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..��Ra ' . ``. . • r.r . , i � . . . . .. - . '�� b.... .. .. ��t;• �.+ert .d, - ' <br /> -: .-'.'�..' � .• . � ,t^y�.'•t.• ,`� .- . . . ,r - . , , j.}�,.�. �. �..A_., <br /> . . . �T� .. '.1. . , 6 .� __ _ <br /> � �--.� �14��`�RA'TE � � � , n._. �� <br /> ��.. � � � � � �=_ <br /> . . -- �, .� � -�i���.� `.�b 1hMIRT+��1iM��1+4�1 R_ ("':a �� .�-a� <br /> , . . �i• . , .. <br /> - :��r �q '�r,�a iu�tsl�tpat Y,�.era�r...�1�,._.-dnd • �.�l� �1M'�� <br /> . ._,'+�d M t�oo�or+Ma Mt�Md�1rM:bi dwrlM!o�a�rd a�ppi�rM tiM MaiMiM►. OMd d'tt� Ma�it7i O�A(��"�o�ri� . <br /> ' � Gnaa�wnt'9 W'de Mr dM��b7►�M Wwd�od(�M"1on'o�'7 to�cw»1la�row�ti A�4N�M ll�q�Noa(tM"Woq'9 W� � . <br /> .�•�••� �►vnrl�a�.oxb�uoa��noir of,gkuNp.�a M�tw,��r�o�w wp.a�a.aa oov.y�w . <br /> �p��wa�«r�d�.�+auwn�e..�aowaau � �: � <br /> , <br /> s-��.�-----.��--�--�- 309 �AST DIIIISIa11s GRAf1� ISLANO A1E 68801 <br /> - � ����: <br /> , � , . . . (ProvRyrA�deaM) <br /> 7'�r MM eMIM� �Ulw�t+ hr d�r �ef UI��M�M�i�q' �' . <br /> . �y�b.7W MN�N�Ib fM�t�f IMNw!e�M a�eW�M rq►�11■�IMi <br /> MM/M�IM��M i�iiYw��M��rrl/q. <br /> nnnmoNw�.cove��►rrrs.�.a�w.m w��+.nee a u�.s.ouriw� �,eo+�+wu�r <br /> ti�.r ao�wowe.ea me...rd�o�.r <br /> Ai. �Y[�T■kft ANp MONIHI Y lAYM�NTr�ilAl�GiB <br /> 't1�e Noa provida for m tai�l WrMt�w af 6•0 �.S�crio�4 o�t Qao Iroee pradda�tar cirye�i�tse tordce�t nte�ad t6e <br /> ��r Y�OQ0�2 . . .'J�. <br /> -°°-__-__,__._.._::: ' ' '. ' <br /> � ' ' '� 1. 1KlBR6�7RATT AND MQN/'XLY PAYMiNt'CNAN06S ' <br /> � ' � GU f,�we IwtN <br /> - � � T6eintaestratelwWO�Y�Ychwoe�tM�fintdqd ,-- M110Y .19.�.__.�odaaW�tdiqrs�ery <br /> 1� moddtbe�ftsaF�cAdKteo�wMicMmYi�roaatnoeeaWdelu�ei�aqads"CIWMRD�te." , <br /> A) 7�e IM� • <br /> — Be�innio�wltA the Hnt Chu�e D� Inoee+at rate,v�l be baed oo w Indmc.7be�•lada[•�b tbe weeky�svaa�e yWd oa Uoited Sfater <br /> - 'I1ra�ry�a�dl�d W+�ooatutu m�tu�ity of 1 yqr.u m�de�v�iNWe bY tb fbdaalllp�ev�Bo�d.TM mo�t r�oeMt tadeit fl/wt � - <br /> and1�61eas of t6e d�te 43 d�Ys beforo acb Ch�nQa Ate is c�Lkd the"(,l�rnnt Index." , -- <br />- It Ibe Ioda b oo W�er awWbk�tbe Note Holda wip ehoore a aew iad�c w�hieb Ir I�ed.qpoa campu�le iatonwdoo.7L�Noa <br />__ -- Hoide�wUl d�me aatioe of t6bc6aio�. .` ��:. • <br /> -- ' (Q Cy1c�i�11w dL1� �...... . <br /> - ,�,� Betaro ad�Cp�a�e D�te.the IVote Holder�vw ealcutate my new incercst r�te bY�ddina.�r�ttt.E ►iN� ONE-i�i�ii.F � - <br /> - i1� , � ' points( 3•5 11�)w�he Currau ladmc aod rawdiat to the narnt 1/�tb ot t 1�.wbject to U�e WAtls�ed ia SectiaNlD)Mloa. <br /> �'. Y'bh rowidedunount w�W 6e my ncw Intete�t ratt untU the nact Clunie Date. � <br /> � '..��;;��;,i:}, � The Nace 4ldder will tbiw ddamine rB+e a�nonat of the monthlY P�Y�rrl vhst Nould 6e aufflcienc�o repoy id fuA tbe P�indP�l��uu � ; �r,i <br /> i 4.�=. "• a�peMed w owe a►th�t Ch�a�e Iln�c in subs�An:iaU�'e9�P�Y�a by the aiatwlry dite�t aq new iotrres[�aYe.71e rnult oP tUb�akvl�daa , <br /> ��� �; ���{'�' .. ;, wplbethetk+v�mountofmYu�+�9FpY��� • , -• / _ <br /> �� ~ � '' � lD) IJ�tUo�Irter�lRpeGqu�q , <br /> � ' ' Tbe interat rate t �m rcqufred to pay at �he flnt Chan�e Wte wlll na be Qreater thaa �•�Q � or kxs 16an <br />,� `.. ;'nr�„��;�� • 4_� �lb.Therafter,my interese ra:e will n�wa be i�sed or decrcased on any sinQle Clwn�e Date i+y more tlun � _ <br /> �'' . `I •` fraa tho rate of interat 1 luve boen <br /> 4k ;�_y� �.,Q�_ payina for the prccodin4�welve months.'['he�nidmwa intmrat tate on tMl�looa wUl orva bt <br /> r, <br /> �t� .. ipt tb�a 4-m 4b�ad the mazimua interat��u wlll nava be�rater than 11 .�0 �l►. <br /> i{kr,.r �:,. . � ���f alf O��M _. <br /> ,,, . <br /> My new intaat nte wf0 baco�ne ef(ective on eaeh Ch�n4e Date.l will p�y the amount at my new mol�thly p�yment be�[nNn�oo tbe first <br /> ,,V •,°���,�,; ', �O�oothlY W►}rmeT�i date�fter�he Ch�aae Due aruil the unount ot my monthlY PaY���a��• _ <br /> <,�y��� \ r�i�y , � (F) Noi7atof CM�es ' - <br /> �'������� <br /> '.�:?'�,��J+k�. , ,�, ... The Nae Holder will maii or de8ver to me a notke before nch ChanQe Date.The nwice will advlu me ot: . <br /> ;.:;�';�i: �•;:;.:, , _ <br /> .. ;i4:� M�;;,, ., ,.,, (f) the new imaa�nte on my lven�.+of�he ChanQe Da�e; <br /> ,��,�y���:� (B) the unount of my monlhip�ayment followin�tha Chonge Datr, _ <br /> ;���,�C�'<�� (IU) u►y addidonal mauen ahich t;�e Nae Holda is requirM to disclose:and _ <br />`�? ;�j:�2?..�•1r}i's' (iv) the oddrea ot�he wodWan You cauld oonact�rdinQ�nY 4uadoiu about lhe djus�aten¢notla. - <br /> ,.�ti1f�� Ih <br /> ��v�°''���a�� �. CiIARGE4i WENS _ <br /> i'�"�•'.�.,,;�.�;•. UaifamCova�ant 4 of the Security Instnraeat l+amrnded to read as tollowa: - <br /> �.,... <br /> ��•- � 4.CiN�wi Li�.8u�wwcr siuJl{wy+di Wne�.,ux»nrcnla,rrwi utircr char�es.ines.anJ iu ¢MY Y <br /> :,;;,._-.-.�,_-..;��.�- ��railiJOS iii�fG4tiGI¢t0 t11C 170 tivhich ma <br /> �' ���`.:'•+��..,•:.,... �thio a priodty ova this Satvrtty Ins�rument.aad leasd�old paymmu of around rcn�.s.if� the manner pro�ded undet pwn�r�ph 2 hercof = <br /> � 1 �.��''�:':';�;�`� na prid In wch manoer,try Bonowa molcinQ payment.when due.directly�o the payee�hereot.Borrower sluU pronptly turnBh L.ender <br /> � ��'u;�'��� � �:` aU notioa otunounts due uader this paraaraph.and in ehe event Borrowa shall molce paymm�directly,Bonowa sUali promptly furnish to <br /> +t�'�, � <br /> '.,�;:� ''; ; Lp�der raalpu evldencin�such payrarny. @onower shall prompUy df�charge any Ifen which has prioriq over thi� Secwity Insuurtmt: _ <br />. .Y��.�' _�.,�1.. ._. <br /> ;.F ;�.��.. hoNevar,Bortower ah�ll not 6e required�m Gitchnr�e ony such lien:o long es Borrower: �a►sh�tl o�rce ita aritina to Ihe p�yment of tbe - <br /> ` �� ��� obii�dao senved by wch lien in the manoer a-oeptabte to Leoder.(b)shall In good failh contat such lirn by,a defend a�Y►st enfacemnt d <br /> i,.:�. ._ . •..a..t.� ' ��in.kial prooadi�t whicA in tAe opinion of Ln�der aperate to pnwent the entorttment of 1he lien or fafdlure of 16e Properiy or aoy � <br /> ' '' • put thaeof;or(c)sh�0 secun fram the fioA4er of such iien an aarcement in a form a�isfactory to Lende�wbadiaati�wcb liep to this m <br /> —.'��;' ,.. . . . , <br /> �,.t. _. <br /> l`��ia','.'i:t�;:r, � Socurity Imlruwent. <br /> ---- If L,edQ detemioa tAat afl a ao�pare of the Propmy is subject�o a Ifm whkh may auai�e a priority over thls Securfty tn��s�:, <br /> __��;: �:,c•fi" ' .��',,- I,p�der�ha�ave 6arowv r cu��ce idmafyi,�such Ikn.Borrower tlWl�Usfy wch Yea or ml�e ore or�e of tde aclbns zet fortb abarve <br /> :�a •:. ,�'i�_ �i'`�t." wGhinteadt)sdtMe�vlu�ogtie�otke. <br /> ��,.,r'; ,,Y' o <br />-_ �± - w.' •��, <br /> _ ���:: �'. C. N071.CFi <br /> 3 `���•�"�'``^�i' ' Udfam Corenaat 14 ot the Security Inttnunent 4 amended to rad as fdlows: <br /> _�k��;,S;b•';�:�,�,;;� <br /> ;«:� ..�. ...�.t <br /> � . . :.r• , �,,. t1. NNbe.Euapt fa�oy nata required under�ppYcabk IaM to be{iven fn anW her m�nner,lal any owiva to Bonower provided for in�his <br /> "� ��:>"..f:�•:!;'���: Savrity Intuumau shal)be�iven by deliverin�It or by maflin�it by Rnt class mail�o Iionowa n the Property Address or at such aher address <br /> i..a .,i: .. <br />_�.� �" �: e_.�,t•, . <br /> ,� •..�.;.��� '�:I� a BorroMer may deai�nate by naia to Lender u provided herein,and Ibl�ny notice�o Lender shtll be Qivm by flrcl clus mall to Lrnder's <br /> .�`�. �ddrcss�lated herein or to such wher nddrcss as Lender may desl4nate by natla to Borrowa as provided hercin.Any nolia providcd for in this i <br /> c: SxvHty lasuumeat shW be dee�aed to have bao�iven to Bonower or L.enda when�iveo in the maaKr dai�naud hercin. <br /> _ ;,� <br /> ,;�i s:t <br /> ,l :. <br /> , .. ,, ... . . <br /> . .. _., . <br /> .,. .. . <br /> .�� �.. :..,. <br /> ' . �`' °, � ` � <br />