_� �'.F � ..�.�� 71%'•!� • '�x�'.. f }S�r •� • .. -- }q:'_� —___ .. .. _. _ .
<br /> � r t r '7t�tiK ' o .�
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<br /> ... _ . '.�.'��.�,���:'�:A.' ___ _ ..._..
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<br /> � I,1
<br /> � � 4
<br /> �.�
<br /> •i�
<br /> -���� 91-- io�5�.3
<br /> Tract II continu�d . ..
<br /> .-' �"---- 7-,.-
<br /> � I�"..:'i..m`"i�'rbY!�� -
<br /> y:����,,.1 � �� Wost of tho Northaaat corner thereoY, thenae Sou�th along a straight line �_ _ _
<br /> —� 1:_,�- �aw� pars2l�l with end Thirty end Ono-TQnth (30.1) f aot HQatvrly oP th�
<br /> �-���; ^°,. ,���, Ersst lina of th� North�►�at Quartar of tho Southaaat Qnnrtor (Nli 1/4 SE 1/4)
<br /> - '- ''--"°^'�+�,�, � of Soction 'P�+onty-Ono (21), a distanca of Ths��-Nundrod Tw�nty-Nia� and
<br /> :s�,� ..��;..;;� � Savon-Tentha (329.1) f�et to tho 9outhoast corner of tho parcol or tract o�
<br /> "'� �--�--=.�-�- land by tho Chicaqo, Burlington 6 QuinaY Railroad Caa�eny convey�d to
<br /> �-�;_�_..: -i ' Alomi.m�m Supp1Y Campa�aY. Tubing Division. Inc.. by D�ad datacl April 19. � _ -_, -
<br /> -- - - ••`�°""'°"• 1957, and th� tru� point oF bQginning of the parcol or tract of land boing _.___ __
<br /> --� �" � " h�reby convoyad: th�naa �from said true point of beqinn�C►g west alortg tho �:-y�F=�-�--•--
<br />._-:._�e;n�;`rt.:'.. .�.:.'j:,:.,�.,.,.;: , '�.
<br /> '°—�..• • South lioe of safd lanc� pravicusly conve�►ed to Alum�faum S1�pP1Y ComP�►Y. �:���---=
<br /> �� , .....,:.�.. Tubi�q Division, tnc., a diatanca of sis-Etuad�ead ThirtY"one ancl Four-Tantha
<br /> --� �,, : . `-'. " .. - (632.4) fnot to tha Souttsrc�ast eornor ot said pr�viously �onveyad l+�nd. „_,
<br /> .�..�—_��„�:;:�. . thenc� South, m�kinq an int�cior angla of Eiqhty-Nine D�rees, Eightaon �� �;_
<br /> .,,',��, ,. 1lfautas. Thirty S�cond� (89° �8' 30") with the lacat de�cribarl coursQ, a _ �-_�
<br /> :�.R� .,• . distancQ of OnQ-Hnndrecl Ninaty-Sevan and Fivp-Tenths �a19�',51 faet, moro or ,�_;
<br /> � '; � lesa, to a pnint on tho Southwest corner of the prap�rtY of eaid Rsilraad �
<br /> ,. �::. '. �'_:=��
<br /> ,;.; ,. "�� ,. : Co�mpany; thQnca Eaaterly along the south iine and the �asterly prolonqation ���,-,
<br /> ��:•;.��:;:
<br /> � ,j�,;��;,:.� �, of tho South lina, of said Railroad CompenY's P=�Pp�Y to a point in a linQ ____—
<br /> ;ti ..�� �•^ • C.,r<_ dra�tn parallel with and Thfrty and Ona-Tenth (30.1?� faet WQSterLy of the �-- �
<br /> _ �� ' ` 8ast lino �f said Northwost Quarter uf the Southeast Quarter (M�i 1/4 SE
<br /> 1/4) of Saction 11+onty-Ono (21); thence Nx�sth along the last hereinebovQ
<br /> • described parallel liao to the trua :yoia�t o f beg i n nin g eforesaid,
<br /> '�� e containinq an area of �ro and Eiy�ty-3evan ��aa3red'�tfis� (2.6T) acroa, more or �._^,,�Y,._.-
<br />�-. I. � �° ' u .. —
<br /> - �;, _;, ,,,,...s. , less_ Sabject, hovevar, tu tha rights of tha Publ.ia in and to tho uBO of —��-------
<br /> =r- _� � -� tho w�ater'ly portion o£ th� a�:.�a 3ascri�ed 2and f�x the public roadway 3�t,.�,�,'i�: _
<br /> ' :.,i;..` . known as South Adams StrQQt; and i �Y��--
<br /> • ' �' �.� -
<br /> . ..' ' b�;tk��'� � ..:
<br /> • WHERFAS, a public haaring on said petiton was hald by tfie Hall County ;x ,�,,�"�, ;,�� °-
<br />- - . � 4.++W+'S r-�
<br /> ' ��.',:5��..v,.i,.:..
<br /> .. .r''�,�I-�..',:
<br /> ..;�::, I.ti; ' Board of Supervisors on April 23, 1991; that duQ and proper prior notica of ;�����,.;.._
<br /> �� " ' aaid pulrlic hQarfng was given by publication once each waek for throQ _�
<br /> , „ � � ��•=-;;��: -
<br /> succQasive w�ks and by causing a copy of the published noticQ to bQ ,�k:��,L::_
<br /> „ �;�- _
<br /> "� '>., tho f irst ublication of notice, to each og � °-
<br /> .,�.��'. ., ..•, . t a a i l a d. w i t h i n f i v a d a�y s a g t e r P �.-��r.:.r-:
<br /> . . .ti: ::
<br /> „�u ��.�i'�,.}i,� .. . . �---
<br /> ` 't``'`' the owr►ors of racord and other persons in possossion of the real QstatQ not _
<br /> ��. . -
<br /> . � . � ,
<br /> �:+:;��,,,�: proposod to Da wcaludod fran the industrial area; and ''_ _�._,_
<br /> , � �� ,��Stxu =L':'
<br /> ;. ;�.;,t� P'>'i;r�
<br /> ��: .z
<br /> :t�ti�'�ai:;�', -- -- ti:>,..
<br /> t'.. ' �t;a -- Ux.t.
<br />, .. `' ��4 '`��,-' „ WyERFA�,. at said public hearinq counsQl for patitionar was heard end -_ --
<br /> •�,, ; -----
<br /> . ' . � '.'�.,..� 4:
<br /> t,,..� .?�r�ir1;'�; s�=��'�r-
<br /> • ;�,;,�;;���r . nu ono proaant spoi�o in oppoeition to the sxclusion of said trncts. x�•rr...
<br /> �1�. ���:��'��
<br /> � ';;'�;�i!tt�f` , . -:.�.•_ -
<br /> � �� . _: ..
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<br /> , �,p:-;., . ,:1• 4,;� :��',I�,'`::.,,�•
<br /> �'.�tJ�;r;,$`!J;ti<i•;t �'' ��.�l�i��i'<�;t' .
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