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<br />200400844
<br />WHEREAS, by Warranty Deed dated January ?4 , 2004, DANNY D. HARKINS and
<br />LORI A. HARKINS, husband and wife, ( "Grantors ") have conveyed to DAROLD E. EATON
<br />( "Grantee ") the following described real estate hereinafter referred to as "Tract 1 ": q
<br />C>
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S' /2S W `/4)
<br />of Section Twenty -Nine (29), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of
<br />the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, less and except the following described property:
<br />Beginning at a point on the South Line of said S' /2SW' /4, said point being 678.0 feet East
<br />of the Southwest Corner of said S' /2SW' /4; thence running easterly, along and upon the
<br />south Line of said S' /2SW'/4, a distance of 1,411.0 feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees
<br />00'00" and running northerly, a distance of 262.76 feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees
<br />00'00" and running westerly, parallel with the south Line of said S/2SW` /4, a distance of
<br />869.82 feet; thence deflecting right 90 degrees 00'00" and running northerly
<br />perpendicular to the South Line of said S' /2SW` /4, a distance of 149.42 feet; thence
<br />deflecting left 90 degrees 00'00" and running westerly parallel with the south line of said
<br />S' /2SW' /4, a distance of 474.0 feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees 00'00" and running
<br />southerly, perpendicular to the south Line of said S' /2SW' /4, a distance of 140.0 feet;
<br />thence deflecting right 45 degrees 00'00" and running southwesterly, a distance of 95
<br />feet; thence deflecting left 45 degrees 00'00" and running southerly, perpendicular to the
<br />south Line of said S' /2SW' /4, a distance of 205 feet to the point of beginning;
<br />and
<br />WHEREAS, Grantors have retained the ownership of the following described real estate
<br />adjoining Tract 1, hereinafter referred to as Tract 2:
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the South half of the Southwest Quarter (S' /2SW' /4) of
<br />Section Twenty -Nine (29), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the
<br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a
<br />point on the South Line of said S' /2S W' /4, said point being 678.0 feet East of the
<br />Southwest Corner of said S' /2SW' /4; thence running easterly, along and upon the south
<br />Line of said S1/2 S W' /4, a distance of 1,411.0 feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees 00'00"
<br />and running northerly, a distance of 262.76 feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees 00'00"
<br />and running westerly, parallel with the south Line of said S' /2S W' /4, a distance of 869.82
<br />feet; thence deflecting right 90 degrees 00'00" and running northerly perpendicular to the
<br />South Line of said S1/2 S W `/4, a distance of 149.42 feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees
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<br />WHEREAS, by Warranty Deed dated January ?4 , 2004, DANNY D. HARKINS and
<br />LORI A. HARKINS, husband and wife, ( "Grantors ") have conveyed to DAROLD E. EATON
<br />( "Grantee ") the following described real estate hereinafter referred to as "Tract 1 ": q
<br />C>
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S' /2S W `/4)
<br />of Section Twenty -Nine (29), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of
<br />the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, less and except the following described property:
<br />Beginning at a point on the South Line of said S' /2SW' /4, said point being 678.0 feet East
<br />of the Southwest Corner of said S' /2SW' /4; thence running easterly, along and upon the
<br />south Line of said S' /2SW'/4, a distance of 1,411.0 feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees
<br />00'00" and running northerly, a distance of 262.76 feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees
<br />00'00" and running westerly, parallel with the south Line of said S/2SW` /4, a distance of
<br />869.82 feet; thence deflecting right 90 degrees 00'00" and running northerly
<br />perpendicular to the South Line of said S' /2SW` /4, a distance of 149.42 feet; thence
<br />deflecting left 90 degrees 00'00" and running westerly parallel with the south line of said
<br />S' /2SW' /4, a distance of 474.0 feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees 00'00" and running
<br />southerly, perpendicular to the south Line of said S' /2SW' /4, a distance of 140.0 feet;
<br />thence deflecting right 45 degrees 00'00" and running southwesterly, a distance of 95
<br />feet; thence deflecting left 45 degrees 00'00" and running southerly, perpendicular to the
<br />south Line of said S' /2SW' /4, a distance of 205 feet to the point of beginning;
<br />and
<br />WHEREAS, Grantors have retained the ownership of the following described real estate
<br />adjoining Tract 1, hereinafter referred to as Tract 2:
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the South half of the Southwest Quarter (S' /2SW' /4) of
<br />Section Twenty -Nine (29), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the
<br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a
<br />point on the South Line of said S' /2S W' /4, said point being 678.0 feet East of the
<br />Southwest Corner of said S' /2SW' /4; thence running easterly, along and upon the south
<br />Line of said S1/2 S W' /4, a distance of 1,411.0 feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees 00'00"
<br />and running northerly, a distance of 262.76 feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees 00'00"
<br />and running westerly, parallel with the south Line of said S' /2S W' /4, a distance of 869.82
<br />feet; thence deflecting right 90 degrees 00'00" and running northerly perpendicular to the
<br />South Line of said S1/2 S W `/4, a distance of 149.42 feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees
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