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�° ,�... ."�J°�� ,,..�:a,s`.�e,___�_'.'- .— • . <br /> �� __.�. —_ ,i� . . • . „ , ;� <br /> • � . . . . 1 . . - i� a•"'?. . <br /> � <br /> ���� ����� <br /> •, 1�I�rD�1l�liQ�qli�lOI�i�Ml��. ' , ' � . , <br /> .. .1Yw1e�r�Mw�irfiMUrMitM IIiMT►�tMlori� to�MOtariilM0��1 � MidiN�t��rp��Mlh�tlM�1i� <br /> dMw . MI��Ordb�rr+MMaa��Mll����M�b'MMIa�a��l�NinM <br /> d���oMa ��iw�D�MdTM�.�butnc�N�dMiM���� wo��pM <br /> by th��1�rAM M�IM�O�d�idoW proOM�/OM�T�YMe�' . <br /> ���'�����.},►'�,�ri-: . , ..�.q��� . <br /> . • <br /> _ ,�__.�._.�..,...�•--�-_� • . � B?= <br /> __� .— : ... .._� ..,: � . . .. . . � P1�wid�t3 <br /> e. . <br /> = � Tiw10r <br /> _, �. DEED OF TRU�T WiTH FIJTWiE ADYA�lCEB <br /> TWB O�ED OF e��q d Mr,.1i�dMl►oL .-�°t'�1 r 10�+����Y <br /> _°-` rM TI4�f �• n� . <br /> ..v �l��i�ll <br /> :-� wl�a�np addiw fa.1�19 N_ 132ed Stnet._�bt� 1� p�iin"TruMOr:w11Mtr pr 0►n1a�l <br /> .�;--, IrINE POIlirS !AA►!K. A �abraRica Cnr,�or�¢1on <br /> _ ----- - - --- IM TruN��. - � -.. . <br /> - _ - � <br /> wfwM�g addnMt i� P O 8oz 1507 Grand Is�nd�,,,�.��2-1507 (hudn'TnwM�"!.�A <br /> , ��. � <br /> "'' r ' NB 68802-1507 <br /> ;;�� � w����� P O Bo�c 1507 Gnnd Iela�, U�"�"1� <br /> .�P .�S 1��'���r. <br /> k,'' .,�.�'r FVf7 N�I�W�f17�VF.fY�,�V�����Y�a��MM����Yw 1{M�IM����V�,� <br /> ��.,i.` .�� �l� .•• <br /> i�jI`J �ES. Inc. �eln"eo►row�r".wh�lt�on�or moro)�nd dw trwt h�rMn cnat�d. <br /> ��;�; � �.:;4 R��,,'.'" the�ecMPt ol whkh is h��by aaknowledped.T�,n«ne.�roY a.e�ocaay��M..a.�.ar., co�y+�a..uo�a T�a...n� <br />; ',::: ,�t. <br /> TRUST.YNTH POYYER OF SALE.(a tM boneNt and sawrity af 4�ender.und�r�nd wb�����s�d���� <br /> r,� �,.ti,� <br /> IoAh,tlw nd prop�ly,dMCribod as follows <br /> ���._. 1�:,�:° ��,f..�.,:. LOti Ona (1) and 1t10 (1)• West$a�te Subdivis3�►, ��fty of Gr�nd Ialand. Ball C01patY� <br /> � .��;., ,r•,.�.�f�1,.�R�;�, x N�bttYlti • . <br /> '`w�, ,Y:!Sc',:�f�j, ��{c' ; , <br /> - ' "�}F1t�;' , <br /> �{j�:i'2d ,r , <br /> ���l .. ,...; _ <br />_ Topether with all buildin�s,improvemente.8xturea,streets,alleys,pesaepewaya,easements,riphte,privilepes and apPurte- _ <br /> ' •�{-'"-•- =•�-'��., nancM located th�reon or In anywise pQAainfnp thereto,and the�ents,issue9 and pro0ts,reverelond a�d remafnd�rs thsreof,and _ <br /> - •,�� wch penonal proporty that is attachad to the improvements so as ro con�@�tut�a ftxture,includinp,but aot Ck�ited to,headnp end - <br /> � 1(ht:.t':..'_, e <br /> � .;.,.�r,;:�.R, :�. coolinp equlpmenk and topether wlth the homeatead or marital interests.:.a�y,whlch intereata are hereby re�e8�ed and waived;all _. <br /> ��. a„-,:;� „��,� 01 whkh,includlnp replacemente and addltlona Ihereto,ia hersby declgred to be a pa�t of tht��al esbte NCUrQd by qw IIM1 oHha __ <br /> �; � K''�; �� D��d oi Ttu�t and all of Mw forepoinp beln�re}orred to henia As th�''Prqperry". __ <br /> �: <br /> �._,-. -- <br /> �:; '' � • ��� This De�d of Trust shall secure(a)the payment ol the principal aum and interest evldenced by e prarnlasory noYe or cradlt <br />-.=."t;:'�,. �.,•°:�;:r.•, � +r� April 1! 2003 <br /> �'• . '",;,.�'' a�rewnent dated Aoril 1, 1993 ,havinp e maturity date of . _, <br />: i•>l;,'...`. • I. . <br /> ����-;��'•��''" s �•� t in ths ori�fnol princlpal amount of$ 250•�00 00 ,and any end all modllicaUons,extenfions and ren�wals � � — <br />,;;►••f,•�'�" ," „ thereof or thereto end any and AU luture advancea and readvances to Borrower(or any of them d more than one)hereunder _ <br /> ��;�-�•' " . • purauant to one or more promiesoiy notea or c�edit agreements(herein calted"Note");(b)the payment of other sums advanced by <br /> ���'�}'��;.. Lender to protect the securiry of ifio Note;(c)the pertormance ol ell covenenta and epreements ot Truetor set forth herein;and(d)oll <br />;�'!,,;;;'' : _ preaent end tuture Indebtedness and oblipaacns ot Borrower(or eny o1 them if more than one)to Lander whether dlrecf,indlrect, , <br /> ;� ' ` "+' ;�"'r � ebsolute or contlngent end whet�er arfsf np by note,yuaranty,overdrefl or otherwlse.The Note.thls Deed of Trust and eny a�d a0 � <br /> :.�,�1�� � .. �. = <br /> other dxuenta thet aecure the Note or otherwlse executed in connection tharewfth,includfnp wfthout Nmifatlon yua�nt�,sacurlty _ <br /> � �� .ti"'�. a�reomenta and assiynments of leaaes end rents,shaH be reterred to herein as the"Loan In�huments". _ <br /> `�,� ����• .:. � Trustor covenants end egreea wlth Lender as lollows: _ <br /> �s;,; 1. P�rm�nt of I�d�bt�dntu.All Indebtedness secured!:ereby ahell be pald when due. <br /> �;.� .�•' ' � 2. Tltl�.Trustor fs the owner of the Pro e has the rl ht and euthon to conve the Property,and warranta that ihe Ifen <br /> i�?.j��,}:, �, � ± p Ay. g tY Y <br />, j;,;,r,�,!1� � 1 ' c�eated hereby ia e tlrst and prlor 8en on the Property. except far liens and encumbrances set forth by Truator in wrftfnp and _ <br />-+ � '. + c� .i;r�'� �� ,�� tleBvered to Lender bebre executlon o(thls Deed ot Trust,and the executfon and dellvery o1 this Oeed of Trust doea�ot vlolete any _ <br />": �. . 1:.; � <br />� ., . �;?��. �. . �� cor�act or other oblipetlon to wn�cn Truator�s sub�ecc = <br />�.`, ,;•,� j�+���:".;,�:��,,�.,�r `,.;,,��r 3. TaKn,A�Nwln�nb.To pay before delinquenCy ell taxes,9peGel as8essments antl all other ch�ryes eqaln9t the Properly = <br /> i�'.i.,�•; :��.;;.�i,�t'`�is;r���'�'Y� ,;'.;_;',�� now��n unnc�'To keep the Property Insured agamst damage by lire,haaartls Included within the term"extended coverage",and �_ <br /> a.;�..,�'��"s '`���'��•il�� ` ; .`�,'�,f�';`, such other haz8rda as Lender may amcu�ts and with companres a�ceptable to Lender,nam��g.Lender as an addlponal <br />''"''•�''�� �'• •, " � ' '�'f��� nemed Insured,wlth loss a ab�e to the Lender In tase of losa under sucr ool�c�es.the Le�der ia au�honaetl 10 edjust,collect and <br /> _:,; „�?y „ .�,:. : • ,�)�'.�� c P Y <br /> •• n'.�'• `�'��";t�. ��. ' ' ompromise,ell clalms thereunder and shell have the opt�or.o�applying aG o�paA ot the�nsurance proceeds lil tc any��:�eGtedness �,, <br />�,�i..';, ,1y 1'� :�..;�•'r:� G:: <br /> :;'�!��;•s S�` '?,; c�;c•'�!.r,�',!;;�,,t}\,:+�'{ aeCUred hereby end in such order as Lender may determine,(ii�to the Trustor to be used tor t:�e repair or reataratror,o41IRe Property _ <br /> h'';r{',••.��"1• � �;`� ar(iii)for eny other purposa or ob�eat satl�lacto to Lender w�R^QUt aMecuny the Ilen of this fleed oi 7rus4 toe the 1u0J a:�a::��t secured � <br /> "�``'%..;('.��. . , � {��i'i;�:t't;i:`;:1�.':'':�• _ <br /> .;:�_.�.,�.•„ , ,. .. , r•.,, hereby before auch payment eve1400k place ny appllcaUon ol proceeds to Indebtvdneas�hall notau�end or postponQ the due <br /> � �.,��•';'�, ., • . � �, ,''sy�, deta of any peymenb under the Note.or curQ pny deleult thereunder or hereurtder. ' <br /> �. <br /> lw..-ic,��+, '��,,�,��u�,,11.,►�.;.� 5. Uerow.Upon wririen demand by LendaJ.Truator ahall pay to Lender.In such manner as Lender may desfpnate,SuHlclem , <br /> -- �,.__� _. ...e e...a...tie...►.....w.s..s....� <br /> ��-��� �� sume to eneoie Lenper tv paY as tney oecome due o�e or muro vi iiro�v��vi:��� :��)a.�...a�.ov:,���::s............,...-.-..... <br /> �. ... i��l�°`.,.. . , H •`__r....._. <br /> i` the Properly,(ii)the pr�miums on the property Insurence requlred hereundor,and(i�il Me premluma on any moAya9e�naurencQ <br /> } i . � <br /> � �.1 �. roqulred by Lendet. <br />;��.; ' s--- --��=-= ��� 6. M�i.w�w�ai�.R�polra and Compllanct wlth Latn�.Trustor shall keep ths Property in paod conditlor A�A rwpalr;ahall � <br /> ' prompdy repair,or replece eny Im{xovement whfch may be demeged or destroyed;ahall not commlt or permlt any waate a <br /> ` �`t,� '. � • deterloraUon of the Property;ahell not remove,demollah or subatantfally alter any of the improvements on the Property:ahall rtot <br />� 'ji � • . . r commlt suHer or permR eny act to be done fn or upon Ihe Properry in woletlon of eny law.ord�nance.or repuletion:and ahall pay and <br />' f*i��•' � '•1'�.:::•�� •': �.. prompUy dl�charge et T�uator's cost and e�penae all Ilens,encumbrances and choryes levied.Imposed or asso=aed apa�nst the <br /> ►� ;' ,,�� :. . � :r� ° P�operty or eny part thereot. <br /> �.�., i,�� yq�_�� 7. Embwnl Dwnaln.Lender Is hereby aeslpned all compensation.awards,damapes and other payments o�refwf(nere�naMr <br />• r�' ., . •i �,,.:: "Proceeds')in connnciion with cun�em��aoun u�uti�a�tuk�ny ui ti-�e Fr oportr or part thore..t,v:��r ca��vayares t���su:..�Ci:..�:a.^.'. <br /> � „ . � � •, Uon.Lender ehell be entltled at Itt optlon to commence,appear In and prosecute fn ita own name any action or proceedinga,and <br /> � � • , shell alw be entltled to make eny compromloe or setllement fn connecllon wfth suah takfnp or demape.In the event any portlon o1 <br /> �. . �. <br /> ' ,•M.- •• • NrCHi7lMarpcuhurMOM0111w1p.N � <br /> • f <br /> •�,•�. �tYMMM�orMl�MldCawllMraTiuttMWiMr.p�AiMC�M�an I�WOY�NNr�W � <br />