. 'c y.�,��.t.s: .
<br /> :�5�___—___•.�.._ -__ _
<br /> .. t� _'
<br /> .,' - ' i.-'. ws+�Y.�rt. . f`_ _ ...-;..—'._. .. .._
<br /> , . _ ...�. ..
<br /> • ' e`�!....N°� .� '�`' 1 N.-.
<br /> �� , �, , • 91— �.o25s2 -- -
<br /> . .
<br /> '�I' lg� ne lioLie�. ltwtot h�t�br spuMt• • eop� ot �ny eotic� ot dRt�ult �aA tlNt �n7
<br /> ' � �ocls�ot��• r��e�i�i1N to tewtor u eh� Mdnw ws [oab f� tb� !lr�c oarssnol►ot chi�
<br /> - p�ni ot tru�e.
<br /> -' 1�� �po�pq�pt oi Suec��wr TewtN• Nn�tioi�ry �+Y• tT4 t1N to tlr. br veltr.�� in�te�nt
<br /> ���� ���al�� br �aa�Ilti�q, nll�d to Tru�tor aad r�cotd�d !n th� Couner in vbich tM
<br /> ut,
<br /> e MNrid�.l u6�tltu�t� �y�uce�wir�oe�1a���onteo�eh�pTrwee� o�tMr�a or�ieeisa h��mi�tn�
<br /> � '� ' 17. S�ee�w�oea aad 11��i�u. Yhi� D��d ot iswt aypliw to and lauree to the b�a�tit ui �ad bla • � _ - - -- -------
<br /> • s:.., " �11 pur!!�� h�r�to. eh�ir h�ie�� 1�R�tN�� d�vi��. pnnaa�l repr�nat�t�w�. �uec��wr��ad u�ipi�.
<br /> I ''� �, �, .,.;,w,;. '[h� hs�"MMiinl�r�" �11 �A t� ��r aid hold�e ot tlr not���hwth�r or ooe an�d as tnMtialaey
<br /> .,.,;' � t..:'::•�s;:.�:5b.�_:� Iwe�L.
<br /> — � �,,, u le. l�mtici�rv'• Powr�. Mlthout �[t�etl� eh� l3�bility ot oy oth�e p�s�an 1i�b1� tor th�p�y- -
<br /> `-.-—� �s .�, r, �•� Mat of any obl!{stlon h�s�in rnt�tM►�d• +nd vithout a[t�ntit►� tIN 1lar or cliarp oi ehi�De�d o[ Tru�t ��_
<br /> — y.yl.,�;;,�,� �a . _�.
<br /> ��-�r �`. upon �ny partlaa of th� propeeey not tMn or th�r�eofore s�l�u�d +u��oueLe [oe !h� [ull p���ne ot
<br /> _��t�sa ��...
<br /> �11 wp�id obli��tion�. MmticLry �y. icow ti�e !e CiM �ed vit6nuit aotiwi �, r
<br /> �- �- --. ...:,,.,ri.: `C�'` < r--�r . --
<br /> »�s 5 �` � (�) nUw�a�y pmoe� w liabl�= �.;,, � r,��_ ,__•:
<br /> u-; .�•^�.OJ.ti c, � •� r � .
<br /> � (b) �:and tM Mturity or olar a�y ot cM tenr oi�1 �u�h obli�stiaa{
<br /> '�s�.� s_1 .,.,�..•�;r.: (a) ie�nt oeh�s indulpnc�si ', ��
<br /> - �r3:VlT ^�•"'"
<br /> .-_� �! 4y l�li fl• +-. . :- ....... .......
<br /> .. - 4 � �-; (d) nl�a�� os r�-con��y or eaw� Co b� sateq�d or rreonwy�d �t an7 __
<br /> v4,} �. , �`;',.µ,.. - t� st �u�ficiary'• optiao. ao� parc�l. partion or all ot t�PxaP�styi !',"��
<br /> u
<br /> > �''t �'-'-•'= -.::'r- . --- - --
<br /> �� •.i;. (�) tsk� ae r�Law mr oth�r oe additlon�l �aweitr [os �m7�1�[+Rtios � -
<br /> ' , f',�. .S,f�F;p�•.'- — -- --°
<br />'`:� �.:��;� � ';il�,:.n:�).`"s'`�� Mr�la Mntim�d; or
<br /> - •. � fir��lrl;;:s'' (E) �lu ca�Pwitloa� or otb�r etra►��ent� vith d�beos� in ce1�¢4ow tlwnto. �;;f:r:
<br /> .. .C'�:.� . f
<br /> '�;� 19. Gov�raias I.av. Thi� Deed ot Trwt shall be gov�rn�d bq th�,i�r» of th�Stat� oE l�sbx+� �d• u,,�,�:��
<br /> ' 't.' �-,.�,.
<br /> �:s � ~.. �•r,;� in tM awat �nY on� or�oa of th� pravi�So�� eontain�d in thl� a� o[ Trwt. or th� aote or �ny oth�s __
<br />. � � rt:,:,� _ . .,.• - �1=--=
<br /> �n
<br />-_ ''ti�_!',�. �'' „ •: ucurit� la�ts�nt given in comuction vleh thi� trm��etioa �t�ll ba tor �nY sa��at b�hald to b� in- Y�--
<br /> m
<br /> � �'�•A�:^�{S aot1atfect•q oth�r providoa� ot tt�i�Tileed ot Trusti�bul�tha�Daed1eoE!Tcwt shallnbercon�trued w 1E
<br />' �• :t`•� •. •�� �ueh lawlid� lll�pl or a�torceabl� provi�iaa h�d nev�r b�ea coaultMd het�ln or thsraia.
<br /> 20. 6ifeet ot Porb��raae�. M►y forbe�rane� by l�nelialatq or Trwta� !o �x�rci�itf�m9 ri�1►t oe ��r-
<br /> �' � , . � reNdy her�wd�r. or oth�rvi�e atfordeJ by applic�ble Lav. ■hell not b�a vaiwr oi or pceclude eh� a«r-
<br /> ei��oE mq ��h t1Qht or r�aedy here�d�r. LSkwi��. th� vaiv�r by Bu�sficiary or Truate� of as►y detault
<br /> __•,_ r•t',- o[ the Tru�tor und�r thi� De�d oL Seunt �h�il not M d��Md to ba �Maiver of �ay oeh�s or •i�11u dr ____-
<br />� _ _ �.��iGri-ri�z'�„
<br /> -- ., _ - - taulc �ubspwntly occurr�at• z��,,�t;<;°- -
<br /> . � 21. Ra-coowY�r►ce bY 'l'rustee. Upoa vritten requn�t oE eha BeasPiciary statiag thwt all �uo s�cus�d .
<br /> '+.` ' hereby h�v�bean paid. �nd upon aurrender of thi� Daed of Tcuet aod t he nots to the Tru�tee tor c�ncel- �;
<br /> •'�'��'� l�tiop ul d [eCeqtian aod upm paywent by Sru�eor oE truete�'e feee, Tswtea ehall r�-couuvsY to Trustor, ,� -�L`L-
<br /> ,� �;�;:: �,�;,: ort ioa of ths property eMa .-- ��- _-
<br /> ,,.i�• oc the par�on or peceons legally entitled tixrnco� vithout aerrs�tq. any p
<br /> ..� • trueAfulnn sethareotit•araatee� iaTeM r��onvoqance�w�beBd�acribadt�o 'itho peraoncar•psr an�l�Rallq� —� -
<br /> y . mtitl�d tharato." �`=�'`°'�-
<br /> y2, Accept�nce bY Trwtee. Tru�tee sccapts thls truat vMn thia D�ed o! Tru�t. duly �:�cut�d and ___
<br /> �o " ' �elmowldgad. i� wd� a public record a� provided by lav. �.�
<br /> . ' tN MI1NB88 WHBRB�F. Truetor ha� e:ecuced chls Deed of Trwt�oa tir d4t� lis�t noted abon. �;�:-�;
<br /> t . i � 1 F�:..�.:y�.�vi.
<br /> e � - .. '� /fJ / 7 J�.YI • � + .L 't'r�K���::�__-
<br /> ., T� Alve n L. Rnoepfel 1'�x;:_°.=--°
<br /> � , �. �' �_r_�,._�,;.:;_�_
<br /> � ,... . � �,� � > T . \ `' /- u, �-
<br />. �.�J•�. �. l �'�f'�`%°-�y:r_�--
<br />.. - ,,Y��`i , ., ��� . E� i r►) --r �_��_iJ�� 't-- ._.--
<br /> . T� D�ck� I. KnoePfel -�------��.
<br /> �� -----
<br /> , .. sre4e or N�.�u ) ���.'�'-`--
<br /> ) ��t .:�.,�� �
<br /> " �p�RiTY oF ) �4 ��.
<br /> u,.,,� � . .
<br /> ��. qp t�� day of Anri j . 19K�1 . before w�. tM uud�r�iB�ed, a Notary
<br /> � "' r" -�- reonally ca�e �••s^•p',TI-�-�►' T. �n,d 1]arlane� �, �pfel
<br /> ''��'�Sr Publlc duly ca�i�etoned and qwliEied for e�id County. pe � *'�r�' '
<br /> �.,,.r:,.. � r�,,?;.
<br /> ,1,,".;��1 L to we known eo Ae the identical pernon(e) vhoee nuwe(e) are eubvolmtary act��u Tde�d g imtruwnt - "'- -
<br /> • �r�";�;i� a�d acknowl�dQed the ��ceeutton thereof to b� tt121P ';i;:'•:�:�,� v_
<br /> �,i}i�; .�. , �Li;;.;;�•. .
<br /> �;,�'''" � • Nitnew �y hand �nd Nour ia l S e�l a t r+�n n r l S�t s�nrl l e e aid Count y. tha d�H l �.��p.. .
<br /> � ,p `
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