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_� a.o._ j.:�l;:,.1. /J .. . . _ _ - - .. <br /> ' � - <br /> , � �• i -.- <br /> . ,. <br /> � ¢�; <br /> .�:. <br /> ..-- .. . `5 . ' _ .. .il -.. . . . ' '���J_l�p. .... <br /> .. -..—... �1 ` , ' . • . . •. . ••I" �-� � , � <br /> • OF OE�D 0�'�'IIWT i � ;���� -- <br /> , ' �I�IID��ORE N�/f� .. ; _ � . <br /> � TrwlorwidMMMb�NMpwdoa�h�t'1tuMOris�bioutl4�a�MMaOMddTMuM�l�tan�ap�0��l�tll�powl�► <br /> � cf«�I��rldWlorMMisOMd�dlh�MpoNOM�b�wW�r�M+uM�l�kllwa�labMOMIaNbTlnNla�rn� N�rwMM <br /> at�d er.en�ohd. . uneaano�.aaTiu.b��aM�+o�laMMetaeM•�+�•r•dOh+a1�w��l�iow <br /> b�l 11w f'hwN�wM�ei�l��P��O.Tru�lor nWMMM��nd w�n�Ml 1111t IbM�oNnowll�iMM INN�AI�M�m► <br /> __ _�_.,w.� 'ri�u�.Wla�tlw�oaa�on d th�Ord d.T�1wiA. � <br /> , � <br /> � TiuMor � � <br /> �_ - o�a oF rnus�r wmi FuTUn� �ov�+cEs <br /> Yws u�n oF rnusr.�m.a...a�n. �'a d,�.� ��*• .���a►.na aewn� <br /> --- �.�. Floya a. sos.�..tie a s�a,ron so:....n . .aa .s�. <br /> --- 9q � 16tb SL Grand I�l�ud W f,!l9�1-33�9 � <br /> _� — - ----- �+a,�,s�p�tc ------ O�NMn"Tlrwb►."wMMw o�or awni . <br /> _ ---- - ----- <br /> �Ta�w�, Fiv� Poiat� B�nt. • Web�a� CorPdr��ion . <br /> -. P.O. 6ox 1':i�7 lir�ad I�l�ad. !IB �G88�2 ��?�upM'y,and . <br />°° :�:. whot�rt�i11�0 edd►e�s is . <br /> ^��°� Fiv� Pointa Bsnk . <br /> � � <br /> �R�� ��� � .� <br /> ,�� ; `' 2�15 M. Broad�ell Grrnd I�l�nd, ME. �688O2-iS�7 , ' <br /> �° , who.�nwu�no.aa...s a � l�°�«�r'�. <br /> :. Floyd J. 8or�a�a <br /> �.::. FOR VALUA6LE CONSIDEMTtON.UtCNidlnp l.�nd���nsfon af�r�dit Idw�tlN�d haN�ta . <br /> ,�� i 8hu'o� Sor��u�le1 (herein"Bor�ow�er".wMther one a moro)uid the trwt hKMn ctMMd,.� <br /> �,'� — TR!lST,W�ITH POWER��L�E tor th�benedt a�d s�cu��enda.u biuter and wb�act W th�terms� condi�on��hMMn�IMt�M,� . <br /> .•�'�.- .-•i����. 4t�;�.�. ����l���A���'•K ROUR 1�/1 OF dY1.B£�RT'S S6CClID ADDITIOII TO TdE . f� , <br /> ,�,i'i�; _;' : � CITY OF tiR�I1D ISbAND, N66RASItA , , <br /> ��',�*�� .'y�e�,:x t R . <br /> '•'li ! �t41�ft,t� • ;,:,. <br /> � i!'`}�'�` . <br />-'�;r rik �� '����'r ' <br /> i•�, �t �,d� ,ar� TopMh�r with all buildinps,improvements,tixtures,atreets,alleys,passapeways,e��emenb,rlphb,privllepe�and appuAqt ' <br /> `'�;;:'S �iy�,�.;q�:'•;��,�:' �'� • nanais located thereon or in enywiee pertYfninp thereto,and ihe rents,is�ues end profita,reveralons end remaind�rs fhersof,anca <br /> ""'�'�� „u� �,'t '� such penonal property that Is atlached to the improvements eo as to conatitute a lixlure,fncludlnp,but not limited to.hsfidn��nd <br /> :t . u;; .:• . <br /> �� , •.;;,,;�,;,:,,,;y;.,;:;�„_;� coolinp equipmen�aod topether with the homestead or marftal Interests,ff any,which intereats are hereby releasad and walv 'o i <br /> _ t ,,{,...„� •• . -+�w�.+�, of whleh,includinp replacements and addWons thereto,ia hereby declared to be a part o1 th�rwl wtato Mour�d by t�11�ot tl� <br /> �. '•�'rrr• • � ••�- DMd of Trust and all of th�lorapoinp boinp refqrred to he►eln a�the"Propary". <br /> �• � � 4� �� <br /> ��: :��1' '„ <br /> ' "�°i'�1: ': ' Thi�O�d ol T�utt shall socure(a)the p�yment of tha principal aum and Intereat evidonced by a P�om��sury noW or oredit <br /> .Y'u. r• .�.�r; ' :I• <br /> �;�; + ^���w� � ., � April 3rd 1993 ,havinp e maturlry date of April lpt 1997 , <br /> , ,��:. �... ;, apre�nwnt dated , <br />`,� �� �� � r�-n::f���` :�,.: <br /> ,�,:,;�;,...,:�;. .-y�.� ., 8.421.66 ,and an end an modilicetiona,exten9ioas and renew81s <br /> ,,, , ..,r1•:;;;.,•� . in the oripinal prMclpel amount ot a Y • <br />- � , : iAI 7':�l_ ' <br /> ,,��,;. '`,!+��� . ,�, :. thereof or thereto and any and all tuture advancea and readvencea to Borrower (or any of them ii more than one)herounde� <br /> �::.. � ,. � • '�;:;� punuant to one or more promisaory notes or credit aqreements(harein called"Note"1:(b)the payment of other aums adve by <br /> �`•�• '� • ':� Lender to protect the aecurfy of the Note:k7 the perlormance ol all covenAnts end aqreementa ol Truetor aet forth hereln;and(d al1 <br />�, .,_ , <br />;.;�'�?�� �^�' ? � .�.';, , p�e�ent and 1Uture indebfedness end obllgs1looa of Borrower(or any ol ihem if more than one)to Lender whethor direct,indlreCt, <br /> _���- `• ;• ,,;;: '`' "•• nbsolute or coniingent end whether arfeMg by note,yuaranty,overdrafl or otherwfse.The Note,this Oeed of Truet and any and o!1 <br /> � ?�� �``��, other docuente thet secure the Note or otherwfse executed in connecGon therewith,includiny wdhout Ilmitetfon yueranteas.wCUdly <br />���: " '' ` '�'�' apreements end esaipnmenta of leases and rents,ahall be referred to harein as the"Loan In�trumants". <br />�-�.; : . � �`�'"' �l,!';' Truetor covenants and agrees with l.ender as Idlows; <br /> " �'� �'� .� '����; 1. PaymeM d Ind�bt�dn�u.All Indebiedneas secured hereby shall be paid whe�due. <br /> ''��� � ''�' '�h:y�� Z. Tiq�.7rudtor ia the Owner of lhe Property, hes the ri ht and authori to conve the Property,end warrants that the Ilen _ <br />���` i-;,,';' � � cseated hereb la a Ilrst ar.c1 prlor lien on Ihe Property,axcept la 11ens a d encumb ancea set forth by 7ruator In writinp end <br /> . 1.H----�-:.-_ ... Y <br />.,i-�=� .�;;;:;.:.�,. ��;: de9ivered to Lender betore ene:,ut�on of thls Deed of trusl.and the execution ana tle��vary o(lh��Deed uf Tr uat�uez�ot vlotate eny <br /> ,r�t;-': ��s ;%' ' '•:�: conuaCt or other obllgaUon to which Trustor fs aubJect. <br /> . Y;<'Sl�!,:' ' � <br /> ,rfrj.;..'.: •. � • �, 3. TpKN.Aswpm�nt�.To pey before delinquency al�taxaa,apec�at aa9esamenls and all olher charyes aqeln�t the PropeAy <br /> .;,:_,.:. • •��:.. , ' i�' now or hereazter levled. <br />;;;�'�,:'+i� . �� 4. (MUtaace.yo keep the Property inawed aqainst damage by fue.nazards Included wlih�n the term"extended covereqe",end <br /> �•� � <br /> "�� � +" svch other h8tarde as Lender may requlre,ln amount8 and wNh campanles acceptable to lender,neminp Lender a9 an additfonel <br />`� ���'�' � • naoned Insured,wHh loss payable to the lender.In case o1 loss under auch policles,tne Lender Is aulhalzed to atljusv.collect and <br /> ,�,I• . <br /> '"��"� � � � , compromlae,all claims thereu�der and shall have the opiinn ol epplying ell or part of the�nsurence proceeds(�i teany�ndebtedness <br />'��.��,���•.• , �r.,:•r.� , .� • ��: s9CU�ed hereby aRd in 9uch o�de�a8 Lentler may tlet9rm�re.(II)to ihe TrustOr to be used lor the repafr or resloration of ih@ PrOperty <br /> � ������� •�,�.��' or(III)tor any Other putpoae or ob�e�t 9�tc9tactay to Lender without aHecu�ng the lien of this Deed ol Yrust for ihe lull amount aecure@ <br /> :,Jti,,4�t t.:� <br /> !<'.f� i;� hereby be�ae s�ch paymertt bver took GIAC�.Any appllcetion of proceedz to Indebtedness shall nat�:rclend or postpone the due <br /> � �'�}f: <br /> ` ����_ ''• .. �;�;,,�y, dota of any paymente unBer tt�e Note,or cura any defeult thereunder ar�nereunder. <br /> ok <br /> u��..... �.....�.., w.wsnnu s��an/iw may dosmnate.auM�c�ent <br /> c�'�'��.:; '- j _ _-._ _ ..-..'_ - 6. E�CfOw.UPOO w►iLC6���IdnrefW[ir�efiu'oi�i iuoivi 6i�o��po�.....o.......,S.^..:'�.._.�...." —'--'--' . <br /> .:"i'�.�.'} c.:. " , . <br /> � : b,�':�,;: ' wm�to�nable Lender to pa��a ihey become due one or more of Ihe folk►vy�ny:p)t��l taxee,asseesmente and other charqea ayalnat <br /> { -•,�,,;;,:., ,;;, th�Prope�ty.(ii)tha promwms on the property Insurance reqwrad hereumder,and(lil)the premluma on eny rnortyaye In�uronce <br /> . �j} ., -e-� � -' �',- .. nqulra0 by Lartder. <br /> � �'� "� • �.r{ • , <br /> : �.� r ' � • 8. MdnNnana�,R�paks�nd Canpllanc�wlfh L.�ws.Trusfor �r�ala ksep the Property in yood condltion end repalr; shell <br />- � ,'� � prompHy repalr,or replace eny Improvement which mey be dame�etl or deatrayed: shall not commlt or permll any waate or <br />�' deterlondon of the Properly;shall not r�move,demolish or subatentfally alter any ol the improvemente on the Property:shall not <br />� ,":',,,�� `.,' commlt,suNer or permit eny act to be done In or upon the Property In vfolatfon ot eny law,ordlnance.or repulatlon;and ahall pay and <br />, :,� promptly dlsCharpe at Trusto�'s co4t and expeme all Ilens,encumbrances and charpec Ievlod.lmposed or asfeased apeMSt the <br />- ��� " •+� Propsrty or any part the►eol. <br /> ` " � ' ''� �'";I;:�����a�.�� 7. EmNNnt Dan�M�.lender Ia hereby ealpned all compeneallon,awarde,damepes and olher payments or reliel(hereinafter <br />;�.; { ,,n�;: " "Proce�dt'�in conneCUon wlth condemneUon or other tekfnp of the Property or pa►t the�eof,or for conveyance In Ileu of condemna- <br /> . " •�• �'` tlon.Lender shall be enlHled ef ib option to commence,appear In end proaecute i�fls own name any ection or proceedlnps,and <br /> '` . ... .�� shall�I�o bY�nUded to make eny compromi�or sorilemsnt In conneclfon wfth euah teklnp or d�meye.ln the erent any portion ol <br /> ►`` • .r <br /> Mc�s�n�«raKw.M o..�e..�o�M <br />- � . , �� O 1�M wMyM1�w A c«�w«w r�rr.ti i..rq.wwcwl»e.►.wWi ww.w <br /> t. .. <br /> , <br />. .---- t_•• . __ .... _ _. . . ... <br />