, , .� _ �� :. . �e .,. `�x,ai.• ,. � � .. � ..N��'.�f�,�,��l�ikt ..
<br /> .-� �. �ry, ysi�ri`I�r ' e�� •- , o►fia. : :.- . _ . � �,. - �ki 7JG�ii,�7:�/R�e�d ...
<br /> Mi ' � �.. . �r, ' f
<br /> � , �.a ne-. .� �e,MeYrdMiO'R��9ha��rpiiY�+i:'.n�So-r 'N RJ•��th'<N4�� <p�i�6l{v}l.Wfel�.+s - � �-, . . .. _ _ � ;ii�- 1ot���
<br /> ,M �e �}, i. ,�i1��.��_ - . .
<br /> . :'7�`�"ia.�•c �:T7/nf- ��.+ '1NC14 1T. •.N,-�M3wN.�'�.r..-s.
<br /> `.-_._..�.�..a:. , -� .� �
<br /> �...' ' '
<br /> ..n..,.... . .. _. . ,.7' . R Si1ifl�t�':x. -°
<br /> '� f'*"T _``'.'��.^�����' ,r',r- _
<br /> � �6,,,,,,i ..-...�:.Y�►:i...,� . . .... . • _ .. .. .� � .6 __-__ .
<br /> ; 43 . . - . ..�.. _ �.�_�=-�
<br /> �,, �1,,,102 5 ' • .. ___,�__:�_,a.._�--
<br /> �.,,——
<br /> �I ,,. 1• wl�. tc��[�rrd oc fwctiw� +neu�6�n� �Ithout tIN •RO���� or vrltaa eow��t ot I�a� 1c �ry• � .
<br /> � w��a/ Ny�Ili���l P�«wJ luPtb� ruwJl�� ���II�YI� toctt wMret,M� �1�►alt �to 1 lo��cmt Iwd 1r
<br /> .��� 11�f�/11. +�' „ •�%��;-_-
<br /> _ I ' �.��`z'.-.
<br /> . . '';:'t+,' ll. ���tr o� O�E�ult. My ot tl� follael�R�w�u �h�ll M ���� M �v�^t oi Id�ule M�niw0�t1 _
<br /> r.,�...•'
<br /> ; „ ��"" ,ti.,� , :•"�..
<br /> (�) Ttwtar dull IN�� t�ll�� to Mic� /��nt o/ an► /n�t�IlMnt ol l�t�r����
<br /> �et�alM�l ar prlaefp�l WW /ae�r��t os M1 �tA�r Nw weucwJ h�s�Mr ��u�i. �. ....�. _i;.�
<br /> � (y TMn ha�oeeurr�� �druch o( ot d�lau/t undrr �e► t�r�. eo�m�nt• ; --
<br /> � " ��rsu�nt� coMdltloa, p�ovl�lao, r�pc����t�tloe oe w�er�nt� cant�l�� la thi� 0��� R..••=-
<br /> Nf '
<br /> � o[ T�mt. th� not• or �r otl�r lw lMtrw�t ue�r�� h�r�byl �-�:T M.�>— --
<br /> r:.�,,.;.�.� ;
<br /> , � (o) Th�t� h��b��n • d�[�ult by tl� Tru�tor 1� th� eR�Ih`n����i��°�e or ;1'���` • _' �-
<br />� � �rYnquMt U�n or w�eu�6r���c• !n rup�at to �l1 0� M�r p -==,;..-
<br /> � or �IMII b� �dJudt- .,`?"':iLS%'�Cs`��r,. ;
<br /> � (d� Tru�tor �I�ll fll� � volunt�cy p�tltlon In b�nk►uptay .. . .
<br /> � e�t�A b�nkrupt or ln�olv�nt. ot �h�ll wak� �u► ���t�nM�� for th� b�e�[Lt ot ce�aftor�
<br /> le r��Mct ta tlu prop�rtyi or �n �etlon ta �etoso� �oy ll�o or �ncu�►rMC�or 1�edi' ,
<br /> , M�t• ���Ip�t tU� p�op�rty !� cowMne�d. d�el�n •ll lodsbtedn���
<br /> �2. eel� �tfo� Y ou Do[arit. ta lre s�re o[ �ny N/�Mlt. �M����du� �nd p���bl� �lthout �uy
<br /> u
<br /> ��eus�d hu�Mr ta • �Rwa �nJ p�Yi►l�. �1 eM �w� �Ir11 Re�a��l� k._-'?�a..;i,.:•.,:�'r„ . _
<br /> _ psqY�utwat, deraal.mraee�� 4r .�e1e� of �.r l�rJ. ttwr�*fR�r. Mr�11cl�rr �ur� ,---'.,.,�_91a:,�.�.;a.,:l
<br /> ' (�) �1sMr 1� pssp+ or br q�nt� �lth oR �ttlaWt �tf��lo{�n1 �etia� o� �ro- � '
<br /> �`
<br /> . e«�tq. �r ►r stc�lw� �ppofnt�d by �court �wi wltMa+t re��cd to tA.std`�spt�e i .�v�"�.
<br /> as�Y a�euz/q. �at�s upaw �n� t�k� oe�wufoq �t tM ►w��Ky� or M►r p � • �„-,..
<br /> �- j 7n iq o+ia a�w or In thr n� o[ ci� Tsu�tu. �a� do �w�*et• Mide6 1e dsu� n�a�N�R1 - --,-:r,�.;
<br /> ' wt1� d�OIf�I�I� to pn��cv� th� v�lw. Mtk�t�btllty oe r�nt�billty ot eh�pnP�rtr. �r ' :.µ'
<br /> ' ' p�rt tMs��af or Int�r��t tMc�la. Inar���� eb� loeeiw tiwr�fr� or proe�et tl����QU�fRy � • -
<br /> ;;,j � hat�ol wad. vlchoue taklnQ por����lon ot th� prop�rty, �w far ar oRh�ewl��eolltet ttw , i � -__
<br /> ';r.i�-_ �onts� Low� w�d pro[lt• thurao[. lneludln{ Rho�� p��t dYR �+�+1 �P�Id. �n��PP�1► th� • ':*:�R
<br /> '�:':'�:."t �s� l�r� eo�t• �nJ •apeo��� ot op�s�tloo �nd eoll�ctloa, fae:ludMt�d�t�a/e�e••�uV� �,��; ,• —°
<br /> � . i;r'..��, ' •ll !n �uch ord�r �� MroElcl�tr�! , �
<br /> , �n� IadabuJnu� �ecured Uersby, � . + .,c�'•
<br /> ., ' •t'.+'�•► ,� eat�Hat upo� �nd t�kin4 po�����tan o[ tl�� trwe ��t�t�. the coll�ctlon o� such ��nt�. ,',y,-,� ,.
<br /> l��u��wed paatlt��nd �ppllc�tion tb�r�o[ �� •tos���l� �w17 not cun or M�l�� �r d�' j .I��'.� ' :'°,..
<br /> [�ult o� natSa ot d�[�ult h�nuod�s oe fowlld�t� �a+� �et onU la nW��� to ��b ��- ! •,��iX�:
<br /> twlt oe punwnt to �uch notle� ol d�t�ult �nd. QOCY�tM�N71A111j �� a��p��C� ln .,;;>;_
<br /> � par���tan o[ tlr v�ar.r�r or tl�• eoll�etlon� �ec�lp� �n� w�+nllc�tfo� ol emt�, l��w• ,.
<br /> oc pcotlt�� Tru�es� or 6a��(let�rr w�y bt �ntltlad to���refu w�rr [f{bt p�o�ld�d tor I ��•��+1�
<br /> ln �ny ot c6+ lo�n in�t�ur�nt�or by l�w upon occuesa�c� at �n� �veat of d�[�ult. la-
<br /> _ - _ -� . cludin� tf+s �l{i�s co �a�rctr« t3w pac�r oi aale= } ;���.
<br /> i, : ' � • � olnt � „`_'"iR,-.
<br /> (6) co�r�nn� �h �atfon to Rocaalo�� thl� Da�d o[ Sc�et �a � prt{ S . VP .,',_„r�"_
<br /> �� .; : •s�e�lv��. �r �p�el(lc�lly entvccv any ot ch• covsn�nt� hy�sols . ..
<br /> ' ,'ll, ;�
<br /> 'r. • (c) daUva� to Trwtco a w�lcten Jecl�r�ttae ot ddault �nd da�and fas wU. • , ,' -
<br /> '��ri•.,.. • M�d •wrlttM notica af J�[�ult and •l�ctlon �O CwM�� �YYMtOT�� fota��t !n t1r prop�ctr �� ;.:,:�'i,:,..• ' ..
<br /> '�'' '� to b� •o1d. wblel� not lc� Tru�t�� dNll c�u�� to b� duly tf i�d tor ��eord fa tM oL[icl�L
<br /> s�oord� ut sau cowty ln YII�CII LIN prop�rtr l� loart�d. I ;��1;;��`;�;;''. �:�
<br /> �,f�` �'r"•ji`-`
<br /> • 1�. v�����osure by Pove�_o[ B�Ie. S l�ou l d Aem[l c l�r y •l e¢t t o l a r n c l o�� b y sx�ceb� ot tlw powr � • ,/;•1,'`,.,�'
<br /> ot ��du h�n/e cont�to�d. ��Mticluy dwll notlty t�u�t�� �nd �lull Japodt �lth Ttu�t�• thl• a.a o[ ':`,''; '.,'.., ...,
<br /> Tru�t �u� tl�� eot� u�d �uch c�celpt• anJ evlJe�e� of •xp�ndlture� w�ds �nd ��eund p�e�Or a� 1'rwt�� "' . .,i".,;,�,`t
<br /> u
<br /> • �rr rquln, �a upu� reqw�� o[ cl�� Baroflel�cy, th� T�wt�• •I�sll [!le [or reeocd, fa tNtorah`th� �'' ..Y+;iri`;1��.
<br /> o[ D��d� o[tic� 1n tb• Cmnty �here tU� pro��rtr 1• loc�t�d. � notla� o[ Jetwlt, ��ttln� 1 11. j1, , '
<br /> nuw o[ th� Tru�cor. th• uuuk onJ P�ga oc OocuMOt No. o( thl� Qaed o[ Tru�t ar reeord�d 1n ��Id �' 1r` ,
<br /> Rt�l�t�r o! Med�offlc�. ih� la��l Je�crlptlw+u� th• �bov�-de�crtbaJ r��l ����ts �nd thac • b���o�tn , . ' �����
<br /> o[ �n abll��tlaa. Iuc vblch •�IJ re�l a�uta v�� conv�r�d a� �acurlty, hn accurr�d, aml ��ttlo� ' '� " , .�,.:
<br /> ,�' t:'
<br /> � .� ' tM n�tur� o[ �uch breacl� �nJ tl�e Truueo'• •I�etlon to ��ll tl�• real •�tate to �oll�Ir th�obll��tloni I � ,:i'���'. .
<br /> ;,.;t.,. �ad •tt�r th� I�P�� ot nut le�r U��n one (1) wnth. tIN Ttu�te� rh�ll glv� vrtttcn notic� o[ th� tIN ,
<br /> �nd pl�c� o[ ��l• rblcl��oy be bet�ten 9t00 •.�. �nd S p.w. st tIK pce�l���, oc sC th�Cuurthow� !n ; :
<br /> ;�:;� ;�' tlu Caritr wh��otn �uch pro�wrty l• lac�teJ. d��crtbins the property to b� �old by It� le��l d��ctlp- , .��.
<br /> tlon. ��Id aotic• to 4� publlehad ln e uav�p�p�r o[ ��o�r�l clrcul�tlan In ths Co�mty vh�r�ln �ueh ,.
<br /> • property 1� loert�J. onee � weok tur tivr (S) can��cutiv� we�lu. tl�� Is�t publlc�clon to b� at I���t '
<br /> t�a (IO) d�r�. buc not wn ilm�► tld�cy (]0) d�Y�. v�lor tv tbw ��le; and tlu Yru�t�� ��Ll th�n ��Il `_,
<br /> ��1� OroP�rty �t tl�� tlw� r�J pl�c� d��u4llc•�uctloo•to�tlN hl�bene"blJd�s`[or�c�+hJ+od �I�llp�llt t �
<br /> �,;'�'rr, �t th� tl� o[ Ulln� nlJ nutice. •t p . '
<br /> � ''"'' to �ueh prceln��c • J��J �o clir proy�str �old. ew�al�t.oc vitl� t1N lw ln •Iteee �t tiN tl��.
<br /> !� ' . � ppo� r�¢�Ipt ot tlw prte• bld. Teu�c�� •Irll dellv�r to tl�� putcl�s��. Tru�t��'• d��d eonv�rin� tIN
<br /> „ prop�rty �o1J. R�clt�l� In al�� Tru�tc�'• J��d �Iwll b• ptlN [act• •vlJanc� ot tli� t[utl�ot tlr �t�t�-
<br /> , ., w�nt� w�d� th�r�lu. Srwtu �I��ll •� ly tlw proeeuJ� o[ tb� ul� In cl�� tolluvloe orJ�ri (s) to •!1
<br /> IV
<br /> �'"��:�!`�'�++� r���on�bl� eo�t� onJ •�y�n�er of lU� ��1�, IocluJing but not ll�It�J to. Tru�t��'� [a�� ot AP� M[� •
<br /> ,'��� ���'��91 tMn X o[ U�c �ro�■ �ol• ��[ICf� r�aranabl• ntcorney [ee• •nl cueu ot cltle wlJenee; (bl to •ll
<br /> .,r.� .• ;`�;ri•',' �u�� ueuraJ by thl• UacJ oE 'frunti anJ (�) the exct��. It �ny, to t6e por�on or p�rwn� le�alir �n-
<br /> � �•.�,r`. ��''� tYtY�+I tlwreto. My parron. Includln� O�a�Llcl�ry. ��y purclw�t ��IJ prapo�ty at ��1d ul�. � .
<br /> • .+� �.
<br /> • 7h� p�s�on co�duotln8 tl�a o�le rey, Qar �ny c�u�• 1�• or •I�s dec�e eapeJlont. Po�tpoo� tl����1� Lre� , :; '. ':.. �
<br /> . t '� t1N to tl�� uneil is �1��11 U• couP�aceA and, In ev�ry •ucl� e���, notfe• o! Po�cV���nt �h�ll b� {1vM
<br /> . ,,+ br puAlte Jeclnrolfan tl�eruol I�y nucl� pe�enn at tl�a tlwe �nJ place Inn� �ppol��ted fut tl�� ����3 pro-
<br /> vIM�. If tl���alo !r purlpunud tot Oanitor tl�un one (1) d�y L�ran�l �hu J�l� da�l�a�t�d ta tM� �otle� oI
<br /> � ��Oa. w�tle� tl��rtof �Iia1l 4e gQvao ln tA� ��wo ��nr+er a� th� o�l�lu�l notle� ot ��1�.
<br /> �.�, � md e�cl�o[ tl�o�. �li�ll ii� QalltlrJ to ���-
<br /> 6�. Rc�eJle� Nul 4'xcluy�vc. 'icusi.fe �nJ lQU�llt9at%.
<br /> Io�ee p�yNOt ��rl petluc�a�ce �t aiiy Ina9�UieJne�• or aAllg�llun �ecuced I�Mreby ��1� CO�1�f[CI�t all r/eht•
<br /> .� � �nd pa��r� unJe� t1�Yr 11caJ uf T�urt oc �.�:dcr ���y lo�n Inrtrwent o� ocl��c ograeiecnt or �n� 1��� nov or
<br /> ,.�i h�s��tta� eetore�d, oo��Itl�ruaJing sowe nx •11 oE tlie lnJe6t�rdae�s� �u�d obllgetlun� ��cu�e� h�reby
<br /> ...._� .._.._....�. I.r..wf�nr L� �n0�ervlac xecureJ, MIKI���C ��Y p«9^R�� JueJ of truet. plcd6�. ��e^• ����t°-
<br /> .. �s •'..' _' " .J:.►I..r br eor[t .
<br /> �nt�of othervl�e. ♦NeltUer al� �ceeptmicr nE tbls l4ed ot T[u�c nor iu ..�:�:..�:.t.
<br /> • ; �ctio� or /unua�t to tl�e pnwe� o[ •�le or otlu� po�es•u I�erelo cmitalned. s1y11 pte�udle• or In �a1r
<br /> 1 w��er alltet ?rrrtee'� ur Ue��aflclncy's r16i�t to re�YOse upon or eufurce anr al��r ��curltr no� oc Mr�-
<br /> � �ftet b�l� b� 7r��ce� or eenaticlnrr, It belnd �graeJ that 7ru�te� ooJ e.o.r<<i.sr. �od e�ch ot thew.
<br /> i
<br /> �MII L� eetltlaJ tu enfurc� thlr pee� •�� irust �nJ �oy otl�er �ec�rlty nov or here�ft�r held br th� eoe-
<br /> ' flel�r� ar Tru�te� In •u�:li urJur auJ rr.u�er �• tl�ey. or eltlier ot tlKw. �aY 1�� tlulr �b�olut� dl�er�tlon
<br /> �etetrl��. Nu re�eJr hrrelo conterced upuo or �esetv�d to Tru�toe ar O�net�e���y �• �n«^JeJ to b� �R-
<br /> clwlvt ot a�y otl�er reM:Jy Ixsreln ur Ly I+v provl�e� or perwlttrJ, but ereG sMal� b� �������v� Md
<br /> Nul1 be In NlJltlw� tu evcrr ullicr rewedy ���en I.eceunder ur nov ar I�errafter eal�tlnR �< <�� or In
<br /> equltr or by �t�tucs. e��rr �����r or rerely �Ive� b� any o( the lu�n Instr.we+[� to Tru�ts� os �ene-
<br /> [Icl�rr oc to vl�lcl� elll�er ul tl�e■ w�Y ���+ ���rvl�e eatltteJ ��r 4e ererefees. ean�urreotlr or IaJepen-
<br /> deatlr. trar u`�• luea��Irte��trre�aJle�y Nuthin�Mt�t�ln�il�ilnbebconstrued •� pcalJbltloe�/ene[fcl�ey
<br /> oE che� w1 P
<br /> [ro����kln�s dd�el�ne� �ud��nt ���Iu�t isnr[or tu ch� •�cen[ •ucl� �eclw� l• pe[�lte�d br �v.
<br /> _�_
<br />