., r. �.ffiM �R�*�..�.�...�+a---"-'-- . ..- - -
<br /> .-..P,•. ,� . - -
<br /> �'t�.J..S"�Ar,c � 1� ;•J,•f•-..� " .. _'_
<br /> ...\li� . -.
<br /> �r�.�. ...�.[ -�.y. . .__�_�_ ".
<br /> ..., - _ __".
<br /> . � • � 1�i�ii�ili � ._- �-.. .-
<br /> � -� �� 91-102482
<br /> , �.,
<br /> � � �
<br /> TpOfsTHER WITH ull the improvement+oow ur hereuAcr cr�tted cm�hc pmperty,und •rll cuMmcnt.r.uppurtcnw►cc�,
<br /> � ,,.�,,� ;',` And fixwrrs now or htreafcer u p�ut of�he property. All repluccmcnt�unJ udditiunx shall nlso be covcrcd by�hix Secu�ty ��-;,._�.--_
<br /> ", ' '�1;�,�;<,�`v � Inslrument. Ali of Ihe fcxegoing is Rfcrrcd to in�his Security losln�mem as�hc"Pmpeny:' —
<br /> �"'';.':'�`•'.;i`'!'" BURROW�R COVHNANTS�ha�BUrn+wer is lawtully+ci���d of lhc e��utc hcreby cnnvcycd und has�hc rigb�to grant �.-:>�_v=�-
<br /> �'�.�� `�� . und convey the Propeny und thu��he Prop�:ny i�unencumUercd,excepl fur encumbrnnccs oi reconi. Harmwer wArau�ts und =
<br /> ' t' wi11 defend genetally Ih�tille w the Property ugoinst all cluim�:und dem�nd+,+ubject to uny encumbrun�r��►f reco�d. �"rn_�•°'-��`�-�
<br /> -r,:•;:.. -
<br /> :� , � �' . THI5 SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambinex unifartn covenun�s far nutional utic und nan-unifor+n cuvrn�uitw with
<br /> '� • ' ' limited vuriutians by juMrdiction w cons�iwte u unifomi.CCUrity inrlrunnnt cuvcrin�;real prap�:ny. �_:'----_-.:_- •
<br /> �" �lh�irs,.•_.h� �--`------- .
<br /> :�?', . UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Sortnwer und Lcnder rovenant und ugree ux fo0ows: �-:�-_____
<br /> °�:�" 1. Pwyment of Priocipwl pnd Interesl;Prepoyment and l.ate ChArges. B�rrower xhull pmmpUy pay when due the ��,_„��,_,,
<br />�' - principul oiund interest on Ihe debt evidenred by the Note und uny prepayment und lule churges Juc under�hc Nolc. °;;� ____;
<br /> ; ' . 2. Flmds for 7louus aod�nsurance. SubJect to upplicuble law ur lo u wriuen wuiver by l.ender,BoROwer xhaU to �'°'�
<br /> ' PaY a,cra.�.s.��,_�.
<br /> •, " y " " , I.ender on thc daY���y P�Y�n��a� due unde�the Note,umil the Nate i,puid in full.u sum ("Fundh")li�r: lul yeu�ly �^.�.,�i,;+;€;��;��:��?'��
<br /> • tuxes and usseysments whirh mu .utain riarit over Ihis Securl� Inst�ument u�a lien c�n ct�e Rvpeny: lhl ycurly Icuschald �r"-�-=�` �
<br /> � Y' R Y Y ,,,:s�• . '� -`'-�°�
<br /> � paymems or Fround rents on the Pruperty. if uny: Ic1 yeurly hnxurd��r proprny in�urouire p�miums: ldl ycarly Il�cxl w..,o h�.���y
<br /> � �:,�s.��.:�.�'....�.n•
<br /> insur,u�cr premiums,i`any: lel yenrly mortgage insucuue premiums, ii unX: and 1�aey tiams p•ryabte by Burmwe�ta
<br /> 4ender,in uccordance with the pmvisions of'paragr.�p6►8,in lieu of the paymen!of matga�te iasuauxY premium�. These
<br /> items ore culkd"Escrow Items:' Lender muy,ut:u�y timr.collect and hald Funds in:u�:�maumt ne�t w rrceed�he muximum - _ -
<br /> . amount a lendrr fur a frderelly ieluteJ nturtguge lo:ui utay �eyuirr t'ar fiorruw•er's escrovr Ei�cM�m under ttk i'eJerul Re�.d '--�_.___-----
<br /> • � E�tat�SetdcYm�nt Procedures Act of 1974�s Amended from�ime to cime. I 2 U.S.C. ��6t11 t�r.a���.l"RFSPA"l,unle�s another w"'" ... ,_�_
<br /> . law that upp0i�s to tt�e Fu�da sets u lestier umoum. It su,Lcnder muy,ut uny�ime,ea�llect and hold Funds in un umount nat 1a E �.�,����
<br /> :e
<br /> exceed iiie ies�et aearaun�. I..cndcr muy cstimate ct:� amount of Funds due tyr+ thr t+nsi�oi curmnt �� And reu.wnuble ��:.�_.�_�. ____..
<br /> � � est6mates of rxpendi9asr+of future Escrow Uems or o therwise in uccorJunce wi�h a�+pli:able lew. • � ' �
<br /> � ° •� ?'hr funds shAll Ae held in nn ins�itulion whosc deposi�s arc insured by a ��derul c�uency, ins�rumentuliry,or cnti�y v:'•.:.,,y..:-�
<br /> . - (including Lender,if Lender is�uch un in�titution)or in any Fedcral Homr Luan Bunk. Lenal��r shall upply the Fwxls la p•ry
<br /> • � Ihe Escrow Uems. l.ender mAy not char�e BuRm��e�fbr holding und upplying the FunJ:+,.annuafly unalyzing the c�craw ;,��;f_:;_,;����
<br /> IIccount, or verifying the Eccmw Items, unless Lendcr puys Bormwer inlerest on ih�Fun¢ls an� applicAble law permits ;�.Y`;�,,p�.j;:�;:__
<br /> Lender to mul:e such a charge. Howevcr.Lender m:�� rcyuire Borrower ta pAy u une-limc ch�ugt i�nr an ind�penderN reul .;,,, , _,_. :._
<br /> e�;tute�wc repahing tiervice used by Lcnder in conneciian wi�h this loun,unless applicuble law pravides aihenL•i:e. Unlesti un .� ��;y��:�=
<br /> .i}. .,.:;._
<br /> � � ogreement ix made or ppplicablc luw rc�uims interest to be puiJ.I.endcr shull nol be reyuircd to pav Burrowrr uny intercs�or ;���.. .�,;��_,
<br /> ' 1 '" eurnings on the Funds. Bomower und Lender muy ugrc�:in writing.howevcr,thut inlcrest�hu�i he paid an the Funds. l.endcr � ___
<br /> ' q . shull give�o Bomnwer,wi�haut churge,un unnuul uccouming of�he FLnds,showMg credi�.tind debits �o�he Funds und the S �,�..,, `��_
<br /> purpose for whKh cu�h drbit to the Funds�vn.made. Ti�Funds are pledged ns additionul sc�curity for ull+ums ti��cured M ;�?,{���„d�
<br /> ' ' Ihis Security Inrtrumeni. '��T•-��--
<br /> - - T"`-`•-- If the Fund� held hy Lender eaceed the umounl, �nuilleS iu bc: hz1� b; applicablr la�t, Lcn�'e: sra!! uccount to �` �`•�,-�.•<<-_- .__--
<br /> �.;yi�•t;.',• �^
<br /> �� ,J;r;,,,:;..,,, Borrower for the excesx Funds in accardancc with Ihe r��yuirement,i�f applicuble luw. If�h�umnun�oi the Fund�held hy `���'� "F'�`�."---"—
<br /> � Lender s►t any �ime is not sufficient to puy�he Eticrow Items wh�n duc. Lender may so notini 8onower in wriling, und,in ''�• � . •;:�,:''."?{��"
<br /> , :� ,. . - ,�.�„� ..
<br /> ,,;�,,��,.���n such case Borrower shall pay to l.ender �he umount necessnry io mnkc up the JeGriency. �H.�nowrr sf�all muke up t:h� ' �'�it;�,;;, •"'
<br /> ,. •r� • deficiency in no more thun�welve monthly paymems,ui L.enJer:,olc discreiion. ��
<br /> Upon payment in full��f all sum,.ecurcd hy ihix Securiry Imtrument.Lrnder shall pmmpUy refund to Borrower am• ;r• ��
<br /> � . Funds held by l.endcr. If,under parrgraph 21.Lcnclrr Khull ucyuirc or scU thc Property.LenJcr. prior to i�he acquisition nr '
<br /> ,' j sale uf tlic Property,shnll upply uny FunJ� hcld by Lendcr at the timc of aryuisition or .alc us u rredii nguinst the xumc �
<br /> ' secured by this Sccunry Instrumcn�. � . _ .
<br /> ` 3. Application of Payments. Unk.. applirable law pr���ide��Nlxrrwise, all paymen�s receivcd by Lender under
<br /> • �� �; parogmphs 1 smJ� �hull Ix upplicd: tint. �o any pmpayment rharge.dur und�r�hr Nutc:ucond,w amounts payuble undrr j�, :`��4�!7`
<br /> ��'�� .��• •• aru ro h 2:lhird,ta intere+t dur:tiwnh,tu princip•rl duc:anJ lu.t.t��uny late charge�dut under the Notc. � .�•r�-:
<br /> ,'Y,;?.�i�,. • P' 8 p �. � �� - :._
<br /> 4. Cna�eg: Liens. Bum�wcr shall pay ull laxes. a..c.,mems, rh��rge.. fine�and imp�sitiom:►tt�ihuubk �o �hc �'�� ' , ,:.
<br /> •i:�<<,'j1;,..;,���,. . wy € ' r• ; �� � � ; .' �
<br />, ',:�;�.;",}F;��•.t�: • Propeny which may uttain prioriiy uver�hi+Srcuriry In,Irumcnl.und Ieu�ehold i mcnts ur round rent..i'i nn Bomnwer � :�'" ;.,�,�, ,.��':
<br /> � {"r`. •''��``�`����'' tihall av�hesc obli ation�in Ihc mwmcr providcJ in paragruph�.��r if na paid in that manner.Br�rroW+er tihall pay them un • � '•���
<br /> . :�•:,,,,�(�, �.....,�., p F. .1'',j;'.,;:��. i:.r.,
<br /> ' '`i r�L''i•f'��;(�'���"` •t• time directl ta Ihe r.on iiwed a mcnt. Burrower tihull rom tl fumi,h to Lcncicr ull noti cc�oP am>>un�s to be aid unJcr �
<br /> � , ,j,,:�,,.+r. . ,ti.,;�,;,;. y �► r•r r r y P� �;.s�.,�::.:.;�t'rrr:
<br />' '•�. „• 1��y . this paragmph. If Barn�wer mukes�heK paymrm�directly, Born�wer shall pTnmp�ly fumish to Lrndrr rcreipts evidencing � :1+%`;::)r':,;�:
<br /> �,„ I �h
<br /> �;!°,;:�. the payments. � .: .
<br /> F3orrow.:rtihall pmmpUy diuhargc any Iirn whirh hu.prioriw ovcr�hi.5rrurily In�lrumcnt unlcs+B��rr+�WCr:lul agrcc. ��,,�..,,�,
<br /> in writing to t he paymcnt of thc ubliEution utiund hy the lien in a manner ucceptable a�l.cndcr,lb1 c�mte+t,in good f'uith Ihe � �:,5�;:�;.__ •
<br /> licn by.or detend+against enforcemeni uf ihc lirn in.Irgal pr�xcedin}�which in the Lender ti opini�m operate to prcvem�'he � • •
<br /> � � enforcemen�of the lierr ur(c).ecurc�fn�m thr hoWer ul thr lien an agreement xutisfnrtory to Lendcr.uMirdinuting Ihe lien � �;��c.•�
<br /> . ' �o this S��curiey Instrumenl. If Lendcr determinr.ihat any p:�n nf the PraFxrir•i�.uNjert tu u licn which may attain priurit�� . .V ,.
<br /> � mer this Security Inxtrumem,Lender muy givr Born►wrr a notirr idrntifying ihe lien. Borrower.hall.utisfy the licn or wke �.�
<br /> •., one or morc of thc actions,r�fonh above wi�hin 111 Jay.uf the giving ol'noiire. r
<br /> . �• ';�••�•, 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Born►wcr tihall kcep thr impnwrment�nuw cxi.�ing or hereatier crcc�cd o�the , .
<br /> ,;�;;' 'Rr' Properry insurcd agvimt la.�by iirc.ha�anl.inrluJrJ within thr icrm°rxlcndrJ c��vcragr and any uthcr huz�rd+,in�iLClitfg � � . .
<br />- v, i' . �'�;',+'r�'r�� ttoods or FlooJing. for which Lender rcyuirex inwr:mre. 'I'hi. in+ur�nrc.hall Ix maintaineJ in the amoumx and t��r Ihe ;!:,.�
<br /> .�j�'.� . , �... ,
<br /> . •,;r�� ;�,:t ,, . .
<br /> ,..i •. •'�' .,r
<br /> • '�. '>i � ., .„
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<br /> - �:` !,� ? � •,"+�:."• �
<br /> .�ti; � '1:���11.'�
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