"��� ��� T "a�c►`� °��r� ,��3;_y'��:�%i� `,n,`4';`.,'��+y�,,ld�� ti`• ��� , , 5i. �) , ., _ .�..
<br /> .. • . �� �3..e' ,f�'.�',, �,ti!`'i•a: '� ,w< t� ti v e-��R � •��k'�!7't �'"P(•..�;� . �;eni�S�i�. �- •—
<br /> •'M1#� �, ^r "^ � �}oA�av'�df�9�l5ur'�h�trNllMr�+Y�+� : t r � - ._-_._
<br /> Yi�aw�y a..,...�.._ :•;-�r. �„ -
<br /> . - _ '�r�i��'�r`.'•"`' -
<br /> ,.: ,�.---�
<br /> .-�-+4?�.s':`.c�.y. . ^—
<br /> � _ .� �- - �L'�`''"' , ----Y -_ � -
<br /> ......' �a � ...._ --=.,.------ _ . .
<br /> . . .. 91-- �-_�-- �
<br /> � ,. ��: : z.�� �.0248� �;-,.�
<br /> r �-: � `�. ' o l �,lp��nt ot�cip�l�Iwtensl u1[.N�Clu�.Bonower�11 psY when due th�principal at��n interat oa.tho debt
<br /> �� ° °...t�,' �vide�ood by the Note and We charia dua undar the Note. �:~�` .�._
<br /> , . .,•.".�`;, ., _.MpwlMqr l�r�p ol Tasw,�Mwr�e��OIYer Ch�a.Horrower rhdl include in c�ch monthlY pWmen�,w�ether wltb ���
<br /> ' , tho prineipd�nd inlerat a set fonh In the Note�d�ny I�te chupa.�n in:ullment of�ny 1�l uuca and ipecW�mmt� �-�°-,.��_,.�_
<br /> levled or ta be leviad�Winst the PropatY,(b)k�e ho l d p�y m rn t�or araund ront�on Ihe Rropeny, �nd (cl Premium�for _--
<br /> � ; . , inauranoe ro9uited by PaniR�Ph 4. �:�-----
<br /> gacp monthly UuwUmrnt for Itema(�L(b)and(c):hall eqwl one•twdith of the�nnud Amounu,u reuombly eslfrtu�ed bY
<br /> Lenda,plw�n am�►unt cutticient to mdnuin iu►�ddiUo�ul b�laace oP not more th�n ono•si�Ih of the esiimRted�nounts.The _�_��:,,�
<br /> ; ..._.:._._ _ -- -
<br /> fuU annual amaunt for euh ilem �hdl ba�ccumul�ted by Lmder withia�period endina ona manth before+�n Item would `;�'�`�_
<br /> • becotne deUnquent.Lender:hdl hold the amouna colkcted in tnuc to p�y itrnu(a),(by�nd(cl be[ore tMey became delinqurnt. ���
<br />� �f�t any time the taW of the paymencs held by Lender for items la),(b),�nd(c).toaethcr with the fuwre monthly psymena `._;,
<br /> for such itans psy+ible ta l.�ader prior ta tbe due duas of:uch items,exaed=by morc th�n one•si�tA the atia�ated�unount of '-
<br /> p�y,mp�q roqutted to pay cuch ircms.4eo 3a�e.+�nd if psyments on�he Note ue curcent, theo�ender shall either reiund the ____
<br /> exass ova one-siuth of thc esUmaced pal���+�t the eaass over onr siuth of Ihe estimated p�ymeats to subsequent .---��A�
<br /> p,�ymeats by Borrower.at the optionot Batru�rer,it Me total of the payment:made by Borcower for item lU.lb).o�(c)� ��--+�.=y`y��•,,,_•:�_�?-`��.�'
<br /> inwi'f'icient to p�Y the item whea due.�bea Borrowe�stwU P=Y�o��r any amount naxss�+y to m�ke up the deYicienc,Y ouu or -
<br /> betore the date the item becoma due. ___
<br /> As used in this Secu�ity InstruaKUl,••Secretaq'••�s the Secreary of Housin� and Urban De�ebpment or his or her -
<br /> deslanee-Most Seciuity Instruments iawred by Ihe Sec�nary ue insurcd under proq�aa�s rh�cd rtquirc�drance p�s�Y�t of tAe --
<br /> �'`:�'`�: .--— --,_
<br /> enUre morii�insura�ce p�em�um.If thia Seciuity Instrument is or w�s insurcd under a praQ,nm.vhich did not require adY�nce _ - - -
<br /> • � �� p�ymeat ot the rntln mort�e iasuraace prcm�um,then euh monthlY paymrnt shall also iacludeather:�i)an instalWneat oti the •-_'v--
<br /> ,.,:;�� �nnud mort�e i�uuraace praaium to be paid by l.ender to the SecretuY.or(ii)a montAly cluuge instead of a mort�e r ^ ,_ �
<br /> ' iasnra►ce premium if thls Securicy Itutcumen�is hdd by the Secretary.F.ach monthly inst�nt of the monaage insurance �.
<br /> ccumulaa the iuU annual mort�e inmrAnce premium with Lrnder one month �` �� ���-�`:_ �---
<br /> praNum rhall be ia aa amount sufPKie�t to A , .
<br /> prior�o[he due the fuU�nnual mortg�ge insurance prcmium is due to the Secretuy,or if this Sec�uity Instrument is held by the �,,,,,,,,_
<br /> •. `� g�creury,each monthly char�e shall be in an amoanc equal to oae•twdith of one•holf percent oi the outstaadiai PrinciPal '+:;;� ,_ �:�t—
<br /> cr •. .
<br /> b�lamce due oq the Note. ° ', -_�
<br /> �i porrower tenders to l.ender the full paymeot of all sums securod by this Securlty Instrument.Borrower's accouat shall be `T�` -s.�
<br /> credited with the balana rem�ioine for a!1 inetallmenta for itrnu(a), (bl and (c) ond any mongaBe insurana premiu�e
<br /> - inetallment that Lender h�s not become obligated t�o pRy to the Secretary,and Len der s haU prom�ily rciund any eacas funds to __
<br /> " 8orrower.Immediately pdor to s►[orcclosure sale of the Property or its scquisition by Lreuder.Borrower's account sMall be ;.� . . : , _
<br /> . „ crcdited with any bal�na remaininQ for aU installments for items(al.lb)and(�)• ' �� ��;.��
<br /> S.A�tbr of P��e�n.All paymenta under paraaraphs 1 and 2 shall be appGed by Lender as foUowa: �1 . • "�.
<br /> �T,t o t he mort�e inswaace premium to be paid by Leader ro the Secretary or w the monthly charge by the Secretary ,I � . ;�
<br /> . �_—_- -- -= i�iad of the mot�ihl�mortt9Se ir�usnnc�p►�tni"m,unlecs Borcower paid the entire mortQrge insurance prem ium w h e n t h i s _.�
<br /> ;., Secudty Instrument was signM• �. , t,..� '
<br /> !'`�� t SECONQ.to any ta.�es,special assessments,lensehold peYments or ground renta,a�d firc,flood and other hw.a�d inaurance ����
<br /> • %t� • ' • premiums�su required; ��
<br /> � � ��,to intemt due ueder the Note; � �`��v
<br /> �x,,���
<br /> � ' � F�O1F1�T ,to amonizedon of th.e F�n�P�ot the NWe: : :� �
<br /> � , �� " ��,to late chaQes due u�cer�he Note.
<br /> ' �1,Fin,F1ood iud Olber Huard lonra�ce.Bonower ahaU insure aU improvemenu on the Propeny,whether naw in existence y � =
<br /> ; or subsequently erected.Qeainst any huards,casualtia,and contin�encia,including fire,for which Lender requires incurana. �
<br /> This Insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and Por the periods thot Lender requires. Borrower shaU also insure all � �
<br /> � improvementa on the Property,wfi�ther now in eaistena or subsequendy erceted,against loss by floods to tho extenl required by . , �:_� t
<br />� � the SecretarY•Al�insurance sha11'�e carried with companies approved by Lender.The insuraace¢ollcia and any renewals shaU ��'.. . ,.. .._
<br /> ',; be hdd by Lender and shall include loss Payable clauses in favor of,and in a form acceptab�e�to,Lender. � r'�::,'.;'
<br /> ' � ' in the event of lo�s.Borcowtr�fiall give Lender immediate notice by moil.Lend�a�may make proof of lou if not made prompi-
<br />' ' ����,. � , ly by Bortower.EACh in�urance company concerned is hereby authorized and dieec�ed to make paymrnt for su¢h loss directly to
<br /> Lender.Instead o!to Qonower and to Lender jointly.All or ony part of the inaurance praceeds may be appl�ed by Lender,at its
<br /> 'i-'�'� „ , option. elther(a)to the rtduai on oi the indebtedness under the Note and this Secudty Instrument,first to any delinquent
<br /> �� � amounis applied ir+ihe order in �Parugraph 3,and then�o pr2pa!rment oF principal,or(b)to the ratora[ion or repair of the
<br /> ':�:�1'.���;;�; dam��d propeny.Any appticat�on oi the procads to Ihe principal shaU not extend or pos�pone tht due date of the monthly
<br /> + t;;�'�;';�`�� paymenu whkh are rsfetttd to ln Paragraph 2,or chanse the amount oi such pt+yments.Any eacess insurance proceeds over an
<br /> �`•`•.��tfi amount requfred to pay all outctandlnQ indeb�edntiss under the Note and this Secudty Inslrument sh�ll be paid to the entity k�al-
<br /> ��t; LT+{
<br /> ';.. :,;�,t; ly entitled thereto.
<br /> ,. ,���•. •,;�,.;, In the event o f forec losure o i t his Securit y lnstrument or other transfer of titk to�he Propeny that cxtingulshes the in-
<br /> ., ,,•,�.; ,• debted�as.�I�right,titk and in�ereu ot Bonower in and to insuronce policles in force sh�ll pus�o the purchaser.
<br /> • • �•.,� .
<br /> ; • s,p�don ud Mdoteaa�cs oi Uir P�opertY. Leaubolda•Borrower shaU not commit waste or datroy,demage :�;
<br /> : ,� � aubstaotl�IlY change�he Propeny or a�1ow the Pr�+ixny�o deteriorate,reasoaable wear and tear eacepted. Lender mny insperi
<br /> � �1i lhe property if the propeny is vacant or abundoned or the loa�is in defauU.4.ender may�ake reasonaWe action to protect and • .
<br /> , ' prcserve such vacarit or abandonecl property.lf Ihis Sceurity Ins�rument is on a leasehald,Borrower shall comply with the provi• , , ,
<br /> � sions of the leau.If Borrower mcquir�s fa title to the Property,the leasehold and fee title shall not be merQed unlas Lender
<br /> i a�rees to the merQer in writing. � . •
<br /> 6.ClivQa l0 8otr-0wer and ProtaUoo oi Lender'a RIg6u ta Ihe Proper1y.13orrower shall pay all governmental or municipal � �
<br /> chatges,Bna ond Im�osl�:�ns tha�are no�included in Pa�agraph 2.Borcower shall pay these obligacions on�ime directly to thr
<br /> • entity which is owed�he paYment. I(failure to pay would advcrsely affect Lender's interest in the P�openg.upun Lender's re• : .
<br /> �` quat Borcower ah�ll pr;�mptly imrnish to Lender receipts evidencing these payrnents.
<br /> � '�;�;. � If Borrower fails to make these�a!�:^rnts or the payments requirrd by Paragraph 2,or(ails�o perform eny other covenants and �
<br /> � � agreements contained in this Sec»�~y 7raserument,or there is a iegal proceedmg that ma>significantly affect Lender's rights in
<br /> ' the Propeny(such a.+a procted'ar.g;�lv�r.k�mt,•."cr eondemnution or to ea+�(arce laws or regulations),then Lender may do and
<br /> � pay whatever is nness9ry�o prote.e�hr�u�e r r:.`.r Propeny and Lender's er,�t�.�ca m the Propeny,including payment of taxa,
<br /> hazud fnsurance ar�J ahrr items mentioned in�uagraph 2.
<br />. . '. : _�t.....�..�.W....i n........,..nnd hr.rcured bv th�s .
<br /> . .. ..i"__'��
<br />.. A11y WIIOUbIS(I{SbU�Std Dr ItRCt�UQGG�1I115 YAfeg��pn�uu��v...�...............�.--''---.._.-�. _.._ - .
<br /> Security�ttstrument.These a�oants sh�ll beu intera►(r�a ehe date oi disbursement,ac�It�e Nole rate, and at�he oIItcua uf
<br /> , Lender.shall be immediataly due and payabk.
<br /> � �,Co�demudoN.The proceeds of any award ur claim!or dacnages.d�rece or conuquential,ro conneruon w�lh any condem-
<br /> natbn or other tal�ing ot anY par�of ehe Pcopecey.or tor conoey�ance in place of condemnatan,ue hereby assigned and shall be
<br /> paid tn Lender to the extent of�ha tull amounr of cha mdebredness�ha�remains unpaid under�he Note and this 5ecurity Instru-
<br /> � ment. Lenda shaU apply sucl�proce+ed3 co rhe reducuoe ot'the utdebtedness under the Note and this Secunt y Instrument,(irst to
<br /> � +tny deUnquent atnoums applied in tha orQer pro�idad�t f�aragraph 3,and Ihen to p�epayment ot principal.Any appGration oi
<br /> the proceeds to the ptin�tipal sholl noc ar�nd or poupone the due date ot the monlhly p�yments,wh��h are referrnl to in
<br /> � � • Pary�aph 2,or change the amount oF such paymmcs.Any excess proceeds over an amount required�o pa>all.�ut�tanding m•
<br /> deMedness under�he Note and Uiis Security(nseniment shall bt pa�d�o the entity lepall�entitled thereto.
<br /> �,F'�q, l.ender may mllect fees and charges authorited by the Secretary.
<br /> Po�tr 1 nJ� I
<br /> . � _ _
<br /> � _
<br /> 4 __ _
<br />