t� IT ;.•�i�ru;;!•�::�,;�f{p�' I 'fdr#Y•tf��rr�A*.NIR"""""';"'R�r'. . �T ,t�
<br /> . i J;;�:i
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<br /> �,:1 � �.._:
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<br /> J1[ JN "=.--
<br /> . ,�L�.�, . _ - - - �lf�°'
<br /> R..f ..:rr-•_.
<br /> �� ' gl- 10258'7 ---.
<br /> . . � �.��_
<br /> . s� TUOF.'fI�F.R WITH ull�hc im�►mvcmenta�aw or hereufter crected on the property.und all eatiement�,nppurtenunces,
<br /> ,.;.. aiui fixwrrN n��w nr hercuftcr u pan of�he pmpeny. All replacements und additionx shall ulso he cavered by thix Security
<br /> ,,s,�, Inrirumcnt, All��f�Ihr Ii�rcQoiny ix refcmd t�i in this Security Instrumem as the.'Prapeny"
<br /> . ,, :•,,
<br /> �.•-�j���'; BtIRRAWt!R t'(1VNNAN'I'ti�hut Bom�wcr ic Inwfully tieised af thc estute hcreby conveycJ and hu+:lhe right to grunl �-�•_ti��r,�-..-
<br /> �-�:
<br /> 41UI l'lN1VCy IIIC Nrc���ry and Ilwt Ilx�I'n►peny i�unencumbered,except for encumbrunces of record. Borrower wurrunts And =_
<br /> ' sa�+:; . „ will dcl'enaµcnerully IIw IUIr iu Ihr I�rn�x�ty agoinst all ciaims und demunds,subject to any encumbrnnces of record. _
<br /> - t .� �,t..,_y,r �- ----
<br /> ���,,y _� , THIS til?('UKfPY INS7'RUMENT cumbines unifarm covenents far natianul use and non•unifonn cuvenantK wi�h
<br /> � IimUud vu�iuliunr hy juriMlicN��n lu aM�lilute u uniform security instniment covering reul prapeny. ��
<br /> � � y�6fi�,.,�` UNIf�I)RM('t)VI:N�N'I:ti. I�urrowcr und Lcrtder covenant and ugree As followg: '�' L��?�1:v;'��r�
<br /> ��x''�.;f:�..�:•_ 1. P�yment ut Prlaclpwl rnd Inlerest�Prepayment and La1e Charges. Borrower shali promp�lY paY when due thc �° ••^� " :
<br /> :�,:n�-�'.
<br /> - �*•• princi�I cd'and intcmti��►n 1he�kM evldcnc��l hy ih�Note nad any prepaymem And lute chnrges due under the Note. �e_��T�y�=
<br /> -"='��� � 2. Munda tar'Ibxer wnd lanu��ace. Suhjecl la upplicabFe iaw ar to a wriuen wuiver by Lender,Burrower shall�y ta �-�
<br /> .''�,�� "`=--�••••-��• l.�m{er un thc dwy m�►nthly puymcnt�um dur undcr ihe Nute.unril rhe Note i��wid in full, a sum C'Funds')for:(u1 yeurly ��.��=��„��---�:_ .
<br /> -- " �pxes ond axxe��cmrm„whlrh muy++uuin pri��rily over thfs Security In�irumem As u lien an the Property:lbl yeurly lei►tiehold " ' `'??"""'
<br /> .A;= �•t�. �• ;' • ,r , ..,,:,�,
<br /> �.�;=��, puyment� ar gruund rern� �►n Ibe i'ru�xny, il' nny: lcl yN+uly huzurd or pmpeny insuruncr premiums; Id) yearly tl�d t `, „
<br />,,�._• � �,�: ; �• � inaurunce premiuma. if� uny; (ol yrurly mongugc insuancc premiums, if uny: ond (fl any aums puyable b�� Bnnawcr ta __.�___:.�u;
<br />-=���'� ' • I.ender,in ucconlanco with thv pravi+�i�►nr.ul purugruph H, in lieu af the puyment oi mortgc+ge insurunce premiums. These
<br />=: �� '����°'-•��•�••�- item�ure called"[i�crow hemH." I.��n�kr muy,ui uny time.coUect and hold Funds in nn nmount not to exceed thc rnuximum
<br /> ;�°�:: ' . �-�..—
<br /> �"�::5.' ' � ' ' ; umount a Icnder fi�r u fedcrully relulyd mongugc luun rouy rcyuire t'or Borrower�escrow uccount under the federal Real ---
<br /> .:y;:_ ,��•�"� ; kstote SetUement Pr�xcdurc+Act��f IN7•t ur umcnJcd fr��m timc tu time,12 U.S.C. §?Glll rr sey.("RESPA"),unl�ss�nother ��
<br /> �r . luw thut upplicx to thc F�u�uls nu�+.u Ic��r umnun�. It'.a,l.cndcr may,a�un�y lime.�oltcc�und hold Funds in an amoynt not to � a � -- -
<br /> � � . oxceed Ihe Ic.rscr umuunl. Lender muy c+lim�ac ihr +�m�►um of Fundx due on thc haxis of current dutu and reas.mable �'- —
<br /> � �� � ' estimules of cxpcnditun:s of tbturc t?�rruw Ilcmx ur a�lhcnvir:e in accnrd�nce wi�h upplicable IAw. �`��w��' �
<br /> �S " Thc FunJs tihall lx�hold in un in�utuUnn whuw dc�xnfls urc insured hy a federal ugency, instrumentulit�, ar cnti�y "`�';H�
<br /> aP,. •• ° � lincluding L.cndcr,if Lcndcr ih nurh un in�lilutiunl�x in uny Fedcrul Homr Lonn Ba+nk. Lendcr shull upply Ihc Fbnds io pAy �_��}�� .
<br /> ' .;,.'' the Eu:row Itemx. l.ender aiuy no�rhur�ec Hum►wcr f�K h�dding ;u�d Applying the Funda, unnuully unulyzing the excmw �r��; �
<br /> ' ° s� accouot,ur verifying �ha G,emw Ucm�. unlc�x L�ndcr puy� Sorrower ioterest on the Funds und u licable luw rmits '�'�`���
<br /> . PP 1� �,:�__....:.:: �
<br /> � � �,.: Lendcr to mukc such a churge. Hnw�wrr. I.cndrr niuy R�u�re Bortower t�pAy a one-timc charge for un independent real r.:_,��_y-�=
<br /> ' • ° cwtate tax reponing scrvicc uscd by l.ender in ramn cliun wuU thi�luun.unlcss upplicnble luw provides othcrwise. Unles,un �+n�='-'�_
<br /> ,a.'. �� ogreemen�is mudc or opplicublc luw rcyuire�iulerc.l�u Ixr pufd,l.enJer shall nat br reyuircd ta puy Borrower uny interest or a���,, ,
<br /> ° °,,; � cumingw on�hc Fundx. Horn�wer und l.rn�l��r muy uurcr fn wri�ing,howevcr,tfiai imerest xhull be paid on the Funds. Lender „r.��:,.-:
<br /> • ' shull�tivc to BoRawcr, wf�h��ul churgr,un�mnuul ncru�mlinR��f thc Funds,eh�+µ•ing credits und debits to Ihc Funds und the �`� '^'�' '..--_
<br /> I�.C.�_ purpase fbr which euch debh lo Ih��Nund�►wu�ntwle. 7'hr Fundx ure pleJged as additional securiry for ull�ums seeured by �,�� ���FE__
<br /> this Security Inxlrumcnt. �
<br /> ,•�• � If�he Funds held by t.cndcr rscecd ih� +un�wiu� �xm�i��rd �n be hcld by applicublc luw. Lendcr shall account 10 rf�r r
<br /> r • • • Hurmwrr tix Ihc cacr+� Fund�iu nerunlun�•c H�UI� Ilir n�yuirrmrnlx uf upplicuble luw. If thc umoun�af the Funds held by �F���,. ; ' wM_
<br /> . . ! . ' l.ender at uny�imr ih no�.ul�icicni w puy ihr li,c���w Urnn whrn duc.l.emler m�y so notify Borcower in writing. und. in ,;
<br /> � . • xuch cuze Borrowrr .hull pay t�� I.rndrr Ihr umuun� nrce„��q� ���muke up the deficienry. Borrower +hall make up the '�„'::;,i,:�JA;ti�.. � �•
<br /> � • , deficicncy in na morc ihun�wclvc munthly p��ymrm,.ul Lcndrr'•,ulc di+crciiun. �`.�'�:.±?;,f�.�` -
<br /> Upun puymrnt in 1'uU uf ull+um�+rrund by th�,�ecuruy Im�rumcm.l.cndcr xE�all rom U rcfund tu Borrowcr an `.`
<br /> . " �. , Flindr held hy Lrn�kr. 11.un�k�parnµ�uph:I. I.rndri ,li�dl i�ryuirc ur.cll thc Rropeny.Lender.prior to the ucquisilion �,r ',7 fii'liN'`4;,�;-��__.
<br /> ' - �� • . sala oi the F'roperty. +hall upply uny I�uud�hrld b�•I..�i�ler u� Ibr nmr ul'acyui.ition or sale as u cr�:dit ogain4t Ihe sums •�;,,•.� "�••----_---
<br /> �..�. .�
<br /> � � secured by ihis S�curily Imtnnncnl. • • . •�-•
<br /> �� '• " •� 3. Appllcptlon �iP!'uymentx, linle�� ,q►plicaMr luw pruvidc+ othcrwisc. ull payments rcccived by Lender under ;.
<br /> � �� � parugrnphs I nnd 2.hu111►c:���u«i:i��,�, �u,u�y pr��payoirm rlu�rµ.,due under�he Notc:sccond.w amounts puyable under .,:•. . - .
<br /> ' pruugr+�ph 2;�hird.��►intrrr+l du�:lourth.���pru�r�pul�lur;u�id lu��.�u:my lutc churgcs duc undcr the Notc. ,=`.':i��"''-'�-
<br /> -, . 4. ('haraevi I.lens. Nurn+wer r.hidl p:iy ,d 1 i��xr.. n.,c,.mrn�.r, churgcs, f ines and impositions uttributubM ta the •-.,,;•��.� =?'�`•,
<br /> . � Propeny which mny:iuuin pri��rity�wrr�bh Srcun�y In.inuurm.unJ ku+rhuld paymems or grouixl rcnts,if uny. Borrower . .... ....,;`
<br /> rhall puy thexe obligaUuns in the mannrr pruvldcd�n pur�i�truph 2.�x�1 mn puid in thAt manner,Borrower shull pay�hem on . �'
<br /> �. ',. �:�::
<br /> . limc direrUy 10 the�xr+uo�iwed puym�nl. ItunuNr r�ludl prwnpily lumi,h 1�►LenJer all noticeti of amoun�s to be paid under . � �
<br /> ,��''• � this p•rragrnph. It�Botruwrr makr�tlu�e paynu�nts dn.rily.Nurruwrr�hull pmmp�ly furnish to Ixnder receipts evidencinF � � ;,, � -
<br /> .';: j •� .� .. � the payments. ;,;, �._,
<br />_ .•.. ,i ,�!:s.,
<br /> ','�'�';.��,,, �t � Barrowcr+h�ll pn►mpUy Jiuhur}tc nn�•U�•n�vhirh hu�pnunly uvrr�hi,Srruriry Instrument unless Borrower:la)ngrces �'�:;:•'.::,?,�:,_°..._-.
<br /> �.�,',:`;:..':..`�.;'•
<br />',�,.:t:�. ��. „ ' in writing w the puymen�of ih�ublig►ni��n,ecured hy�lir lirn m��m+um�r urcrptablc to LenJee�b)contests in goai fai�h the •��;:. ..•: ��'�,___
<br />'i:+ '.,;.;;r!' . � lien by.or del'ends ogainrt enforcemenl ul Ihr lirn io, Irµul pnk•rrdioti,which in Ihe Lendcr's opinion operate ta prevent Ihe �lU�'<:;;;�;;;'_
<br />' ��' <;;�;; �"• enforcement of�hc lien;�rc Icl+ecum�t�rum�h�hulalrr ut itir li�u un uµrccmem�sni.fuclary to Lender subordina�ing the licn �;�x!';;;s;'�;"_�
<br /> , .,,� } . , -.:..:,•....._ .
<br /> „ � w�his Security Ins�rumem. If LenJrr Jrtrmroie�Ilwt�ioy part�d tlie 1'�u�xrly i,tiuh.ject to a lien��•hich may uttain priority %'.,`s.. . .•.,;, ��::
<br />� � over this Securily Ins�rumctu.I.rnder rouyµive Nurruw.r a�iaurr�dcnlUy�uk thc lirn. Borrc►wer shall saticfy Ihc lien or takc r%�;:��•�:'�;��„�,;:+•'
<br /> one or marc of thc+wliuns,ct li�rth uixwr�vilhUi lo duy.��I Ihc�i��u�ul n��Ucr. ��•
<br />= ; � ' S. Hazurd or Properly Inxuranre. liurruw cr ,hnll lrrp ihr inq+ruv��nrcn�,nuw rxi,�inE or herea8er erected on the �•��; . �:i�,;:
<br /> Property insured ugaintit lus.hy firr,hnii�rd�inrludcd unluii ihr i��iw °r��rixlcd cu�►ri��e"anJ any u�hcr�azardx,induding
<br /> ' tlaods ur tluoclfng,for which Lender rcyuirc. imurunrr. Iha ui�m,incr .h:�ll tx�nuin�uined in thc amaunts And tor the ,••�•, ,
<br /> ��•� . . .';:, .'.
<br /> /' .
<br /> M��w2a 9��0 ��,.�r a��1 n r�.+�e:► i': � ' •
<br /> � ' l��;,r,�. ' ,;:'����"�;�� �„.
<br /> ' , .�� r .•� . � r'� ��.;,,, •
<br /> ,��� ,� , � ��i;;: ,:.y.,�'
<br /> ; .•+� .i, .•' •'• ,�'I�.'.
<br /> , ,� �,•. '.�. .;;t�.�.
<br /> �' , � ,,', `�I i:. , � ... , ' �!' - ..1� .. . , :�ki�yS,' ���i� - 'r !f�
<br />.. ' -��'�' 1 • . � . ' ,'�' .1� . , - ,", .
<br /> . �- i. . . . � � ' .. ' ,', '�. '
<br />. . . __'_--�._ _ �'' ' . • . , � -/.! 5'
<br /> . �' •!•�1i'�� . . � �}��''.
<br /> _ ' . , ••�,�.1��. . . ... ' ' .
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