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�9-it34�12 <br /> Exhibit B <br /> Permanent easement to a tract of land for drainage purposes located in the North Half of the <br /> Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 11 North, Range 9 East of the Sixth Principal <br /> Meridian, Richardson County, Nebraska, described as follows: <br /> Refemng to the Southeast comer of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 27, <br /> thence Westerly along the South line of the North Half of said Section 27 a distance of 214.931 <br /> meters (705.15 feet) to a point, thence Northerly deflecting 88 degrees 33 minutes 58 seconds <br /> ri�ht a distance of 18.294 meters (60.02) feet to the true point of beginning, thence Northerly <br /> deflecting 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds right a distance of 70.014 meters (229.70 feet) to a <br /> point, thence Westerly deflecting 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds left a distance of 6.096 <br /> neters (20.00 feet) to a point, thence Southerly deflecting 90 degrees 00 minutes 10 seconds left a <br /> distance of 69.861 meters (229.20 feet) to a point, thence Easterly deflecting 88 degrees 33 <br /> minutes �2 seconds left a distance of 6.098 meters (20.0 feet) to the point of beginning. <br /> Containing an ar�a of 426.333 square meters (4,588.99 square feet) more or less. <br /> And: ' <br /> Pennanent easement to a tract of land for drainage purposes located in the Northeast Quarter of <br /> Section 27, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, described as follows: <br /> Referring to the Northeast corner of the West Half of the Nortk�east Quarter of said Section 27, <br /> thence Southerly along the East line of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter a distance of <br /> 156.963 meters (514.97 feet) to a point, thence Westerly deflecting 90 degrees 25 minutes 24 <br /> seconds right a distance of 102.289 meters (335.59 feet) to the true point of beginning, thence <br /> Westerly deflecting 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds right a distance of 6.000 meters (19.69 <br /> feet) to a point, thence Southerly deflecting 90 decrees 25 minutes 24 seconds left a distance <br /> 285.�21 meters (936.75 feet) to a point, thence Easterly deflecting 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 <br /> seconds left a distance of 6.000 meters (19.69 feet) to a point, thence Northerly deflecting 90 <br /> de�rees 00 minutes 00 seconds left a distance of 285.476 meters (936.60 feet) to the point of <br /> beginning. Containing an area of 1712.990 square meters (18,438.40 square feet) more or less. <br />