t f 4: �j'f�1��Rn?"ti"f" ' �s�,`d� '�''`� s�� �1� •i} ., , _ , �•• L.^�v.,.�.��
<br /> �`;�p,� ; ��` ,,�t''NM . , . .. • ��. ._, �-�� �Ciy..
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<br /> � ...... .- .. , __'- _ . .....���� n ^��IA�ti�.
<br /> '��` � • �oaTasaE Jl-- 10254'� :,:,�,:��.,--,-; -__-
<br /> ��� . • . � ' ���� ,
<br /> '''+'.+'�CJ!w"p"�'- • �i • ' . . -'�� -._.
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<br /> . k%Y�.$�+�'+`st�!f� � F` an en nd <ihnrnn � Rranaon �,... . --� •• ----
<br /> �• �. '+ 'lUM Mortp�b�ntu�d Ioto b�t�o' ..,
<br /> ; .��, ,.�., Husbar�d_ t�nd W1 e (beRln��Yartp[a,•►�nd , , �. __
<br /> Eive Poin�a Bank �'r�°���0�����' ! " � `
<br /> 1{wi�or b Wdehkd to Mortp�ee in tlw p�rindpd wm oi i 1�. abo_00 ,�vld�ead by Mottp�oP�noH � • ;
<br /> � 4-22-91 (h�»in"Not�")Pro�ld�ut tor WY�nts ot ptindpd wd InNtat,witb the 6aW►ov ot the •,��. ..'. ; .'
<br /> lad�bt�dn�w,K aot woa�r pld.dw wd pryaUl�on 4-2 2—96 . • ..'
<br /> 1b�ecp[e the p�yment ot the Note,�vilh iater�t�provlded theroln�Ihe p�yment ot dl other wnu.with interest. �
<br /> b�pd by bott�e�to pttotec!the acudty ot tAb lYlort��e,�nd the pertormutce ot the cave� dl �����d
<br /> � �Wrt��r owatd�wd h�ntn� 1Natl�or does h�aby mort��e and convey to Mort�L�
<br /> ' pop�riy laeatad to �8�j County. Ne6nslu�: , • • .
<br /> Lot E'fve (5) Bishop Heights Subdivision Part of i
<br /> ' . the Southwest poa�-ter of �he r�orthwe�t Quarter
<br /> � (SW�NW;) of Section Eleven (11), Toanship Eleven �
<br /> (11) North, Raaage Ten (10) Werst of the 6th P.M. l
<br /> Hal1 Caunty� Nebraska ' •'",'r`.
<br /> i �
<br /> . �� �
<br /> � E .. • ;: •y�
<br /> 'C.:-i
<br /> , � ,:.��
<br /> � � i Wf
<br /> . '1� ' � . . __. .
<br /> " �'• � ,I��.
<br /> . . .� �
<br /> - � . . � . .�N�
<br /> I..��" i .
<br /> ' ToQether witf�dl buHdinRa,improvements,tixtutes,atraets.dley�.pusaQeways, easetaeata.dQhu,privlleges lu�d � �.:-
<br /> � ' �� �ppaiteomces located thereon or in�nywise part�ining tAernto,rnd the nnts,f�sue� and pran�.reversioa�and tamadndees � :'�
<br /> � '� thereot;indudlnQ,Aut not limited to,heai9n�sf�d coofin�equlpment �nd such penon�pmperty th�t i��ltached t�o tbe � �
<br /> � ' Improremenf8 w�to constitute a tixWre;all ot wAlch,includina replacemenfs�nd�dditions thereto,i�hereby decta�red i ',�.
<br /> to be�part ot the real estate�ecured bY t�he lien ot thic Mortaa�e mzl df ofthe tore�oU�befaQreteeed to herein p t!re .�.
<br /> �����,Y�� . {
<br /> Mertg�?or furth¢r convenonts�nd a{�ees.with MartQaQee,as[ollows: t
<br /> t'
<br /> � 1.Fayment. To p�y the indebtedness and the intereet thereon�+pmvided in thb Mort�e�nd the N�te. �,.:,�
<br /> -�
<br /> 2,Title. MortQapor fi the owner ot the Property,ha+the d�ht and�uthority to mort��ge the Property,�nd
<br /> wn�tsnf�tlut tbQ Ilen created hereby I�a tiest and pdot lien on the Pirop�rty.except as msY°thQrwi�e be�t tonth hernin.
<br /> ; 0 The Paopen�• is subject to�Mort;��{e whereln •
<br /> is W�Mortpgee,recorded�t Aook �p�Qe ot lhe More�e Records ot Couaty. .
<br /> Ntb�uiu,whlch Mo�r is e llen prior to the Ilen cre�ted hernby. �� •.�;:��
<br /> O Othe�prior Iyens or encumbrancea: �
<br /> `.
<br /> ,:� �;'�? • �;��''��' ,
<br /> '/ ' ;j, .
<br /> '.�r;,.t ' . <
<br /> ' ' 8,Taxes.Aise�rment�. To p�y when due adl tatcrs,specf�l asiea�ots and a11 other charQei a�iast the Roperty �
<br /> � � , .i and.upon wiitten demand by Mo�ee.to add to the p�ymenta requfred under thp;Vote iecumd hemby,suc�amaunt as ,
<br /> � .. ,., .
<br /> � `� � •�• •��'�� may be�utdcfent to enable the Mort�ee to p�y:uch taxes,asie�cmenls or other charQes as they become due.
<br /> :.t , �:,.`„�, .. •. , : {
<br /> ��, �`���.�-�i��;�,;;�; ;� 4. Inwrance• To keep the impmvpments now or hereaBter located on►he►ed estate described heeein insured
<br /> �'�` dre'and nuch other haurda�s Mort�agee twy teq�w3rn�1n�mouaL�and with compu�ies�cceptable to the ,
<br /> . . �dnet dunage by w
<br /> � �; i''', Mort�ee, aad wlth loss payabie to the Mon�re. lm �uP iuc�un�ler s�:.:�:.fes the r:erl�ce L•.ass•worfzed to
<br /> � adju�t, coUect and comproml�e,in ik dtceretloa.a4t c�ai�thereac�dx at Its wle optlon, aut6oriudtoeitherapply the
<br /> � procced�to the restontion o[the Property or upon 9P+e a�aYe��tech�e�secured hrreby,Lut�a�a.er�93 xe:P��r:�'+�1 con-
<br /> ' . ; qnue•uuW the sums secured hernby are paid in tull.
<br /> � `� b. O Escro�r Fat Taues and Inwpnee. Notw�thsundinQ�nythin�cuuwiurd in pua�+r�3 aa8".'�r::of to thr
<br /> rontney,�yort�or�hall p�y to the MortQaQee ae the time o[paying the monthly insWlmenta ot P wtic6�yiattain o
<br /> , onedweltth ot the yearly taxec.as�es�menta.hazard insur�nce premfums,md�round[en4(f[any)
<br /> .._.._,.__ ..���-------u.,..�t....��n.un NmQ w tlme bv the Nort��te.7'he amounts w paid shall ee
<br /> - privri'ry v.rr��.�..�.�,...�._......_�, ---•---- -
<br /> held by tAe blortppe writha+t�nt�*rst+u�d�pplied to the p�yment ot the items in reapect to ahfch such wounts wen
<br /> deponited,�y1e se�prid to htartQagaQ h�reundec am pledQed as�ddldond aecuMty tor the indebtednecs seeuted by this
<br /> Mori`a{e.D�ort�sQa+r�WY�o Afort�e�the uaount of any deticiency betwecn the�ctu�1 Wt��ssescment+•ias��
<br /> prem{um aad��oand eeats and the depasiu�* w►t6in 10 day�after dem�nd i�nude u n Mortpgaqr nq a
<br /> �,y�ac v�r.
<br /> � l R�pair�1Ndntenance aad Use. To peompdy ceWir,►�e�tore or rebuild any buildin�or improvementa now ar
<br /> Be�i'i;er on the Propect�r;te keep the Pmperty in�ood conQ�tion and reqir.without waste.and tree trom mechanic's or
<br /> Wdet lieas not e:p�sly subordin�ced to the lien herru[;not to make.sufter or permit�ny nuismc�e to exfst,nor to dimin-
<br /> bh or impair the value of the PropertY by�ny act or omission to act;and to wmply with d�requirements o(law with
<br /> r�rpect W the Praperty.
<br /> � ;
<br /> �;
<br /> 1 '
<br /> . 1 _ -
<br />