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<br /> �� � � 91-- 102�99 -
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<br /> I,� �pplicablo I�w m+iy rpecffy for rcl�watemrnU befa�c solo of the Property pwsw�at tu uny puwer of x�tc con�ine�d in �hi� -
<br /> �., Security 1nsUOmen1:a lb)cntry of a judRment enfarcinR ihis Secu�i�y In+uument. 't�a►RC conditions ure �hu Harowcr: (a)
<br /> , pays l,cnder i►11 sum�which then would be due under thi� Secu�ity Insuumem u�J�he NWC ar iP na occelerullon had
<br /> • -,�, , occume�:lb1 curcs any defwlt of any other cavenants or ugreements:(c 1 paYR oll exp�nses incurrcd in cnfcxring ihiti Sccudly �
<br /> Instrument,includin�,but not limited to, reasawble anamcys'fera: und ldl taks�:euh xiiun ux l.cndcr may mawnably
<br /> ` roquire ca Assure�Iwt tha lian oF�his Security Inshument.Lenderk right.r in Ihe Pn�cny unJ H�xmwcrk obNgution w pay�hc
<br /> - -,- � sumc eccurcd by this Security lnsuument shall continue unchnngetil. Upnn rcinviatemcnt by Bcxrowcr. �hia Sccudty
<br /> � �
<br /> ,�,�,���� � l�cauroent And�he obli�ations cecurcd her�eby slu�ll remain fully cf fectivc aY il'iw xcelcrwiun hwi�xcurrai• Howcver.�biY
<br /> `-;:•_. .:��:';x riaht to r�einst�to eJwll not apply in the casc ai acceleration w�der pRrngraph 17.
<br /> ;.:,,.,_. 19. Swie d'Note;CAu�e ot I.oaa Servicer. The Nate ot a p�rtial intercr�in 1hc NiKc(u►gc�her with�his Se�:urity ___
<br /> .- �;.;j:'•�--.,tr� lnsuuaKntl may be sold one or mare timas wilhout priar notice to Barrawe�. A�le m�y muU in a c�unge in the @mity
<br /> ��'` ' (known as the Laan Servicer")that coilects monthlY paYments due under ihe N�ta a�ul Ihis Secudty Instsumem. There�Isa
<br /> _�' - mpy be one or mot�changes of lhe Loan Servlcer uorelated to p wle oi the Note. If tix:n:is u ch�n�e af�he l.o�n Servicer.
<br />_�.._���� �• .� . Homower wlll be given written notice of the cT�n e in accordunce with 8f8 rA Il I4 AII[1VC i111d A ficable luw. The nc�tice � _
<br /> ` 8 p � P PP r��_,=-___
<br />=-��,, will state the name und acidress of the uew�.oan Servicer�nd the address to which paymems should be made. The naice will
<br /> �� ' ' ' ', atso contain any other infom►ation nq,ui,c�Dy aPPli�vbLe Iaw.
<br />_=�:y�r1 ";'+��ty�� 2Y� llt��s 3a0stwMCes. Bonower sh,a4[nat saase a pecauk the presence,use,disposc►I,s torage,or re leA S e o f on y
<br /> d��:S; a .� . .:. . ..a,.
<br /> ,{�,.y ,�'•� Hu�udous Subst3r�ces on or in the P r o p e r t y. Barower shall na do.u�or�Ilaw anyone else to do. unytqing affecting the
<br />�„,f i • , � .'�� � Propetty thal is in riol�Mion oi'any Envl�a�mental l.aw. 'il�e poece�ciioR twv sentences shull not upply to the pnesence.ur,�,or s--
<br />,x,;.:,� •t..,:�..: ---
<br /> ,..:,S� : �t���t,�� storag�on 1he Prope�ty of srtwJl qu�ntities of Haza�dous Subsmnces that rue generally recogniud Re+be r�ppropriete to oo�nal �-
<br /> ��. �: „x•,�,,.,. • residendal uses and to maintenww-e of the Prripeerty. �,
<br /> �. ;. - t.:- . .: -
<br /> • ���,,.::'1•. ::� ,4. Borrower sha➢t�romptly give Lender wrinen noiice of:u�y invrstiKaiiNn,cluim. demand.law�sui,t or viher ocuon y any
<br /> ,�"•4 ^•'� governmentnl or rcgulatory:�gency or private party involving the Pivperty and any Hazardaus Substance or Fnvironmenta! `
<br /> -.,:, " �;f�'J�i;?.4 '� �,� �-- �:'�-
<br /> - ,f.,_ Law oi which BoROwer hag a:tual knowledge. If Barower leams, or is notified by any gavernmeawl a regulatory � ___
<br /> =�• • authority,Ihat uny removal or aher remediaaon of any Hazatdous Substance Uffec�ing the Property is necessary. Bomower ,�,
<br /> �`�SJ . shWl promptly take nll necessary remedial uctions in accordance with Environmen[al Law. �:�..� -
<br />:; t'. �� . ' As used in�hec Qaragraph 20."Hazardous Substunces"are those aubstunces defined as taaic or hazarabus subswnces by = �"�` ``
<br /> ,s:, �'� � -----
<br /> ''� Environmental I.aw and the following subswnces: gasoline,kerosene,olher flnmmable or toxic peuoleum products, toaic — ---
<br /> '•_'-'�-� -r-..i•�:u;�fi'.
<br /> _ ' �" pesticides and herbicides.voladle�olvents,materials containing usbes�os or formaldehyde, und tadi�:tive m+teri•rls. As
<br />- ��` ;� ' , °'�+ used in thie paragraph 20."Environmentel Law"means fedeml laws and laws of Ihe jurisdiction whe�e U�Propeny is located
<br /> . :;�., ;, thot relate to heulth,st�ffety or emironmentc�l protection. __
<br />- � " '' .'��:ri..:�' NON-UNIFORZA COVENANTS. Borrower a�d L.ender funher covennnt und agree as follows: ----a-
<br /> :�
<br /> 21. AcceleruHoa; ltemedies. I.euder slw0 give notice lo Borrower prior to acceleration Wllowing Borrower's ��'`
<br /> , brench ot any rnvenant or aR�ement In Ibis Security[oslrument lbut not prior to siccelemtion under pwrA�ph 17 � —_
<br /> • =i�'f��=�`•;t. t�•, unfess applicable law provldes plhe�wdse). The nodce sMall speciPy: lal the dM�ult;lbl ti�e action reqaired ta carc ihe �.�.-.u�_
<br /> r �.�..,�_-
<br /> ';-�:`}t!:;�?S'�;,s: default; lc)a date.not less than 30 days from the date the notke is given to Borr�+wer. bY w'aich the detauos�austi be �;�:.,�,----
<br /> .,;',:;�$�,�a`•" ° cured;wid(d)thM fAOure to cure the defAUlt on or before the date specifted io the notice may resu0rt I�acceoe�Ation uf 43�_..�:__
<br /> ���''--�-'-
<br /> ��,,., . _. �°,
<br /> , ;,`;�, '`f►�'�f-, .,�; ' the suau secured by this Security Instrument pnd sale of the Property. The notice shoU furlhQ�avs7nrm Barrower of _
<br /> �.�,,. .'; l�t�� the rlght to reinstate atter accele�Non And the rig6t to bring a rnurt aclbn to assert Ihe pon-e�dw�a�ce at a deP�ull or
<br /> - :..:;� +{4;r�.,-,, '` ' unv otder defense oi Borrower to accele�alion�nd sale. li the dePault is not cured on or betore Ihe ds�te aq�er�lied In
<br /> ��' ��E,����j�;� ' the aotice.l.ender at its opt�on may require immediate puymen!in iull of all sums sccured by Ihis Securitp la�sl��utnent �'���^
<br /> � .',�r � witi�aut iurther demand und may invuke ihe power of s�le and any other remedies permltted by npplirabie law. �,�
<br /> �;;'(�! , �� Lender shall be entiUed 1�collecl all expenses incurred in pursuing the �eraedies provided in tids pw'aRroph 21. • ^_
<br /> ' � / including.but not limlted to,reasonable ytrorneys'ieespnd costs of Htle evidence. F����
<br />' .: �•�� •:y�� � . `.!' U tbe power of sale is Invoked.7lrustee shall record a notice of defoult ia each county ia whicb any parl of the ��_ -
<br /> 'f�';�,J, 1��%'1�"i• �n••_°.�,
<br /> , . , .�,,F;,.,L , Pmperty is lorated and shall maU copies oisuch notice i�the mAnner prescribed by applicable I�w tuBorrowe�and to ;►�;;Y{;�;,;:
<br /> � �'����:};��ti� '• ''' the other pe�sons prescrfbed by applkable IAw. Aiter trie tfine required by Applirable law.71ruslee shpM give public �'''�-'��•'-�
<br />. if •f�)i,.��'{y_ .:;: � bi
<br /> � � : ��;{��,- -•�. notice ot sale to the persons nnd in Ihe manner prescribed by appliceble law. 'I�ust�er,wilhout demond on Borrower. � �:�:.�n,���_
<br /> � ,tit? �'",``:`;r�-�
<br /> �`•`•�•1, � �':°f. shaU sell the L'roperly at public auction ta tQaP hiytKwt bidder at the time pnd place and under tQ�e/erms designated in � ��'' ��
<br /> .�'<<•'�'' =°="' ^ � the nMice of sale in one or inore pucels and in uny order 7Yustee determines. Tru9tee m�v posepnness�le of�II or any �
<br /> , •rr;�" t+� `"- .�.` parcel ot Ihe PropeKy by public announcement�t Ihe lime nnd place of any previau�l� sched�uaed s�le. I.ender or i�c �----=--L�-_
<br /> ''`{�i` ' . �':�; desigoce may purchase Ihe Properly at s�ny sule. ���_
<br /> .0
<br />_ +''�;?lr�'�.' Upon receipt of payment uf Ihe price bid.'IYustee shall deliver tu tbe pu�chaser 'frustee's deed conveyinR Ihe �
<br /> ��%i'. � ° shall be rlma fecie evidence of the truth of the statemeats made therein. `
<br /> �'` Pro rt . The recitals in the 7lruslee's deed p ���',� •
<br /> ;;�,'..��'1,'.• �„�,r " '�}��yhpll A tbe oceeds oi Ihe sale in Ihe fulluwin urder: Iu110 ull cusls and ex nses of exe�cisi the wer
<br /> .���. , _ . pP�Y Pr g I�e nB Po �_ _
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