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<br /> �
<br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender covenant and aqree es follaw���-- �.0 2 5 2`7
<br /> p p y pay when dua th�
<br /> '� 1, Psym�nt ol Rrinelpal�nd Int�nrl:Pr�p�ym�nt�nd L�t�Chary��. 8orrdwe�ahall rom tl
<br /> ; ' �,��` princlpel ol and i�terest on the debl evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late chargea due under the Note.
<br /> , .;
<br /> , " �"' �. Rund�IorT�K���nd Insur�nc�. 3ubject lo applicable law or to e written waiver by Lender,9orrowerth�ll pay
<br /> • -" to lender on the 4ay marnhly p�ymenta ere due under the Note, until the Note is pald fn full,a aum("Funds"1 equal to � _�_ � ___
<br /> .;�;p^ ?;4'` one-lwelllh of;(a) yea�ly taxes and asseasments which may attain prlority over th�a Seaurity Inatrument: (b�yearly --
<br /> • ' � •. ;, �'� ' I��sehold p�ymeMe or ground rents on tho Property,If any;(a)Yearly hasard inaurance premlums; and (d)y y
<br /> '�'- �` "' � mortgage ineurance premlums.fl any.These items ere called"eacrow items".Lender may esdmate the Funds due on tho _
<br /> �•T- '_-�'.�;�".� "�, baaia ol cur►ent data and reasonable estimates�f tuture escrow ftems. .�--
<br /> -av��ir�..��� �.
<br /> - - TheFundashallbeheldinanfnstitulfonihedepositsoraccountsofwhfcharelnsuredorguaranteedbyalederalor
<br /> ,�,_,..� �:=•.���� stale agency(Inctuding Lender If Lender is such an fnstitutlon►. Lender shall apply Ihe Funds to pay the escrow itema. _
<br /> ���
<br /> _== --• �� Lender mey not charge for holding and applyfng the Funda,anatyzmg 1he accouqt or verify�ng the escrow ilems,unless
<br />_�J�; ;_. " � Lender pays�orrower fnteresl on the Funds and app��cable law permits Lender to make such a chaRge.Borrower a�d �, ��___
<br /> _....'t'�"�"""''�"�'�"''�'�"`� Le�der may agree fn wrltfng that intereat sha�l k►e pa�c!on the Funds.Unless an ag►eement�s made or applicaMe law � �y4�;,,,�-;�Y,
<br /> .���. ::�,��.7:�.: . � . I..�;,;: ',.';
<br /> :,.:,��;., requlres intereat to be paid.Lendar shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings O�the funda.Lender t,,� �,
<br /> -�,'�R°-;�'—:"��-= shallgivetoBorrower,withoutcnarcle annnnualaccountinqoftheFundsshowingcreditsa�c!dE+b1151o1heFundsandthe 24s�..;��1�,��,
<br /> - : r;.;.;,.,:c�..�
<br />— �;�;:;ln'j�>';"rt�,`"" pu►p03e IOr whiCh eaCh debit to the Fu�ds w85 mac10 The Funds ere ptedged es edd�Uon81 secunly 10�the su m6 seCUred
<br /> ��:''',y'-
<br /> ��°�--:�Y:�r., " • by theSecunty Instrument
<br /> .,,-..z,��... �,�:;_� ":_:. .- 1 y,._;:.
<br /> --__���±"{TC r '.• . . . li the amount ot the Funds heid b�,lec�dFr.together wrth the luture monthly payment&ot Funds pAyaWe priorlo the , -,.,...-- __
<br />..-.T". . .1n. .
<br /> _ � �.. r�, ., � .� duedale9 of the esCrow�tems,shall exceed t'ne amount requued to pay the escrow items w�en dua,the excess ahall6e,a1 ,,:�:-
<br /> „ 9orra�+rer's optlon,efther promplly repaia 1�6orrower or credrted to Borrower on moMhly pAymems ol F unds.If the ��`_
<br /> �T^ amoi:^':,1 the Funda held by�ender Is not auitic�ent to pay the escrow dems when due.Borrower shall payto Lentler any f�::
<br /> -:s.•,:j amou�t necessery to make up Ihe defic�ency In one or more paymenls as roqwred by Lender -_ �
<br /> �'":
<br /> �.� i•� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument.Lender shall promptly retund 1oBorrower any —=x u
<br /> T'�'�+., •• :y., ��;•;:•.`� FundsheldbyLender Ifunderparagraphl9lhePropertyissoldoracqwredbyLender,Lentlershallappty,nolatorthan ����.,i3�;
<br />-�;•:•' , ""'� . immediately prior to the sale ot the Property o►its acquisition by Lender. any Funds held by l.ender at t�e Gme of
<br /> � `3• � �8"t"._,-: = application as a credit agalnst the sums secured by this Secunty Instrument.
<br /> =r�:''=? �.�;;,.�,;��_ . 3. Applle�ponolP�ym�nt�. Uniessapplicablelawprovidesotherwise,allpaymentsrecelvedbylenderunder 5....
<br />_�,,,.�: .�� . �,, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:hrst,lo lale chargos due under the Note:second,to prepayment charges due under �,'
<br /> :,
<br /> 6:��_=''"__,
<br /> 4 �w �� `�i� ' the Note;thud,to amounts payable u�der paragrAph 2:fourth,to interest due.and lest.to princ�pal due �
<br /> ti ^'l 4. Ghersee;llene. Rorrower shell pav all taxes.assessments,charges,hnes and imposftwns atlridutable to the --
<br /> f,;'; • ,r,
<br /> } �, '•`� ' / ' 3 + • :� Property which mey attain pnority over thls Security Instrument. and leasehold paymems or ground renla,it nny
<br /> ��I ;�� 1���`�. .� �• Borrower shall pay these obligahons in the manner providFd�n paragraph 2,or d not pa�d�n that manner,Barrower shall �� �
<br /> ��� d.; "'� '�•c1 i`��?';�"; paylhemontimedirectlytothepersonowedpayment BorrowershallpromptlyfurnishtoLenderallnoticesotamountsta
<br /> - �c` •_��t .....�,�. '�'" ��. :'.�..�.
<br /> :,�!�*;;•�, ��4�,��.;;s. be paid under thfs paragraph It Borrower makes these payments duectly. Borrower shall promptly furnsh to Lender
<br /> +`,;�,��' -. ' ° receipts evidencing the payments
<br /> • ��;i•. ' Borrower shall prompdy d�scharge any I�en wh�ch has pr�onty ovor tms Secunty Instrument unless Bonuwer.(a) ��}.�y;:_
<br /> �'_�. .i...;n;'=.--_:-
<br /> , agrees�n wnting to the payment ol the obligaUon secured by tne lien m a monner acceD��ble to Lender.(b)contests in �
<br /> ,,,.,. , � � , good laith the lien by,or defen�is against enlorcement of the I�en in.legal proceedings which in lhe Lender's opirnon _-
<br /> ° operale to preve�t the enlorcement of the I ien or f orle�ture ot any part ol the Property:or Ic 15ecures from the holder of the
<br /> 1 ��;..�:.r:r__�
<br /> �"�''�� � Ifenanag�eementsaUSfnctorytoLendersubordinadngthQlientothisSecurrtylnstrument ItLenderdeterm�nesthatany _
<br /> _ 7 � partolthePropertyissub�ecttoalienwh�chm7yattainpnontyoverlhisSecurityMstrument.Lendermayg�ve8orrowera _ --
<br /> . ' noUceident�fy�ngthelien 8orrowershallsalis�ythel�enortakeo�eormoreo(theactionssetlarthabovewuh�nl0daysot v��'�,._
<br /> , ' ���.• . �� the gnnng of notice ... --
<br /> ° ���i�• 5. Ha:�rd Inwr�nae. Borrower shAll keop the�mprovements now ex�stmg or herealter erected on the Property � _ vV t
<br /> . •� �' �r.t. �-
<br />-. ��,_r,. , ,"'S}!;;���• insureU against loss by fue. hazards inGutlad wilhm the term '�extended coverage' and any other hazardstorwh�ch t _. .:__
<br /> � Lende�requires msurance-This insurflnce shail Ue ma�ntained�n Ihe Amounts and lor Ine penods that Lender requ�res. ` . Y � ��
<br />__ ,,'��": „� The�nsurancecarnerprov�dingtheinauranceshaubachosenbyBorrower,ub�ecttoLender'sapprovatwhichshallnotbe fr.�L.-� _
<br /> unreasonably wUhheld. ,
<br /> _ e table to Lender and shall mclude a standard mortgageClause. �.^,��V ^`.� f'r
<br /> , � � All insurance policies and renAwAls 5ha11 be acc p .. -
<br /> � . � Lender shall have the nghtto hoid Ihe pal�c�esand renewals II Lender requ�res.Borrower snall promptly grve toLenderall _ - _�
<br /> " ��?� � rece�pta ot paid premiums ann renewal not�cos In the event of loss.Borrower shall g�ve prompt notice to the insurance _.'•��^_
<br /> � ��.. ,
<br /> . � cerrler and Lender Lender may make prool olloss it not made promptly by Borrower. k
<br /> �t� " ,f�•-:- Unless Lender and Borrower pthenv�se agree in wnting,insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair f.` . T . �%
<br /> ." •` ot the Property damaged.�t the restorat�on or repair is economicnlly feasible and Lender"s secunly is not lessened It the { . : `_
<br /> " •• restorat�onorrepa��isnot@conom�callyteasib�eorLenderssecwdywouldbQlessened.lheinsuranCeproCeedsBhallbe � . .
<br />, '' .� 'j � applied to the sums secured bY this$ecur�ty Instrument.whelner or not Ihen due.w�th any excess pa�d lo Bo+�ower It C ,,
<br /> Borrower abandons the Property.or does not answer w�thin 30 days a nol�ce from Lender that the insurancecamer has i
<br /> i
<br /> ' •� O�tB�edtO3e111@AC�A�m,thenLfmtlermaycoliecttheinsuranceproceeds lendermayusetheproceedStorepauorrostore ;
<br /> � . , . �f the Property or to pay sums secured by this Secunty Instn�menl.whether or not then due The 30-tlay per�od wdl begin
<br /> when 1he notice Is g+ven �
<br /> • � "�� U�IessLenderandBo�•�wt�ratherw�seagree�nwnhng.anyapphcat�ono�pr�cr��:tlsi�pnnc�palshall notexlendor
<br /> � .:;,�,IJ•;;','. n,t,�nrt2orcr��naa•tneamouniofthePayments It � ;` .i.
<br /> .� , ;-,•::�;i,,.,� p�stpon�•theduednteollhe+^��^tn�ypnymPMsrelerreAtoi��p:�raqrap .
<br /> � � t,,•�.,:�;,.,.� , .
<br /> • ,.�;-;.+ ur�tle�paragraph 19 the Prope�!y�sAC:quired by L2ndE�f.BorrOwer�S i ignt tq any�n5���dnC£pO�iC18S&�d�JrOCBed5 rCSUI�i(1g
<br /> • ��'• tromdamageto:he Property p��o�lO theacqws�hon shall pass tu LendPr to mp,extent ot 1he sums securedby th�sSeCUnty � •
<br /> Inalcument immetl�ately pnor tJ tne t�cqu�s�hon
<br /> . 6. Praservallon and Illadntenanc�ol Properly;LQa�eholdt. E3orrowi��shall not dQStroy.or tlamege or substdn-
<br /> caaieycnangelheProperty anowtn@Propertytodeter�orateorcomm�tw��slo Ilth�sSecuntylnstrumentisona���asnhoid.
<br /> �'�' " � � nc�nne nl fhP IPACP anrf�1 Borrower acqwres lee l�tl�to the Property.tne Ieesehold and
<br /> .�1.•
<br />. _— ' ' – ' OV�1 V11�Qt J�ioii�.��p:�'i:....."�r�v�=:........_ _
<br /> � �„ fee hlle shall not merge unless Lender agre�s to the merger�n wnhng .
<br /> 7. ProOeetwnollender'sRighttintF'rePrope►ty:Mortq�9�lnsur�nc�. HBorrowerlailstoperiormtheCOvendnts
<br /> - .;'. and agreements comamed in Ih�s 5ecunty Instrument or there is a leqa�p�oceed�ng that may s�gnihcantlyaYlec t Lender s
<br /> • • ., r�gnts in tne Property Isuch asa proCeed�ng in bankruptcy.probate.tor conAemnat�on or to enlorce lawso► req uial�onsl.
<br /> � • • then Lender may do and pay lor whalever is necctssi�ry to protett the value o�the P►operty a�d Lender s��c�hts�n Ihe
<br /> , . � Property Leneer�s actions may include pay��g a�y sums secured by �� ����n whiCh hds priorrty Over tn�s Secwity
<br /> � Inatrument.appeanng�ncourt.paymgreasonableatloineysleesanuenter�ngonlnePropertytomakerepaus Allhough
<br /> Lender may take action under this paragrapli 7.Lender does not nave to do su
<br /> ' Any amounts disbursed by Lender under th�s paragraph 7 sna1l become add�t�onai debt ol0orrowersecu►ed by th�s
<br /> ' SBCUnty Instrumenf Unless Bor►ower and lende�agree to other terms o1 payment these amount5 Shall bear mterest Irom
<br /> , „ • the dete o�disbursement :�t the Note rate and shall be pay�ble. with mt�rest upon notice hom lrnder l0 8orrowe�
<br /> " � requestng payme�t
<br /> i, ., `'... � �
<br />