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<br /> �' � 91- 10251'7 �����:��--
<br /> � UNIFORM Cav�N�NTS Barrawer And Lender covenont And agra+�c Po��o�vs. ` ' �r '-
<br /> I�' �,--�°=3_��
<br /> y a whcn dur --
<br /> 1. P�yn�a�t of Priacipd�d laterosti Pnp�y�p���le ChuRa. 8orrower ahall pn�mptly p Y �w
<br /> � the principal of nnd interest on the debt evidence.d by the Note ond any prepayment and late chargcs due under�he Natc. �_—__
<br /> `t� �,"`"�'�"' ' 2. FuMds for Yua sad lnttunac�. Subject to opplicrble law o�to a w�itlen waiver by Lender.Borrower shwll�y _
<br /> . ,;;,�.,� � to Lender an thc day monthly paymcnts are duc unde�the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")equal ta _
<br /> ��� � � • onrtwdtih�i: (A) yearly tsxes and assessments which may attain pn��ily over this Secunty Insirument;(b)yeurly
<br /> � ''�� � les�ehald payments ar ground renls an the Propnrty, if Any; (c) yearly hazard insuranrc pr�miums; und(d) ye�rly -..r�.��Q:�=
<br /> , ��:.�
<br /> �� • mangRge inau�xnce premiums,iP any.These items are called"cscraw items."Lender may estimAte�he Funds duc on the ��� -- -
<br /> bwis of current dota and reasonuble estimates af tLture escrow items. �-____-------�_-.----�
<br /> The Funds shall be held in pn institutian the deposits or uccounls of which nre insured or�uarunteed by�PederAl or
<br /> , st�te age�cy(including I.ender iP Lender is such an institution). I.ender shall opply thc Funds to puy �he �ecrow itema.
<br />�,;� , . Lender mwy not charge for holding und applying the Funds,anolyzing the uccount�r�•erifying Ihe escrow itema�unless _ __
<br /> l.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funda and applicable law pennils Lender to m+�ke such a charge. 8on�we�nnd T� j r-. �
<br /> . I.ender mAy ngrce in writing�h�t inte�est shall be paid on the Funds. Unless un agramen�is made or npplicable law [` ��:,�..r-�,,�,�;,:,�1�_
<br /> ' ;,.
<br /> - requi�es interest to be pnid,Lender sholl not be rcquired to pny Bonower any interest ar earnings on thc Funds.I.ender 4 � ;� � • �� •
<br /> �.,+ .:.,'...�,;.;�._..'-.
<br /> shall give to Bonower,without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds shawing credits and debits�o the Funds and the ,. � �• -
<br /> ' purpene for which each debit to the Funds wAS mada The Funds•are pted�ed as additional securi[y fbr the su ms securcd by d=_--�=-�=w-�--==v-=
<br /> :;:,;,�� .� . this Secu�ity Inalrument. �1� --
<br /> ��t ` If the amount of the Funds held by Lender.together with the i'uture monthl a ments oP Funda a able rior to "�`'�``' -`'""� ,
<br /> �•. }A.:!`.v,i�- Y P Y P Y P �'bl7'e�ti���:.
<br /> ` .s':.'^°` • ihe due datcs of the esc[ow items.shall ewceed the amount roquired lo pay the escrow items when due,t he exc�ss shall be. �'`•�^---
<br /> y ��, � �d � . '�c�f,�i�--::�— • -
<br /> ' ' � st Borrower s option,either promptly repaid to Borrower or crtdited to Borrower on monthly puymmts at Funds.If'the 0 - •��:�;����
<br /> ��' '• � amount of the Funds heW by Lender is oot sufficient to pay the escrow itema when due.Borrower shall pay to l.ender any .,�-,,, '�,.�—__-
<br /> : ;-, `��,,?�:, ` � amounR necessary to m�ke up the deficiency in one or more Rayments as required by l.eode�. �'���
<br /> ���� '• , `�"����•.::� Upon payment io iull oi'all sums secured by this Security le�sr.cument, Lende�shall prompNy refund to Borrower �!: ' �':.:'-.._ _
<br /> . ,�y,�},:;;;.`.:�.,; , -
<br /> . �,, ' <,,,,,,,,,,. aonF Funds hcld by Lender.i{'underpa�graph 19 the Pro�+erty is snAal o�acquired by Lender,Lende�shull apply.ao la�er
<br /> • Y'`:'•i•�''° Chun immediately prior tc�t�e cale oP the Property or its acquisiUon�+}•i-�nder,acnv Funds held by Lender ul�he time oi '`,'.:;:,'-� �
<br /> `�,r, .,, .•` ... '��::
<br /> � �• �' � . �, application as a credit agAinst the sums secu�ed by this Security In�tnemena. ;__ _
<br /> •'�� � • � 3. Appllcatloa ot P�ymenta. Unless applicable law provides ot0�erwise.all paymen�s received by I.ender under ,.:r.n:,,.;
<br /> .. ', „'' �':
<br /> � , ' paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,ta late charges due under t+he Nate:secand,ta prepaym�nt charges due under the , _�,:,:_—
<br /> �• , , Note;third,to amounts payable u�der pamgraph 2;P�+w.r1h,to intereat due;And last.to principal due. .;,,r;;, , _-__
<br /> � 4. CharQe�Lie�. Borrower shall pay nU ta.�es,assessments,charges,fines and imposi�ions attributabk ta ihe . -
<br /> " . Property which may attain priority.ove� •this Security Instrument, and leasehold paymems or ground rents. iP any. ''�
<br /> �•�'., � • Borrower shall pay thesc obli8ations in the mAnner provided in parugraph 2,or if not pnid in thAt manner,Borrower shall ;��.�,+,:; ..
<br /> �; '' " pay them on t ime dircctly to the person��w•ed payment.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amaun�s ;�,.�,����;
<br /> - -__- --- ia be pa'sd undcr this p�rse:sph.!f 9er*errcr mek!�v thexe�+nyments directly.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender .,�,•.. . .��::;�;�;,__
<br /> � - . ' receipts evidencing the payments. ���l w����� -
<br /> ; .;�„��, • - -
<br /> ; ���r;::., � . Borrower shall pmmptA�•discharge any lien which hes priority o�cr this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a) Y� �A%--�
<br /> � .� ��••,•`�': �• � " b the lien in a mar,ner ncce table�0 4ender,(b)canlests in aod '"''=��_
<br /> � , . 'o secured P g �,� `. "�f<«�,
<br /> ';�;� ti.4,,�.�� ',;� agrees ia writing to the payment of the a�bl�gan n y ' '
<br /> • '`S, k'`•1'`"'`�' • faith the lien by,ar dePends against enf��rcement of'the lien in,legal rroceedingc which in the 4�ader's opinion opernte to '��'��-� •'� ','•rk:'•�'`��-►.
<br /> ' �,`�,r,,. ,� ,, ;. , .. �,r'....•;.., �
<br /> . •� � '�:;c;y�,;,,, �i;•. prevent the enforcement of the lien or fnrfeiture of nny pan of the Propefly;or(cl�cures Prorn�he holder of the lien an , ;�,":,,:;_:.:,.��
<br /> �.' "'•'E;'*';�;,, • . ogreement satisfactory to Lender subordinnting the lien to this Secur�tv Inst►umc�t.li'Lcnder determines t Mut Any pan of •._^,ti��.r,;`:�`:
<br /> � ' ;'�.�•,j , the Property is subject to n lien which may uttain pnority over thi�Securizy'lnsisument, Lender mny give Borrower a :��;,,;,.��
<br /> .. � � �����' notice identifying the lien.Bonower sholl satisfy the lien or tnke unr a�r ma�te of thr actions set Porth above within 10 days • '+•'• ��'��
<br /> � oftnegivingofnotice. . � r�`.''
<br /> �.�..:.-��
<br /> , � • � . . S. H�rd Insurance. Borrawer shall keep the imprnvemen��nou existing or hereafter erected on thc Property i .
<br /> • insured against loss by 8re,hnznrdx included within the term"extended cnverage"and any other hazards for which Lender � ..�,�`���� `�
<br /> � • • � rcquircs insurance. This insurance shall be maintuined in the umoun�s and for the pericxls t hat Lender requires. The .,.1_
<br /> � � ` insurnnce currier providing the insuronce shall be chosen by Borrower subject ta Lender's approval whirh shall not be �
<br /> � ', "�T._,.
<br /> unreasonably withheld. � `� ^��`" � �
<br /> • • ��'�� All insurunce policies and renewals ahell be acceptable to Lende�und shall include a standard mongage clause. i
<br /> � Lender shall have thc right to hold the pnlicies nnd renewals. If Lender reqwrrs,Horrc�wer shall pramptly give to Lender .
<br /> . oll receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices.ln the event of los�.Burrower shull give prompt notice to the insurance - �
<br /> camer and l.ender.Lender may rnake prcx�f oP Inss if not made promptly by&�rrower. ` !� r°�
<br /> • . Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwisr ugree in wnting,insurancr proceeds shull bc applied to rc�toration or repuir I , .
<br /> • of the Property dnmoged,if the rc.�storation or repnir is economically�feasible and Lender's xecunty is not lessened. If the ,
<br /> ,,�;•' ' restoration or repuir ic not economically feusible or Lender's secunty would t+e Iessened. the insurunce proceeds shall be ,
<br /> ,_ . • . applied to the sums secured by this Se�;u�iry Instrument,whether ur not then due.wi�h any excess ps�id to Borrower. IP ;��,•,';r:
<br /> "�� ' ,', • ' ' Borrower abnndons the Properry,or does nnt m�swer within 30 duys a notice fmm Lend�r thnt the insurance currier has � ,.
<br />; ' �'''�.,. offered to se�tle u claim,then Lender muy cc�llect the insurnnce prureedx. Lrnder may uxe the proceeds to repAir or restore �• .
<br /> 1 ����; the Proper�y or tu pav sums+ccured by this Security Instroment,whether or not then due.The�0-day peri�d will beBin :
<br /> 1.�
<br /> ' � when the notice is given. '
<br /> Unless Lender und Borrower otherwise agree�n writing,uny uppli�t�tiim oi pnxeed�ta principal�Bnll not eatend�r
<br /> postpone the due dute��f the mant hly puymenls referred to in purvgrUphs I nnd 2��r rhangc the umount of t he puyments.lf
<br /> under parugrnph IQ the Pr�per�y is ucyui�ed by Lender,Borm�ver's right to any inwrnnre�xiGcies and prcxeeds resuhing
<br /> from damage to the Prope�ty pru.r tu the nryuisition�hall puss to Lrnder to thr��eent af t he�ums secured bc this Security
<br /> Instrument immediatz���+ric�r tu t he acyui,uion.
<br /> 6. Pra�servatloa and�tainteaa�ce ot Propt�t�:Lease�ol�8s. p��t'ruW er>hall ni�t desu��p.damage or tiutrtantealh
<br /> cha�gr elhr Pr�Tem, a�I��w thr Prn�+ecty �o det�n.•�ale ar commc:c uaste. It th�.Se�une} In.nrument is an a leac�hoCcE.
<br /> • Borrawer s�5aJ1 cumpiy woch Ihe pro�iswns i�f the le�..e,and�f Bormwrr arqu�rr�fc��nle�n�hr Pc��F+eny,ih�lea�rhold and
<br /> ����• fes Ntle vha�i not merFr uREecc Lender agrer�lo tE�e m�r&er m a rit mg.
<br /> � � :�..:�:
<br /> 7, Protection uf 1.eader's Ri�thts in the Prooerty; �tortRaRe lasuraece. If Ik�rr�wer f:�d. a��rti�rm the
<br /> ! ,'�'���1' coven�nts and oRreement�rontained►n th��5ecann In�trurt�en[..�r�here�.a leg�t praxerd!ng that ma�sigmti�untly aflcrt
<br /> . . . _. ,
<br /> • - - � - - �.... ._
<br /> � Lender'���Rhts in the I'roperty(such a+ a pnkeedmg�n bankcuptry.pn•n�tr. ���r��marmn�non��� ��� co�v��c �a.�.„�
<br /> regulation�l.then Lender may do�rtd p+� fi�r v►h.�le�cr i+necesrar}t.�protrrt the��lr�e of thc I'rrprn�•aixi I cuder'.rights
<br /> in thr Propert��. Leoder'a acu��ns ma} inrludr�+�}�ng�ny wm�+erured by �f��n uhr.h ha+ pni�nt� i��er ih��Sc�unly
<br /> Instrummt,appeanng in rvurt,p•r�•�ng rea�vnah[e atturne}�fe�r and rntenn���n the i'a�prrt�� lu m•rke rcpa�n. Alth�wgh
<br /> , � Lender may take aruc,R under�h�s paragraph 7.Lender dues nut havr 1��d���r.
<br /> Any amc►unts d�sbursed by Lender under�hir paroRraph 7.hall t►errmr aSJivanal JeM��f H�+rr.•wer�ecurecl b��tht.
<br /> � • � Secucsty 1►�strumrnt.l'nless li�rrow•er and Lrnder�gree tu othrr term�af p:i��mrnl.thcKr •rnu�unt..hall l+r�r mtere.t frum
<br /> the d.ate oPdisbursemant s�l Ihe Notc ratc ;►nd �hall t+e pa�•rble. ��ilh imrrcr�. uEx�n nunrc frrm l endrr��� N��rr��arr
<br /> . request�ng p�ya�ent.
<br /> !
<br />