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__`— � .� .a�'� � .... - �. _ �... <br /> .��., ��1, I ,' � „ ��.. . . . ,..__.—__ ..�—=--- . � ,r. <br /> __s,._ .s—�--_":.�i . : . :, ,. . +g3.`�C�►'?'�'7 � . - <br /> �_ � 17.7Ya�fir at Ib�l��I�11endldW Gt�t lo Mn�nr.if dI or p�ut ot thep�p�y ar�pq+�MeroM la il <br /> �b�o{d br prao�tarrod(or if� Intaa�ln 8otror�var h eaW ar�t+aMipnod�ad�mav�er i�n�at i� -�ta�iil pR*+oo '�it�ow <br /> l.eoder's ptiar wrlpai owaiap� l.aide�mwy� a i�a apNon. qniro ianriedi�o �ymont !n iW! ot�II wms � dy d� <br /> _ sea�ity ro�uumo�a.Bo�►ar,thb aptiaa�la11t aa be e��oi`�0 bj►Lendor if exe�e i�praM6Uoa a9r timd la�r�s a�dM dM. <br /> d�hL Seaaity i�oM, . <br /> If tsnder exand�es diis aqioo.l�ernder�IWI�i ve Hatrowar natbe of�Tbe ot�ti�e,�Ip�vi�� not <br /> lea Qaia 30 day: fbm the d�te tbe ao�loe b de![ve�od or m�ilod wltbia wbich Bamwer must pq�!I wm�secure� by Ihi�, <br /> Security ln�numart,if BoROaror hW to p�q Ihae pap�prlot W 1ha e�pirMloa d this paeiod, l�pMier mqr lpvoke auy ndpediw <br /> ' pr�ra�itted thb Inswa�aM witb�wt Pottber notioe ar deanad oa Bonaau. <br /> - �-T"""T'"°"--"T`�"""°", 16.�oer�wa'Sw�� ta Rela�wte. if Bormwer_mee�r ce�ioia cwdltlonp. Borrowcr thall bavc tlu rlgdt w bava � <br /> - - a�foncana�t ot tbfs ty 1�►a�t di000ntinued it my da�e palar w d�o arlkr of (�) S dqti(o�axfi aU�er perkid�ro <br /> y�plic�bb I�w m�y �pedly for rdn�Wcme�t) before rale af tbe P»�rty pureurnt to �ny pawer of ala oorwlrod in thi� <br /> - Security in�aumari:or(b1 eatry of a]ud�wK aifonln�tbia SCocudry i�humau.11iae caaditioru�ue t!w 8arnow�x:(o)p� <br /> -_. Irnder all wms which tl� wouW 6e due under thin 3ecu�iry Iraauraa�t and the Note as if na aoocleratioo�d.00amnd;la) ., . . . <br /> cwa�ny defwlt of�ny o�hcr oovauu�u or n�roana►t4:(a) �II espaua iacanod ia a�forcing this Socuriyr laiR�wadMt. � � <br /> �w <br /> i�rc1�dfng.but aot lie�ited w.rescon�blo�ttonrn���' few:uid(�t�a cu�ch action as I.ender a�1y r�aiwn�lg nquire w�cwre <br /> _ _�_ - dwt�ho jien o�tMs Sa.wi�r Iactrument.Lmdcr e rigp�ln thc Pmpe�ty�d Bo�mwcr's abll on to qa�r tbo a�moc�anod b,r <br /> �h <br /> __ this Soa�r+ty lostnmo�at cA►all condnue uud�angod. Upon �eimpaten�eat bY Harawer. a Secunty los�dua�eot aaid d�o <br /> — obligatlons zeaned ha�by ah�ll iaruin fWly cffaxive a+if n��ood�tion 6d ooa�rred. However. tNs ri�ht to�eioaalo�a�ll <br /> _ aot�pply in�he case of acce�rhan uadu pu�graph i?. <br /> —` — 19. Sde ot Note, Cl�e�t La�a Serviar. The Nae or A putial iauerert in thc Note lwYetl�a wih this Sxudty <br /> -�- Instrumait)mnY be soW ooe or orwre tiao�ess without pdot iwtioe to Bot�uwe�.A s�k m�y nsutt in a e m t6o aMity(luwwu <br /> ._ _' as 1he" Servlcu')tl�t collocts ��aio�ql�ly _pryments duc utider the Nou aad this Savrity lrotnunent�dso mq bo�¢ <br /> or morc changes of�he Lo�n Servlcer u�nelatod to a sale of Iho Nde.IitLene is a change of thee L�oan Serviar. Bornower w���pe,, <br />-- A- - glvtKt e,rrittett�ct ot'L!x cdL�nge ia sceoNanCe tvith�r�g�h 14�M►ve nrl a�Yic�i�le Irw.Tbe notioe wili stM�e 16a n�;ard - <br /> ��,�,. addrcss af 1he new Lawn S�:rvloar ud the add�se W which payments eiwuW be made.7'be notioa wW al�o ooutaia any�oR'Iie� ' ,!; =" <br /> _• „ :�' infomiation�quirod by sq�a7ipbla aw. . ,'� <br />_�,�.. 20. Hasoedous SaEst000e�.Borrower shall not cause ar perqeit,lhe presen:e. use. dispoaal. storaige. �ur rplea'se oi any <br />'��1��� Ha�►d�a�s Substanoes on or in the Pmperty. Borrower sha11 not�, u+or wl�ro�w anyone else to do. anything alTecting d!e <br /> y'r. . i <br /> ��;,• property that is in violation of any Bmironmental Law.The precdd�k�sg awa�centa�s cball notapply to Ibe prcsenoe, 1�e,tx <br /> ': .`�i storoge on the��ny oi smiJl quantides of Haz�dous Substenoes tlu�t Are g�nr�rnlly r�a�ni�d w be appropriate w�nc+rroAl <br /> ,rn <br /> _: residential uses and to maintenonce of the Properiy. � <br /> - . Borrowe�shall promptly give Lender wd�ten notice of any investigation.�laim.dematd.lawsuit or other xtionby auy <br />' governmenrol or regulatary agency or private party involving 1he Prope�ty end any Hauindous Substance or Environmental law <br /> - of which Bomower has actual knowlodge. If Bornnwer learn.c, or is notifiod by any governmental or regulatory authori . th�t <br />��� � � :�•��� any rcmoval or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecdng the lfiope�ty is t�xssary.Horrower shall pr�y take <br /> ���;i '�"�" all nxessary rcmedial 1cUons in�ocadaacc with F.nvironmental law. ' <br /> �-, -�' As used in this px�eaph 2U, "Hazardous subs�ance�° ute those substunces definad as waic or iiarrrdous substanccs by _ <br />; ;ti►'.h'�»� '�;��;5'} r Environmental l.�w an�thc PoUowing substances: gawline, kerosene. other fiammable or wsic pet�oleu��rrocktcts, toxic __ <br /> - .r, v,,,,, .., pesticides suid herhicidr,,valmile soivents.muterials rnntaining asbestos or for»ud��t�yde.and radioactive mu��eru�)s.As used in <br /> �����• •'�� `Y�}' -� ' this puragraph 20, "En�ir�nmental Law' means federal luwa and laws of Ihe ju�lsdiction wliere tho PropGGr+ty 1� located tiiat <br />:�t.Y�?;��h ,:t�l: ; � relpte to heulih.suf'ety�ar environmental protection. � 1a <br /> '` ��� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrower un�f l.ender funher covenant a�d agree as follaws: <br />-_=`''';�. �;Pa `:`"�;' '�!` 21.Acceleratbn; 1te+nedies.I.ender sholl give notice to Borrower prior to ucccicrntion followlog Burrower's berach <br /> -,�'��'i�`�� of any cuvens�at ar A�reement in thts Securily Instrument (bnt not prior to �ocelerntion uaderpp r��rapl� N unl� <br /> - �'��'t'•'•s�;'��,�� a tcable luw rovid�.w othen�•isc).Tpe notice slwll s if (A)thc detpult;(b)the action ulred io rure t6e defwult; <br /> . � : � 1,,,,. :ti :. PP� P p� Y� re9 <br />__ .ti„� ��„�;}.;;;; '' (c)u date.not Iess than 30 days from the dnte Ihe notice is Riven to Borrower,by which the deiault must be cured;and <br /> � },.;,;,���;�,�,�;;,•i (d) ths�t fANure to cure Ihe default on or befom the date speclficd in the nottce may resulf iq ecceleration ot tt�e sums <br /> i .,��`J��'{ A� tt� refunstate�iter acccleratNon A d the rlght�toebrin�a rnu�ii�ction lu �ssertnthefn n-eextst�of a default or any�other <br /> .�:;�. . ,.� � �'. � <br /> ��� „r„��� <br /> ;, ;, � �T;�.�.;��,,y��.�, � defense oi Borma•er to acrcleralton s�nd sale. li the defAUlt ic not cured on or before the date specil��ed in l6e notice, <br />' �,� n�r`:,•;,�-,, .. I.ender. at itc option, muy� requtre immedi�te payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument �►fthout <br /> ��, . ;. t ,,�'r;=��� •= :�{�, further demand and may invoke Ihc pow•c�uP sule and�ny uther remcdies permitted by applicpble Inw. I.cnder xhall be <br />'.�.�'' ��'�'�va= •;n;;ai� enqtled to coliect uU expenses incurred in pursuinR the remedies provided In thts prrp�raph Zl.ineluding,but aat limited - <br /> �.,.. <br /> ;7(, . ;3rt,,r:... <br />. _ •„ �� �• : '`�" to.reasunable atti�rne�•s'fitis pnd costc oP tttle evidence. _ <br /> , ' � ,,, ,. ., , • .,_�; lf thep�µer oi r�lr is Btvoked. Tru+t��e shall record a nntice of default in ench county in wbich any part of Ihe <br />- • •���� ••• �� � �I'rnpert�• is located untl shull maH copies of tiuch nntim in the menner prescribed by �pplknble low to�fon�oNer and to - <br /> � rr��.�� .. •� /.�. . _. <br /> �,;>>;'.'c:.;:;�� ( P� •' P pP �1 pp �. P <br />�'-� ��� ��� �� ' t� . the other r�nx rescrlix.�d b�• u licuble law.Af'ter the timr uired b� u Ilcable Is�w,Tn�stee st�oU �ive ublic not(ce - <br /> �, •,f�.�J.��i• '�l��}� <br /> .�,.,. . ,;�'ti!�f`r,,,: ,��,.�t��;,, of sulc lo thc perw�m and in thc manncr prescrilx�d hy upplicaMc IWa•.Tru+tee. H•ithout demand on&�rrower,shWl sell - <br /> �;� , , .��•. r �;: the Propert� ut puhlir ouction to thr hiRhest bidder at the time ond plucc and undcr thc terms desiRnated In the notice o[ <br /> ��":# ��� � salc in onc or morc purcels und in um ordcr Truzlee detern�imw.7'rutih�mar po�tpone su9r of all ar any parcel of t6e � <br /> � .,`�,'�'f ��' �i�' Propert}� b�• public unnnunremcnt ot the timc and pl�c uf �m pre��iuush srheduled sule. I.ender or i1s desl��ee tnay = <br /> �S t;,;;±��sl�', purehasc the Prupeny ut any a�ak. __ <br />::I.i.• ��,.�.��, ,. - :,.�'��1; _ <br /> L� , ;' ''., ' . �„ � form 30T8 fl180 <br />'-�r':''•. ';�`�,+,.';:; _ =�' <br /> _,s,r�. .,.,,��,.c.,..� — <br /> V �'11 /I�J;�.:i.,� 1'. . .. Vaqs 6 016 = <br />';Fri�,' Y}C},��i�;�,+,�� � V <br /> ,;s�:•, `�. ,I. 1' I�'i��)�f , _ <br /> ;;:.i`.�'� .� �'k. � ,� �,:;Fi'':ii _ <br />_c�y�j.� � � '..- .�-.:,',!.�.�,:, �;'•: . <br /> �' ij �,,� I��k ��y ` <br /> �F ��iln�� y1%�,�tQs� Z-n� i. . �•i:. t r�r ..Ye..e.���. � �S`,. <br /> ' � � � '1�{�"CC` , :.rnP�i�:rti:�-ii"�liC' dr�. sr �(!7�� QA� �N[ <br /> S A1 � f '•� '�+y�?h` �;���.,_ •��(+�?.�+'A'�jr�i �;�44. `�3��: ! <br /> �' �ji�� �.� ,�7,\tir+ , � �.• i .�;r � . �.•,._ t1�1. : „ a,+j � '��F.�`�.. <br /> }� �}��� t � 1 .���4��P��'; �� ,� � ' �.�i+''. ..� �� rf- - '..` ' � � :�.'S� � ?. �'ti�''�-� `. =. <br /> , , <br /> . � <br /> ti 1 ; , j. � � . . � ' y.: n��_�� ry <br /> � <br /> ) , .t <br /> a�F_..�.�'L'.. �:�',Il��t.�dL'a:.,__"..�. _._ .fil��,�l� ' � �.. . - .,_��.�:� 1.�`i 1 i.l� .. 1 _��L���3.':'. ?��.���til���ijl.�1,�\rlrit�} Avt� '+�-. <br />: � ,.. � '�•.f' • ,7���.-r __'.. .. ,�. ,� .` 1�� -. . .. vtv--� ����'.. .r .,� ... � .,-_ <br /> ��f)��r���� � �`}5/11����`���:1�J��5.1 l-.• }��� �'� �l' �I 1 �... � - � .1` i�- ir'. ' � ' .t •..��. ' . ' l�� '�3�1lS`51�l�ty` _ +�.fi^eMr• .v::__.. <br /> f :���l;tiv���hi���Sr���i4:�, .. , 4.; • . �. ;;,�:}�I•. .�; '.�','''� � •}i:?���� . , • • '•i.`-;1, ��� ;t,•R�� j ���o� ° <br /> 4j(�, . ' ' ' , �- �.i , '� ��• � r''- ,'.�,���.' , ' ''•;. � ,{;"n.`,,.. <br /> �S{ i .. �, c' ��`5 . �• � - . ' � •t.' ��:_. <br /> ,i�� -'"4�l�-,�,.�� . _. . ._ '� . . ;�.I:� :1� , � �... • <br /> . .�t '+ '��itY . . • . .. , .• ... � ., �� . ' . . ' • . <br /> I �! �'� .. .. � . .. . <br /> ���Y. . <br />. r' ,�'_.��_:. r�..—. � . �. •. . . <br /> *l ..Y <br />�� �� �,'� ' . �. �1 , . .�1• . <br /> � _ . . � ' � •'�; <br /> � . <br /> , � <br /> . � � <br /> � <br /> f1 • ' . _ _ . .. . _ . _ .__—___ �.._�. . <br />