ����,`., <br /> � '° (iv) the addreas of the aasociation you rnuld contact regatdimg any queslions abou�ihe adjustment notla. � ".,,w�;.`:- <br /> , ; °` � & CIIARGES:LIEKS , ����, ,. ':., - . <br /> ' Udform Covenan[4 oFthe SeCUrity lnstrumem is amendnd�o rrada.g follows: � ,�;"� '�4:c" <br /> , I �,C�;IJep.Bortowtr shdl pay all taxa.A1.4l5.9�Q1C71'-4,and other charges,fines,aad impositions auributable to�tie i'toperty which may , � <br /> , ,�- ., atlain a priority ovet this Security Instrument,�,�d leasehold payments o!ground rents,if any,in the manner provided under para�raph 2 hereof •.�,>.�;,. <br /> �• ot,if not paid in such manmr,by Borrower making xayment,when dae.directly to the payee thereof.Borrower ahaEl ptomptly furnish Lender �, <br /> ,,;. , all ootioes oi amounts due under thls pan4raph,and ia e!u event Borcower shall make payment diratly.Borrowe�ahall prompdy furnish to ;��r�•�� •'� ;., <br /> ;, ' Lmda rocefpts eviden,�rr�g such paymenu. Honawr acull promptly dlcehar�e any tien which has pnority ova ah�a Security Instrumrnt; , ` • �� ,� � <br /> �'��'�.•;'',/��� �pwever. Hor��nr•e:+al'. tat be required lo diuhargr�nr such Ifen so long•rs liorro�er:(��shall agree in writm.F ta the payment of�he � <br /> } <br /> upbdptioe securcd by sa::s�icn�n the monner acceptable to Lender 1 b►<h�ll in ga�d(arth cantes�such hen by,or defend agninst enforcemem of •,� ;, . �. . <br /> • � wch l�en rn,k�af procm�anp�wF,c:R ia RCx op�nion oi Lendtr opentt to prevenl ihe enforcement�t tht Rkn or for(eiture of the Praperty or any ' <br /> part tAertot;w(cl s1uEC 9oc�sre frua eltie holder of cuch Iien on agreement in a form canstaccory eo L,ender subordinatinQ such tlen to�hia 'ri;',,;: ,; <br /> , Securitv Instrumen�. <br /> 7 � 1f Lender dttetmina that all ar any pan of�he Pro�env iti cubject to a Ilcn wh��h mav arcam a pnority o�n Ihis Sc�urily Insttument, <br /> . Lmder shall give Borrower a notiCe idenufyting such lieh.lforrower shall sausfy wch hen or ake one or morc ot the actions set fotth�bove <br /> within�rn days ot the�ivin�of�he naure. <br /> C. NOi10E <br /> Unitorm Co�rnant 14 of the Secu�t��Insttumrnt n amendcd to read as follow c: <br /> , 1�, 1SNiee.Fa►cepl for any naice rcpuired under applicabk law to Ne gi�en in�nother manne�,lal�Y naice w&�rroMet pro��ded fur�o th�s <br /> Secuniy Instrummt sh�ll be pven by deli�aing��or by mailing i�b>fin�cl�ss mail to Borrower a�thc Pruperty Addrecti ur a�wrh othcr�ddress <br /> . u gorrower may desigoate by notict io Lender ai pro�ided hernn, tind Ib1 any rtou�Y to Lender tihall lx gi�en b>�ti�st clus mal w l cnder'c <br /> addreu statcd hetein a 10 sucA olher�ddrcs+u Lendct may deagnate by aoti�e tu Botrowtt as provided hcrcm.Am. nou�Y pro�idcJ tur m thi. <br /> Secunty Inswment th�l1 be dtmied�o ha�r been�.en to BorroNa or Lender when g��rn m�he manna daignaterl htrnn. <br /> 1 <br />