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<br /> .� � � •tF • ,_ ..-
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<br /> t
<br /> .; ` ADJU�TABLE RATE ItIDER 91� 1025G 9
<br /> -e� � u vw�n.�ar aae�•�w.aw►
<br /> ,� 's� _
<br /> THl9ADJUS7'ABL811AT8RIDBRi�m�d�lhis 24th �Yot April ��y ___
<br /> •�nd li iaootpocated Intu aad�11 be dMaxd w u�d�nd wppkmeat tht Manpie�De�d ot Tnw�or Securlty Deed lthe Savdty
<br /> nd
<br /> . lattrument"1 of the swa date dven by the underayned phe"Banower")to�onue Borto�er's Adjuu�bk Rate Note I�e"Nou")to HQMS
<br /> ' �c, R•,..�,� 5:1.��,�i LOAy �Q""' TION OF 0 D IiLANO._N60RABKA(�►e•'I.ender••)ot the�ame date�nd covala�U�a
<br /> propwty dwalbrd la tbe Secud►f'IaNruma►t md located u: --
<br /> ..' 4010 IMason Ave� Grand Island. NE 68803 ��^
<br /> . �• (PropertY Addref�l
<br /> �4•�.' 7'fi� Mq twWn N�'� �*�t�����1/p I�fKW np �d rl �w7
<br /> —_— _- _ wr.aa.�rw■.a.iw u.�a u.uo.■�■f t�terw na cu ers.t.u ur ae u.e.r�
<br /> _�`.�o.,e,.,�l 3�'_. .ro u��.w.�.�M u.wiw�.nl���at wu.
<br /> -- --�_°`��:, • ff�:�;,;
<br /> -__==�=h.�'°� ADDITIONAI.G�OVENAN7'3.lo�ddHlon W tla aovetuinu and yreemeals m�de ip tUe SecuNty lactrua�ant�Qortovrer aad(.Cnder =_--
<br /> •"1.�:1..r�: .
<br /> =r,�:':�'•:-:-'. - further eovwnt wd�poe�s(dlowa:
<br /> ��L .:: �
<br /> a++r����i�:
<br /> —`-=�'�� A. IKIE�T MTL+�MU N[o►rn�l.Y rA�r�lr c,tiA�vwe -
<br /> -.._ -- 'P6e[�'ate prvida Por an inldd intaat nte ot .1 � 9►.Swdoa 4 of the Note provE�a for c�a bn t6c inmresc rax a�d tht
<br /> --;T�:J=`�°" i000thhaYmenu.a�foUows:
<br /> ,.—.y.....•._-.�._-
<br />, . - __a_- .. _..��e-.:�__ . .
<br /> ....-..��' . _.
<br /> •= �r.. '::,',',;�,,�, . �. 1NTEREST RATB AND MONTHLY PAYMfJVT CHANQFS �-"�
<br /> a..;+,- : +�ri� :;,r?;'�,: � (A) CM�{eDdes
<br /> -,;+,, ��(. y��,`:• .� . IylaY ,19 92 .and oo tAU dsy everY
<br /> "�^`. t�,;,•,y .�`f��.<��� •� The iataat r�te 1 wUl pay may chu�c on the flnt d�y of
<br /> ., .�Z ,1' r , ..
<br /> �• 12 mon[lu thereaiter.Each d�k on which my iate�t�atc could cb�n�e i:called a"Ch�n4e Dote.
<br /> H�i::i'1/i, h:rC � �.t, _
<br /> _._:'v:�.t^' , :�q� ;r,; lY) 7M�M/a
<br /> -_a� �a t�w.:Y HeQinnln�wUh the fint Chan�e Date,my intercst nte w�i8 be bave�J oa t+n Inde�.The"Indea"is ihe weekly av�e yleld on Un i t e d S t a t a
<br /> -� r ' ' Trasury securiUa adJmtad a a wnstam mawrity of 1 yau.as made Av�ilabk by the Federd Resave Qard.T1K mou rooent I�ex fi�urc
<br /> j�'� s��:.;•h+;:'' availabk as of thedata 4S dayi before each Ctunae Due is calkd the"Currrnt Index." ��.
<br /> �"�� `- � If the Inda�is no bn�a av�flablc,thc Ivoto Holder wiU chooae s new inde�c whieh is bued upon comP�rable infomution.The Note '—
<br /> ��:� '.F,y`'��• : Holder will�Ive me notlee of tIJ�chofca.
<br /> -- ::`r �f.j! ',11. a`Ft�i (�i CNcd�tlo��i Clw�es ---
<br /> .::'7„r,�: t.•. - 11�t�t��Q.� t{-�roo AnY� f1flR�f'lA�f ��CdlGl�l' —
<br /> .a:!�r;� .,.,.-"•:r��,4t«,'.t,, � &foneachCbuqe Date,the Note Holder wlll calculate my new inurat rau by addlnQ �,,,.,
<br /> . � . poims{ 3.5 !�i)�o the Clirrent Index oud roundin�to the nprcst 1/8th of 19�.subject a the Umiu swtad in Section 4lD)fidow. �
<br /> _•'' �' '�"" � Thi�tounded amount will be my new interat rote un�tl the next ClwnQe Date.
<br /> �,,%.;��;� '[he.Note Hoide�wfll tpen detrnnine the amount oP thc momfify puyment�fia�Rnutd be auificient to repay in full the principal 1 nm ���
<br /> : - ;,�,,. . _ acpectcd�o owe oa that ChanQe Date in substan�ially oqua payme�t�bY�he roaturlty da�e ac my new In�erat rate.The rcsult of thb adculadon �_
<br />_.. . .� " _ , wi11 be the new amount ot my monthlY payment. �
<br />- ' • � (Dl U�Iti tw�1�4na1 ll�te(7i��a �'-�==
<br /> -- The iaterat nte 1 am requfred to p�y �t the first Chango Date will not 6e 4reater than 9.5 qi or las than ��-
<br /> ' ,'�!,`"� �_� �,TUereafln.my fnterest nte wlll never be incrwsed or decrsased on anY ain�le Chan¢e Date by morc than t-'�i° ����
<br /> �' " � ,�,Z,�Q�_(rom the rate of interat 1 luwe been p�yin4 for the prceeding twelve montlu.The minimum Interat ate on thli loau wIU nava be `�"�`�
<br /> , ,•;,� ".•:� , �� S_S __�i u�d the a�imwo inte�t rata wIU nevn be�tn than 12._S �i. , �-
<br /> . yy.; f�,. . �
<br /> . . .��,., , k,!,, � (E� Efte�tlre DMe of Q�qa •
<br /> - " °+' � ' My new interat nte wiA become effective on ach Chnn4e Date.l wfll pay the amount of my new monllily payment beyiaNt�oa tde fint ---
<br /> � -'�" +'' mw�tNy payment dato after Uu Clun�e Due until tpe amount of my monlhly peyment chao�es a�ain. �-
<br /> •� :r �j. .
<br /> . � ''•��� �•;•„ � °� (El NotfaofCMiqa �A
<br />• � � � •• Tde Note Holder wlll m�ll or deliver to me a notice before each Chan4e Date.The notla wfll ndvlse me of: � '"`
<br /> ,,•, � (i) the new intaat rate on my lan as of the Change Date; �
<br /> �`�' �r<< S ° • (ii) theunountofmymonthlypaymentfollowinatheChan�eDate;
<br /> .•�,1�;:' � '�• - Oii) �ny additiaul m�tters which the Nate Holder Is required to dfsclose;and ��'
<br /> �?� " � � �iv) the��as oi the associotion you muld contact reaard4�nny quations about�he adjua�ment notire. F,�-
<br /> ' j�rr`F� 6 z,
<br /> .. y� ���i:•'�.` � I.�;t:•
<br /> � !!lli.!.,M 1
<br />� � 1� 'i�ltt:f�'{it{�Y 1.•N S. .��Ci'�i i�'�s �}�•,_'.
<br /> �',�1�.: ;;'`'ti'�.�'+�p•'{.)'. . Uniform Covenant 4 oithe Sauriry Instrument is amended to md u follows: f y;;-:
<br />� �i5i::� 5,�.1�+�J�1)�Vl�!'.',',. -
<br />. :�}�:� : ,• '1(�(S'�?``.}��j1'y�;�':.�-�' 4.CYu�at�•Bottower shall pay all taxa.assasments.and other chvga.fiaes,and impoeiuons aaributabk to t!u ikopatY which may `�«=-
<br /> 1�. ;,���.S���F•1:,5F,r `� Attain�priority over tihis Securlty Instrument,and kauhold payments oPground rents,id any,in thc manner provided undtt RapstgraDh 2 hereo[ •
<br /> ., ' 'i�.i`:;.'•;.:��,r � .,. J.u.
<br /> • :.,1.�.�_,.,r,�1!, , a,if not p�ld in such msnner,by 8orrovrer mokln4 payment,when dua,directly to the payee thercuf.�Qorrower shall promptW, f�lyh Lender
<br /> " r�+��,..��{'�� all notices of amounts due under�h�a pwa�raph.ond in the event Borrower ahall make payment direr�iy,8orrower shall pranpiEy rrnlsh to ,,
<br /> � � ', �� '��S 1 f}�).`.+:,� ,,:;f Lrnder raelpts evidancing such {+ayments. Bottower shall promptly diuhuge any lien which hu pdority over this Security Irulrwnrnl: /;_•S•
<br /> ��.,�. ' .i���..;i� .i�.,
<br /> 1,,,•, . ';�� � however, Borrorer rhall rtot bc required tr di+:hurge ony �uch lien w lung a+Horrower. lal+hqll ugree in wriling lo t he paymenl o f t h e ; `•��•
<br /> ��`�� �'' i+•���'�•:�5;�,'� obligaUon secured by:euth tien in�he mannar accep�ab�r t�I.ender;lb).hall�n guud fa�th contest such I�en by,or detend aRa�nst enforcement ot' : ,
<br /> •�'�;'r`1,•1: ., � "
<br /> � �� , ���.',���}•�t���•. - � such lien in,leBal proreedings wfi:;h�n;ht opm�on af Lendrr o{xn�e to preven�the enforcement of�he lirn or forfeuerc of the Properly or any
<br /> ;�� {" •��, �����;�,,e,`; , pan tGereo(; or(c►shal!secwr iror,�r,he holder of such lien an apreement in o form saus[actory co Lender subordenaua�such IKn to�Ais
<br /> ,t���, . Secunry Ins�rumrnc.
<br /> ...- .r..w..C�...• ..IMS�nunNv
<br /> :'/''.' � . – I�Ll�Clt ORlfRtltOtS INI UIl Oi 071y pvrt(+r tnC PfUpcny ia•uvjc�i iu a iicu ..iu�i�u.a�w::::��:'p:.,.:.1��.._.....__�7:, ...-°–°- -
<br /> . � E �•.;; l.ender sh�l�give Borrower a nouce fdenuf}�ry��:�:!+ �.�en. Uurrower shall sedsfy such lien ur�ake une or mexe uf rAr actions set forth above �
<br /> �' � • �itAin tm days ot the Qivinaof the no�ice.
<br /> �� �w.��' • _, ..
<br /> :. , C. NO?1C�
<br /> ° �. ' Uniform Covtiunt 14 of IheSecurily Ins�rument isamendcd lu rcad u followc:
<br /> • ,� . 1�. Notlee.Except forany notire required under�ppllcable law to be g��en in another manner,lal ony notice io BorcoMer pru�ided��ar in ihis
<br /> � Secudty Ins�rument shall be eiven by dNfrering it or by mailing it by Pint class m�l to Borrower at tht Property AdJra+ur at.uch other address
<br /> , ' , as Borcower may desi�nate by noUce to Lender as provided Nerem,and Ibl any notice w Lender sluill Ue given by fira clus mail�o Lrnder's
<br /> addreu sqted hercin or to such nther addras u Lender may desigtwte by no�ia�0 BonoMe►as pro��ded herem.Any nou.Y pro�ided for m thh
<br /> . � � Sesudty Irotrumrnt shall be deemed to lu�e bten gi�en io Borrowa or Lender Mhm gi�en in the manner designated haem.
<br /> �
<br /> �.. �
<br /> . ,
<br />