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.:d+�n;i:t�u.,�..�i.� . .. ,t� <br /> ^,C,,,,,,::f �r_.-_. <br /> �vy.. . . --- <br /> ,�,;�;ty�:t R�i:. e. •- _..- <br /> ,.r.:...y, 5•.. . - _. <br /> �' , �:�. ..�,. - ''•;y-'.-_ ... <br /> � . .,�,�, �.,,:, � _ ._ _ _- - <br /> �' <br /> 91--» 102569 <br /> '� applicablo law maY :pa:ifY fa rcinuatemenU befare sala of the Propehy put'RUant to any powcr of xalc contaiacd in�his ��--:•- <br /> .� Saurity InWrument:or lb)entry of a judgment enfor�ing this Sacurity Inctrument. 'it�aco conditfons are thot Borrower. (a) <br /> t>_'; 'p�ya Lender al! sum: which ihen would be due undc� ihic Securiiy Insuvment and the Ncue us if no accele�atian hud <br /> • �` occuered;(b)cures a�iy default of any other covenants ar agrcements;lc)pays ull ezpenses incurred in cnforcing Ihis Security <br /> ��` . Inscrument. including.but not limitcd to, rcasonabla uttomcys'fces;and(dl takes such ucdon as Lcndcr may reasonably _ <br /> requirc to assurc Utat�he lien of this Security Insaument,Lcnder�rights in the Property und Borrawerk obligation w poy the <br /> . sums securcd by this S�urity Instrument sh�ll continu¢ unchen�ed• Upon rcinswtement by �orrowcr. Ihis Security �,��- _ <br /> r �"'` Inatrument And thc obligations�ecurcd her�eby shal)remain fully effcctive as if na ncccleration had occumed. Howcvcr,this �.�_.�� <br /> c � dght to rcinstate shatl not apply in tha casa of nccelsratlon uoder purngraph 17. ��� <br /> . �+• lq. ��N�= Cppppe nt I,oaa Servker. Tha Note or A Psutial intere�t in the Note(together with�his Security ,,�_ <br /> ' �i�, '� In�irument)may be rold ona or mare dmas wilhout pripr notice to Barrower. A sale may result in a chunge in�he entity �';;�''.-- " <br /> �,4.-,� ..�,s_.�.. . � -._� <br /> - ,�,,;,�^���:'� • �known nR tha"Loan Sarvicer"1 thnt callect�monthly payments due und e r t h e N o t�n n d this Securit y Instrumant. 'lt�ere alsa <br /> ";..,��!��;.� mey be ona or mc►re changes of tha l.oan Servicer unrelated to n salB of tha Note. If thcre ix a chunge of Iha l.osut Servicer, +�. � -- �:_. <br /> __:�..i��'� ' �t l'� . �...��R._. <br /> Horrower wiU be given written nadce of tho change in uccordnnee with parn�raph �4 abave und applicAblo luw. 'llie nntice ;,^ ' r <br /> - -_ ---'���=?n . .'• will stats Ih�nume und address of the ncw l.oan Sarvicer and the address to w h ic h puyments shauW bc mado. Tha notice will _.� : ,�u ..�; <br /> _ —��.=_.a,;�;., �� r��►�•- <br /> �, ___ ,�, �Isa contait►any other information requi�d by appliaable law• _ <br /> _-;,,_��,,;�_�.i � Z 0. Hasardou�t Subatxaces. Barrower shnll not cAUex or permi�tUc p�esence,urc,disposAl,xtornge,or rcloose of nny - - --. <br /> --.-__ -,�a ,,,,. HazArdauF Subsmnccs on or in the Property Borrowor shnll nM do.nar alluw uayona e lsc to do,wty t h i n g u f f e c t i n g�h s <br /> t '�'�;l�•. pro�eny thut ia in violation of any Enviro�mantul Luw• The PrecedioB�WO senlences shall not npply�o the presenca,uFe,or � - �;���c��s. <br /> _: . ,.,.;. C{.:1.. ,_r <br /> :r.`.'r��'.��_:,_,.�,;. atorAge on tho Propehy of small quandties of HwArdous Subswnces that orc generally recognized to be appmp�iate�o nam�ul <br /> �^��:,�'��„;�;�'-:�:, rcaidirada!uses and ta maintennnce of the Propetty. �,-`==_ <br /> =' . >�� ' . Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice oi uny investigation,clnim,dcmand,lnwsuit or othe�ac�i�n Ny nny �__ __-_..: <br /> �� �L overnrnental or regulatory agmcy or private party involvin��he Properry and uny Haza�dous Substance or Environmantul �,:,__=--• <br />.��,�' r , �._ , g ,. .- <br /> �.k• Law of whicfi Barower has uctuni knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any governmentnl or regulutory �?�,� _ <br /> ` ;�. authoriry,ttiat any removul or uther remediation of any Hazurdous Substunce aifecting tha PropeKy is necessary.Borrower �,,,a,,,, �-__ <br /> �=�.'�•` •� ,�. siwll prompUy talce all necessary remedial actions in accordonce with�nvironmental Law. ��_ <br /> „� `�';; As used in this psvagraph 20."Nazardous Substances"are ihose substonces deFined aa toxic or haznrdous su6stances bY ��,�:::� <br /> .x '� ^ .,r���, Environmenwl luw and the following subatances: gasoline.keraseue,ather flammable or toxic petroleum prociucts.�oxic ��;;_ <br /> �;.� '��;• � ' pesacides und herbicides.valatile solvents,materiuls con[aining�sbestos ar form�ldehyde, w�d mdioactive mutenAls. As � T <br /> ., �.'� ± �Q' ..'�. used in this paragmph 20,"Environmental Lnw"means federul luws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is lacated �.,�.; <br /> = � �' �. ' � ' tArt relate to h�lth,snfety or environn�cota!protecNon. �"'�;'t-_" <br /> ,. ' .', , ic -- <br />'�:•: ' ��•` '� � � � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funher covenant and ugree ns follaws: __ <br /> �' ,'^`�: •'�`�.. 21. Accelemdon; Remedies. IRndtr �hAll give notice to Borrowe� prior to s�cceleration following Borrower's � <br /> _' '�' � ' � '' p�����y�Y���t o�agreemeot io Ihls Security Instrument(but not prior to acceleratbn under p�rogmph 17 ��._ <br /> - , ' ' unless applicable law provides otherwtsel. The notice shall spectfy: I�t)IhQ�efauit:161 ihe rciiva�'equi�ed ia curc iltP �,,�y`_ <br /> � .s�' � •V. �., : defauili(c)a date.not les4�lu+u 30 daYs iY'om�Ae date the notice is iren lo Borrower,by whkb Ihe deiaull must be <br /> ' � cured;a�d Id)that failure to cure Ihe deiault on or bePore the dnle specified io Ihe notke may result M Acceleration of �'��- <br /> .fi< <,: � . ., <br /> . • f4I�,�,{.�..� the sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument and sale of the Prope�ty. The ndice shal�further iniorm Borrower of �4:;� <br /> .�{<r��'•�•��r Ihe righl to reiostate After acceleration and t6e right to bring a court action to�ert the non-existence of a defaut/or <br /> •s.-�, ,;,y,.,;�,.�..�, _� <br /> �, ,,:;-,{t!,.�r, ony o�her dcfeose of Borrower to accelerntioo nod sale• 1i the default Ls not cured on or befbre 1he date specitiied in _� <br /> ' '��. the notice.Lender at its optbn may require Immedi��e payment in full of�II sua►s secured by tbi�Security lnstrument ----_ <br /> • ''°"' �rithout fuHher demand and �y iaroke 1hc power uf sale aad any other remedics permitted bv appUcul�le law -�� <br /> � ���a±r.c.: <br /> � l.ender slw�ll be entilled to rolkct all expensex incurced in purr,uinR the remedies provided in tMs pan�g�aph 21. _ <br /> " • �'� includiag.but aot limited ta re�sa�abk altorneys'fe�s�d ca►1s of title evidence. �� <br /> �. : � . If Ihe power of s�le is invoked.71'ustee shall record a�atke of dei'ault in eac6 couoty in whkh�ny part oP tAe ��Fry- � <br /> properly is located aad shAU mail copies of such notice i�tAe manner prescribed by appticable law to Borrower ond to ����_M1� <br /> � � "' the dher persons prescrfbed by applicable I�w After the lime required by applknble law Tirustee sl�all give publk �.,�Y_.^ <br /> ��,;, <br /> ';,1;. � notfa ot s�le to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable 1��+: 'Itustee.witdout detnand on Borrower. �� ��,.• . <br /> ' � �'� • � � shaU sell the Property at public auction to the hiRhesl b(dder at Ihe time�wd place and under the terms desigaated in � �`• '`:��>; <br />' � • �"•'�`�a::';�.• ;%��,',` " 1he notice oi sale in one or more parcels and In any order 71�a41ee determines. 'I�ustee may postpone s�le of ail or any �., ,. ry <br /> ^. ,. � �� pprcel of Ihe Property by public announcement�t�he lime and pl�ce of�►ny previuuslv scheduled s�le. l.ender or it4 _.:;�:;�;:::�;';- <br /> ,� ., ;! � designee mwy purchasc the Property at s+ny s�le. _<:.r�,,, ,_,_ <br /> �. Upon receipt of paymenl of the price bid.7lvstee slwll deliver to the purch�.tier'li�artee�deed conveyinR Ihe � . ` � <br /> � Y ' properly. The recituls in the 7Fustee's deed shull be prima fs�cie evidence oP the trWh oP Ihe xtntements made therein. {;:> <br /> '. � ° 7lrustee slwll npply the proceeds oP the snle in the fdlowing order: lu 1 to all cu,�and expenses of exercLring the power 6____��_ ` <br /> . , :• ,.,;:�,.:` '`''. <br /> -�� � � ,�1��.. <br />�'�r ' i '-! ')a�. . . • � .�'l, " ',.t� }�'i1t.L'!' <br /> y��: <br /> -:� .1�1'' �r.i{� ' .•�:.�.���'��. .., ,,�,� rRM- <br /> '�t. •�V�i•� ,(,j� �.� -:,,•1 ♦'�,'y. .,'+rt•: <br /> I� �. <br /> `r�; •�"•''� ':;�:,.�,�4:,4'y,{�t•.,. ; , �,. <br />: ,1 ','���1f;(S��i•'•�''�1�5� � �j1.�. <br />. . 'I�e�{Ji.i�.Y. ! � i. <br /> , �� �� {e� <br /> " • � � <br />- ° � � (- F1MO.�� �90 1(ht!M���JII�hf.�jPSI � . <br />.. o , . .,� . _ <br /> , �� • <br />.. - , - ' - I� . <br />. . , II. -. - . <br />� . . . - r . .....v�«rva�wlT,�u'�"'• _ 1 <br /> �' � •��`.`, ' ., . '-.y�1���r+�--'.�'^'__'_�__. ; 1'''4_' _. . .. ..�• , , - , <br /> � ., ' , ' <br /> 1,, <br /> ' , ' o , <br /> . . ..� . . .. � - . <br /> � `.i. <br /> `, , �� <br /> �.. i 1 <br /> i � <br /> , _._J�_ . _ .. ._ - - . ._ . -_-. - <br />