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<br /> � . '. ""' � ASEIGNMENT OF LF.ASE8 AND RENTS �-�_����-��-
<br /> . . ,' �,..,_,_, _- •. -_ -
<br /> ' .' THIS A3SIONMENT,rtwde Ihfs 3rd �y pf May 19 91 . ,
<br /> �., ' ��i:a`rT!sl�,
<br /> , . .. �.•. � �� '�.�i:�^`.�-
<br /> � by pavid L. Grafton and Beckv J Grafton ��•�+�^a A�� Wi fe j�� •�:r=� -��-"'`
<br /> — � ,;:��.°__--
<br /> ,.�;_.
<br /> realdinq at or havinpan oHice et 2j� South Plum , �rand TBi,�h.� y� �Qp�� � . •
<br />� (herein celled"Aaslpnor"),to F�ro��'�^���o�l Association,Omaha Nebraske hevin0 �
<br /> ite principal offlce at Omaha Nebra9ke(he�ln cal�ed°Assi�^ee��b �
<br /> WITNESSETH: �
<br /> FOR VALUE RECEIVED,Assignor hereby grants,translers and assigns to the Assignee all ot the right,tlqe and
<br /> � interest of Asaipnor In and to any and ell teases and other ten��cies now ar hereAita mede on or wlth reapect to the real eatate :
<br /> � • located in 1�a�, Count]!Neh aska and mo�e perdculerly described
<br /> inScheduleAhereoi,whichrealestateshallberefeRedtoherefnaRe�as"P�emises".inc�uding,butnotlimftedtothatcertaln �,..,,,,,, .
<br /> Lease orthoee ce�ain Leasas,with moditicati�ona�any.desc�ibed in Schedule B heraol,coven�gthe Premises;together with
<br /> na
<br /> � (t)any and all extensions or renewats thereol,t2D anp artd all guaranEees ot Ihe�lasee's ob�igatio�s under any thereof and .
<br /> under any and all exlensioas or�enewals of anyt'hereoi,and(3j all rents,issa�es,prasflls.Tevenues.deposits.earnest nw�eY .,- �,,s ,�,••
<br /> i;;r:, �"� '��` �y�nts.�ights and benerils now or hereafter aris�ng from such tease and�enancies�R tar tihe use aoM occuperw�r d the '• :.�,.:;����,,,.;
<br /> •, t3,�.r,.:���'�.`��:..`. .
<br /> �; �; . . . � ` ���' �emises,ar�d any and all extensions an�renewals t�hereof.Sa��t�easea and ten�nci�so�other use of 1he Premises tcx�ettier ': � �.: ;;
<br /> . �� > ,ti ..,,s�,,�.....,:,;1;,,,', withan�rarte�lallguaramtees,modifications,exte�si��rs,and�enewaiathereolshallba swraetimeshereinafteQCetam�d8a+a�sttee , . : ,
<br /> . � �.Lease'ar"Leasea": ,. `.� � "a�•`
<br /> . '`�.��,:
<br /> •�'�.. ''�, FOR TH�E PiJRPOSE OF SECURINZ'a: y11�
<br /> 1, � . k�.if:
<br /> �� ��'`�:� • '� � ONE: Payment and peAormance of each and every debt,IiablNty and obligaUon al every rype and descripUon '. `�
<br /> .: f,:��. .
<br /> �'., ��: ':�� '� � which Assfgnor may now or enytlme hereafter owe to Asaignee,Mcluding,but not iimUed to,the indebtedness of Aas(gnor �'��
<br /> �� �' ' ' �''� secured by thet ceAei�mortgage or deed of truet mede by the Assognor to ihe Aesignee dated �.1r '� 19 91
<br /> '. �.�� end recorded or to be recorded et or prlorto the recording of thisAsslgnment,or eny other mortgape or deed o1 trust hereatter ��
<br /> � coverfng the wholeor any pert of the Premisee,(whether such debt,Nabiiiiy,or obwy�ition�ow 8xists ar is hsrsaKsr cresated Qr 1-
<br /> incurred and whether It is or may be direct or Indi►ect,due or to become due,absotute or contingent,prlmery or secandery.
<br /> liquidated or unliquideted,or joint,several,ot jolnt end severel,all euch debb, Hebifitfes end obll�edone belnp herein �
<br /> collecdvely referred to atneames es the"Obll�etlona"►;and •�
<br /> TWO: Performence and discherge of each end every obligation, covenant And ag►eement of Asalgnor '
<br /> contalned herein or in any such mortga9e or deed o1 truet or any note or bond secured tlwreby,or in eny obU�ation or eny ,
<br /> aecu�ina documenl ywen in connectfon w�th any of the Obliyations secured hereby.
<br /> LEA3E:
<br /> 1. To teRhfully ablde by,perform and dlscharge each and every obllgeN�n,covenant and egreement ot the Lease
<br /> � by Leaso�to be performed,to g ive prompt notf ce to 1he Asslgnee ot any notice of dela ulton the part of As9lgnor with respect to
<br /> theLeaserecelvedlromLesseeorguarentor,togetherwlthanaccurateendcompletecopy ofanysuchnorice;atthesolecost
<br /> • ' and expenae ot Assignor,to enforce or secure the performance of each and every obNgatlon, covenant,condidon and
<br /> • �' �� � • � agreement of lhe Lease by the Lessee to be pertormed;not to modflyor in any wayalterthe terms of the Lease;not to tertninate
<br /> � "� � the term of the I.ease and not to eccept a surrender of the reMs thereunder or to walve,excuse,condone or in any manner
<br /> �• � ' ' ' release or discherge the Lessee thereunder from the obllgatlons,covenants,condi�vns and agreements by the Lessoe to be
<br /> pertormed,including ihe oblfgation to pay the rentel called for thereunder in the ma nner and at the place and time 8peclfled
<br /> �' •� therel�,and Asslgnor does by these presents expressly release,relinqufsh and surrender unto the Aaslgnee all Asslgnor's
<br /> . � right,power and authorlry to modfy or In any way alter the terms or provlsions of the Lease,or to terminete the term or accept e
<br /> surrender thereof,and any attempt on the part of the Assfgnor to exerclse any such rlght without the wrfiten authorly and
<br /> � ' consent of the Aaslgnee thereto being lirst had and obtained shall constltute a Oefaulf of the terms hereof,es deflned ;
<br /> � . hereinaRer,entitling the Asslgnee to decla�e all sums secured hereby immediately due and payable.
<br /> �, .:• � '
<br /> 2. At Aasignor's sole cost and expense to appear in and defend any actian or proceeding arising under,growln�
<br /> out ot or in eny manner conneCted with the Lease or the obllgations,duties a li abilities ot Lessor, Lessee or guarantor
<br /> thereunder,and to pay all costs and expenses of the Assignee,including adorney's lees in a reasonablo sum,In any auch
<br /> ection or proceeding in which the Assignee mey eppear.
<br /> 3. That should Assig�or tail to make any payment or to do any act as herein provided,then the Aasignee,but
<br /> � wlthout obligation so to do and without notice to or demand on Aas�g�or,and without releasing Asslgnor from any obllgation
<br /> � hereot,may make or do the same in such manner and to such extent as the Aaslgnee mey deem neceasery to protect the
<br /> security hereof, including speciffcally,without limding its general powers,ihe ripht to appear m and defAnd any aCffon or
<br /> proceedfng purporting to aHect the security hereof or the nghts or powers ot the Assi 9nee,and also the right but not the duty to
<br /> pertorm and dfscharge each and every oblfgatfon, cove�ent and agreement of Lessor in 1he Lease contained;and in
<br /> exercisfng any such powers b pey necessery costs and expenses,employ courroel end incur and pey reasonable attorney's
<br /> faea.
<br /> 4. To pay immediately upon demand all sums expe�ded bythe Assignee under the authoriy hereof,togetherwith
<br /> interesz�t�ereo�at 1he highest ra4e set to�th in any of the Obligations secured hereby,and the Same ahall be added to the
<br /> pbNga���ns a�d shaYl be sec�red hereby and by the said mortgage or deed of Uust.
<br /> S. Tr&tA�signorw�l;no»rans�srorcmnveytolt�elesseeihelae�i4letct�edemisedPremis�es,aranypahthereot
<br /> ur�lessNt�e�.�ss++eassumes in wriiing and agQees to pay tha debt secured hereby m accordance with theterms.covenaMS and
<br /> . cw�dn�ros of the s�id note or�ond secured by sa�tl rnortgage or deed ot trust.
<br /> � .� ..,., ��. .
<br /> �' �
<br /> � � �
<br /> � � _
<br />