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-- �.. �'',�,"'4 . y.. __ <br /> �.--..-. . �'Q -' � •t.. L,.r. .- - . . . . <br /> ___� �_ 'I✓� "'��`�tw. .� . .1;,'�� .. . ; .1 ��' � - ��Iti'r"~t "�-•• yY-.s. <br /> ���: , � ,w�ii�rlly aqaivala�u a�o�e lowr�noe y�boc av Aormw�ar du�llp�y a� ��� <br /> � : one�t+ua�lftl�'atN►e yr�nqi�y mantp�p beiaQ Pdd"��1ry��n ths ip�u�ana oowry�Nif��t�owoA to - - � <br /> .• , �`�'bo ia e!l�ict.I�rvUl iur � ar.,�lo�e �werv�s ia lleq �f ato�tyrle iao�Nirol�+-�I•AM��v� . <br /> P�Y�!4M6►No 1ay�ba .U�e Inru�e on�M(In dp�timd 1�t�.8q paiod <br /> tlwt I�+eli3�r 1+aNha) �1rea+ler If�oana av�iWde�ad i��.�oinb�iwN'�r11 Pary . _ <br /> the praniltp�teq�tieed dl�n . Qr M pro v l d e�•las tae�Ne.tlMil the e�q p�a t br a i o�'I�a :. <br /> _ ------_------�....� inw�not.and�ta�000�dwoe whb�ay wtEpai�roen4art betwaea Bat[ow+ar�wd La�dar ur xppllc+�Uls Uw. . . <br /> !.I M q M O t l o a.I�a x l b r or i a�aat a i�l ro ro+�o n�b t o a M r�e�npoa aad�p e d f o s�ot tde P m p m l y. 4epder�114i�e ., <br /> n�y � ro <br /> Bo�nnw�er aotioe�t tUe ttdie of ar p�ior to aa iarpn�tloa�ped4�dn�nedarMf�le a�as�ar tlie lerpec�ion. .;: :.; <br /> ,-.:��.� _.� <br /> 1�.�Oo�de�a�tio�.The of�ay avwwnd or ataim for d�na�e�. dhaG ar ao�aoqWOiMW� ip oonneollon vv�th�ay , . <br /> � ooadem�ation or oll�u�Cir� aay pqt d tbe tor ooavay�aoe ia ltw of aoadenaMdan►�ue 1�ebY��'• - � <br /> �, dW1 be p�id to Imder. . � <br /> In t'de ev�aM ot�tatd t�ldng oY the P�operty.the prooeedt sbwll be appliad w the auni oeca�ed by tLlt Se�►Imunmaeat. � � <br /> .. �or no�Wai dae,wIth aoy w�oe�s'pid w Aatmw�er. M die ev�adt o!a puttd WdqQ of tbe Pinpaty in Mhich tbe tds . <br /> --- a�kd valae ot t6e Prnpaty immodGudy 6eforo t4e qking is aqual W or�testor th�n We amouat of tbe wr►u aocuted by d�is � <br /> Saudty Imnuana�t iamaediatdy betot�e t1�e qkL�.�alaa Bcutnwar iwd l.wler otlbnvi`e in wridt�.the saa�a seeu�d by . <br /> w <br /> thit Seauriry Ia�ruwent �baU be rod�wod 6ryr We �ow►t of tlie pooe�ed� nwfdpliedby followh� 6ract�:(�)the tw�l <br /> '��� - aa�ount of tba wms securod immediatdy before tba t�. diVlded by(b)the fiir matica vslue�►f tbe Pnopdty immedl�tdy <br /> � befan the WdnB. My balw�oe�all 6e pdd to Horrow�. Ia tho evmt of a pntial nkiqg o!t6e Pro�paty ia whkb tl�e fiiit <br /> __== mulc�value oi tbe Pmpat�r innnodiatdy 6eFore tho pddng ia les�11an We amoupt of tba swns�aauiad immedlatdy beforo tbe <br /> taldn8, uNess Bormt�md I.ender adierwi�a+�rea ia wrlt[ng or unkct tpplipbb law otbawite providea.tba proaeeds dyll <br />-__-_ _=_;;,a 66'•ap l�od w the wms sowrod by this Socudty Imbumeat whcal�ar or not tbe aum�ue tt�en duo. <br /> p ow h <br /> -_-- � It tho Fsapaty is by Borrower.m if.�Rer notioa by t.ender to Botmwer tb�t the aondannor ot�ds to malce a� <br /> i . awud or aettle a cWm for . Borrower fiils to�d w L+�nder v►+�tbin 30�day�aRer the d�te the nadoe i�giv�a�. <br /> --_ --�.---� I.auter ia s�tlsen�lzex!ta cnikct - t�►!Y HM�+moenlR,a itR�tion,eql�nr�rn�ation cr rep�ir of We Aropat9 or to die� <br /> - . �eaued by 1ltis Sacutity Iaarur►�nt.whether or not then dua. _ <br /> -- ---- Unleu La�der and 8orrower othavvise �o ia wridag. +mY +�PP���af prooeeda to p�o�ip�l st�ll aat a�tad or —_ <br />�^%;lN � poqpw�o the due date of Iht maathly ya�ents�efemed w irt ! ad 2 or chungc the anwuw of wcb pay�aaw• � <br /> �>r; 11.Ba�+uwer.Nat Rdnre�;Fo�r6earnooe By I.ender�ver.E�tension af the tlme for pxymmt or moditiaitiou <br />,;:.„ of aiaorti�on of ttie.smae savrod by this Security Insnumaa grantod by L.ender to aay wooesc�x in iMemat of Boreower tlWl . <br /> A'�,�,a not aperate to•releuse the Iiability of the original Hormw�x or Bamnwer's wooeswrs in lnte�st. l.cnder elap aot he e+eqoirod to <br />- � oanma�x pl�oaediAgs agaia�t wry wooess�x In irxeiect m rctbse to extend tlme for payment or Whera�isc modify nuat�on <br /> , ;�, I i oY the suam axwsd by thi: Sea�rity G�wment by mason of any demAM mwdc by tLe originAl 8orrowar ar Bor�uwer's _ <br /> '" �: � succrssora in intcn�t. M forbeanuxx b Lender in euenci an d�ht or rdneiiy shall not ba a waivet ot or p�eclude the <br /> � exe�1�of any rigM or n�yiedy. Y � Y <br /> ... �' 12. Suc�er9on and Ac�n� B�adi doWt aad Severnl Lia611Ny;Co-d�gna'9. The cov�a and �gr+eanean o!tdis <br /> ,~ r I Secqrity Inrt�mcnt sh�ll bind and benefit the suooesson wd sssigns of I:ender and Borrowu. wbjaot w the provWaas of <br /> --ti`'�� - ry���aph 17. Anrmw�'a covrn�tnts and egr�qs shell 1,�jniot and se.weral. Any Borruwer wFw oo-sigas thts Socurity -- -- <br /> -' ' irutrument but does ea�ecute the Nae: a is oo-si n thls Secud lratnlment anl to mo�tg�ge. grant a�d aomey that <br /> ..,-�; ,� . �,r��� Borrower's intenest in�d�e Propeny unikr the termc of t�hie Sacurity Instrument•(b)ls nat persorwlly oblig�ed to y tbe�n =- <br />.,j;;;n: sen�rod by this Securir�r ldstrument:and(c)agrxs ti�at Irender and any other Bomawer may s►groe ta extead,modi r. forbwr or <br /> �„�� mdce any axommodauons with regard to the terms of this Sxurity Insuument or the Note without thnt Bomower's oonsept. <br /> � � 13.Lo�n Charga.lf the loan secured by this Secudty Insuument is subJact to e lew which set�nmximum lo�n d�arges. <br />-,;_M;�,;�� n.;:" �-: � and that law is finally interpreted so tlwt the interest or ather loar�charges collected or to be vollxted in amnection with Ihe _^_. <br /> A}�'�'�''"'..��' loan acceed the permitted limita.then: (a)any such loan charge ahall be nducod by the amount ry to redace/be chargo <br /> 4��." .' ' � to the perntitted limit: and(b)any sums alrcady rnllected f�om&►nawer which ex000ded permittondlie i1a will be rePonded ta <br />''a.; ' ,��=� ••a�� ` Borrower. Lendcr may choose to make this refund by reducing the princyp� owad under the Nou or by rnaking a diroct <br /> ��sr� � paymrnt to Botrawer. If a refund noduoa pdncipal. tho reduction wil{ bC trcated as a prutiwl pr�aYmaot wit6out anY' ; <br /> �.;t,?;�.:�,;''r;'',,�:' `/,'' P�ep�Yment chnrge under the Nrne. <br /> ,�, °�"-:�;�r"��;'`" ' 14.Notk�.w. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Secur�ty Instrument shell be given by delivering it or by mailing = <br /> �;:,-:��.,;; � <br />-,'� '. =,�a;;�,��".��tw it by flrst class mail u�less applicable law requires use of enother method.The ratice sh�ll be diroctod to the Property Addres� . <br /> :,� ° �:-,^,'.'�n+�a�.: or any other address Borrower dcsignates by notioc to Lcnder. Any notice to L�.mder shall be given by first class mail to ____ <br />•,';' � ,�;�i �t���+.;. I..ender's address suued herein or ony other uddress Lender designates by notice to Borrowcr. Any notice provtded for In thic —_ <br /> ���+'�Qfi;;; Secudry Instniment shall be deemed to have been given to 8orrower or Lender when given as provided in�his paragtt►ph. --� <br /> �*��„• : _ <br /> �.�r• �: .: :;r� p I5.Coverning Iaw; Severability. This Socurity Instrument shall be govemed by federul law and the lew of' the - <br />- ''_'�«��',"� .' jurisdiction in which rhe Prope is lacated. In the event thsit any provision or clause uf this Security Instrument or�he l�iote � ' == <br /> rty h <br /> �• • � conflicts wlth applicable law,such cantlirt shall not affect other provisions uf this Securiry Instrument or the Note which pn 6e =v_,,; <br /> ' `•-,���' . �y� given effect without the coMicting provisiun. To Ihis end the pmvisions nf this Security Instrument ond the Note are decla�ci. ,�u;,;;. <br /> ,� . ,. , : " to be severable. � , • •��"`: <br /> �A• ,�:;. �; 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given ane confonned rnpy of�he Note und of this Socurity Instrutnent. , �,- <br /> ���'���, '� l7.Tra�fe�af the PropeMy or a Benef'klal Interest in Bornuwer.If all or any pan of�he Propeny or any interest in it �-- <br />�•f'��� ��:�..�.,�!w`. <br />'"•r�:ya; !;;'' �. .',�• is sold or trnnsferred(or if a heneticial interest in&�rcower is snld or trnnsferred und&�rrower is not u nawral person)without o-_- <br /> :y; '" � • '`.' �''• ' L.ender's r�or wri�ten consent, I.ender ma ut its a ti�m, rcquirc imrnedintc ment in full of nll xums secured b this °'° <br /> � - ,s�, , � P Y• p P?Y . Y �.,U,. <br /> .���; 'r� yti�.�.� • • Secu�ity Instrumem.However, this opti�►n shull nut be exercised by L.ender if exerc�se�s pmhibited by federol luw us of the date — <br /> �� -��_�_ <br />.:';:ti�. ;�'1�''�: ,,,. ., ., of this Securiry Instrument. _� <br />�%����•t• ``�``""�: • • If l.ender exereises this optian, Lencicr.rhull give&�rrower notice ot acceleratiun. The notire shall provide u periad of npt �-- <br />_`'`.`,;: ";=•=%�;'"-•-=';' leas lhwi 30 du a frouti tM: dat� ti�e nuti��i, d�li�cred �u m:►ilcd w�ithin afiich Hciao�ti•er mn�e —° <br /> ;�,�,,., . Y �:y s!! sums secured t�y this �-- <br />-;�'a�`�` ' � Security Instrumcnt.lf&►rrower fails to pay thexe sums prinr tu the cxpiration of this period,Lreckr mvy invoke any remedies ��y <br /> _�:• �' �;`• `;"...::,��, permitted by this Security Inurument without funher noeire ov demand on Burrowcr. v <br />"'�, •. .��,�?,� , 18. Bonnwer's Rtght ta Reinstate. If Burrowcr mee�t ccnain rnnditiuns. �rrowcr sholl have the rigP+t to h�ve f•y.; <br />-�:,,r��: •.. � ::� <br />,���-•r.4 '�+,..-` <br /> . � enforcement oi'this Securiry Instrument discontinued An un} t6me prior �o Ihe earlier of: lu) 5 days lor such ather periad au �� <br /> ''' ` '' '^� ' ' '; ; a licable 1�w mu ti if tiir reinstatemrnU Ixforc .ruh af ahc P�n rrtti urxuant to an w�er of sale contained in thos i•. <br />�:_,�t.r;,. � •.� •,�.�� . +'� PP� Y �P� Y P P S Fw . <br />-;;�.':'� �� �'�.��,.�y�,��,i�,���`.' Seeudty lnaerumeru:or(b)emry of a jud�:rner�c�nfnrcing Ihis Secuc9ay ln,trument.'G'hnsc rondioians are thu� Borrower.(a1 pa}s �-.� <br /> =�=����, ���e�,.t.,,�L.M;�.7�'� LuncGer a0{yaum;a•hich then would be Jue urtder thi�5ctiurit (nstrument uncl the Note as if nu�rcleration had occurred: Ib) �r`i- <br /> ;.;.,:SA '-��'���R1t�, .,• t Y =- <br /> ; i ��t��;,,, F, '�:.�•.-:� , csrres default of an cwBie� �vvenunts ur a�reements�Ic� a � a0Q ex er�s inciured in enforcin this Serurit I�sWment. <br /> �yi ��: ��+�� -; �q' Y b P'Y � � y �ir. <br /> - � ����t,,u • i�;,lu3oa�g but not limited to, re.�.tionuble uui�rneys' f'ee.::uki(dl��kes such actiun m�Lender may reusonubly requin;to assure -- <br />:�:(�i°;��!. � that the lien of this Serurft In.trument, l.cixler's riphts in the Pro�1f�ro} am1 Borniwcr's ubliQation to u the sums secured <br /> q y p Y bY �;.. <br />�:'d�:j:�`, f{f�a ��rifv �wefn�nbnt M_u_II n��n� .� .{.�n a.l �I.r.w nu���o,.f.+nr (�v {Z�refrfur.+� fl�i� �vt•111'lIV �1t�fNItltP�ft AIM� �h[' � <br /> � —�_. .. _._ .� �.�... . ..� .° .. �:.... <br /> a+,�•' � obligations secured hereby�hull remuin fully clTective;u 1t nn srccei•�raakin h;�d�kcumed. Howevcr, thi�right to reinslute zhull �� <br /> �"-~i = J •. ; . not apply in the cuse of�ccclerution under parvgrliph 17. �` <br />' � ' '' ;'..��� �:�� 19. Sale of Note: Cfwnge of I.o�n 5ervi��er. The Nae or a partiul intcrest in thc Note (wgethcr with this S��curity -- <br />-,..�. =;r;u,,.'__..-• Instrunientl may Ix eu1J uu�or oK►rc timc�witliuW p�iu��wtice to�urrower.A sale nu►y rcsult in u rhungc in the entity lknrnvn — <br /> -_- ':,. . . as the'[.aon Servicer")thnt collects monthly puymcnts due under the Note:u�d lhiy S��uriry Inatnmient. Therc ulw�nwy hr�me <br /> - - ' � or more ch�nges of the l.oan Scrvicer unnrlut��l tu u�ale of the Nae.If there is•r chungc of thc l.uun Scrvircr. &�m�wcr will be � <br /> -- ' " given wrictrn nutice uf thc chunge in u��carduncc with parograph 13�bove u�J�pplic•rble luw.'I'lie nutire will�wte the nanx and <br />