,'. �sl`+]+[�11�1vV'"����� � �� il�'1b'. •��,t:... / � '�! .KSlY�i^V"� .. - � .. , i . �. � .. pFY_�_
<br /> � . R ' . � f . 1 1. ,l . �� - .: y � �d
<br /> � + { . . +, t.. - • - � � '"`_..._.__'__ .___ _-__
<br /> � ', II �w'��..�""'M'�°`°"' '.
<br /> �"'!" )" 1'r1'a.,-.. r� .�•.:M.+.
<br /> c. -��,'!1F'�X:�'�1�1s
<br /> — �( ``. _ ; I,..,_;,,,� .,� _ '--
<br /> ...,._.. . _ -' '.........._I�--_ ...�.,R:r, - "-- _
<br /> . . .�,..... _
<br /> '....�r,�K��Q�G�� � ,,� '�'"'`� .. � -
<br /> .. x,.,..i;1, `•� ,�n._ _ _�._�.. _.._ ... ..
<br /> • tS•
<br /> I
<br /> _��,. I�� 91-- ].0 256'7 ---
<br /> .,
<br /> �,�:a� .
<br /> . ., d :t�...... —"
<br /> .:i�'.; : . .. .
<br /> y•--;��,� _ If I.endar required mort�ge insunnct as a condition oi mpkfng thc loan saured by this Security Instrument, _
<br /> ,,;,�r,. Barrower shall pay�he premiuma required toinaintain the insurance in e�'ect until such time as the requircment for the ��-� k k&,,_„#._�� _.
<br /> `�° ` �� insurmce lerminates in accordAnce with Borcower's and Lender's written agrecmcnt orapplicpble luw. _
<br /> �� : ..• � ,. �'-,..,,Y�,
<br /> ���:. 8. In�peedoa. Lender or its agent may mplce a�sona6le entries upon and inspeccions of the Property.Lender
<br /> ,� , s1uA�ive Bonower notice at the ameof a prior to an inspection apeciPying reasonable cause for the inspection, �_r,".,
<br /> ` 9. Ca�de+��t�io�. 'TDe proca�3s oS anY award ar claim foc dsmages,dircet or cooaeQuential.in connection wit6 .;:�"�
<br /> --_�•x�,�:. , � � �,y ��aoa or«��c�n8 of'�y�an o����y.or for conveyu�ce ia p6eu�c.�ndemnatioa,s�re I�ereby �(�• �7:::_
<br /> '�` ' •�•'�,�ry'r�� assigaed and shall be paid to i.ender. �cr.�- -
<br /> ' 11�_ ' N 4', tr. ��1C_.
<br /> 111.L�i•1.1� �'
<br /> ?.,�`.t. ..,��...:{•;�-,::t"„rtY1�r� � I�the event of a tmal taking oi'the Pre+perty.the praceeds shal!be app�ied a eLhe sums aecur�A+��[his Secunty _, ` . - -
<br /> �=�.,;i:��t �!�; ,.:'"�;rY':�i+{;��'.='�. Inatrument,whether or na then due,with any exceas paid to Bonower.In the event of a partial tak�ng of the Property, ___ _
<br /> " ' " �:�•�'t��'��}�:�i`,t��''t':'?�<+;�'���, u�kss p orrower an d L eo der o t hcrwise a gr e.e i n writin g,the sums secured b y this Security Instxument shall be reduced by �
<br />_�°'!�>,r,;:f' .��;�1�;'i(!;s;!i±l�Pl4:(;%;'...,;;�,� _.._� --
<br />:��-�, . tfie amount of the proceeds multiplierl by thefallowing fraction:(a)the total amoum of the sums secu�ed immediately �:.______
<br /> :�.'�.. :��� � �� beforc the taking,divided by(b)the Pair m�rkN value of the Pra�xrty immedistely before the�aking.Aoy balance shall be - --
<br />-,;:.-� _� --- . ." .- paid to Borrowcr.
<br /> -:_.y.}r�' � If the Property is Abandaned by Borrower,or if,after naticc by Lcnder to Borcower 1hAt the cundemnor oflers to `'``=�=__-== -- -
<br />`'�,_�,.; • makc on award or scnle a claim far dwmagec.Borrowa fail►�o respond to I.ender within i0 dayti niter the date t he n�.�tice is F_^y�;4;�;` ..�
<br /> ';:.: ••, �<....,:. . �iven.Lender ia outhn�ized to collect und�pply the pruccaly.al ils�pUon,either torcxtoration nr repair��f the Proprny��r -- -• . -- _
<br /> •�• � � � • talhesum�rccurcdbythi�Securityln.rlrumcnt, whelherornotthcndue. L. `�
<br /> „� .��. . Unle+��I.ender und Ik�rrower athervvi+cta�ra in wti�in�,nny opplicauun��f procerde to pnncipul sholl nrn e�lend or ;x�� .
<br /> • o �w���nc�hc duc Jatc uf Ihe manthly paymen�ti rcfrrrcd to in pyrugrAph�►I und 2 or chrnge the umuum ol'wrh raymems. �
<br /> y.; - Ip, BorrowQr NW Rekwdi Farbeanwce By I.eader Not • W�Iver. Ex�rnrion of�he ume fix paymem or
<br /> � rn�rliflru�wn ��f umnrn�uiinn �tif the�umti u�ur��l by thi. 1�tiunty Inx�rument gramed by Lrnder a�uny+ucces.u�r m tr��,���_;``
<br /> .. � ' • �� mle�n�af 1lura�wcr ahull not�q+erute t.�relea�e thc Iiab�bly of�he��nQinul Rcirr�wcr nr Borruwer'4�uccesw►r��n imercxt. ��=__�L�,�
<br /> ' - ' • l.cndcr +hull not he rcyuircd �n cammenee praeedinga ugoinat uny+�ucceswr i� mtrre�t or �efuse tu ex�end time far �=o•�� "--
<br /> . .� � : �►ayment��r otherw��e madiPy omortiration of�he.rums+�:urecl by�hih Securit y Insirumenl by reuson of eny demand madc �-'�.--'G'.:.�ti;-_
<br /> + . by the original Borrower ur Borrower's success�rs in imerest.Any forbearonce by Lender in exercising any rieht or remody n-;,.,'�Y_i '
<br /> � shalt not be u waiver oPor preclude the exerciseof any right or remedy. �-:.�:,-.,.:�:--�
<br /> r I1. Succesaoro ond AwlBno Bouad; Joiat and Several Liability;Co-sigoers. The covenants and agreements of t` • ,�.
<br /> ,c.r.._
<br /> --- this Securit inst�wi�ani shai!bind aad txnefit ttte successors and assigns of Lrndernnd R�u��wer.subJect to the provisions i.n.� ,.��..
<br /> y H
<br /> of paragraph 17.Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint und sevcrul. Any Bc�rrower who casigns thia Security }� , .�.,Yt,,,r;_;_.
<br /> Instrument but daes not cxecule the Nolc:(a)is co-signing this Security Inst�ument only ta morlgage,�rant and convey � rt• �f,;�
<br /> , � . . . . .,)�4;s:+�-,:":,
<br /> that Borrawer's interest in the Propeny under t he terms of this 5ecuriry Instrument;lb) is no�personaUy t bfigated to poy . ;• ,��;„�
<br /> � , � . � the sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument;s+nd(c)agrees thAt Lender and any othe�Borrower may ag�er to extend, " • ���'���� �
<br /> c modify, forbenr or make uny accammadations with regard to the terms of ch�s Secunty Instrumant ur the Note without �,;:s�:
<br /> that Borrower'sconr�m. '•'+ =�'::,=f'�"'.-
<br /> ' '`�'• 12. Loan Chprge�. If the loan xcured by this Secun�y Instrument is�ubject t4�a law•which sets maximum loan �-s�-�-�-- °
<br /> f,;i�„. :r,�,._��--.—
<br /> ;•.:{};:; � charges. nnd that luw is finally interpreted so that thc intcrcKt i�r other loan .harRcs�oJlected nr to be collected in f,��.
<br /> conneetion with the loan excced the permitted limits, then:(a)An�• such I�.�m rharge shaU be reduced by �he amount ;�i�ir:� �=�t
<br /> . � •� ' �.'"�'�� ��� necessary to reduce the charge lo the perntiued limit;and(b)Any sums alrcudy coll�ctrd from Harrower which excerded � ,�,�';�,�. ��T;,.ti��
<br /> . ,;,,.,;a.•: •1=-R,.,,.-__.._
<br /> � � ��:"�' • • permitted Iimils will t+e refunded to Borrower. Lender muy chcxne to make Ihis refund b�• reduring the principal nwed �''�"{��i:��i�';r���"- �
<br /> ' ' �;•'s:- under the Note ur b mokin a direct ayment t o Bbrrower.If a refund reduce+ rinci 1,the reduc�ion will be treated us a '����•���'�J�°�?f.`?•"s'%+.
<br /> ,•., . Y 8 P �' Pa d, >•...?.':::--
<br /> �ir:.c�►���?C,��,.ltEe��...�
<br /> ;};,?;'.' � „ � � � partial prepayment withmm�ny prepayment ch�rge under the Nrne. :�-�.��•',�ff��''•,�.;.___-
<br /> • "`,���' "" • 13. I.eqislation Al�ecting Lender's RiRhts. IP enuctment or cxp�ration oi Applicubl� laws has the effect of s,;,r ..,.-�;l;,a.��°�°
<br /> -��7 . •�• �;.?i'?i�;�'! rendering any provixion i�f the Note or this Secunty Instrument unenPi�rceable accordmF to it�terms,Lender,ut ils option, S�, . �" {''!�-°
<br /> •.�,�� " �."`,��j��. ' may require immediotr p•rymem in full oP all wms+ecured h th�s Secunt Instrumem nnd m•r invoke an remedies ' . „�'`"`'-`
<br /> Y S Y Y � '` �_�=
<br /> ,,,� �..�, ,....,....r.�_._
<br />� ..,,Y, u• ;, f,, permitted by parngraph 19.If Lender exercises this optian,Lender shall take the stepss�,erified in the sccond parograph of ;� ,���_
<br /> ,I� I�Y..1...,�_. .
<br /> , �'��?ti:• � .; paragraph 17. ;r 1� ;,..,.�..•��
<br /> ;r:�r•� ' `- 14. Notires. Any notice to Horrower proviJrd for m thi�Secunty Instrument�hall he given by delivering u t�r by � r,,;; ••�� =t_-_�-.
<br /> • �:J;�� . mailing it by first class meil unless upplicabk luw require+use of anothcr method.rhe nc�ticr,hs�ll Lr dire�ted to the � =
<br /> �f�,.' �+s,.� Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by nohce to l.ender.Any notice to Lender�hall be�iven by j,' ".�,�, ��"��-
<br /> 5.' 1� C:^iQ;iti�•f�l�r;: . �1
<br /> t.;..,;.,;� flrst class mail to Len der's a d dress ctnte d herein or uny�I her a d d r e x s L e n d e r d�i gnata b y notice to Borcower.An y notice
<br /> 1 : -. i ,�•;,. _
<br /> y�,`t,` ..`,;..rNt,;(��,;.,t•,.� provided for in this Secunry Instrument shall be deemed to have been gn•en t�Horrower or Lender when given as provided ; .
<br /> . � -��. , � �,•±,�+f�ti. •� in this paragruph. , •
<br /> -;•�:�r r 1S. GovernlnR I.�w;Severability. Th is Securiry Instrument tihall hr go�•erncd h� Pederul law and thc luw�if thc
<br /> � ::t-. •
<br /> � • , jurisdiction in which thc Properry is located.ln�hr event thut uny pruv�sion�r claus� of th��5ecurity Intitrument or the .
<br /> � • Note conflicts with applicable law,sunc�cinflict shull not uflect iithcr pro��ti�ons of th�ti Securily Inrtrument ar�he Ncne �
<br /> whieh cun be given e(fect without the eonflic�ing provision. Tc��his end the pro�isions�,f thi,Security Instrumrnt and the �
<br /> Noteare de�;lurcd to Me reverable. �
<br /> � 16. Borrower's Copy. Horcnwer tih�ll br gi�•en��nr«�i��:�rmcd.���y of ihr Na�e anJ of thi�Sccunty!nsirumenl. �
<br /> � 17. Tronsfer of thc Propeny ar n ikneflcial Intcrest in Horrower. [I'all��r any purt uf thc Pruperty ur uny �
<br /> interest in n iti suld ur tran�l'crretil(�tt d'u lk nehcial inter�ht�n H�ttr��wrr is���Id or iran+l'r rred anJ I3orruwer ia nc�t a natural .
<br /> ., person)withuut Lender'ti pn��r wr�ucn cnm�m[.Lendrr ma�..0 u�„pn�,n. rcyuirc�mmedi:ue paymenl�n full uf ull+um�
<br /> �� •, secur�Yf by thi+Secunty In�trument. Huwe�er, Ihi���pU�m +hall ncu he eteiri�eJ h}•1.endrr if rxercise �+prc�hibu�tl by
<br /> " " federol luwa+��fthcJatcofth�sSccurn� lntitrurnent.
<br /> ' If Lender exerc�tie��hu uptwn. Lender�ha11�;iar H�,rruw rr nuuce at'acrc leruunn.'f hc nnt�ce.hnll pruv��ie a peri�xl
<br />- nf nat less th:ui 30day�t'mm�he dute the ncitrer�.Jrh��red ur madcd wnhm�h�ch IAirr.�w�r mu��pu�;�II.um�srcurcKl by
<br /> .- ------ this Securiry Imtrument.lf Horrciwer fuilti tupay Ihc+c,umti pru►r t�,lhc expirxuan oi�im rrnixi.I.enaer m•ry �m���c any
<br /> remedie�permiued by thi,Security In�trumeat wi�h�wt furthcrnuurcurJcmanciun linrr��w•�r.
<br /> ' 18.Borrower's Right to Rcinstnte. If f3orrawcr mertti�crtain cnndiu��ns, Il��rruw�cr�hall h��r thc r��h� a�havr
<br /> ,,,.14,;;. , : ' enforcrment of this 5crurity Inurument Jiticonunued at any ume pri��r ta�hc c.�rher�d': lu)5 Ja}•�(ur�urh o�her�xri�xi a� ,
<br /> •t!�,:� ;:;r:�t�,.. .,,_:!�1;:�, .'� aPPhcable law may,pecdy f2�r rc�nstutemenQ before�ale i,f�hc 1'n��xrty�punuant w uny{x�w�r��f�alr r�,ntuincd ro Ihi�
<br /> '"��` i�'..�%'�'�;,�,f��:s� %�.ti::�:,� Secunt� Instrument;or Ib) rntr}�of u judgment enforc�nF thi.Serunty Intitrumen: Tho�e rond�u�+nti urr ihat li��rrnw�r. �
<br /> , ,?�".� �. �.�:..... ...:.:.�• :��,r, , �
<br /> �,,..,,• ;.,;.,,c.;•.�.;,: ., (a) pay+ Lender all �ums which then would tx due under thiti Securny ln,trumen� .+nd �hc �ote had n�� :�.cel�ral�nn
<br /> � °, � , • •} ' occurred;(b)curo�+ any default of any other covenant�or agreementx,Ir) ra�•+all expcntie� inrurred in cnti�rrin� �hi�
<br /> :. �.'+:.":'� .�':'��••"�7 �• �
<br /> , ; . . ,• t:' ,•,�. • Securny Instrument. �ncluding, but not I�mited to, reasonable uttorneyti fees; and Id> trke,+uch aruun a+ l.end�r may
<br /> • � ': ���ti�''t"-�;;�`::������;:��;� res�sonably require to auure that the lien o(th�s Seeunty Instrument, Lrndcr's nRht�m Ih� Pru`rrn �nd Horruwer'�
<br /> ':;i;: ,; .;.,,-:•c:�:t,;;� ,
<br /> �'�` �:.,a� obligation td pay the sums secured by this Secunty In�trument �hall cont�nue un�hanged. i;�xm remstatemeni hy
<br /> • ' Borrower.Ihis Security Instrument and the abligations�ecured herehy shall remain full y cfFctitivc a�if na acreleruuun hud
<br /> " acrurred.However,this nght to reinstateshall not apply in the rase of accelera�ion under purugraph�I�cir I7
<br /> t �
<br />