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.. <br /> ` � <br /> , ; <br /> r <br /> 99_ 1(�4422 <br /> 18.Misoelleneous Proviaions "" . <br /> (e) Bo►►ow��Not Relsassd. Extenaion ot the time for payment or moditication of the sums secured by ihie Deed of Truat prented <br /> by Lender to any succeasor in interest of Borrower ahall not operate to release, in any menner, the liability of lhe originel Borrower <br /> and Borrower'e succesaora in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings egainst such succesaor or retuse to <br /> extend time (or payment or otherwise modify emortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of eny demends <br /> made by the o�iginal Borrower and Borrower's successors in iriterest. <br /> (b)Lendsr'�Powers. Without atfecting the liability of any other person liable for the payment of eny obligation herein mentioned, <br /> end without aftecting the lien or cherga of tliis Deed of Trust upon e�y portion of the Property not then or theratolore releaeed ea <br /> security for tha tull emount of all uhpaid obligations, Lender may, from time to time end without notica (i) release any paraon eo <br /> liable, (ii) axtend the maturity or elter eny of the terms of any such obligetions, (iii)grant other indulgences, (iv) ralease or reconvey, <br /> or ceusa to be releeaed or reconveyed et eny time et Lender's option any percel, portion or al)of the Property, (v)take or release any <br /> other additional security for eny obligetion herein mentioned, or (vi) make compositiona or other arrenpem6nte with debtore in <br /> relation thereto. <br /> (c) Forb�arence by Lender Nat a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exerciaing any right or remedy hereunder, or otharwiae <br /> etforded by applicebla law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any euch right or tamady. The procurement of <br /> ineurance or the payment of taxea or other liena or charges by Lender ahell not be e waiver of Lender's �igFi! to 'eccelerate lhe <br /> meturity of the indebtedneas secured by this Daed of Trust. � <br /> 1d) Succes�or� snd As�iyn� Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Ceptions. The covenanta and agreementa herein contained shell <br /> bind, e�d the riphte hereunder ahell inura to, the respective auccesaora and easigne ot Lender end Truato�. All Qovenents snd <br /> egrsements ol Trustor shsll be joint end several. The captions and heedinge of the pareprsphs of this Dssd of T►ust �re lo� <br /> convenienos only ar►d eue not to bs wed to i�tup�st o►detina ths provision�ha�sot. E', � s ,,.. ;. <br /> (e) Requut ter Notfca�. The perties hereby requeet thet a-copy of eny notice ot defeult he�sunder end �oopy e►/ sny nofioe of <br /> sele hereunder be mailed to each party to this Deed of Trust at the address set forth above in the menner prescribed by applicable <br /> law. Except (or eny othar notice requirad under applicable law to be given in enother man�er, any notice provided for i� this Deed of <br /> Truat ahall be givan by rnailing auch notice by certified mail addressed to the other parties, et the eddreas set forth above. Any <br /> notice provided for in thie Deed of Trust shall 6e e(fective upon mailing in the manner designated herein. I( Truator is more then one <br /> peraon,notica aent to the eddresa set forth ebove shall be notice to all auch persons. <br /> I() Inspection. Lender mey make or ceuse to be mede ►easonable entriea upon and inspections of the Property, provided thet <br /> Lender shell give Truetor notice prior to any such inspection apecifying reasonable cause therefor relatad to Lende�'a rc�tereat ir► the <br /> Property. <br /> (p) Reconvsyano�. Upon peyment of ell sume aecured by tfiia Deed of Trust, Le�der shell requaet Truatse to reoonvay the <br /> Property and ahell surrender this Deed of Truat and ell notes evidencing indebtadnasa sacured by this Deed of Truet to Trustee. <br /> Trustee ehall reoonvey the Proparty without werrenty and without charge to tF�e pereon or peraons legelly ar►titled tharato. Trustor <br /> shell pay ell coets of recordetion,iI any. <br /> (h) Psr�on�l Property;Security Ayrsemant. As additional security for the peyment of the Note,Trustor hereby grente lander under <br /> the Nebreake U�i(orm Commerciel Code e aecurity interest in all fixtures, equipment, and other personal property used in connection <br /> with the reel estate or improvements loceted ihereon, and not otherwise declared or deemed to be a pert of the real eatate aecured <br /> hereby. Thie inatrument shell be construed as a Security Agreement under said Code, end the Lender shall have ell the riphts and <br /> remedies of a secured party under said Code in eddition to the rights and remedies created under end accorded the Lender pursuant <br /> to this Deed of Trust; provided that Lender's rights and remedies under this paragraph shall be cumutetive with, end in no wey a <br /> limitation on, Lender's rights and remedies under e�y other security agreement signed by Borrower or Trustor. <br /> (i) Lien• and Encumbrances. Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there is no default under the provisions of eny <br /> mortgage, deed of trust, lease or purchasa co�trect describing all or eny pert of the Property, or other contract, inetrument or <br /> egreement constituting e lien or encumbrance ageinst all or any part of tfie Property (collective, "Liens"1, exieting as of the date of <br /> this Deed ot Truet, and thet eny and ell existing Liens �emai� unmoditied except es disclosad to Lender in Trustor's written <br /> diaclosure of liens e�d encumbrencea provided (or herein. Trustor shall timely perform all of Trustor's obligetiona, covenante, <br /> rapreaentations and warrentiea under any and all existing end tuture Liens, shell promptly torwerd to Lender copies of ell noticea of <br /> deleult eent in connection with any e�d all exiating o� tuture Liens, a�d shall not without Lender's prior written ooneant in eny <br /> mannar modity the p►ovisio�s of or allow any iuture advancea under eny existing or future Liens. <br /> (j) ApplicalJon of Psymsnt�. U�lese othe�wies raquired by law, sums paid to L�der hereunde►, (noludinp without limitstion <br /> paymenta of principel and interest, insurance proceeds, condemnation proceeds and rents and profits, shall be epplied by Lender to <br /> the emounta due and owing from Trusto�and borrower in such order as Lender in its sole discretion deams desireble. <br /> (K) Severability. If any p�ovision of this Deed 'of Trust conflicts with applicable lew or is declared invelid or otherwise <br /> unenforceeble, auch con(lict or invelidity ehall not e(fect the other provisions of thia Deed of Trust or the Note which cen be given <br /> efleot without the conflictinp provision, end to this end the provisions of this Deed of Trust and tha Note era declered to be <br /> severeble. <br /> (I)Tsrm�.The terme "Trustor" and "Borrower" shell include both singuler and plurel, and when the Trueto�and Bonower are the <br /> seme peroonlel,thosa terms ee used in this Daed of Truet shall be interchengeeble. <br /> (m)Dov�rninp L�w.This Oaed of Trust shell be governed by the lawe of the Stete of Nebreake. <br /> Trustor\hes exeo'�ed t is Deed of Trust ee of the dete written ebove. <br /> t <br /> `�...__ <br /> \ <br /> " Trustor Truetor <br /> Truator Truetor <br /> Truator Truetor <br /> � <br />