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<br /> -= orpws� bpb w1YW b M• af aU win�ecwd by tAb la�uwnar.I�Mer�1 raqueal Tnaee a�aocn�cY�he iMll
<br /> - - lt. 'wu�.�OS.UPa P�Y�
<br /> --= aad�nll wne�da tLh Se�wMy f�ruu�na�t Nd all nok�erfdaicYi�ixvred by�hl�Se�wiry_In�lnrneat w Tnuwe.Tnwee
<br /> - -�-----= rooaov�Y t6e Prapertyr wff4aut M'�tY�nd wkAo�r�e W 1he pendl or penoni kalr�otitleo to N.SYCb ptnal ar Pasoa��11
<br /> pY�nr ieoo�rd�tios ao�n.
<br /> - t!.BNM�7Y�.LadK.N iu apUoo,m�y trom�ime w Wm n�irwe Tnatae d�ood�t��W��O�°�' ot�
<br /> - - he�wrdK by�n bruumar evooeded tn�e caury u whkh Ws sinuky t�trumwi i� �Irw.
<br /> —��n:� .the woas�ot I+uMe�hdl w�ward�o dl�he INk. PuwR nd duUa aaifinod upon TnrtM Aere4a Md by
<br /> - -�'' far NMIo�.�orrower��WM copk+af iAs�opce�d detauM�d W�b wat�o Bo�ro�rer'udarw whki�i�t6�
<br /> �..�
<br /> �Y •
<br /> pnnower rYea dwt�Inuld d�S�wieY Inaurt�ut aad 1be aae seau�ed Ihaob�'aat ho di�ible for G�sw�oe uade7 d�e N�o�d Haaie�
<br /> _ �--- --•--�"`- '`t' Act wilAM 8 �011t Fte ftoea Il�e d�le Meot.LeaBerrtny,M ia apth�n and notwW�dis��i��9��° — _
<br /> --"�' �o P�mar io NU d�II��ecwod by thts Sawrity laepwoep.A wtiaen a�Ranart at iryr wd�o�ixed q�at oi tbe Secraary -
<br /> ---�-- � 9 �ont he rr«e tee a�1e Meoi',d�ec�a iawa�e ads saa�rity Ia�tnunaM wa tbe mre�owroa
<br /> TM.���:�-,��.��n`''•:�'�,',i.��'L:-.� theneby, ba�Yl deenad cooclusivc pioot d wch iaeliy�llity.k�the faeaai�.thb optiao uu}�not be exrc�ed by l.a�der
<br /> wNea tbe uo�vail�biU►Y d imunooe is iokly due to Lendes'�faiAae q �mat�Lrunmo panuum a the soc�ry.
<br /> .''�.Y"C''�.'L.,iw.�`.
<br /> .__._"_r��� .
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<br /> :�1�?�%�Y_��'.;`c•Mi 111dcn to t�ts Secrrilf I�slm�ra�•�f ooe o�morc riders+re extcuted by Borrower and recorded logether witb this Securily
<br /> ---"'��j;� Insirument,the covenanu af each such�ider sh�lt be inmrporated into and shall amend And suppkment the covenants uod
<br /> ���'r� paraments of this Secudty insuument as ii�ho rider(:)we�e In a port oi thls Secudty tastn�ment.(Check applicable baz(cs)J.
<br /> _ - ..____�._.� -
<br /> -- �;�;�«;.;�:;��;},..�'�:
<br /> �— r`k",`+ " ❑Cadaninfum Rider ❑ Adju�t�le Rate Rder �Clrowirqt Fquny RiJcr
<br /> __-_�_�u_:_,.��:.y',�i�' MORTCAGE ADbENDIx'1 _
<br />-- _ '�:,�,_�_:�,.'•`. ❑ Planned Unit DevelopmetN Itlder ❑ (jndu�ai Paymem Ridu �e�her
<br /> ----•,,,-:�n.iK+•:»,
<br /> o�..�,�.��, .-
<br /> *•c-.:• : "•"��r � BY SIdNINa BELQW, Borrower accepts and agreca ta the terms contained in this Secudty Instrument and in�ny riderls)
<br />.:�^'.��„.�; ,. . _
<br />- _ „��,,•.�, ��. �::;:�,,:r.: axecuted by Borrower and reco�ded with it.
<br />-- ---:�- ,...,.,,.,�;
<br /> �... �- _ :,,;.;�e�t�,
<br /> --r''=�;.: ::,o�s�
<br /> '�'n�'; . as:
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<br /> _ H��rrorar
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<br /> -„ . Harr��we�
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<br />._qy�.l j . i��. . ..
<br /> -, �° . HALL
<br /> � STATE OF N88RASKA. Caunty ss:
<br />. .: ;; , On thb 29 th doy ot Apr i 1 . 19 9 f ,befute me.the mdeasigned.a Katary Public
<br /> . ,., v ,
<br /> duly oomtniniuied ud qutlified for s�id county,petsotully ca�m KATHLEEN MARI E 8EL L
<br /> . gp� .to me Imown to 6e the
<br /> ,.''.,..
<br /> A � peison(i�wFio`�e name(s)are subscribed to Ua fotegoing inwnunent and ackaowkdQed Ihe exeauloo Ihe�eof to bc
<br /> ' � her vdwu.ry�cc .na aeod.
<br /> ' " �� .. WitKU my hu�d and naari�l cwl a in wid wunty.1he
<br /> ._• ,' ,� � ., GRAND I SLAN
<br /> - _ ���riK,�_;_y__ d�te�faraid. f�_lT.-.,f i � �7\. 4
<br /> -�_�- -- b� � �y- ---- My Cammiulon eapircs: �/ �
<br /> �• •... .�.,;,�• i Noury Wbllc
<br /> ; .��. , .. . , ��I.IIFEO
<br /> . ,� ;, Nr Cw�Ea►1Ml1�.Ll91
<br /> � �`� �� c. • REQU�ST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br /> �'�'��•s.. �
<br /> • •;S;r;���f?i;��.,.'' 'NU TRUS7'6B:
<br /> ,^� 'I1K undrjsigoed b the tplder of Uie oote or t�tts+eeu(td by t1�Doed of T�ust.Said axe or nolas.logether with n!I ather i�debtednev
<br /> . ,..,,��,�tt�S��r,�...:
<br /> •,�;t."`�+�•,",;., savroQ by this Deed of Ttust.have been paic!in ful➢.Yc+u arc Ftereby directed to cyt�el soid nae or nalag ud Utis Deed of Tttut.which
<br /> ; tt;,�'r;�}c:.�..�i;��„4, at+o deliverod Ikrcbp.and oo reconvey.witha�x wattinty.all�he aiate row held by you wder this Oea1 of Ttwt to ihe penon or peroo�u
<br /> � ' •. 'i _ .'. . . lCg�lly tmidOd Uleleto.
<br /> �
<br /> � a. �' Date:
<br /> .. � .Y... - � , �.
<br /> �•�- . �w.; PJKP d nl�
<br /> . �.r� J � . ' �
<br />