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<br /> 1,.._ 102523
<br /> ' UNIFORM CQVBNANTS Horrower�nd Lendet o�venant and aytree�s Pollows:
<br /> 1. P�y�e�t ot Pri�cipd nd late�t;Pnp�y�eat wd l.�ta(.'�uR�s. �rrowirs All promptly�Y whcn duc
<br /> �� tha princip�l aiAnd interat on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late chargec due under�he Nata.
<br /> ' ' 2. Fuads for T�aa Md l�suaace. Subject to wpplicable Is►w�nr�o a writlen wai�er by Lender,Borrower shall pay
<br /> ' �;. . ,;� �� ta Lender an the day manthly payments nre due under the Nate,untii�he Nnte is puid in full,u sum 1"Funds")equai ca
<br /> '��h,.�•,:,���_Q ono-twelflh oP: (al Yen��Y taxes and assefsments w•hich may Attain pnanty ��Yer th�s Security Inytrumenr, (b) yearly
<br /> `� ' H, kasehold p�►ymems ar ground rents on the Prapehy, if any; lc)yearly haza�d insutunre premiums; und (d) yearly �n;,•=.__.
<br /> �,-• :+ mongsae insu��ce premiums.if any.These items arecalled"escraw items."Lende�m�y es�ima�e�he Funds due on�he
<br /> =;�,,,,,;`: b�a)current dalA And ieu5onable atimate�of futu�e ncrow ilem!�. � -___ ,-,___ _
<br /> ,� Tho Funda shall be held in an institution the deposits ar uccouots of which are insurea or guarunteed by a federal or
<br /> .";`";�,. '•r ` ' ' st�te agency(�ncluding l.ender if Lender ia such an institution). I.ender ghpll apply the Funds to puy the escrow i�ems. �,_,,_
<br /> `•�� � Lender may not cha�ge Por holdi�g und applying the Funda.analyzing�he accaunt or verifyiog the escraw items, unless �_,._.�,�__
<br /> "`�"1�'�'''f`� ',� . Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and upplics�bla law permi�s Lender to m,�ke such u charge. Borrawer and
<br /> -'�;� ± .; ''' . Lender may ug�a in writiog Ihat interest shall be paid on thc Funds.Unle�s un ogrecment is mAde or appHcable law a�:��"�"'
<br /> ���`� :4�" . requi�es interest ta be pnid,4ender shall not be required to puy Barrower uny intcrest ar eArnings an the Funds.Lender [-;;�_=--••� -o�
<br /> ` shall give to Borrower,without charge.an annual Account ing af the Funds showing crediis and debits to ehe Funds•rmd the •�� -_r. __ _.._v
<br />,.r; ���": . . . purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made.The Funds aa ptedged as acld'etional secunty Por the sums secured by --'
<br /> ;=�. • ` . ' this Securitg Instrument. __ -
<br />_=�r:;, -t, �;.a•.:•;. ,'.'''�. li'the amount of the Funds hdd by Lender.togetfier with the Puture monthly payments oP Funds payabte pnor to o„�___-__ ----
<br /> ' • - ihe due dase$of the escrow i�ee+a.�ha��exceed the amount tequired to pay�he escrow items when due,the excess shall be. �_ �
<br /> ,:; .:... -
<br />�'•'�''�- At Horrov►e�s a Ptan.eitl�er promptly repaid to Bonower or credited to Borcower on mon�hly payiuents ot Funds.!f the ��—= -�
<br /> ,�;�.: . ,. m*:r.--
<br /> _ amoun�ai the Punds heW by Lende�is not suflicient to pay the escrow items w hen due.B o r r o w e r s h a l l p a y t o L e n d er ao y � ._.__ _
<br /> � � � amou�t�ece.'+ary�u make up the deficiency in o�ee vr more paymen�c as�equired by Leader. Y;__:___ __ _�_,
<br /> ,, . ;a ,.. 11�oq payment in fLll of all sums secured by this Security Instniment. Lender shall pmmptly�efuaa•.8 to Hc�rrower ��`
<br /> J, :�k any Funds held by Lender.lf under paragraph 19 the Property is�vld or acquired by Lender,�ender shall apply,na later __
<br /> � ,•,;:•4„li', y 9 ie��st����_..
<br /> • •-'�+�;,,�;�? than immediately prior ta the snie a f the P�openy ar i�s acquisition by Lende�,an Funds held b Lender at the tirt�r.�f
<br /> ���:�, ,_ ,�.,.� '' �pplication as a credit A�ainst the sums secured by this Security Instrument. �a"ti�"�' .•u
<br /> . . �'�'` ,'•;�s;•'�`�;..
<br /> 3. Applie�Noa nf Payment�. Unless upplicable law provides othern�ire.ull payments received by I.ender under � .,. I ;"-
<br /> _ ;�..,�'.. � a�i�.R�,
<br /> . ' "''�, paragrnphs I and 2 shall be applied:Brst,to late charga due under the Note;second,to prepayment charges due under t he ;�
<br /> " Note;third,to amounts payable under paragraph 2;Pourt h,to interest due;�nd lest,to principul due. ,v.-�-__,_
<br /> � � 4, Cba�ey;I,iens, Horrower shall pay all taxes.ossessments,charges, fines and impositions nttributable to ahe ��-•�••��_
<br /> � ?, Propeny which may altain priority.over this Security Instrument. nnd leusehold pnyments or ground rents. if a�my. - _-=--.�
<br /> � Borrawer shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in pAragraph 2,or if not ppid in�hnt mo��ner,Borrower shpll �3.�F,_
<br /> � pay them on time direcdy to the person owed payment,Borrower shall promptly furnish to Leader s�ll aotiees of amounts �_
<br /> ° ''.�-s=r-r--..—``— io be paid undsr ihis passgraph. !C 9errower mnke.r these payments directly. Borrower shall promptly iwa�r+ish�o Lender � .. �_
<br /> � �,.�
<br /> f ;:��;I,��� �ceei pts�.�dencing the payments. — --•
<br /> ` �`��" �Jo�rrower shell prompNy dischurge any lien w hic h has prio ri t y o v e r t h i s S e c u r i t y l a�t r u m e n t u n l e s s B o r t oa•er: (a)
<br /> '1.:�•;,',. �_
<br /> • • ; �Y,;�. , • -,��°, a grees i�wr�aing ta+the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptubir to�.ender;(b)contests in gno�l _��
<br /> � : i� .�.:::;��, .. faith the lien by,or defends ugninst enforcemenl o f t he lien in,lega l prace e d i n g s w h i c h i n t h e i x n d e r's o p i n i o n n p e r a t e to �,..,:..._�._
<br /> �" •t''_y.'. " prevent t'he enforeement of the lien or forfeiture�f any port of the Propeny: or(c)secures from the hnlder of the litn an ;�_:,�
<br /> ' '�' ' ugrament satisPactory to Lender subordinuting the lien to�his Security Ins�rumen�.ti Lcnder determines that any p�rt of "'�""�>�-•=Y
<br /> e "' _ _ _.-
<br /> � � the Prapeny ia subject to a lien which may attnin prioriry over this 5ecurity Instrument, Lender may give Hortow•er a �_` •
<br /> • � •, natice identifying the lien.Barrower shall satisfy the licn or take one or mare of thc Actions 4et fbnh atwv�within 10 days *� ,o,
<br /> _�•:Y-
<br /> � °., . of the giving of notice. . - -
<br /> • S. Hazprd Insurnnce. Borrawer shall keep�he improvements now existing or here�fter erected on the Property ..--.-_.---°_"�`
<br /> .fJ.�..�.�e'-
<br /> � � •' .' insured agains�Icns by Bre,hurards induded within the term"extended coverpge"s�nd s�ny other hazards tit�r which Lender , ,,:p�e:��-
<br />`_,.� . s ,�,.��p,�; requires insurance. This insurance xhall be ms�intained in the amounts und for the periads thn� Lender requires.The �::.;.r�,;.:,7
<br /> �' "'��''� ., insurance currier providing the inaurance shall be chosen by Rorrower subject to Lendcr'�approvnl which shall not be "•:^f.:fi'�;,;;N�o--
<br />:_,r, � rti �:::;, ,__-_ .
<br /> ;;', .,. ��•'�,';<f��.• unreasonublywithheld. - -- -�-
<br />- ;',;,,.;;�5 ,;;';.1�,.','' ''?'`��r'.;• All incurance�+olicies and renewuls shu0 be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standvrd mortgage cluuse. .;;,.�
<br /> �'�`�•�'' `t������' " °'"' " Lea der shell huve the rigM to hold the policies and renewals.If Ixnder requires.Horrower shull promplly give to Lender ;
<br /> ' ."`„•'•:,,;�,,••
<br /> "� �,� . �' � . ���� '! ' all reeeip�s of paid premiums and renewal notices. In�he event of loss,Borrower thall pive prompt notice to the insurance ,..��,�:.���;;�`d
<br />,�,"! ';�' ., :����1�+' : ' .,,.,�1• >ti:_
<br /> ,�.• . ' a , •s'�y� carrier and Lender.Lender moy make proof of loss if not made p�omptly by Borrower. � .,.�,,:.
<br /> �• ' � LJnless Lendcr und 8orrower otherwisc agrec in wnting,insuronce prcxceds shall tk:u�,plied to restorption or repuir ��=.;+�,u�+
<br /> .! � ' of the Propeny damaged,if the restoration or�epair ix economically feusible and Lender',security is not lessened. If the •, �, '
<br /> ::'`"�`�.
<br /> r " '� restoration or repoir is not economically feasible�ir Lender'ti re�:urity would be lessened,the insurance praceeds shall be ; ak_�,._
<br /> • up�+lied to the sums secured by this Secunty lnstrument,whether or n��t then due, wiih any excess ps►id to Borrower. If �='_��%.- - _
<br /> &�rr�wer s+bandons the Property,or does not ans���er within 30 Jays a notice frnm Lender thal the insurance carner has '
<br /> ' ' '�;,���;,> olYered to setde a rl�im,then I.ender mny cnllect the inwurance pr�xeeds. Lender ma�•usr the proceeds to repAir or restore �
<br /> ` the Property nr to puy sums secured bv tfiic 5ecurity In.rvument.whether or nut then due.The�0-dny period will begin
<br /> ., ,�• . when the notice is Riven. '.
<br />. i;; r:' . �lnless Lender and Borrciwer otherwisc agree m wnting,un�uppli��tinn of rrix:eeds lo principal xhall not extend or .
<br /> ,t,^,, ;;
<br /> ,,;��:;��� posoponr the due dacc of the monthly payments referreu�toin paragraphs 1 nnd�ar rhungc tfic am�u�i nf the paymen��.l �
<br /> �.:t;�y?' • under paragr;�ph 19 the Pmperty is acquired by Lendrr.&�rro�ver'�right m an>•msurance�+oliciec and prcuteds�esulling ,
<br /> _;� fmrm cfamuge to the Properry prior to the nequisilion shall p.iss t o Lrnder to t he eatem oP the.um,�ewred by�this Secu ri�� '
<br /> Inslrument immediately priur to t he arquisiuon.
<br /> ' 6. Preservation and 1laintenance oi PaopeHy;➢.easeholds. B.�rra�w�er�hall nut Jetitmy�.damagc or tiul+4aamially ,
<br /> change�he Praperty,:1IIONW II1P Pro�ert�•to�e:er�cxa�e��r rnmmit �vns•t�. 1 f t'hi. tiecunty Insirument is an u leaxnc��ld,
<br /> `�;�' Borrower shall comply with the provis�ons of�he:easc.�nd if Hormvert uryw re�(er liile to tht Prnprrzy,t he lrasehold and ,
<br /> fee titte shall no1 mrrgr unlc��l rrikQ a�rees lu Ihr merger n�w ntm� ' •
<br /> '•'-,..I�,' 7. Protection of Lendar's RiRhts in the Propeny: �f.,n�aRe Insarance. !f florr��w•er failti io �rform :hr
<br /> covenams and agreementsrontameJ in►h��Serurit)Intitrumenc.nr i6rre�.a Ie�;d rrr��redmF Ihal mu�•+igniflcanN}af6rrt ti ,. ,
<br /> - -,_ ..� �u,..-.�r �
<br /> �. .. Lender'c rights m the I'raperty I,uch :►�a pnxeeding m eanicrup�c}�. Pz�•i�u�r..w� iJi.u��Ti.-�d:::: .:::: �.....!�_ ._.._._.
<br /> . regula�ions),thrn Lrnder may da and pa��fi�r Khate�cr ��neretwn to pr�uzrt the�.�lueof the Praperty�•rnd Lender'ti nghts
<br /> in thr Propeny. Lender'ti acu�.ns may mrlude paymg an} �am,�rcureJ h}• a hrn w�hich hati pnarit��uver thi�Secunty
<br /> ' Instrurrtent.appeanng in coun,pay�mg rea�an•rbl�aU��rne�ti fecy and entcr�ng un�hr Prnprrt}t��make rep•rir4 Altho�u�h
<br /> Lertdtr may take aruon under t his paragr•rph 7.Lendtr daM nat ha.e�o do�u.
<br /> Any Amounls d�tiburted by Lender under t his parngraph 7�hall Mernmr�dditumal JeM��f R��rruw�er.rrured by thi.
<br /> Security Instrumcnl.Unletv BnrroN•er and Lendcr aRrcr to rthcr tcrm���f pa)•ment.the�e amount��ht�ll bear mtere+t from
<br /> the dn�e uf disbunrment at rl7t N�ite ratr :�nd �hall he�a)at+lr. µnh mlrn�t. uFxw nnucr fmm Lrnder ��� R��rrc.wrr
<br /> . requesung payment.
<br /> . �
<br /> i
<br />