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<br /> _- �? . ... . .- w -..s�o.l..wvr�m,. _ - � .. �.:�]',`_ ---
<br /> �y� C .
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<br /> . «;;rl�.Y-r:. ��._.
<br /> � i�
<br /> 91- 1025G1
<br /> . i„ _
<br /> f TOOL'7'H8R W1TH all Ihe impmvemcnlr m►w ar Iaroal'tcr ct�c�:lcd�x� Ihc pmpeny,und u0 cu�emcntn,uppurtcnAnccg,
<br /> i? und liaiurcv naw o�hereuper u pun of�hr pmpehy. Al)rcpluccmentp und a�dilinns,hall ul►o iw covcred My ihir Security
<br /> • '” In�mimenl. /►II of Ihe farcgoing iN roferred�a In thi�Sccutity i�r�rument us�he"Propehy" --
<br /> ., >;,. ,• `�. �: BORROWER CnV�NANTS thut&►rnnwcr I.r luwPuliy Mi�.�d uf 1he e�lule he�eby convcyed und ha�Ihc righl a.�gr�nl ��_
<br /> �. : and convey tho Propeny and Ihul�he Pmpehy is unencumbrrcd,rxcept ior encumbmnca�nl'n�oN. D�xmwer wurrantr und ��_._
<br /> • °:'�,�• �ti:. will defend generully Ihe lille lo Ihe Prope„y+�c�ins�all rlwimc And demund�,aub c�:l Iv un emumlxunce�uf n�roni.
<br /> 1 Y ::7,...--
<br /> �=�------
<br /> {�r����'y'+��x�,;.�""' THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambines uoiform covenanlr li�r uuiiunul u�.: unJ nun•unifotm cavenants wilh __�_ -- -_, -
<br /> •���',�•� limiud varia�ions by jurisdictian ta conx�itu�e a uniform se+:u�fty insuumrm covering reul propeny.
<br /> �� •� h � UNIFORM COVENAIV7'S. &�rnawer und I.ender cavenanl und ugreo�s foU�wx:
<br /> - ' L=� 1. P�yment of P�IncipN aed InteresR P�epoyment and I.ote ChwrRea. snmowc�.hull pmmplly puy when Ju��he
<br /> -- "'�'..����;��i�d,�c•.. � princi(wI of and interest on tha debt evidenced by�he IVate und any prepuymem und lu�e charges due under ihe NMe.
<br /> �:a,x:-._—
<br />____���-'�''=�'�s:'... 2. �bnd�for 7�azes and Insurance. Subject�o opplicuble law or�o u wrilten wuiver by LenJer.F3orrower 5hall E►uy to =--.� .._. ._
<br /> _-V. - _ - Lender nn the day momhly pnyments urc due unde��he Nac.until thr No�c is puid in full,u +um C'Fund+�')tor. (ul yeurly �--
<br />—TT'�T�'^`°-- . • �., .. tuues and assessments which may uuuin prioriry avar Ihis Secu�fry In,wmeat a�u lien an the Pmperty:lbl Y �1��IeusrhulJ G�'="--_'- --
<br /> e .,.��_.,.�._:---
<br /> -"��'•�; payments or g�ound rents on the Pmpeny,lf uny: lcl yrariy hazuM or propehy insumnce p n e m i u m s: I d l y curl y Ilaod �'""a"'�
<br /> �._�ti=
<br />_ ",�?��, insurance pnemiums. if any: lcl yenHy mongage inxur•uice premiwa+. if:u�y: und lfl uny sums puyuble by Bartowcr �o �,`,L•-__,--
<br /> ''' �_;•"' Lender,in accatdw�ce with Ihe pmvisions of paragrnph K,in lieu of the paymenl of moARuge inwrance premiums. 'll�ese _
<br /> ---���.�.�--•.
<br /> �,•,,��;. f itcros ate ca!!ed"Escrow ltems." Le�der mny. ai nny�ime.rn!letiy awl h�k1 Funds in an umou�t�to exceed the muximum �-__-
<br /> �-- �``'•�`• amount a lend�r for a iederaJly reluted mongage Iwn�nay neyuirc far &mowcr's exmw a��l under�he fc�rul Itral
<br />-°�.'�� ' Estate Senlement P�ocedures Act of 1974 us anendrd i'ram ame�o time. 12 U.S.0$26111 er sey./"RESPA"1,unles�:�ther �{�y!�
<br /> •-{wA�1� .d . !.':.1r�--�
<br /> ,�'�?% • lavr lhat upplies w the FL�ds sets a lesse��nount. If so.Lc�r�der may,at amy time,collcrt and hald Fund+in:u�artwunt iat to _ _
<br /> .��., •• caceod the lesser amoun�. l.endcr may es�imate �he amaun�oi Fundx dur an �he b:uis ut cument dat� :ud rea.sanable
<br /> ••"`:'.'''' ���9F°�'
<br /> ��,°A;£st: .'.�:.•: . esrimates af'experditu�rs oi futwe E.+c�ow Ieems nr ai�envise in s+►rardance with applicuble law.
<br />;:;:.±:_ �;., , ` :c��r
<br /> �,:�; • . . The Fun�ls .hall be heW in an inslitulion whose Jeposils arr insured by a i'edernl agency. in+trurnNntality c►r eou�y !° "
<br />- .. ��" � , � (including l.ender.ii Le�r i�:uch un ins�iwtionl a in any Fedetal Honxe Loan Bank. Lcnder chull apply 1he Funds to pay '.::..__i�
<br /> ' �"�''{n,�•,., � the Escrow llems. I.ender r�uy not c e Bortower for holdin und 1 in Ihe Funds, :tnnuAlly atwlyzing the eKraw' _
<br /> . •� ,.,.f_. ��` harg 8 �PP Y F --
<br /> 1{a �iset;;t�f ..'
<br />�.'.)P�_ . ..E�4r� � ACC011111. or verifying the Escrow Items, unless L.endcr pays Barrower in[erest an �he Fu�xi�:uid applicable law pemu�� �___ -
<br /> ��;.�,+;,, �, Lender�o mnke such u charge. However,Lender muy�equire Bortower to pay a une-time chu�e fix an iackpendent real �_
<br /> . , � �,.�. ^, eswte lux reponing service used by l.ender in connection wiih this laan,unleti�applicable luw pmvide,ahrrwise. Unless an ��M
<br />- .;;_ ,. „ ngreement is mude or applicuble Inw rcquires interest to be paid,Lender shull not be rc�uired to pay Bo�rower any intenest or
<br /> - earnings on thc Funds. Bamwer und l.ender may agree in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender ��° -
<br /> .�,::'. ., �
<br />_° ' shull give to Borrower,without charge,un onnuul accounYing of the Fundx, ,hawing crcdit�and debitti io�he Funds and the ��•ti=�? _
<br /> .. � � � � � purpose for which each debit to the Funds wus made. Ti��Funds are pled8ed a.additionul security for ult sums securrd b �����s�`
<br /> y �'�----
<br />-`•��:,,.`:.� �: ° ::�?in'F thisSecunt}tnswment. -
<br /> �?; ��•�': • • If the Ea�nu: held by Lender excerd the umaunts permiued ta be held by upplicuble IaH. Lender �hull nccount �o �,}.�•r-___
<br /> " � � � BOITOWCf f��7�ilt eacers Fuods in acconl�wue �nh U��uircmenl��f sipplicuble law. If tha:um►um of Ihe �unds held by . .•'''1�;.�,,.
<br /> , , � .' ",';; ' Le�der nt sury time is na�uH'�cient to pay�he E.crow•Items wheo due.IPxnder ma� uw notify Bo�rower in writing,and, in �, �•
<br /> r wl :_ '`.
<br /> ' ,�,.h��, ^t{j �- • such case Bortnwer shaE[ �+a} to Lender Ihe amoun� ncc�.wry �o make up�he detici�ncy. Bomower +hall ms+ke up the � �r
<br /> ��"'- • deficienc in no more thar+twelve monthl � ments,a�Lrndzr's•sole di�cretion. r ,;"" -
<br /> �;'r� 'r.�ot�;,;{f''• Y Y p•Y
<br /> . , rom tl refund ta Borrowcr any �� '.a '�. `��
<br /> • •! � � � � � Upon ps+yment in full af all sums.e�ured by thi�S�curily Instn�ment. Lender�hall p p y �,�4,,1.�_.__
<br /> ' � ?„�� , • ' '';; Funds held by 4ender. If,under parngruph 2l,L�nder+hall •rcyui�e�r ,ell the PropeAy.Lender,prior to the acyuisition or
<br /> ��It"��•' , • sAle of t�he Prapeny.shall apply uny Funds held hy Lcnder at the ai�r of ucquisilion or wle as u crcdit against the.rum� �''.� `�'�_
<br /> . . � � -'• .1.',1;, Q�II.NQ69r�N1M1
<br /> �t;,•p . .... . secured by this Security Inswmem. :.'.;'7w"""`.';�-
<br /> ,;.,,,1:,�,t.:�. 3. Application of Paymepts. Unless •rpplirabk 8aw• pru�•id., aherwi�c, all paymcnts received by Lender under =
<br /> . � � '1�;.;�:'
<br /> ; �" �•••.+�, puragraphs 1 and 2 shall bc npplied: fint,tn uny prepa}meat�h;uF�:��ue under the Note;axond,to amoums payable under _�«
<br /> , . ,�. . '��.,-��..: _
<br /> . ��,.�,,. ' • pareg�aph 2•third,to interest due:founh.M principul due;nnd la.v�,tc�a��,late chorges duc under the Note. , .. :W y �
<br /> . :,��. .> �. . � 4. Cha�es: Liens. Borrower shall puy ull luxes,ussc�srmenas,churges, fincs und impo;itions nttributuble to the �,�,;._;..�;-::.J'"
<br /> :�:�r�„ �� Properry which muy ultain priority over this 5��curiry Instrument,uncJ`luusrhold paymen�s or gmu��ren�s,if any. Borrower ""^
<br /> .,,,,, �.
<br /> +• shall pay�hese obligutions in�he munncr provided in pumgr+►ph 2,or�F not paiJ in that manner,Borrower shall poy them un �,';,`` j' •ti
<br />- ;,;+lr .,;:,,� ; ' . time directly lo the person owed payment. Barrower shnll pn�mptly fumish to L�c;�lrr u�;notices of umoun�s to t�pnid under
<br /> .��i'�+� • this paragmph. If Borrower mukes these paymentti directly, Bortower shull prom�nP� iumi,h�o Lender recripts evidencing ���l--
<br /> '}ti. :�:.. . :' �.� the payments. ��'' �"`:- _
<br /> �� Botrowe��hull pmmpUy disch:uge:u�y lien which has prioriry ovcr this Securiry Ins�n�ment unless Bortower.ls�l agrees ��r�W".!;�.,
<br />-- 1!.','..�1 .. .r�'�� . .
<br /> ,.`,`j1,5 ..� .. �--�i �,. _
<br /> ,; .� , � „' in writing to the payment of the obligalion�umd by the lien in a munner accepwble to Lender,lb)conrests in goal failh the _ __
<br /> lien by,ar defends ugainst enforcemen�of the lien in,legul pmceedings which in�he Lender's opinion opernte to prevent�he
<br /> �"� � enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from ihe holder nf the lien s�n agreernem�atisfuctory tu Lender subordinating the lien .�.��_ -
<br /> �;,�.,,:. : • •
<br />-:.,="�;,f, t � to this Securiry Inswmem. (f Lender drtertnines�hnt any paA of the PropeAy i�aubject to a lien which mny atwin prioriry ,:`� �
<br /> K��...
<br />_:��,,�,;:•, :; � ' "': ' over�his Security Instrumen�,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying ihe lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or tnke �-�`�':�•- -
<br /> :�;y�•.;,,�i : . . � � � one or more of the uctions set forth�bo�•e within 10 duyc of the giving of nutice.
<br /> '�:`^ ' 4�" � " 5. Hn�rd or Property losuronce. Borrower xhall k��cp thc improvements now exi�ting or hereafter erected on the .
<br />; • ' � Property insured ugains�loss by lire,harards includcd within thc tcrm"eatended c.�vrragc"anJ any uther har.anis,including
<br /> " '��+'�'>•'� floads or flooding.fix..hieh Lender reyui�, in,ur:mrc. 'i'hi. in�ur.mrc .hall tti �amtaincd in the amounts and for the .,
<br /> �, ����;:�• �• .
<br /> :,��{:;'y ,�i�' , .
<br />, ���S'r_ ti�i.yf`�,� . ' � • 6a�JY28 9N0 �pux�:�y6p,an�
<br />.•!'!i;'. ' I .I• . .''r I �
<br /> .t.:.,l-�• � �
<br /> •'1.�,.�.,, . � '.
<br /> :�1•�,,� • ., • �n1'.
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