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<br /> � valu� eo� l�ss than it� valu� just prior to �aid los�. 1lnythinq
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<br /> :..;'::
<br /> -- --- - -
<br /> sy�r��d tt�at i! (i) a� a r�suit of any �uoh dasaq� or d�struction
<br /> ---
<br /> - during tt►� last two y�ars o! th� l�aoo tor�, K-Nart's lix�ures,
<br /> , { "��� aquipment or a�ltar propsrl�y ahall bo daoaqad or deatroyed in an __
<br /> R��;u-;�u•*... amount �xaoadinq Ono Hundrod Thousand Oollars ($loo,000.00� , or ����
<br /> ,�.,,�,���, :.
<br /> -- �� (2) i! suah damaqe or dostruation ehall lsava taken placs within ��;�
<br /> ,�;.�.�;=, . Shr
<br /> �--'���� � ve ears o! tt►s th� �ch�duled oxpirat ion date of the current �%"�.�
<br /> =�� Pi Y --
<br /> — _�- - - ter� oY the �►-1l�art lee�r� �d i! the a�ent oi suah damage or �:,.: -
<br /> :-_.�.�,,.--.--,
<br /> -,, ,c ,,.,;,;• - h�;;,.
<br /> � . -�.,;•,. �, - , , ,, deQtruatfon fs auch that th� cost of restoratiion would excsed -
<br /> �:f�,;Y"�,� :�-,�� .��,
<br /> -_��`_;�'�`%?_v��°". . fi:fty percent (5ot) oP the amount it would Aave cos t to r e p l a c a
<br /> - -- - �... ��`_
<br /> . �,,;..,: _
<br /> - `�','}'�;�,.�•�° the R-Mart buildinq in ite ontirety at the time suah damaqe or
<br /> - #'.. �.��&:'- �
<br /> ,i ,�,�r,:���r.• � ::-.
<br /> - ''�`�`�r'��",.... ' desstruction took place, then no rapair, raplaaement or ;;
<br /> -- '°�"f'�'.�'�'',, �-� -
<br /> - �,� restoration shall be requirad, but all procseds recefved by �-
<br />°�.r�ii��: � �'. - �r�---
<br /> re�.;� ..�4. ��r : ._ • , .
<br /> , � �—_5,.-.
<br /> -_ `.:;:.:'��.:�= Tru�tor fr�m K-l�iart shall be applied to any indsbtedness secured ;.:
<br /> :.� ���;�,,� =- ;�_ -
<br /> ����.:: . ,. . ,c��,.:
<br />,�,�, ;,�`ru��,.. her��y and in such order as Lender may determine. _
<br />��;��� „ : .j.;s,�. �.c. :..-
<br /> '� . 5. gsarov. Upon written demand by Lend�r, Trustor ,,r
<br /> �_;- ti,���,, ,;,�: � `'';lf:;_
<br /> t ; ;�' ,�`��.' ` shall pay to Lender, in such manner as Tren�der may designate, �ti���
<br />, l�r.,_ .�.��,� '��'t1°;�;�� , �'�
<br />:;�� �� S `' sufficient aums ta enable Lender to pay as they beaome due one or ?,__
<br /> ':`r.; ,,� :• ; ;;� . _-
<br /> �.._ �:��{�' i�::��, �,,��� ;..----
<br /> "i.:a���/!:.'fi-I-�:rl�wlir� .
<br /> « ., �r,.��+�.���,�� ,- � more of tln� f�ll�w3nq: (i) all taxQS, a�seasments and other y�:
<br /> �`����: � 'rfi;�t'_
<br />��':i .�.i?h�u'! ----
<br /> .n. .,..,
<br />��_�_�. #.. ��.�.w:� ���%�� chnr�es against the Property, and (ii) the premiums on the `.:;
<br /> ��iP>,���t.
<br />,�_.�.����..` .,;��1�.,!..4,e;h:�(�
<br /> �_ '��+����;�;`' pro�erty ineurance �equired hereunder. Lender agre�s that no �-'
<br /> -=-�„
<br /> �3�a��.••� �•- escrow shall be rev�ired o� Tzvstor by Lend�r for taxes,
<br />_.--..�.�F �
<br /> _;��..� :r..,. . _ -
<br /> s, � °��"'' � �� as�E�smQnts, in�►ur�x�ce premfums o� other aharqes that may be _-.---
<br /> � . �
<br /> Y3�Rl�1,La�;3_-. .
<br /> �-��;Y��;;�'�� imposed ot► khe K-tdart portion of tl�� Property so long as Borrower �,,�._,__.
<br /> =^ry.;: C's�� .'.� . �(.rl.. _
<br />--=.�,�``"�" � r;��:.' -
<br /> ,�:1�. .,.�� ':., ������ has complie� with all conditions of paraqraph 9 of the commitmsnt
<br />-.:s,'' � . '�z�t�•t� ` ..
<br /> .�t ,:�>;"'�.•
<br />:;_ �� . ;:',yF,�i;{� letter from Lender Lo Borrower dated December 19, 1990.
<br /> YJj
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