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<br /> �� n �.. I� , I ' • 9� 102539
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<br /> � � . �„ eF�n OF TRUST
<br /> .7,:. ---
<br /> " �;��:, I, RNOW 1�LL M6N BY TH86$ PRES�NTS i th�t Joel B. (3arrott, a �i�agla
<br /> ;� _ � aan, harefnafter �e�errnd to ae "Trust°r", tQ asaure a nota o! aw�
<br /> " ' date hwcewrft� for th� pr�inaipal awount o4 �a �nasand floll�►a^�
<br /> � - - - �.. ...�..
<br /> ��,-�;,�* `�,�.�'�`:':.� .,� le to t,ha ordor og Tliuuars�aa Gasrett, �T08
<br /> IS1O►OOO.Ot�D '�� i r �
<br /> �`'��t� CAtt0171W0o8� G�CaII3tl 3s18�nd, I�ebYEl91C� 68�01� ho7c4f�1i1�'te1C 1^ie!'C�1'Iedl �0
<br /> .-�:., " �e���'>"`_:;"' �am "Benoliaiary"� �'ovidfng for ]PaY'�nt ot tho antira prinaipa3 `_
<br />--,,,:, . �,�.,�r•.:.�.:� �_�
<br />� . ,,:. '(i;;;-F;i�.; ba�anae, together w3.t�hh interest a� �he rato of ten perasnt (10�) _
<br /> �,':�: � ��_ � � ennum,' all in aaaordanae with a Deed of Tsust Note exaautod on L _T u �m�
<br /> y 1991, do hereby qrant and aonv4y unta
<br /> �A,�``: "�. � ' "` V aent L. Dowd ng, attorney at law. the "Truatao", the tollowing
<br />�.,: ; :�:.. , • ro rt :.
<br />,. . :,� � . d��arib� P P� Y
<br /> y�Y,..'�� '..1 �+Iidi)liyyi�•. -
<br /> �•���•• �;�-�•�• The Southoriy Forty-Six and Nino-Tanth� (46.9) lo�t o!
<br />�...:�,: '., , Y,ots Four (4) and Fiv� (S) in Bioak B�vonty Thrs� (73) ,
<br /> . `� °" ��. •1.�;.. o! whaaler and Sonnatt�s Third Addition to ths City o! `� -
<br /> � Graad Island, N�braska. ��
<br /> . ,d" ..h'. ..•� .. �
<br /> •��4%, � TO HAVE ]1�TD To HOLD the sama, togather with all appurtenanca4, ! ���_;�
<br /> 4,;��--',��
<br /> � in truat nwvertheless, and in aaae of default in the payment of ��.
<br /> � ���° � sa�id Nota or any part thereoP or interest thereon or in ttie ' t�
<br /> , after set forth then the Trueteo ��°..•�,�-~''-
<br /> . psrtormanaa of any aovenant hsrein � ���,��;w�_�--
<br /> " shall have the power to aell the above-deacrib�d property, and upon �,_,,__._.____
<br /> .. requsst of the Henefiaiary, the Trustee shall file for record in �i-;;.'�����
<br /> - � the Regigter of Deed's Ofgiae of Hall County, Nebraska, a Notias of ���� . �,.
<br /> Default, settinq forth t6aat a breach of an obligation for which ttae n.,, a ,4,,r�.,,.{, ��,
<br /> - � '.,�,,1a..,� said property was, �e�in�a�a�sd as :.�ur3ty has ��urr,exi, and satting t��, ,�,�r���-��•
<br /> � � '..i 't:�i�:ti.,,,,��., r.:r,•�...--_i:a:'
<br /> ; ; .� .�r',` , � ,, Porth tho nature �� amch breach and the Trustee•s election to sell �d�;�,-,.;�<�a�►�r���
<br /> � k.;, .. ��,��.:t;};i..i,;� — ,��aru.
<br /> the property to satiaPy td�e obliqation t and after t.�e lapse of not �i�-
<br /> . ' ..;f,s;';-;,�''� ;}r
<br /> . �., ��. .: :;;;,;!:�:,_,,.�;, .. less than one (1 D manth, the Trustee shall give written �n�tiae of Q:, � a�z�:-
<br /> the time and place of sale whiah may be between 9:a0 a.m. and 5:00 ��. �. `��`,.-�-�;,;,�,
<br /> '�i.,�;�'•..�t' .. .f�Y�`?'
<br /> .:•�`Fi " p.m. at the prea�sea, or at the Hall County Courthouse, arr�l .y.,��T�,,..��,o-==-
<br /> . :.,,,�`�:.,.,;:. � � -.;�sr�,:
<br /> ���`.; � particularly de�cribing the property to he sold, said Notice to be : �- •
<br /> ` '"•' � �''�' � published in a newspaper of a qeneral circulation in Hal�. County, `-t��-�`� '��
<br /> ;���,.,.••.:;..., .fr;_ the last , ��,`}•
<br /> (�,.� . . , •„�:..._,..
<br /> ., i+:;,{;,;-';;,,;!�},�;� Nebraska, once a wesk for f ive (5) aons�c�tive weeks, . . . ,��.;;;
<br /> ' �•,�'���F�;�•;!;}'� ' publication to be a� least ten (10) days but not more th�an thirty :,;'' �'-����"
<br /> ,� • tIIien aell said ' . ::';,��;`!.{`
<br /> % � ��'''� � (30) days prior to t2�e sale; and the Trustee shall i ' � ' . .
<br /> � i:'..s��;. �y', '-�'.'
<br /> , . ,�, , propgrty at the �k�.m� and place designated in thia Notice, in the ��� , ,, .
<br /> , ,.`_rS,�,.r:��:.,,, � ��'. . �� r�,Stt<.,,-:_.
<br /> • ��'�� �<•;�;��±�-, mannar providecl by law in affect at the time of filing said notiae r�''�����,����,,,;,_;
<br /> , l. . ',. ,L�.;�..,... '.: ''�� ��i ?�ti�'r:�_,,..,
<br /> � , .t-, �,�., .. dt public auctiom to tfie highest bidder for cash, and shall deliver . ';J���i>t�'�r''1,'.`,._
<br /> �1.��::'K;;: �+��;.�'
<br /> � ' y� , to such purcha�e� a fleed tc 'the Property sold aoneistent with ttis ,.,,,,,;,;,t'..,n,,,�.
<br /> .:�,c�.�t��s��
<br /> ' • �- �`;?`�, law in effect at that time. Additionally, Trustor hereby requesta ;; , �,�,,M.,_
<br /> ' that Trustee shall mail Trustor a copy of anY Notice of Default and ;,,:;�,.,,;1��r;1►���,�---
<br /> : t: " �• Notiae of Sale hereunder upon default addresaed ta him at P.O. Hox ; .�.-�t�;,�����; �s7-;
<br /> " d, Nebraska 68802. Out of the proceeds of said '' '.;:f�:'�"' �'`t
<br /> • ' ;�,`.�, 1587, Grand Islan '��: '•�,;�.1�;:,��;���:�.
<br /> y.,.�,,., !:';� ,;,.;c� r � ,,�,::
<br /> . . �. .. :�,��r�,;,',,�,,. sale, the Trustee shall retain and pay first all fees, charges, and �..,�,, �:;'
<br /> .� �ui,�t,;:�t i � �• . f�' .+
<br /> � � costs of eale, and all monies advanced in the exerciae of the power 1:�:,.�...�,r�.,���•�
<br /> - ' .,`17�:�' ..1....� {'.�11j',.��-.
<br /> ����;�',:;:,#;,�, of sale, inaluding the payment of the Trustea�s Pees actually '�.`,,:_;,,, ;;,,;,;,,,
<br /> incurred and pay second the obliqatfons sec�red by this Deed of i "��"������'•�;;,;�
<br /> ;���:;r�i;,��:,, � .
<br /> ' `���`���`��'"�' � Trusts and the baiance, if any, shall be paid to the person or '��',"�.�,� `��.`�..
<br /> ',-;i.'`•,,.� � rson includin the , ���,.�; :
<br /> � �� persons legally entitled thereto. Any Pe , 9 , .
<br /> � � ,�!'.���''; '� Benefiaiary, may purahase said property at such sale.
<br /> �
<br /> I u . ;
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