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99i�4412 <br /> Exhibit A <br /> A tract of land comprising parts of Lots Two (2), Three (3), and Four(4), Island, together with the <br /> accretion land thereto; part of Lot Eleven(11), Birch Subdivision; and all of the Northeast Quarter <br /> of the Southwest Quarter(NE'/4 SW�/4), all of the above being situated in part of the North Half of <br /> the Southwest Quarter(N'/z SW�/4); part of the East Ha1f of the Northwest Quarter(E'/z NW�/4); and <br /> part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W�/2 NE'/a); all in Section Twenty Seven (27), <br /> Township Eleven(11)North, Range Nine(9) West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County,Nebraska, more <br /> particularly described as follows: <br /> Beginning at a point on the east line of the West Half of the Northeast QuartEr(W�/2 <br /> NE'/a), said point being Three Hundred Twenty One and Twenty Five Hundredths <br /> (321.25) feet south of the northeast comer of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter <br /> (W'h NE'/a); thence southerly along said east line of the West Half of the Northeast <br /> Quarter(W�/z NE'/a), a distance of Two Thousand Five Hundred Forty and Seventy <br /> Two Hundredths (2,540.72) feet to the southeast corner of said West Half of the <br /> Northe�st Quarter (W�/z NE�/a); thence westerly along the south line of said West <br /> Half of the Northeast Quarter (W�/z NE'/a), a distance of One Thousand Three <br /> Hundred Twelve and Eighty Two Hundredths (1,312.82) feet, to the center of said <br /> Section Twenty Seven (27); thence southerly along the east line of said Northeast <br /> Quarter of the Southwest Quarter(NE�/a SW1/a) a distance of One Thousand Three <br /> Hundred Twenty Two and Forty Two Hundredths (1,322.42) feet to the southeast <br /> corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE'/a SW�/a); thence <br /> westerly along the south line of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter(N�/2 SW�/4), <br /> a distance of One Thousand Four Hundred Forty Seven and Eighty Three Hundredths <br /> (1,447.83) feet to a point One Thousand One Hundred Fifty Seven and Four Tenths <br /> (1,157.4) feet east of the southwest comer of said North Half of the Southwest <br /> Quarter (N�/2 SW'/a); thence northerly pazallel to the west line of said Southwest <br /> Quarter (SW�/a), a distance of Five Hundred Thirty Six and Fifly One Hundredths <br /> (536.51) feet; thence deflecting left 88°46'10" and running westerly a distance of <br /> Two Hundred Sixty (260.0) feet; thence southerly parallel to the west line of said <br /> Southwest Quarter (SW�/a), a distance of One Hundred Sixty (160.0) feet; thence <br /> deflecting right 91°13'S0" and n,nning westerly a distance of Two Hundred Thirty <br /> Seven (237.0) feet; thence northerly pazallel to the west line of said Southwest <br /> Quarter (SW�/a), a distance of Two Hundred Eighty Five and Twenty Three <br /> Hundredths (285.23) feet; thence deflecting left 88°49'20" and running westerly, a <br /> distance of Two Hundred Twenty Seven and Four Tenths (227.4) feet; thence <br /> northerly parallel to the west line of said Southwest Quarter (SW�/4); a distance of <br /> Two Hundred Forty (240.0) feet; thence deflecting left 88°49'30" and running <br /> westerly, a distance of Four Hundred Thirty Three (433.0) feet, to the west line of <br /> said Southwest Quarter (SW�/a); thence northerly along the west line of said <br /> Southwest Quarter (SW�/a), a distance of Sixty (60.0) feet; thence deflecting right <br /> 91°10'30" and running easterly, a distance of Four Hundred Thirty Three (433.0) <br />