{i i.l•�t.)�/1�IY�.�fq/MhN�r�����M, . ' �'�f ci .M. .._ _, . � .. . . " . "..•C . ....M�M� _ .
<br /> , �.�i"' � :'�CI.2'�-.i.I��• : _ . -� r .. • ' . � ' � .
<br /> � '��lf . 1 ..... .+a...� . •a . .. •' .• -- ..
<br /> ��,� . uI»��. . . ' y . _ __ �
<br /> - � �a�. � �.Y ' ._..____- __
<br /> �r.
<br /> �'��
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<br /> ,r,'���y4�-,:. ' . � � 91- 10 2 u 0�1 � ..-�����:��
<br /> ,� . ,.,,,,;�. .�-
<br /> ... �x.��,. , .�.,�,�t�
<br /> � � �, CoedMrm�Mon.Tho prace�ds ol an �w�rd or cl�lm lor dom�ps�,dlrect or consoqu�ntl�l,in cnm�ealion wlth An� :, ._
<br /> � - •• - cundemndlan a ath�r t�klnp of tM Prop�r�y,or p�A Ih�►wl,or lo�convoyanc�tn Il�u ol cond�mnHlon,aa h�nby���1pn�r1 __-
<br /> �nd ahell b�peld to Lender. u �`
<br /> • U the event of a totsl hkl�p of Ihe Prop�Ay,th�ptocs�d�sh�ll be epplled to the sums securad by thi�Dasd of Trwl,with � ��.�":St,,��:__
<br /> � the exces�,if any,paid to Borrower.In the wsnt of a psA�al tek�np oi Ihe Propery,unless 9orrowsr end Lendsr otharwi�e . ;:.:��,,-_:-_`�_
<br /> a�reelnwriting,thereehallbeappIlodlotheeumssecuredbythld0eedofTrustauchpropoA�onoftheproceedeasl�equallo -
<br /> thAtpropoAlonwhlohthsemountolihesumRSecuredbythleDeedofT►ustimmedfatelypnorlothadeteotlakfngbeustothe ; ^
<br /> � lair market valus of 1he propeAy imm�dlately prlor to the dste of takinp,w►Ih ths belence of ths proceede paid to Qorrower. . ,._-�5•
<br /> If the P��riy is a�baedoned bY Borrower,or if,aft�r�otice by Lender to Borrower that Ihe condemnor oflera to make an
<br /> � Aw�rd or ssttle�ct�im for dameaes,Borrowe�Isil�to reapond to Lender wrth�n 30 deys aNer the dale euch notice is mofled,
<br /> � �ande�;a authorizer,t to collect And apply th�prxNds,at L�nd�r's option,oither to roitoratlon or ropetr ol the P�operty or to � • . . �
<br /> , tM sums securad by Mis Oeed of Trust
<br />— U�lesa lenrie�and 8onower otherwise��see in writing.any such applicalion of proceeda to pri�cipal ahall notextend or
<br /> ' � � poetpane the mue date o11he mo�lhhi ioato0rtwnts reta�ed to in pa�ay►aphs 1 and 2 horeot o�chanye the amount ot such
<br /> :�,. • •�� ,` i��tallmeMs.
<br /> •� �! � 10, 8oaower Not R��d-Extension of the time 1or paymeM or moditicat�on ot amortization of ihe sums secured by th�s
<br /> •� �'.' 7�aecD at Trust granled by L�eT��er ta any successor in inte�est of Borrower shall not operate to�elease,in any man�er,the
<br /> ,�•;�� � IiablUtyoflheorfglnal8a�rowerandBorrower'ssucCeaaorsintereat.lendershallnotberequiredtocomma�ceproceedings :
<br /> • a�alnst such auccessor or�sluae to extend Nme for payment or olherwtae modity amohizatton o1 the aums secured by this •
<br /> De�d ot Trual by reaw�of any deman0 mada by the onginal Bonower and Borrower'a succeasors in inte�es4 ;. '
<br /> 11. Forb�annc�br L�d�r Not�W�Iwr.Any forbearance by leaaler In exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or �
<br /> eatherwlse afforded by appUcabte law,ahall not be a walver ol or preclude Ihe exercise ot any such right or remedy.The �:
<br /> � :•-,y , prxu�ement ot Insuranceof the payment of taxes or othar Nens or charges by Londer shall not be a welverof 1 en�ier's rlghtta �,
<br /> . ' . ��• accelerate the matu�lry o11he Indebtadneea secured by thfe Deed o1 Trust. � �>.�... �.
<br /> '���� tZ, qwtwdNs Cumul�tiv�All remediei provtded in this Deed of Trust are dist�nct and oumulative b any other right ar „
<br /> ?'..f.. .�' . . ':,�i,�s,.: ..
<br /> remedy under Mis Oaed of Trust or a9lorded by lew or equiry, and may be exercised concurrently,independently or .•x �
<br /> � ti.!� � � successively. � {h r.
<br /> ,. :��•,• •• •- �_
<br /> ��' ��•�;� '" • 13. Suca«wn�nd AsslOm Bound;Jolnt and S�v�ral Wblllry; C�pNons. The aovenems and agreements hereM
<br /> " • conteinedshallbind,andtherightehereundershalllnureto,thereapect{vesucceasorsandasalgnsofl.enderandBorrower. ,���� "•�l .�i,{��.,.�':
<br /> , � .�'`•' ,f' subject to the provfalona o1 pa►agreph 17 hereof.All covenants end agreements o1 Borrawer shall be Jafnt and aeveral.The •;��tl; t.�
<br /> �': ��;,•-
<br /> �-;; capdons and headlnys of the pareqrapha of thia Deed ai T►ust are for convenience only and are not to be used ta iMerpret or �. . .,•,,,,..-�
<br /> � deflne the p�ovlsiona he►eof. ;'` '� � ��� �°'i�s'
<br /> �� 1�1. NoNc�.ExceptforenynoUcerequiredunderappBcablelawtobegiveninanothermanner,(a)anynolicetoBorrower '
<br /> �,;•�, � provided fa In this 0eed of Trust ahall be gWdn by malllng such noti�e by ceNifisd mall addressed to Borrower at Ihe Property ,,, ;.
<br /> ' ender hall be gufven b y8 ertiHred mell,8 tum e e pt equested.lo lender�s dd eas staled heee�in or to 8uch othe eddre+ss as �r
<br /> �.' Lender may dealgnat6 by notice to Borrower asprovlded herei�.Any notice provlded lor in thla Deed ol Trust shall be deemed .�.
<br /> �� '��� %� to h�ve been plven io Borrower or lender when glven In the manner dealgnated hereln. � • •,�. ,..
<br /> • ,� .,, � � 16, Unborm DNd ol Tru�t;�iov�lep taia+Sev�rabUlilr.Tha farm a1 deed af trust combmes unilorm covenants lor �,
<br /> � • • natlonel use and non-unllorm covenaMa wNh Ilmlted v�Nations by jurisdiction to conalNute a uniform aecurity Inatrument ' �V
<br /> ' ',, �'',',, ''�����: c o v e r i n g r e a l p r a p e r t y.T h l s D e e d of Truat anatl be governed by ihn iaw oi ihe juri;iiZit�r�ir.v+:hich!hc Pro�es.y is leCated.�� �:'• •• �
<br /> the event that any provlelon or clause ot Mls Deed of Trust or lhe Note canflicts with app l ica b le law,suc h con f ti c t a h a l l n o t
<br /> �, � aflect other provlslone of this qeed olTruat or the Note which can be glven eHect wlthout the conlllctinp provision s,and to this '�.
<br /> • • '� � ' end the pr e Note ere declared to be severable.
<br /> i 8. po M� rnished a conformed copy ot the Note and of thfs Deed of Trus1 at the tfine of �
<br /> execullon r a recor�!��M
<br /> 17. Tr �b �� II all or any pert o1 the property or an Intereat tharein Is sold or trenaferred by
<br /> 8orrower � nt,excluding(a)the c�eat�on of a lien or encumbrence subordlnete to this Deed
<br /> ' olTruet,�b►thecreetlonolapurchasemoneyaecurltyinlereattorhouseholdapplfances.(c)atransferbydevlaedeacentorby
<br /> i option to pu�chase Lender may�at Lender option,�drecla�e all Iha sums ecur�ed by th a'Deed of T ust to be immed+ately due �
<br /> and payeble.Lender ahall heve waived euch optfon to accelerete�I,prior to the sale or trenaler.Lender and Ihe person to
<br /> whom the Property fa to be sold or trenslerred reach apreement m wnting Ihat the credit o1 euch persan ia satlsfeclory to
<br /> I.ender and thet the intereat payable on ihe euma secured by Ihls Deed of Truat ahall be et such rate as Lender al�all request.If
<br /> Lender hes weived the optlon to eccelera/e provided In thls parapraph 17,and if Borrower's successor�n mteresl has
<br /> eKecuted n written aasumption agreement accepted In wnliny by l.ender,Lender shall release Borrower Irom all oblfqet�ons ,
<br /> under thla Deed ol Trust and Ihe Note.
<br /> If lender exerclsea such option to accoloruta.Lender shall mad Borrower notice ol acceleratfon�n accordance wfth
<br /> peragraph 14 hereof.Such nolice shall provfde e period of not lese than 90days Irom Ihe date the notice Is mailed wlthm whfch
<br /> Borrower may pay the sums declered due.II Bor�ower feils to pey such sums prlor to the expiration ol such perbd,Lender
<br /> mey,without iurther notlCe or demend on Borrower,fnvoke any remedfea permitled by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> NON•UNIFORIYI COVENANTS.8arow�r and L�nd�r IuAhK aov�n�nt and aprM�s lollowt:
<br /> 1 B. Aca�l�raUon;R�m�dl�i.Except es provfded fn paragreph 17 hereol,upon Borrower's breach of any covena�t o+
<br /> agreement of Borrower in thfs Deed of Truet,including the covenants to pey when duo eny suma secured by th�s Oeed ol T�ust.
<br /> , Lender prlor to accalerefion ahall mall n otice to Borrower es prov�ded in paregraph 14 hereof specitying:(t►the breach:�2)the
<br /> action requlred fo cure such breach;(3)e dete,not leas than 30 days Irom the dete the notfce is ma�led to8or�ower,by which
<br /> such breech must be cured;and(4)that lellure to cure such breach on or belore the date spetifiecf in the noUce may result In
<br /> acceleretlon ol the suma secu►ed by this Deed of Trust and sale of the Property.The notfce shau turther iMorm 8orrower o11he
<br /> right to relnstate afler acceleratlon and the rfflht to bring a court actlon to assert the non•ex�stence ol a delault or any other
<br /> defense ol Borrower to acceleratlon end aele.If the breach is�ot cu red on or betore the date specNied in Ihe not�to,lender at
<br /> ' � lender's optlon mey declare ell of the sums secured by thia Deed ol Trust fo be immediately due and payable without funhe�
<br /> demand end mey Invoke the power of sale and any other remedles permitted by applicable law. �ender shall be entitted to
<br /> z collect all reasoneble coatsa�d expenses incurred in pursufnp the remed�es prov�ded+r the paragreph 18,Including.but not
<br /> � INnited to,reasonable aftorney's feea.
<br /> If the power ot sale Is invoked.Trustee ahall record e notice of delault In each county�n which the Property or some pa�t
<br /> •� thereof is loceted and shell maU copies ol such notice in themanner prescnbed by appl�caWe lew to Borrower a�tl to the other
<br /> persons preacrfbed by eppllcpble lew.Aker the lepse ol such time as may be requued by applicable law,Trustee shall g�ve
<br /> j publlc notice of sele to the peraons and m the menner prescribed by appUcable Iaw.Trustee,w�tnout demand on Borrower,
<br /> shall sell the Ptoperty at publlc auctlon tothe hlgheat bldder at the lime and place and under the terms des�gnated�y parcel of
<br /> of sale in one or more parcels and m such order as Trustee may determ�ne Trustee may postpone sale of all or an
<br /> , ` the Property by publiC announcement at the time and place of any previoualy scheduled sele.Lender w Lender's des�gnee
<br /> mey purchase the Prope�ty at any sele.
<br /> Upon recelpt o1 peyment of the price bid.Trustee shall de4ver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveymg the PropeAy sold
<br /> The recftels in the Truslee'8 deed shall be pnma faCie evidence ol the truth ot ths statements mede there�n.Trustee shall apply
<br /> ___�__.....,...,�.,�.,�I.s Inlln�ulnn�vrinr•/Al l(f All fNAAOf1AI1IC C04L4 a!1(�Q7lPBf1503O���I@ 88I@,including,but not I�mitedto,
<br /> i��o p�v�oo..a�.,,..,.,..�..............._.....,,-•--
<br /> Trustee's tees ot not more than ._ 96 0l ihe gross sale pc�ce *easonable attorney's fees and costs ot tHie ev�dence
<br /> (b)to all sums secured by thls Deed o1 Trust:and(c►the excess.ii any.to the person or persons legally entitled thereto
<br /> 19. 8or�owN's Rlpht to R�Insute.Notwithstanding Lende�'s acce�eral�o�ol the sums secured by th�s Deecf ol Trust.
<br /> � Bo�rowershallhavelhorighttohavea�yproceedfngsbegunbyLende;ICenlo�cetheUeedotTrustdisconbnuedatanytime
<br /> p�ior lo the earlier to Occur of(f)the IiNh dey before the selo of the ProAe*ty,�ursuant to the power of sale co�tained m the veed
<br /> o�T�us�4�ip entry ot a judgment entorc�ng this Deed ot Trust d.�a1 got�ower pays Lender a��sums wh�ch wculd be ther tlue
<br /> `t under th�s aeed ot Trust the Note ar�D notes securing Future Advances.i}any,had no accele�afion occured:lb) 8or+ower
<br /> . ��I � cuPes pU breaches of eny other cavem�ants or agreements ot Borrowe►conta�ned�n Ih�s Oeed of 4rus!.(c)Bor�ower pays���
<br /> reaso�aabre expenses mcurred by Lertder and Trustee entorcmg ihe covenants and agreements�"8o�rower Contai ned ir.In�s
<br /> f� Qesd olTrustend m enforcmg Lender's and Trustee'S remed�es as prowded�n paragraph 18 ha�e�t,�ncludfnQ.mu}�ot l�mrtetl
<br /> ' ; to,reasonable attorrtey's/ees;and(d)Borrower tekes such achon as Lender may reasonabty requ ue to assure+tnac the I�en ot
<br /> ' this Deed ot Trus1.Lertaer's fntereat In the Property and Borrowe►s ob��rya!�o�te�sy the sums ser_ured by th�s Deed o17�ust
<br /> shal►eonhrtueun�m9aued.Uponsuch�aymentandcureby6orr�ae� +�sCeetl.'T�ustandthe�bhgat�onssecuredneretv
<br /> �I aha11 remam in full force and eflect as If no eccelerat�on haO accurrerf
<br /> �' I
<br /> �
<br />