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<br /> , applicabk IAw may�pecify for reinstatemenq befare sale of thc Pra{�en)'PursuAnt w ony P°wer af sab cont�ined in rhis —
<br /> � . Socudty Insuunxnt;ar lb)enuy oP a juJgment enforclnQ this Secunry Instrument. Tho►e condUions are that Harower. (U
<br /> .. pays L.ender all sums which theo would lx due under t6is Secu�ity Insaument and the Nate as if no accelustion had
<br /> �'� occurrcd;(b1 c�aes�nY default uf any other ravenu�ts ar ag�ment�:lc)psiY�all expenses incurraf in eMorciag thi�Secudty
<br /> " � ' Insuument.including. but oot limited to.�easc�ble onorncys'fces: ond ldl tal►es such action a�L.�t�r may roasaisbly
<br /> '� � �` � "��` '�•'•� ' ', requi�e w assurc thu the lien of thia Sccurity Insaument.l.enckrk rights M�he Pmpeny wid Bormwcrl�obligAtion ta p�y�he
<br /> ' sums r+ecu�ed by this Secu�ity Insuument shall ca►tinue unchAnged• UPa+► rey�s�u��ment by Bcxrower, tM� �urily
<br /> �„ ; .;��;. ..,, I�suument w�d the obligatyons securcd hereby�hall rempin iblly efP��ctive es if ao accelorniion luid arcurre�. Howeve�.�his r _-,��R --
<br /> � ��!�': �':���?��";'' � �ight to r�instate Fhall not apply in the casc of ac�:olera�ion unde�puuBrnPh 17.
<br /> "•''�' ' � ' � 5 �q. Sa1e ot NMet C�e�LO1"Servicer. 71a Nate or a par�ial intercst in thc N�te Itogether widt this 3ecu�ity
<br /> '`��`i',""'`'`'' 1' °" Inatnrmenq may be sald onc or more �Imes wi�hout p�lar notice w e�rrowe�. A sale may resull in u change in Ihe eeti�y
<br /> ---_ •; , � ments due under the No1c s►nd ihie Secu�ly Insin�mcnt. 'il�ere�Iso
<br /> -----.,;;,;��;�'�y';,;•;:, (known as the"Loan Servlce�")thut colkcts monlhlY PA9
<br /> •, ,��" mpy ba ane ur mcxe changes of the 400n Servicer unrelu�ed�o u sule of the Noteh 14��e wid appl cuble law. 'llise nwi e
<br /> � .���';'" HQnower will be given wtitten notice af lhe chunge in accordnnce with purn8mp
<br /> ,- 1 . w,���ss1u��the nume and nddt+ess of the�aw Lcwn Servicer and Ihe address to which puymenta should be muk• 7'he notice`"i�� __
<br />"�''� � � alw contain any other informpuon required by upplicable IAw. -_
<br />�"�",� ... � •� , 20. Huanla�s Substpnces. Bortow�r shBor ower shallrn t dot narPlow any nedel�1 do,Anything affecting the
<br /> i'��` �� " on or in ihc
<br /> �-�.i.,� ° .�: ,�. . ` Hu7.ordous Substaaces � Y in two r,entences shaU�wt epply�o the presence,use,a �_.
<br /> u
<br />���• .�%�.,::;... .�:� , pmpe�ty that is in violation oi any Envkonrnemol Law. The prm.�d B -""
<br /> 1....,..-.,_ —
<br />•,�,:��,,.ti. � .'�'-_;- s�o�a,ge a�U�R.�patty of sss�af!quantisies of Hazarda�s Subswn�es thot arc generally rerqcniz.�d a be appropriwe to .._. —
<br />�'�::;f.,.� � �`;~'j ""� nesidenaalusesandtomainterwinceoittiePrope�ry- �-,�'+d..�u`
<br />�.•�,�. . . :,.,..-;::�`�..•,.�� Romowr�sl�all pompUY B�ve I.e�der wntte�nouee of an�investigA�ion.claim,demwn�.lawsuil or othe�uctiw�by uny , ;,i`_i :__
<br /> ,.. govemmental or�egulatory pgency or prirrtr pacty invoftiing the PropeAY and any Haz�rdous SuUsiac�ry:�+r Environmental -
<br /> ,'��..,. Law of w6ich B�xrower has aciuul knowledge. If Bamower learns. °r ce affecti�n bthe�PtopertY is neeessary.�w�wer j�_ `�A
<br /> . .:,.. °.° • awharity,d�at nny removal or iKher nemediot�on of any Haxundnus Subs1an S ---
<br /> _, '�•��f,��;i�"{7;F. ;,:' sh�ll pramply iake al�necessary remedial actions in accard:uec�e Hilh Environmental Law. —_��
<br /> y.�.�,,, :: . ,. ��r,:A�. . C As used in this pataBreph 2U•°Hazardous Subslances"ius aho�e�ubswnces de�ned as toxic or hazardous sub::tln�ex by �_
<br />����. �''I � Environmental L.a+�� und the following substnnces: g�line, kemsene.aher flammuble or toxic pecroleum praduc�..,toxic
<br />.-�;p,.•�:{..`•.��-�- � 1
<br /> ';, p esticides nnd hrrbicides, volatile solvents,mn�erials containing s�sbesto�or formaldehydc. +�nd rndioactive matcria1s. As �„��5.,
<br />,�,..,y,'+-�`:�t --
<br /> used in this paragrnPh 20,"EnvironmeM a l Low"me u ns f e d e m l l a w s a n d l u w s o f t h e j urisdiction where the Property is localed
<br /> ., •,-;,,.,?, '.. that rrlute w henllh,safetY or environmental praection. -------.
<br /> . : ,,,. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower cmd t,ender t'urther covent�nt and agmc a�f�llows: ��_---
<br /> �. , . . ;,,:.�.,. 21. Acceleradon;Remedles. 1.ender slwll give nolice to Borrower prior to acceleration Pdlowing Borrower's ���---"
<br /> .!� � .�,,, breach�f any covenont or Agreement in tbis Securily Inst�ument Ibut nut priar to accelerRtbn under pw�agrnph 17 �-����
<br /> _T__ _ "� " ' ����irable law provides otherwlsel. 7'he nMice shAll speciiy: lal lhe defauU; Ibl tbe actiQnta re�Wired to cure Ihe ��r�.
<br /> ''. 't �.'. ��ti1j�."�� � defaaelt: Ic)a dute.not less than 30 days nom[he date ihe nuik�e is gisen ia SarrozYer. by evh�c9a the default must be
<br /> '" � ''`'�`��'�y cured;nnd ldl lhAt fANure to cure tfie dePoult on or before the date specified in the notke may�esult in acceleratMn nf �,�,;,�_
<br /> ;',;:;` ' . .<<.. ,d •.. d�..
<br /> ,,, � ��,;,. .�,� ,"
<br /> ;.,•,.;���.4• �, :� the sums secured by this Security Inslrumenl And sale oP the Property. The ndioe sl�afl further iniorm Brw�ran�er u
<br /> ;;�{:'�'•. � lhe right to rei�state eRer acceleration and lhe right lo briag a couN aMion to asseaa!he nomexislence of u[Je6'A�It or ':.+,.: �, J_ .
<br /> '���;'•'.:� ' any other detense of Bnrrower to acceleration and sa�e• If'Ihe dePault is not cured on or be�ore the dote speciPied in -`...c'�
<br /> �ti:'��,�;,,':' �,. �� t he n W ice,l.ender at ils o ption rrwy require immediate p�yment in full oP all sums secured by this Security lnstrument �
<br /> without iurlher demand and may I��'oke Ihe power ot u►le and any other remed ies perm i t t e d by P plicable law. ' , ,n, .�_
<br /> •� l.ender sball be entided to collect �II expeuses incurred in pursuinp, the remedies provided ia thiv a��a�aph Z�. � �rt, �
<br /> including,but not limlted to.repsonaWe Attarnevs'fees and cosl.g of title evidence. ���`1�:,`�;��__--�--
<br /> ; ,
<br /> 1�the puwer of wle is invoked.7lrustee tihall record u nutice uP default in ea�h county ia wloi�b.nr�Y pAa'4 af the �±�'� • �,�;s,
<br /> Property is Iceated And shall mail capies aP such notice in the m�nner prescribed by applicabk law�'to BdrTawer and�u =N���.� .' •
<br /> ' ,� °'.' ' lhe other persons prescribed by app��cablr law. A�ler Ihe time required by applic�ble law.T�u:+iuee sAall aive publie C� �;��r;,fi<
<br /> '•�, notice of sale to t he persons an d i n I h e m a n n e r p r e s cribed bv a p plicable law. 7lruslee. without dem�nd on 8orrower.
<br /> .�'�Jv�.•�,�.
<br /> , ,�,t��t�.� ,, sholl sell Ihe Property at publk uuclbn to the highest bid der at t he t ime an d p l a c e and unde�s6e tnem�;de�i"�e d^v : ` „`-
<br /> :,� �;�i;��;��;�f� � t h e n o tice of sAle in one or more pnrcels and in any order'llrustee determines. 7Fustee rnwY P�• pfl •-f.,••:•�,T,;,,�,,,;;�..�
<br /> , ,,;�� t '. ., . , ;, paPSCI of the Property by public nnnouncement rt the time and place of yny previvw�ly sc h e d u l e d s aM. l.cnc1Pr or it+R
<br /> ctesignec may purch�e Ihe PropertY at any wde.
<br /> � :;': '::' � � � • ''F Upon receipt of paymenl of tAe prke bid.7Yuslce sboll deliver t�+t6e purchaser'I�ustee's deed conveying the
<br /> �• ,��,,,•
<br /> ' �• • p�operty. The recitals in Ihe'I�ustee's deed shall be prima Pucie evidenre ef tAe tra�lh of the gt�lements made therein.
<br /> � Tauslee shall apply the proceeds of the +ule in tbe follnwing urder: lal tu all rart.unU expenses oiexercisiag the power _ _
<br /> ' • . � ;,� .. `:,�::
<br /> .�.
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